123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647 |
- # ensure directory is set first, e.g. cd 'Documents/Jack/PictureCloze/02 Experiment'
- # %% General Setup
- from psychopy import visual, core, monitors, event, data, gui
- import csv
- import os
- import codecs
- import datetime
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from pandas import read_csv
- from itertools import groupby
- from random import randint
- # %% Participant Info
- comp_name = os.environ['COMPUTERNAME']
- print('Detected computer name: \'{}\''.format(comp_name))
- print('Building dialog box. Enter the participant and experiment info into the GUI...')
- myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="PictureCloze Behavioural Experiment")
- myDlg.addText('Participant Info')
- myDlg.addField('Subject ID:')
- myDlg.addField('Sex:', choices=['', 'f', 'm', 'nb'])
- myDlg.addField('Age:', 25)
- myDlg.addField('Monolingual:', choices=['', 'yes', 'no'])
- myDlg.addField('Native English:', choices=['', 'yes', 'no'])
- myDlg.addField('Dominant Hand:', choices=['', 'right', 'left'])
- myDlg.addText('Experiment Info')
- myDlg.addField('Response Group:', choices=['', 1, 2])
- myDlg.addField('Stimulus Group:', choices=['', 1, 2])
- myDlg.addField('Session Number:', 1)
- participant_info_gui = myDlg.show()
- participant_info = {
- 'subj_id': int(participant_info_gui[0]),
- 'session_nr': participant_info_gui[8],
- 'stim_grp': int(participant_info_gui[7]), # 1/2
- 'resp_grp': int(participant_info_gui[6]), # 1/2
- 'monolingual': participant_info_gui[3],
- 'native_english': participant_info_gui[4],
- 'dom_hand': participant_info_gui[5],
- 'sex': participant_info_gui[1], # m/f/nb
- 'age': participant_info_gui[2]
- }
- # %% Check participant info makes sense
- def is_int(s):
- try:
- int(s)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
- pinfo_check = {
- 'subj_id_is_int': isinstance(participant_info['subj_id'], int),
- 'stim_grp_1_or_2': participant_info['stim_grp'] in [1, 2],
- 'resp_grp_1_or_2': participant_info['resp_grp'] in [1, 2],
- 'monolingual': participant_info['monolingual'] in ['yes', 'no'],
- 'native_english': participant_info['native_english'] in ['yes', 'no'],
- 'dom_hand': participant_info['dom_hand'] in ['right', 'left'],
- 'sex_m_f_or_nb': participant_info['sex'] in ['m', 'f', 'nb'],
- 'age_is_int': isinstance(participant_info['age'], int)
- }
- if not all(value for value in pinfo_check.values()):
- print('Participant info error!')
- print(pinfo_check)
- exit()
- # set up monitor
- mon_Hz = 60 # refresh rate
- mon_framelen = 1/mon_Hz # length of one frame in seconds
- mon = monitors.Monitor(name='UpstairsBooth', notes='{0}Hz'.format(mon_Hz))
- mon.setWidth(52)
- mon.setDistance(48)
- mon.setSizePix((1920, 1080))
- mon.saveMon()
- # set up the Psychopy window
- win = visual.Window(fullscr=True,
- size=mon.getSizePix(),
- screen=0,
- monitor=mon,
- units='deg')
- # hide the mouse
- event.Mouse(visible=False)
- win.refreshThreshold = mon_framelen + 0.001 # tolerance of 1 ms (any refresh that takes more than the tolerance longer than expected = dropped frame)
- #win.recordFrameIntervals = True # record actual frame lengths
- # set up which button is affirmative, and which negative
- if participant_info['resp_grp'] == 1:
- resp_setup = {'yes': 'rctrl', 'no': 'lctrl'}
- elif participant_info['resp_grp'] == 2:
- resp_setup = {'yes': 'lctrl', 'no': 'rctrl'}
- resp_setup_names = {'lctrl': 'Left Control', 'rctrl': 'Right Control'}
- # %% Trial Setup
- # import trials data
- trls = read_csv('01-stim_tidy_long.csv')
- practice_trls = read_csv('01-practice_stim.csv')
- # filter depending on stimulus group
- # - if subject stim group is 1 all trials with order group of 1 will be condition A1 (picture-stimulus match), and order group of 2 will be condition A2
- # - if subject stim group is 2 all trials with order group of 2 will be condition A1 (picture-stimulus match), and order group of 1 will be condition A2
- trls = trls[
- ( (trls.order_grp==participant_info['stim_grp']) & (trls.condition=='A1') )
- |
- ( (trls.order_grp!=participant_info['stim_grp']) & (trls.condition=='A2') )
- ]
- # reorder randomly, and ensure no more than five of the same trial type (cong/incong) follow each other
- shuffle_iter = 0
- max_consec_trltypes = 0
- while shuffle_iter==0 or max_consec_trltypes>5:
- # shuffle randomly
- trls = trls.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
- # count maximum number of consecutive trial types
- trls['is_A1'] = np.where(trls['condition']=='A1', 1, 0).astype(str)
- trls['is_A2'] = np.where(trls['condition']=='A2', 1, 0).astype(str)
- A1s = ''.join(trls['is_A1'].tolist())
- A2s = ''.join(trls['is_A2'].tolist())
- max_consec_A1s = [int(len(x)) for x in A1s.split('0')]
- max_consec_A2s = [int(len(x)) for x in A2s.split('0')]
- max_consec_trltypes = max(max_consec_A1s + max_consec_A2s)
- shuffle_iter+=1
- print('Reshuffled trials (iter {}), with a maximum of {} consecutive trial types'.format(shuffle_iter, max_consec_trltypes))
- print('Successfully reshuffled trials\n')
- # %% Output setup
- subj_data_path = 'data{0}{1}_{2}_{3}.csv'.format(os.path.sep, participant_info['subj_id'], datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%y'), participant_info['session_nr'])
- # function to append a trial's data (in dictionary format) to csv
- def write_csv(fileName, thisTrial):
- full_path = os.path.abspath(fileName)
- directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
- if not os.path.exists(directory):
- os.makedirs(directory)
- if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
- with codecs.open(full_path, 'ab+', encoding='utf8') as f:
- csv.writer(f, delimiter=',').writerow(thisTrial.keys())
- csv.writer(f, delimiter=',').writerow(thisTrial.values())
- else:
- with codecs.open(full_path, 'ab+', encoding='utf8') as f:
- csv.writer(f, delimiter=',').writerow(thisTrial.values())
- # %% Instructions
- def instructions(reminder = False, practice = False, wait_time = 3):
- if practice:
- practice_txt = u'For the practice trials, you will be given feedback on your accuracy for each trial.'
- else:
- practice_txt = u'Unlike the practice trials, you will not be given feedback on your accuracy for each trial.'
- instr_txt = u'In each trial, the following things will happen:\n\n1) You will be shown a picture of an object for 2 seconds.\n2) There will be a short delay.\n3) You will then be shown a word:\n\n Press the {0} key if the word describes the object you saw.\n OR\n Press the {1} key if it does not.\n\n Try to be as fast and accurate as possible.\n\n {2}\n\n\nWhen you have read these instructions, press the space key to begin...'.format(resp_setup_names[resp_setup['yes']], resp_setup_names[resp_setup['no']], practice_txt)
- if reminder:
- instr_txt = u'{0}{1}'.format('Here\'s a reminder of the task instructions.\n\n\n', instr_txt)
- instr_screen = visual.TextStim(
- win,
- units='norm',
- height=0.07,
- wrapWidth=1.75,
- text=instr_txt
- )
- instr_screen.draw()
- win.flip()
- core.wait(wait_time) # ensure that instructions have been read
- event.waitKeys(keyList='space')
- # %% Trials setup
- # functions for precise frame-wise timing
- def ms_2_flips(ms = 100, Hz = 60, round_func = np.round):
- return int(round_func(ms / (1/Hz*1000)))
- def display_n_flips(stim, n_flips = 10):
- for frame_n in range(n_flips):
- stim.draw()
- win.flip()
- def display_x_ms(stim, ms = 100, Hz = 60, round_func = np.round):
- display_n_flips(stim, ms_2_flips(ms, Hz, round_func))
- def display_jitter_ms(stim, min_ms = 100, max_ms = 500, Hz = 60, round_func = np.round):
- flips_min = ms_2_flips(min_ms, mon_Hz, round_func)
- flips_max = ms_2_flips(max_ms, mon_Hz, round_func)
- n_flips = randint(flips_min, flips_max)
- display_n_flips(stim, n_flips)
- return(n_flips, n_flips*(1/Hz*1000))
- def display_list_n_flips(stim_list, n_flips = 10):
- for frame_n in range(n_flips):
- for stim_i in stim_list:
- stim_i.draw()
- win.flip()
- def display_list_ms(stim_list, ms = 100, Hz = 60, round_func = np.round):
- display_list_n_flips(stim_list, ms_2_flips(ms, Hz, round_func))
- def display_list_jitter_ms(stim_list, min_ms = 100, max_ms = 500, Hz = 60, round_func = np.round):
- flips_min = ms_2_flips(min_ms, mon_Hz, round_func)
- flips_max = ms_2_flips(max_ms, mon_Hz, round_func)
- n_flips = randint(flips_min, flips_max)
- display_list_n_flips(stim_list, n_flips)
- return(n_flips, n_flips*(1/Hz*1000))
- # function that returns a list containing the objects in the Thaler et al. fixation point
- # can then draw the list contents in a loop
- def thaler_list_fix(win, units='deg', circlesColor=[1,1,1], circlesColorSpace='rgb', outerCircleDiameter=0.6, innerCircleDiameter=0.2, pos = (0, 0)):
- crossColor=win.color.tolist()
- crossColorSpace=win.colorSpace
- outerCircle = visual.Circle(win, units=units, pos=pos, radius=outerCircleDiameter/2, lineColor=circlesColor, fillColor=circlesColor, fillColorSpace=circlesColorSpace, lineColorSpace=circlesColorSpace)
- crossVertical = visual.Rect(win, units=units, pos=pos, height=outerCircleDiameter*1.1, width=innerCircleDiameter/2, lineColor=None, fillColor=crossColor, fillColorSpace=crossColorSpace, lineColorSpace=crossColorSpace)
- crossHorizontal = visual.Rect(win, units=units, pos=pos, height=innerCircleDiameter/2, width=outerCircleDiameter*1.1, lineColor=None, fillColor=crossColor, fillColorSpace=crossColorSpace, lineColorSpace=crossColorSpace)
- innerCircle = visual.Circle(win, units=units, pos=pos, radius=innerCircleDiameter/2, lineColor=circlesColor, fillColor=circlesColor, fillColorSpace=circlesColorSpace, lineColorSpace=circlesColorSpace)
- return [outerCircle, crossVertical, crossHorizontal, innerCircle]
- # function that will be called for each trial
- def trial(image_path='boss{}8ball.jpg'.format(os.path.sep), string='ball', text_font='Courier New'):
- # a fixation point in style of Thaler et al.
- thaler_fix_stim = thaler_list_fix(win=win)
- # a blank stimulus
- blank_stim = visual.TextStim(win=win, text='')
- # the image to display
- img_stim = visual.ImageStim(
- win = win,
- image = image_path,
- pos = (0.0, 0.0),
- size = 15, # 7.0403 degrees at 48 inches distance
- units = 'cm'
- )
- # the text stimulus
- text_stim = visual.TextStim(
- win = win,
- text = string,
- height = 1.5,
- units = 'deg',
- font = text_font
- )
- # fixation 1
- display_list_ms(thaler_fix_stim, 300) # note that the list version of the function is required, as thaler_list_fix returns a list object
- fix1_jitt = display_jitter_ms(blank_stim, 300, 1300)
- # image
- display_x_ms(img_stim, 2000)
- # fixation 2
- display_list_ms(thaler_fix_stim, 300) # note that the list version of the function is required, as thaler_list_fix returns a list object
- fix2_jitt = display_jitter_ms(blank_stim, 300, 1300)
- # text
- text_stim.draw()
- win.flip()
- word_rt_clock = core.MonotonicClock()
- # response
- word_resp = event.waitKeys(keyList=['lctrl', 'rctrl'], timeStamped = word_rt_clock)
- trl_dat = {
- 'fix1_jitt': fix1_jitt,
- 'fix2_jitt': fix2_jitt,
- 'word_resp': word_resp
- }
- return(trl_dat)
- def block_break():
- # read the subject's data
- subj_data_so_far = read_csv(subj_data_path)
- accuracies = subj_data_so_far['acc'].to_numpy()
- blocks = subj_data_so_far['block_nr'].to_numpy()
- block_acc_txt = ''
- for block_nr in np.unique(blocks):
- block_acc_txt = '{0}\n Block {1}: {2}%'.format(block_acc_txt, block_nr, np.round(np.mean(accuracies[blocks==block_nr] * 100), 1))
- # give subject summary of their data
- break_msg = visual.TextStim(
- win,
- units='norm',
- height=0.07,
- wrapWidth=1.75,
- text=u'Block {0} complete. Time for a break!\n\n\nYour overall accuracy so far is: {1}%\n\nHere\'s a per-block summary of your experiment so far:{2}\n\nPress the space key when you\'re ready to continue...'.format(np.max(blocks), np.round(np.mean(accuracies * 100), 1), block_acc_txt)
- )
- break_msg.draw()
- win.flip()
- print('BREAK STARTED')
- event.waitKeys(keyList='space')
- print('BREAK ENDED')
- # %% Give feedback after experiment
- def experiment_end():
- # change background to black
- win.color = [-1,-1,-1]
- win.flip()
- # Tell the participant the experiment is over
- end_msg = visual.TextStim(
- win,
- units='norm',
- height=0.07,
- wrapWidth=1.75,
- text=u'Experiment complete! Please let the experimenter know...',
- pos=(0, 0.9)
- )
- loading_msg = visual.TextStim(
- win,
- units='norm',
- height=0.07,
- wrapWidth=1.75,
- text=u'Loading summary statistics...',
- pos=(0, 0)
- )
- end_msg.draw()
- loading_msg.draw()
- win.flip()
- # read the subject's data
- subj_data = read_csv(subj_data_path)
- # order by item number
- subj_data = subj_data.sort_values(by = ['item_nr'])
- # subject's data as arrays
- accuracies = subj_data['acc'].to_numpy()
- RTs = subj_data['rt'].to_numpy()
- blocks = subj_data['block_nr'].to_numpy()
- conditions = subj_data['condition'].to_numpy()
- # read item info to get predictability info
- items_data = read_csv('01-stim_tidy_long.csv')
- # only include items for the subject's response condition
- subj_stim_grp = np.unique(subj_data['stim_grp'].to_numpy()).item(0)
- items_data = items_data[
- ( (items_data.order_grp==subj_stim_grp) & (items_data.condition=='A1') )
- |
- ( (items_data.order_grp!=subj_stim_grp) & (items_data.condition=='A2') )
- ]
- # get the data as numpy arrays
- perc_name_agree = items_data['perc_name_agree'].to_numpy()
- # plot summary of subject's data
- plt.style.use('dark_background')
- figsize_inch = [16, 6]
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_inch, dpi=300)
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 1)
- binwidth = 20
- bins = np.arange(0, np.max(RTs) + binwidth, binwidth)
- plt.hist(RTs, bins = bins)
- plt.title('Your Response Times (RTs)')
- plt.xlabel('RT (bin width = 20ms)')
- plt.ylabel('Count')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 2)
- plt.plot(range(1, len(RTs)+1), RTs)
- plt.title('Your RTs across Trials')
- plt.xlabel('Trial')
- plt.ylabel('RT (ms)')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 3)
- # collect data in blocks
- per_block_RTs = []
- for block_nr in np.unique(blocks):
- per_block_RTs.append(RTs[blocks == block_nr])
- v_parts = plt.violinplot(per_block_RTs, showmedians=True, widths = 0.75)
- #print(v_parts['bodies'][0]._facecolors)
- plt.xticks(np.arange(np.min(np.unique(blocks)), np.max(np.unique(blocks))+1, 1))
- plt.title('Your RTs across Blocks')
- plt.xlabel('Block')
- plt.ylabel('RT (ms)')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 4)
- # collect data in blocks
- per_cond_RTs = []
- for condition_nr in np.sort(np.unique(conditions)):
- per_cond_RTs.append(RTs[conditions == condition_nr])
- plt.violinplot(per_cond_RTs, showmedians=True, widths = 0.6)
- plt.xticks([1, 2], ['Congruent', 'Incongruent'])
- plt.title('Your RTs across Conditions')
- plt.xlabel('Condition')
- plt.ylabel('RT (ms)')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 5)
- plt.title('Your RTs across Predictability')
- x = perc_name_agree[conditions == "A1"]
- y = RTs[conditions == "A1"]
- plt.scatter(x, y, c = [[0.55294118 * 0.3, 0.82745098 * 0.3, 0.78039216 * 0.3]])
- coef = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
- poly1d_fn = np.poly1d(coef)
- plt.plot(x, poly1d_fn(x))
- plt.xlabel('Predictability (%)')
- plt.ylabel('RT (ms)')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 6)
- resp_type, resp_counts = np.unique(accuracies, return_counts=True)
- plt.bar(resp_type, resp_counts)
- plt.xticks([0, 1], ['Incorrect', 'Correct'])
- plt.title('Your Accuracy ({0}% Overall)'.format(np.round(np.mean(accuracies * 100), 1)))
- plt.xlabel('Accuarcy')
- plt.ylabel('Count')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 7)
- plt.title('Your Incorrect Trials')
- plt.bar(range(1, len(RTs)+1), np.abs(accuracies-1))
- plt.xlabel('Trial')
- plt.ylabel('Accuracy')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 8)
- per_block_accs = []
- for block_nr in np.unique(blocks):
- per_block_accs.append(np.mean(accuracies[blocks == block_nr]) * 100)
- plt.bar(np.unique(blocks), per_block_accs)
- plt.xticks(np.arange(np.min(np.unique(blocks)), np.max(np.unique(blocks))+1, 1))
- plt.ylim(0, 100)
- plt.title('Your Acc. across Blocks')
- plt.xlabel('Block')
- plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)')
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 9)
- per_cond_accs = []
- for condition_nr in np.sort(np.unique(conditions)):
- per_cond_accs.append(np.mean(accuracies[conditions == condition_nr]) * 100)
- plt.bar(['Congruent', 'Incongruent'], per_cond_accs)
- plt.ylim(0, 100)
- plt.title('Your Acc. across Conditions')
- plt.xlabel('Condition')
- plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)')
- def rand_jitter(arr):
- stdev = .025*(max(arr)-min(arr))
- return arr + np.random.randn(len(arr)) * stdev
- def jitter_height(x, y, s=20, c='b', marker='o', cmap=None, norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=None, linewidths=None, verts=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
- return plt.scatter(x, rand_jitter(y), s=s, c=c, marker=marker, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=alpha, linewidths=linewidths, verts=verts, **kwargs)
- plt.subplot(2, 5, 10)
- plt.title('Your Acc. across Predictability')
- x = perc_name_agree[conditions == "A1"]
- y = accuracies[conditions == "A1"]*100
- jitter_height(x, y, c = [[0.55294118 * 0.3, 0.82745098 * 0.3, 0.78039216 * 0.3]])
- coef = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
- poly1d_fn = np.poly1d(coef)
- plt.plot(x, poly1d_fn(x))
- plt.xlabel('Predictability (%)')
- plt.ylabel('Accuracy (jittered %)')
- # adjust spacing
- plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.125, right = 0.9, bottom = 0.1, top = 0.9, wspace = 0.5, hspace = 0.8)
- # save figure
- image_path = 'tmp{0}subj_summ.png'.format(os.path.sep)
- fig.savefig(image_path)
- end_plot = visual.ImageStim(
- win,
- image=image_path,
- size=[i * 2.54 * 1.5 for i in figsize_inch],
- units='cm'
- )
- end_msg.draw()
- end_plot.draw()
- win.flip()
- event.waitKeys(keyList='space')
- print('EXITED')
- # %% Practice Trials
- practice = True
- this_is_a_repeat_practice_block = False
- while practice:
- instructions(reminder = this_is_a_repeat_practice_block, practice = True)
- practice_accuracies = []
- practice_trls = practice_trls.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
- for trl_i in range(len(practice_trls.index)):
- condition = practice_trls['condition'][trl_i]
- trl_dat = trial(
- image_path = 'boss{}{}.jpg'.format(os.path.sep, practice_trls['filename'][trl_i]),
- string = practice_trls['string'][trl_i]
- )
- if condition == 'A1':
- corr_ans = resp_setup['yes']
- elif condition == 'A2':
- corr_ans = resp_setup['no']
- if corr_ans == trl_dat['word_resp'][0][0]:
- trl_corr = 1
- else:
- trl_corr = 0
- practice_accuracies.append(trl_corr)
- print('PRACTICE TRL', '{}/{}'.format(trl_i+1, len(practice_trls.index)), ', COND', condition, ', CORR_ANS', corr_ans, ', RESP', trl_dat['word_resp'][0][0], ', ACC', trl_corr, ', RT', round(trl_dat['word_resp'][0][1] * 1000, 1), ', IMAGE', practice_trls['filename'][trl_i], ', WORD', practice_trls['string'][trl_i], ', FIX1_JITT', round(trl_dat['fix1_jitt'][1], 1), ', FIX2_JITT', round(trl_dat['fix2_jitt'][1], 1))
- if trl_corr == 1:
- feedback_txt = 'CORRECT!'
- feedback_col = [-1, 1, -1]
- else:
- feedback_txt = 'INCORRECT!'
- feedback_col = [1, -1, -1]
- feedback_msg = visual.TextStim(
- win = win,
- text = feedback_txt,
- height = 1.5,
- units = 'deg',
- color = feedback_col,
- colorSpace = 'rgb',
- font = 'Courier New'
- )
- display_x_ms(feedback_msg, 1000)
- retry_msg = visual.TextStim(
- win,
- units='norm',
- height=0.07,
- wrapWidth=1.75,
- text='Practice trials complete! Your accuracy in the practice trials was {}%\n\nWould you like to retry the practice trials?\n Press \'y\' to try the practice trials again\n Press \'n\' to continue to the proper experiment'.format(np.round(np.sum(practice_accuracies)/len(practice_trls.index)*100, 1))
- )
- retry_msg.draw()
- win.flip()
- print('PRACTICE BLOCK ACCURACY: {0}/{1} ({2}%)'.format(np.sum(practice_accuracies), len(practice_trls.index), np.round(np.sum(practice_accuracies)/len(practice_trls.index)*100, 1)))
- repeat_yn = event.waitKeys(keyList=['y', 'n'])
- if repeat_yn == ['y']:
- this_is_a_repeat_practice_block = True
- else:
- practice = repeat_yn == ['y']
- # %% Experimental Trials
- instructions(reminder = True, wait_time = 2)
- block_nr = 1
- for trl_i in range(len(trls.index)):
- # at start of trial, check if time for a break
- # (as trl_i is an index, will take a break if previous trial was the last before a break is due)
- if trl_i % 40 == 0 and trl_i != 0:
- block_break()
- instructions(reminder = True, wait_time = 2)
- block_nr += 1
- condition = trls['condition'][trl_i]
- trl_dat = trial(
- image_path = 'boss{}{}.jpg'.format(os.path.sep, trls['filename'][trl_i]),
- string = trls['string'][trl_i]
- )
- if condition == 'A1':
- corr_ans = resp_setup['yes']
- elif condition == 'A2':
- corr_ans = resp_setup['no']
- if corr_ans == trl_dat['word_resp'][0][0]:
- trl_corr = 1
- else:
- trl_corr = 0
- trl_dat_tidy = {
- 'date': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%y'),
- 'computer_name': comp_name,
- 'trial_save_time': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S'),
- 'subj_id': participant_info['subj_id'],
- 'stim_grp': participant_info['stim_grp'],
- 'resp_grp': participant_info['resp_grp'],
- 'sex': participant_info['sex'],
- 'age': participant_info['age'],
- 'dom_hand': participant_info['dom_hand'],
- 'monolingual': participant_info['monolingual'],
- 'native_english': participant_info['native_english'],
- 'block_nr': block_nr,
- 'trl_nr': trl_i + 1,
- 'item_nr': trls['item_nr'][trl_i],
- 'condition': condition,
- 'image': trls['filename'][trl_i],
- 'string': trls['string'][trl_i],
- 'corr_ans': corr_ans,
- 'resp': trl_dat['word_resp'][0][0],
- 'acc': trl_corr,
- 'rt': trl_dat['word_resp'][0][1] * 1000,
- 'fix1_jitt_flip': trl_dat['fix1_jitt'][0],
- 'fix1_jitt_ms': trl_dat['fix1_jitt'][1],
- 'fix2_jitt_flip': trl_dat['fix2_jitt'][0],
- 'fix2_jitt_ms': trl_dat['fix2_jitt'][1]
- }
- write_csv(subj_data_path, trl_dat_tidy)
- print('TRL', '{}/{}'.format(trl_i+1, len(trls.index)), ', COND', condition, ', CORR_ANS', corr_ans, ', RESP', trl_dat['word_resp'][0][0], ', ACC', trl_corr, ', RT', round(trl_dat['word_resp'][0][1] * 1000, 1), ', IMAGE', trls['filename'][trl_i], ', WORD', trls['string'][trl_i], ', FIX1_JITT', round(trl_dat['fix1_jitt'][1], 1), ', FIX2_JITT', round(trl_dat['fix2_jitt'][1], 1))
- # %% End experiment and print summary stats
- print('EXPERIMENT END. Overall, {0} frames were dropped.'.format(win.nDroppedFrames))
- experiment_end()