Data related to the paper "Low and high beta rhythms have different motor cortical sources and distinct roles in movement control and spatio-temporal attention" by Nougaret et al. (2024) in PLOS Biology, and the associated bioRxiv preprint by Nougaret et al. (2023)

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MonkeyM 2be23be54b Upload files to 'MonkeyM' 4 months ago
MonkeyT 2b2d5c94aa Upload files to 'MonkeyT' 4 months ago
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This repository contains all data associated with the study "Low and high beta rhythms have different motor cortical sources and distinct roles in movement control and spatio-temporal attention" by Nougaret et al. (2024) in PLOS Biology.

Data from monkeys T and M are available in separate directories. For each LFP recording site included in the study, the MATLAB matfile contains 4 structure variables. These contain the 1) single-trial ‘raw’ LFP signal, 2) the Hilbert amplitude envelope of the site-dominant beta band as used in the study, 3) the behavioral data (single-trial hand and eye movements; task events) and 4) the session metadata (session ID and other information). For each LFP recording site, data are aligned on the occurrence of the selection cue (SEL) and span from -1200ms to 7500ms from that time (8701 time points), covering all trial events.

1) LFP_data_raw

The LFP_data_raw structure is organized with trials in rows and time in columns. An online high pass filter and an offline low pass filter and a downsampling have been applied. Information about this preprocessing can be obtained in the Metadata structure.

2) LFP_data_HilbertAmp

The LFP_data_HilbertAmp structure is organized in a similar way, with trials in rows and time in columns. They represent the single-trial instantaneous beta amplitude, as used in the article. As mentionned in the ‘Material and Methods’ of the article, from the continuous preprocessed signal, first the signal was bandpass filtered to extract the dominant beta band. The frequence used for filtering can be obtained in the Metadata structure. Then, the instantaneous amplitude was calculated using the Hilbert transform, which was cut in trials and normalized.

3) Behavior_data

The Behavior_data structure contains all information about the task conditions and animal behavior during each recorded trial. Trials are represented in rows. If the field contains only one value, it represents the value of that field for that session. If the field contains only one column, it represents the value of that field for each trial (e.g. the ColorCondition). If the field contains 8701 columns, it represents the animal’s behavior at each time point (e.g. EyePosXcm). For monkey T, only 3 spatial positions out of 4 were pseudo-randomly selected within each session for the presentations of SC1, SC2 and SC3.

Variables with 1 value
  • Trigger : Event used to aligned the data.
  • TrialStart : Time (in milliseconds) from the trigger.
  • TrialEnd : Time (in milliseconds) from the trigger.
Variables with ntrials-by-1 value
  • ColorCondition : color of the selection cue (SEL) ; 1 (blue) or 2 (green) or 3 (pink).
  • SC1dir : spatial position of the first spatial cue (SC1) ; 1 (up right), 2 (low right), 3 (low left) or 4 (top left).
  • SC2dir : spatial position of the second spatial cue (SC2) ; 1 (up right), 2 (low right), 3 (low left) or 4 (top left).
  • SC3dir : spatial position of the third spatial cue (SC3) ; 1 (up right), 2 (low right), 3 (low left) or 4 (top left).
  • MVTdir : spatial direction of the movement performed ; 1 (up right), 2 (low right), 3 (low left) or 4 (top left).
  • TimeSEL : Timestamp (in milliseconds) from the beginning of the recording session
  • OrigCorrTrials : Original trial number (not continuos, due to the elimination of trials with bad LFP signal quality), only considering correct trials.
  • RT : Reaction time, from the occurrence of the GO signal to the movement onset of the monkey (based on hand trajectories).
  • RTnormalized : Z-score of the RT.
Variable with ntrials-by-mevents values
  • EventTimes : Time (in milliseconds) of the other events occuring during the same trial (list of event in the EventLabels field of Metadata structure).
Variables with ntrials-by-mtime values

All variables relative to the eye gaze position and eye velocity have been upsampled to 1KHz from the original sampling rate (50Hz or 240Hz). For variables containing originally boolean values (1 or 0) indicating for example the presence of the gaze in a cluster or the start of a saccade, values have also been interpolated, resulting in the presence of decimal numbers. Decimal values relative to variables indicating the gaze position in a cluster represent the time of transition between two clusters. For the variables relative to the saccade, the highest value represents the interpolated millisecond during which the saccade started or ended.

  • EyePosXcm : Horizontal position (in cm) of the gaze of the monkey.
  • EyePosYcm : Vertical position (in cm) of the gaze of the monkey.
  • EyeVelcm : Eye velocity (in cm.s-1) of the gaze of the monkey.
  • EyeOutsideWA : Presence (1) or not (0) of the eye inside the working area (approximate boundaries of the computer monitor).
  • EyeClusterUR4 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 4cm of radius centered on the Up Right target.
  • EyeClusterLR4 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 4cm of radius centered on the Low Right target.
  • EyeClusterLL4 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 4cm of radius centered on the Low Left target.
  • EyeClusterUL4 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 4cm of radius centered on the Upper Left target.
  • EyeClusterCenter4 : Presence (1) or not (1) of the gaze in an area of 4cm of radius centered on the Central target.
  • EyeNoCluster4 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze inside the working area but outside (4cm radius) any of the 5 aforementioned clusters.
  • EyeClusterUR2 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 2cm of radius centered on the Up Right target.
  • EyeClusterLR2 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 2cm of radius centered on the Low Right target.
  • EyeClusterLL2 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 2cm of radius centered on the Low Left target.
  • EyeClusterUL2 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze in an area of 2cm of radius centered on the Upper Left target.
  • EyeClusterCenter2 : Presence (1) or not (1) of the gaze in an area of 2cm of radius centered on the Central target.
  • EyeNoCluster2 : Presence (1) or not (0) of the gaze inside the working area but outside (2cm radius) any of the 5 aforementioned clusters.
  • EyeStartSaccade : Presence (1) or not (0) of the start of a saccade.
  • EyeEndSaccade : Presence (1) or not (0) of the end of a saccade.
  • EyeBlink : Presence (1) or not (0) of an eye blink.
  • EyeSaturated : Presence (1) or not (0) of a saturated (± 5V) eye signal.
  • EyeGoodCalibration : Presence (1) or not (0) of a correctly calibrated signal.
  • HandX : Horizontal position (in cm) of the hand of the monkey.
  • HandY : Vertical position (in cm) of the hand of the monkey.
  • HandVel : Hand velocity (in cm.s-1) of the hand of the monkey.

4) Metadata

The Metadata structure contains all information relative to the recording session.

  • Monkey : ‘T’ or ‘M’, monkey from which the LFP was recorded.
  • Session : Session number containing the monkey’s name (‘t’ for monkey T and ‘Mo’ for monkey M), the date (YY/MM/DD) and recording number (e.g. 001).
  • Probe : -1 indicates session with single tip electrode(s) ; positive number (1 or 2) indicates the laminar probe in a laminar session.
  • Channel : For single-tip electrode sessions, it indicates the electrode (1 to 6). For laminar probes, it indicates the probe-channel from which the LFP was recorded (on a 24-channel or 32-channel probe).
  • AP : Coordinate of the recording in antero-posteriority from the center of the recording chamber (positive towards brain anterior).
  • Lat : Coordinate of the recording in laterality from the center of the recording chamber (positive towards brain midline).
  • LowHighBetaRatio : Value of the beta band dominance index. A negative value means high beta dominance of the site in that session, a positive value means low beta dominance. The index was calculated in the pre-SC1 period, based on periodic-signal only (see Materials and Methods).
  • EventLabels : List of events for which the relative timing occurrence in each trials are reported.
  • EyeQuality : Quality of the eye signal during the recording session (0 for absent ; 1 for good ; 2 for bad).
  • HandQuality : Quality of the hand signal during the recording session (1 for good ; 2 for bad).
  • FreqFilteringForHilbertAmplitude : Center value and range used to filter the LFP signal for the Hilbert Amplitude computation.
  • OfflineRawFilterSettings : Offline lowpass filter cutoff, applied to the 'raw' LFP signal.
  • OnlineHighPassFilter : Online highpass filter cutoff, applied to the raw signal during recording.
  • Reference : Position of signal reference for site ; 1 (plexon probe inox tube), 2 (recording chamber) or 3 (headpost).
  • ProbeType : Type of electrode ; 1 (plexon laminar), 2 (AlphaOmega laminar) or 3 (single-tip electrode).

Additional information

  • Analysis of simultaneously recorded LFPs To perform analysis on simultaneously recorded LFPs, the field Session must be identical and one must consider only the intersect of the field OrigCorrTrials for the simultaneously recorded sites. Then, two cases are possible. 1) The recordings were made with single-tip electrodes (field Probe equal -1) and the field Channel indicates the electrode number. 2) The recordings were made with laminar probes and the field Channel indicates the channel from which the LFP was extracted on each probe.

  • Chamber coordinates For each monkey, AP and Lat values indicate the coordinates based on the center of the recording chamber. For monkey T, all LFPs recorded from AP<-1 can be considered as originating from M1, the others from PMd. For monkey M, all recordings from AP<-1 or Lat>+1 can be considered as originating from M1, the others from PMd.

Title Low and High Beta Rhythms have Different Motor Cortical Sources and Distinct Roles in Movement Control and Spatio-Temporal Attention
Authors Nougaret,Simon;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France;ORCID:0000-0002-5053-9093
López-Galdo,Laura;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France
Caytan,Emile;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France;ORCID:0009-0006-1948-2865
Poitreau,Julien;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France
Barthélemy,Frédéric;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France
Kilavik,Bjørg Elisabeth;Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France;ORCID:0000-0002-8235-4624
Description 'This is the dataset used in the paper with the same title, by Nougaret et al. (2024) in PLOS Biology. We investigated the neural mechanisms underlying motor control and attention in macaque monkeys. Two macaque monkeys were trained to perform a behavioral task that required both attention and motor skills. This experimental setup allowed for the observation of various factors related to the motor task while recording neuronal electrical activity through electrodes inserted acutely into the motor cortex. The study revealed that the primary motor cortex predominantly exhibited low-frequency beta oscillations (below 20 Hz) associated with movement control. In contrast, the dorsal premotor cortex showed higher-frequency beta activity (above 20 Hz), which was linked to attention to temporal and spatial context. Data from monkeys T and M are available in separate directories. For each LFP recording site included in the study, the MATLAB matfile contains 4 structure variables. These contain the 1) single-trial ‘raw’ LFP signal, 2) the Hilbert amplitude envelope of the site-dominant beta band as used in the study, 3) the behavioral data (single-trial hand and eye movements; task events) and 4) the session metadata (session ID and other information). '
License CC BY 4.0 (
References Nougaret, López-Galdo, Caytan, Poitreau, Barthélemy, Kilavik (2024) Low and high beta rhythms have different motor cortical sources and distinct roles in movement control and spatio-temporal attention. PLOS Biology 22(6):e3002670 [doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002670] (IsSupplementTo)
Nougaret, López-Galdo, Caytan, Poitreau, Barthélemy, Kilavik (2023) Distinct sources and behavioral correlates of macaque motor cortical low and high beta. BioRxiv preprint. [doi:10.1101/2023.03.28.534535] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding EU; 956669
ANR; ANR-19-HBPR-0005
Keywords Neuroscience
Motor Cortex
Local Field Potential
Beta Oscillations
Resource Type Dataset