Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 2.4 KB

This folder contains the code to run the picture-word experiment, the raw data, and analysis of the results.

|-- figs: Figures generated from the code in this folder.
|   `-- sample_level: Figures generated from sample-level mixed-effects models analyses.
|-- localiser_sample_data: Sample-level EEG data for each participant in .csv format, for the localiser.
|-- max_elec_data: Data for main analysis with amplitudes extracted from per-participant maximal electrodes and timepoints.
|-- mods: brms models for behavioural and EEG data.
|-- raw_data
|   |-- eeg-pc: Raw data from the EEG PC in .bdf (biosemi data format)
|   `-- stim-pc: Raw (behavioural) data from the stimulus PC, as well as code used to run the experiment.
|-- sample_data: Sample-level EEG data for each participant in .csv format, for the picture-word task.
|-- analyse_01_preprocess_localiser.m: MATLAB script to preprocess the data from the localiser with EEGLAB.
|-- analyse_02_preprocess_pictureword.m: MATLAB script to preprocess the data from the picture-word task with EEGLAB.
|-- analyse_03_main_analysis.R: Script for running the main analysis.
|-- analyse_04_other_maximal_electrode.R: Script for an exploratory analysis using the word-versus-noise maximal electrode.
|-- analyse_05_roi_avg.R: Script for an exploratory analysis using the region of interest average.
|-- analyse_06_localiser_results_roi.R: Sample-level analysis of Localiser EEG results.
|-- analyse_07_sample_picture_word_roi.R: Sample-level analysis of Picture-Word task.
|-- analyse_08_pictureword_rt.R: Response Time analysis of picture-word task.
|-- analyse_09_pictureword_acc.R: Accuracy analysis of picture-word task.
|-- analyse_10_localiser_rt_acc.R: Response time and accuracy analyses of localiser.
|-- analyse_11_preprocess_pictureword_picture.m: Preprocessing to get epochs time-locked to picture presentation in the picture-word task.
|-- analyse_12_preprocess_pictureword_response.m: Preprocessing to get epochs time-locked to responses in the picture-word task.
|-- analyse_13_sample_picture_word_topo.R: Script for fitting per-timepoint, per-channel mixed-effects models.
|-- analyse_14_plot_sample_picture_word_topo.R: Script for plotting results from the models estimated by analyse_13.
|-- BioSemi64.loc: The 64-channel BioSemi montage used.
|-- boss.csv: Useful variables from the BOSS norms.
`-- max_elecs.csv: Per-participant maximal electrodes and time-points, calculated in analyse_01_preprocess_localiser.m