123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # %%
- # import modules
- import os.path as op
- import glob
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import re
- import mne
- from mne_icalabel import label_components
- import mne_bids
- # import matplotlib as mpl
- from string import ascii_lowercase
- chars = [*ascii_lowercase, 'ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ß']
- # %matplotlib qt
- # %%
- # settings
- # maximum number of mistakes (false positives + false negatives)
- max_mistakes = 50
- # max number of channels to interpolate
- max_chs_interp = 8
- # min number of trials in the cleaned dataset
- min_total_epochs = 0
- # minimum number of acceptable trials per character
- min_trials_per_char = 10
- # rejection criteria for trials and channels
- reject_criteria = dict(eeg=150e-6) # max peak-to-peak amplitude of 150 µV
- flat_criteria = dict(eeg=5e-7) # min peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.5 µV
- prop_bad_to_remove_ch = 0.5 # proportion of trials that a given channel needs to be rejected by the above criteria for the whole channel to just be interpolated
- # %%
- # import participant list
- p_list = pd.read_csv(op.join('eeg', 'participants.tsv'), delimiter='\t')
- # exclude the participant for whom the recording was restarted
- p_list = p_list.loc[p_list.recording_restarted == 0]
- # store all metadata from preprocessing
- all_subj_metadata = []
- # %%
- # preprocess
- for i, p_row in p_list.iterrows():
- subj_id = p_row.participant_id
- subj_nr = re.sub('^sub-', '', subj_id) # the number as a string, including leading zeroes but without thr 'sub-' prefix, as expected by mne_bids
- head_circum_cm = p_row.head_circum
- head_radius_m = (head_circum_cm / 2 / np.pi) / 100 # used in setting up montage - relevant to speherical interpolation
- subj_eeg_path = mne_bids.BIDSPath(
- root = 'eeg',
- subject = subj_nr,
- task = 'alphabeticdecision',
- suffix = 'eeg',
- datatype = 'eeg',
- extension = 'vhdr'
- )
- subj_events_tsv_path = mne_bids.BIDSPath(
- root = 'eeg',
- subject = subj_nr,
- task = 'alphabeticdecision',
- suffix = 'events',
- datatype = 'eeg',
- extension = 'tsv'
- )
- # import the events file tsv (behavioural data is stored in there)
- subj_events = pd.read_csv(subj_events_tsv_path, delimiter='\t')
- # get just the trial information
- subj_beh = subj_events.loc[(subj_events.trial_type =='target') | (subj_events.trial_type =='nontarget')]
- n_attempts = 0
- do_restart = True
- new_chs_to_interp = []
- while do_restart:
- n_attempts += 1
- assert n_attempts <= 2 # should exclude if fails to work on second attempt
- print(f'\nPREPROCESSING {subj_id}, attempt {n_attempts}\n')
- # will contain metadata for this participant
- subj_metadata = {'subj_id': subj_id}
- # check the participant didn't make too many mistakes
- # (note, accuracy is stored as string representation of float)
- subj_metadata['n_false_neg_resp'] = np.sum((subj_beh['accuracy'] == 0) & (subj_beh['target'] == 1)) # includes RT timeout
- subj_metadata['n_false_pos_resp'] = np.sum((subj_beh['accuracy'] == 0) & (subj_beh['target'] == 0))
- # import EEG
- raw = mne_bids.read_raw_bids(subj_eeg_path)
- raw.load_data()
- # check sampling frequency
- assert raw.info['sfreq'] == 1000
- # set electrode locations =============
- mon = mne.channels.read_custom_montage('AC-64.bvef', head_size=head_radius_m)
- raw.set_montage(mon)
- # get event triggers ==================
- events, event_dict = mne.events_from_annotations(raw)
- # mne.viz.plot_events(events, sfreq=raw.info['sfreq'], first_samp=raw.first_samp, event_id=event_dict)
- # handling of bad channels ============
- # if any extra bad channels, add these
- raw.info['bads'].extend(new_chs_to_interp)
- # check number of interpolated channels is not too high
- assert len(raw.info['bads']) <= max_chs_interp
- # interpolate bad channels (spherical spline method) to avoid biasing average reference
- print('Interpolating electrodes: ', raw.info['bads'])
- n_chs_interpolated = len(raw.info['bads'])
- raw = raw.interpolate_bads(method={'eeg': 'spline'})
- # raw.plot()
- # filter ==============================
- # use an average EEG reference
- raw.set_eeg_reference('average', ch_type='eeg')
- # filter the data =====================
- raw_ica = raw.copy() # create copy for ICA
- iir_params = {'order': 1, 'ftype': 'butter'}
- # bandpass filter with effective 4th order butterworth between .1 and 40 Hz
- raw.filter(0.1, 40, method='iir', phase='zero-double', iir_params=iir_params)
- # version of the data with a highpass of 1 Hz to improve ICA performance
- # raw_ica.filter(1, 40, method='iir', phase='zero-double', iir_params=iir_params)
- raw_ica.filter(1, 100, method='iir', phase='zero-double', iir_params=iir_params) # changed from preregistration to match iclabel dataset
- # fit ICA =============================
- ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(
- method='infomax',
- fit_params=dict(extended=True),
- # n_components=64,
- n_components=32, # changed from preregistration, as 64 components led to problems
- max_iter='auto',
- random_state=97)
- ica.fit(raw_ica, picks='eeg')
- # ica.plot_components();
- # ica.plot_sources(raw);
- # ICLabel =============================
- # predict ICA labels from iclabel
- # extract the labels of each component
- ic_labels = label_components(raw_ica, ica, method='iclabel')
- print(ic_labels)
- # exclude components classified as something other than "brain" or "other" with at least 85% predicted probability
- exclude_idx = np.where(
- (~np.isin(np.array(ic_labels['labels']), ['brain', 'other'])) &
- (ic_labels['y_pred_proba']>0.85)
- )[0]
- print(f'Excluding these ICA components: {exclude_idx}')
- # apply ICA ===========================
- ica.apply(raw, exclude=exclude_idx)
- subj_metadata['n_ica_excluded'] = len(exclude_idx)
- # epoch the data ======================
- # Note: nt stands for non-target
- beh_nt = subj_beh.drop(subj_beh[subj_beh.target==1].index).reset_index()
- events_nt = events[events[:, 2]==event_dict['nontarget'], :]
- assert( len(beh_nt) == events_nt.shape[0] )
- # manually change the event IDs to have a unique ID for each character
- event_ids_char_ids = {c: i+1 for i, c in enumerate(chars)}
- events_nt[:, 2] = [event_ids_char_ids[c_x] for c_x in beh_nt.stimulus]
- # adjust for the 8 ms delay between trigger onset and stimuli appearing at the centre of the screen
- events_nt[:, 0] += np.round( 8 * (raw.info['sfreq'] / 1000) ).astype(int) # will be 8 samples, as we recorded at 1000 Hz
- epochs_nt = mne.Epochs(
- raw,
- events=events_nt,
- # event_id={'nontarget': 1},
- event_id = event_ids_char_ids,
- tmin=-0.2,
- tmax=1.0,
- preload=True,
- reject_by_annotation=True,
- reject=None,
- flat=None
- )
- beh_nt['drop_log'] = [';'.join(x) for x in epochs_nt.drop_log]
- beh_nt_clean = beh_nt[beh_nt['drop_log'] == '']
- # for each trial, also store the IDs as metadata in the epochs
- epochs_nt.metadata = beh_nt_clean[['stimulus']]
- # now reject bad epochs
- epochs_nt.drop_bad(reject=reject_criteria, flat=flat_criteria)
- # look for consistently noisy channels
- # ...first, extract the drop log to count the number of trials for which each channel is marked as bad...
- bad_counts = {k: 0 for k in raw.info['ch_names']}
- for bad_i in epochs_nt.drop_log:
- for str_j in bad_i:
- if str_j in raw.info['ch_names']:
- bad_counts[str_j] += 1
- # ...then convert this to a proportion of available non-target trials
- bad_props = {k: v/len(epochs_nt) for k, v in bad_counts.items()}
- # ...make note of these bad channels to be interpolated in the second attempt
- new_chs_to_interp = [k for k, v in bad_props.items() if v > prop_bad_to_remove_ch]
- # ...and finally, restart if this list is not empty, with those new channels interpolated at the start of the pipeline
- if len(new_chs_to_interp)==0:
- do_restart = False
- print(epochs_nt)
- # check the number of trials retained per item
- stim_counts = epochs_nt.metadata.groupby(['stimulus']).size().reset_index(name='n')
- assert np.min(stim_counts.n) >= min_trials_per_char
- subj_metadata['min_trials_per_char'] = np.min(stim_counts.n)
- subj_metadata['mean_trials_per_char'] = np.mean(stim_counts.n)
- subj_metadata['max_trials_per_char'] = np.max(stim_counts.n)
- subj_metadata['n_epochs'] = len(epochs_nt)
- subj_metadata['n_epochs_excluded'] = 750 - len(epochs_nt)
- subj_metadata['n_extra_chans_excluded'] = len(new_chs_to_interp)
- subj_metadata['n_total_chans_interpolated'] = n_chs_interpolated
- subj_metadata['n_preprocessing_attempts'] = n_attempts
- # save epochs object
- epo_file = f'{subj_id}-epo.fif'
- epochs_nt.save(op.join('epo', epo_file), overwrite=True)
- all_subj_metadata.append(subj_metadata)
- metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(all_subj_metadata)
- metadata_df.to_csv('preprocessing_metadata.csv', index=False)