Jack e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
boss_small e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
fig e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
latex_tables e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
randphase e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
01-generate_stimuli.R e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
02-tabulate_stimuli.Rmd e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
02-tabulate_stimuli.html e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
03-generate_example_localiser_img.py e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
04-stimuli_latex_tables.R e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
BACS2serif.otf e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
README.md e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
boss.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
localiser_stim.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
practice_localiser_stim.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
practice_stim.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
stim.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
stim_tidy.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
stim_tidy_long.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás
swow_ppmi.csv e719b3df65 add 00 to 03 há 7 meses atrás


This folder contains the data and code for generating stimuli for the EEG experiment.

|-- boss_small: smaller versions of the BOSS images.
|-- fig: Figures generated from the code in this folder.
|   |-- counterbalance_split.png: Distirbutional overlap between counterbalanced groups.
|   |-- example_localiser_images.png: Example stimuli for the Localiser task.
|   |-- localiser_stimuli_summary.png: Distirbutional overlap between localiser stimuli population and selected sample.
|   |-- plot_design.png: LexOPS style plot of picture-word stimuli.
|   `-- stimuli_summary.png: Summary of the picture-word stimuli.
|-- latex_tables: All LaTeX tables generated by 04-stimuli_latex_tables.R
|-- randphase: Python functions for randomising image phase.
|-- 01-generate_stimuli.R: Code for generating stimuli.
|-- 02-tabulate_stimuli.Rmd: Code for showing the generated stimuli in a neat summary table.
|-- 03-generate_example_localiser_img.py: Code for creating fig/example_localiser_images.png.
|-- 04-stimuli_latex_tables.R: Code for generating LaTeX tables used in supplementary materials.
|-- boss.csv: Useful variables from the BOSS norms.
|-- localiser_stim.csv: Generated localiser stimuli.
|-- practice_localiser_stim.csv: Generated practice localiser stimuli.
|-- practice_stim.csv: Generated picture-word practice stimuli.
|-- stim.csv: Generated picture-word stimuli (wide format).
|-- stim_tidy.csv: Generated picture-word stimuli (wide format), with useful variables for each item.
|-- stim_tidy_long.csv: Generated picture-word stimuli (long format), with useful variables for each item.
`-- swow_ppmi.csv: Positive pointwise mutual information values from Small World of Words.