81 KB

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. '''
  3. Reach-to-grasp IO module
  4. This module provides an IO to load data recorded in the context of the reach-
  5. to-grasp experiments conducted by Thomas Brochier and Alexa Riehle at the
  6. Institute de Neurosciences de la Timone. The IO is based on the BlackrockIO of
  7. the Neo library, which is used in the background to load the primary data, and
  8. utilized the odML library to load metadata information. Specifically, this IO
  9. annotates the Neo object returned by BlackrockIO with semantic information,
  10. e.g., interpretation of digital event codes, and key-value pairs found in the
  11. corresponding odML file are attached to relevant Neo objects as annotations.
  12. Authors: Julia Sprenger, Lyuba Zehl, Michael Denker
  13. Copyright (c) 2017, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6),
  14. Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
  15. All rights reserved.
  16. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  17. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  18. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  19. list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  20. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  21. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  22. and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  23. * Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of the contributors
  24. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
  25. specific prior written permission.
  36. '''
  37. import glob
  38. import os
  39. import re
  40. import warnings
  41. import numpy as np
  42. import odml
  43. import
  44. import quantities as pq
  45. import neo
  46. from import BlackrockIO
  47. from import SpikeTrainProxy, AnalogSignalProxy
  48. class ReachGraspIO(BlackrockIO):
  49. """
  50. Derived class from Neo's BlackrockIO to load recordings obtained from the
  51. reach-to-grasp experiments.
  52. Args:
  53. filename (string):
  54. File name (without extension) of the set of Blackrock files to
  55. associate with. Any .nsX or .nev, .sif, or .ccf extensions are
  56. ignored when parsing this parameter. Note: unless the parameter
  57. nev_override is given, this IO will load the nev file containing
  58. the most recent spike sorted data of all nev files found in the
  59. same directory as filename. The spike sorting version is attached
  60. to filename by a postfix '-XX', where XX is the version, e.g.,
  61. l101010-001-02 for spike sorting version 2 of file l101010-001. If
  62. an odML file is specified, the version must be listed in the odML
  63. entries at
  64. "/PreProcessing/OfflineSpikeSorting/Sortings"
  65. and relates to the section
  66. "/PreProcessing/OfflineSpikeSorting/Sorting-XX".
  67. If no odML is present, no information on the spike sorting (e.g.,
  68. if a unit is SUA or MUA) is provided by this IO.
  69. odml_directory (string):
  70. Alternative directory where the odML file is stored. If None, the
  71. directory is assumed to be the same as the .nev and .nsX data
  72. files. Default: None.
  73. nsx_override (string):
  74. File name of the .nsX files (without extension). If None,
  75. filename is used.
  76. Default: None.
  77. nev_override (string):
  78. File name of the .nev file (without extension). If None, the
  79. current spike-sorted version filename is used (see parameter
  80. filename above). Default: None.
  81. nsx_to_load (int, list, 'max', 'all' (=None)) default None:
  82. IDs of nsX file from which to load data, e.g., if set to
  83. 5 only data from the ns5 file are loaded.
  84. If 'all', then all nsX will be loaded.
  85. Contrary to previsous version of the IO (<0.7), nsx_to_load
  86. must be set at the init before parse_header().
  87. sif_override (string): DEPRECATED
  88. File name of the .sif file (without extension). If None,
  89. filename is used.
  90. Default: None.
  91. ccf_override (string): DEPRECATED
  92. File name of the .ccf file (without extension). If None,
  93. filename is used.
  94. Default: None.
  95. odml_override (string):
  96. File name of the .odml file (without extension). If None,
  97. filename is used.
  98. Default: None.
  99. verbose (boolean):
  100. If True, the class will output additional diagnostic
  101. information on stdout.
  102. Default: False
  103. Returns:
  104. -
  105. Attributes:
  106. condition_str (dict):
  107. Dictionary containing a list of string codes reflecting the trial
  108. types that occur in recordings in a certain condition code
  109. (dictionary keys). For example, for condition 1 (all grip first
  110. conditions), condition_str[1] contains the list
  111. ['SGHF', 'SGLF', 'PGHF', 'PGLF'].
  112. Possible conditions:
  113. 0:[]
  114. No trials, or condition not conclusive from file
  115. 4 types (two_cues_task):
  116. 1: all grip-first trial types with two different cues
  117. 2: all force-first trial types with two different cues
  118. 2 types (two_cues_task):
  119. 11: grip-first, but only LF types
  120. 12: grip-first, but only HF types
  121. 13: grip-first, but only SG types
  122. 14: grip-first, but only PG types
  123. 2 types (two_cues_task):
  124. 21: force-first, but only LF types
  125. 22: force-first, but only HF types
  126. 23: force-first, but only SG types
  127. 24: force-first, but only PG types
  128. 1 type (two_cues_task):
  129. 131: grip-first, but only SGLF type
  130. 132: grip-first, but only SGHF type
  131. 141: grip-first, but only PGLF type
  132. 142: grip-first, but only PGHF type
  133. 213: force-first, but only LFSG type
  134. 214: force-first, but only LFPG type
  135. 223: force-first, but only HFSG type
  136. 224: force-first, but only HFPG type
  137. 1 type (one_cue_task):
  138. 133: SGSG, only grip info, force unknown
  139. 144: PGPG, only grip info, force unknown
  140. 211: LFLF, only force info, grip unknown
  141. 222: HFHF, only force info, grip unknown
  142. event_labels_str (dict):
  143. Provides a text label for each digital event code returned as
  144. events by the parent BlackrockIO. For example,
  145. event_labels_str['65296'] contains the string 'TS-ON'.
  146. event_labels_codes (dict):
  147. Reverse of `event_labels_str`: Provides a list of event codes
  148. related to a specific text label for a trial event. For example,
  149. event_labels_codes['TS-ON'] contains the list ['65296']. In
  150. addition to the detailed codes, for convenience the meta codes
  151. 'CUE/GO', 'RW-ON', and 'SR' summarizing a set of digital events are
  152. defined for easier access.
  153. trial_const_sequence_str (dict):
  154. Dictionary contains the ordering of selected constant trial events
  155. for correct trials, e.g., as TS is the first trial event in a
  156. correct trial, trial_const_sequence_codes['TS'] is 0.
  157. trial_const_sequence_codes (dict):
  158. Reverse of trial_const_sequence_str: Dictionary contains the
  159. ordering of selected constant trial events for correct trials,
  160. e.g., trial_const_sequence_codes[0] is 'TS'.
  161. performance_str (dict):
  162. Text strings to help interpret the performance code of a trial. For
  163. example, correct trials have a performance code of 255, and thus
  164. performance_str[255] == 'correct_trial'
  165. performance_codes (dict):
  166. Reverse of performance_const_sequence_str. Returns the performance
  167. code of a given text string indicating trial performance. For
  168. example, performance_str['correct_trial'] == 255
  169. """
  170. # Create a dictionary of conditions (i.e., the trial types presented in a
  171. # given recording session)
  172. condition_str = {
  173. 0: [],
  174. 1: ['SGHF', 'SGLF', 'PGHF', 'PGLF'],
  175. 2: ['HFSG', 'HFPG', 'LFSG', 'LFPG'],
  176. 11: ['SGLF', 'PGLF'],
  177. 12: ['SGHF', 'PGHF'],
  178. 13: ['SGHF', 'SGLF'],
  179. 14: ['PGHF', 'PGLF'],
  180. 21: ['LFSG', 'LFPG'],
  181. 22: ['HFSG', 'HFPG'],
  182. 23: ['HFSG', 'LFSG'],
  183. 24: ['HFPG', 'LFPG'],
  184. 131: ['SGLF'],
  185. 132: ['SGHF'],
  186. 133: ['SGSG'],
  187. 141: ['PGLF'],
  188. 142: ['PGHF'],
  189. 144: ['PGPG'],
  190. 211: ['LFLF'],
  191. 213: ['LFSG'],
  192. 214: ['LFPG'],
  193. 222: ['HFHF'],
  194. 223: ['HFSG'],
  195. 224: ['HFPG']}
  196. ###########################################################################
  197. # event labels, the corresponding first 8 digits of their binary
  198. # representation and their meaning
  199. #
  200. # R L T T L L L L
  201. # w E a r E E E E
  202. # P D S S D D D D in
  203. # u c w t b t t b mo-
  204. # l r l r nk-
  205. # label:| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | status of devices: | trial event label:| ey
  206. # 65280 < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > TS-OFF > TS-OFF/STOP > L,T
  207. # 65296 < 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 > TS-ON > TS-ON > all
  208. # 65312 < 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 > TaSw > STOP > all
  209. # 65344 < 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 > LEDc (+TS-OFF) > WS-ON/CUE-OFF > L,T
  210. # 65349 < 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 > LEDc|rt|rb (+TS-OFF) > PG-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > L,T
  211. # 65350 < 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 > LEDc|tl|tr (+TS-OFF) > HF-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > L,T
  212. # 65353 < 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 > LEDc|bl|br (+TS-OFF) > LF-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > L,T
  213. # 65354 < 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 > LEDc|lb|lt (+TS-OFF) > SG-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > L,T
  214. # 65359 < 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 > LEDall > ERROR-FLASH-ON > L,T
  215. # 65360 < 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 > LEDc (+TS-ON) > WS-ON/CUE-OFF > N
  216. # 65365 < 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 > LEDc|rt|rb (+TS-ON) > PG-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > N
  217. # 65366 < 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 > LEDc|tl|tr (+TS-ON) > HF-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > N
  218. # 65369 < 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 > LEDc|bl|br (+TS-ON) > LF-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > N
  219. # 65370 < 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 > LEDc|lb|lt (+TS-ON) > SG-ON (CUE/GO-ON) > N
  220. # 65376 < 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 > LEDc+TaSw > GO-OFF/RW-OFF > all
  221. # 65381 < 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 > TaSw (+LEDc|rt|rb) > SR (+PG) > all
  222. # 65382 < 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 > TaSw (+LEDc|tl|tr) > SR (+HF) > all
  223. # 65383 < 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 > TaSw (+LEDc|rt|rb|tl) > SR (+PGHF/HFPG) >
  224. # 65385 < 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 > TaSw (+LEDc|bl|br) > SR (+LF) > all
  225. # 65386 < 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 > TaSw (+LEDc|lb|lt) > SR (+SG) > all
  226. # 65387 < 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 > TaSw (+LEDc|lb|lt|br) > SR (+SGLF/LGSG) >
  227. # 65389 < 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 > TaSw (+LEDc|rt|rb|bl) > SR (+PGLF/LFPG) >
  228. # 65390 < 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 > TaSw (+LEDc|lb|lt|tr) > SR (+SGHF/HFSG) >
  229. # 65391 < 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 > LEDall (+TaSw) > ERROR-FLASH-ON > L,T
  230. # 65440 < 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 > RwPu (+TaSw) > RW-ON (noLEDs) > N
  231. # 65504 < 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 > RwPu (+LEDc) > RW-ON (-CONF) > L,T
  232. # 65509 < 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 > RwPu (+LEDcr) > RW-ON (+CONF-PG) > all
  233. # 65510 < 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 > RwPu (+LEDct) > RW-ON (+CONF-HF) > N?
  234. # 65513 < 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 > RwPu (+LEDcb) > RW-ON (+CONF-LF) > N?
  235. # 65514 < 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 > RwPu (+LEDcl) > RW-ON (+CONF-SG) > all
  236. # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  237. # label binary code
  238. #
  240. # c (central), l (left), t (top), b (bottom), r (right),
  241. # HF (high force, LEDt), LF (low force, LEDb), SG (side grip, LEDl),
  242. # PG (precision grip, LEDr), RwPu (reward pump), TaSw (table switch),
  243. # TS (trial start), SR (switch release), WS (warning signal), RW (reward),
  244. # L (Lilou), T (Tanya t+a), N (Nikos n+i)
  245. ###########################################################################
  246. # Create dictionaries for event labels
  247. event_labels_str = {
  248. '65280': 'TS-OFF/STOP',
  249. '65296': 'TS-ON',
  250. '65312': 'STOP',
  251. '65344': 'WS-ON/CUE-OFF',
  252. '65349': 'PG-ON',
  253. '65350': 'HF-ON',
  254. '65353': 'LF-ON',
  255. '65354': 'SG-ON',
  256. '65359': 'ERROR-FLASH-ON',
  257. '65360': 'WS-ON/CUE-OFF',
  258. '65365': 'PG-ON',
  259. '65366': 'HF-ON',
  260. '65369': 'LF-ON',
  261. '65370': 'SG-ON',
  262. '65376': 'GO/RW-OFF',
  263. '65381': 'SR (+PG)',
  264. '65382': 'SR (+HF)',
  265. '65383': 'SR (+PGHF/HFPG)',
  266. '65385': 'SR (+LF)',
  267. '65386': 'SR (+SG)',
  268. '65387': 'SR (+SGLF/LFSG)',
  269. '65389': 'SR (+PGLF/LFPG)',
  270. '65390': 'SR (+SGHF/HFSG)',
  271. '65391': 'ERROR-FLASH-ON',
  272. '65440': 'RW-ON (noLEDs)',
  273. '65504': 'RW-ON (-CONF)',
  274. '65509': 'RW-ON (+CONF-PG)',
  275. '65510': 'RW-ON (+CONF-HF)',
  276. '65513': 'RW-ON (+CONF-LF)',
  277. '65514': 'RW-ON (+CONF-SG)'}
  278. event_labels_codes = dict([(k, []) for k in np.unique(list(event_labels_str.values()))])
  279. for k in list(event_labels_codes):
  280. for l, v in event_labels_str.items():
  281. if v == k:
  282. event_labels_codes[k].append(l)
  283. # additional summaries
  284. event_labels_codes['CUE/GO'] = \
  285. event_labels_codes['SG-ON'] + \
  286. event_labels_codes['PG-ON'] + \
  287. event_labels_codes['LF-ON'] + \
  288. event_labels_codes['HF-ON']
  289. event_labels_codes['RW-ON'] = \
  290. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (+CONF-PG)'] + \
  291. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (+CONF-HF)'] + \
  292. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (+CONF-LF)'] + \
  293. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (+CONF-SG)'] + \
  294. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (-CONF)'] + \
  295. event_labels_codes['RW-ON (noLEDs)']
  296. event_labels_codes['SR'] = \
  297. event_labels_codes['SR (+PG)'] + \
  298. event_labels_codes['SR (+HF)'] + \
  299. event_labels_codes['SR (+LF)'] + \
  300. event_labels_codes['SR (+SG)'] + \
  301. event_labels_codes['SR (+PGHF/HFPG)'] + \
  302. event_labels_codes['SR (+SGHF/HFSG)'] + \
  303. event_labels_codes['SR (+PGLF/LFPG)'] + \
  304. event_labels_codes['SR (+SGLF/LFSG)']
  305. del k, l, v
  306. # Create dictionaries for constant trial sequences (in all monkeys)
  307. # (bit position (value) set if trial event (key) occurred)
  308. trial_const_sequence_codes = {
  309. 'TS-ON': 0,
  310. 'WS-ON': 1,
  311. 'CUE-ON': 2,
  312. 'CUE-OFF': 3,
  313. 'GO-ON': 4,
  314. 'SR': 5,
  315. 'RW-ON': 6,
  316. 'STOP': 7}
  317. trial_const_sequence_str = dict((v, k) for k, v in trial_const_sequence_codes.items())
  318. # Create dictionaries for trial performances
  319. # (resulting decimal number from binary number created from trial_sequence)
  320. performance_codes = {
  321. 'incomplete_trial': 0,
  322. 'error<SR-ON': 159,
  323. 'error<WS': 161,
  324. 'error<CUE-ON': 163,
  325. 'error<CUE-OFF': 167,
  326. 'error<GO-ON': 175,
  327. 'grip_error': 191,
  328. 'correct_trial': 255}
  329. performance_str = dict((v, k) for k, v in performance_codes.items())
  330. def __init__(
  331. self, filename, odml_directory=None, nsx_to_load=None,
  332. nsx_override=None, nev_override=None,
  333. sif_override=None, ccf_override=None, odml_filename=None,
  334. verbose=False):
  335. """
  336. Constructor
  337. """
  338. if sif_override is not None:
  339. warnings.warn('`sif_override is deprecated.')
  340. if ccf_override is not None:
  341. warnings.warn('`ccf_override is deprecated.')
  342. # Remember choice whether to print diagnostic messages or not
  343. self._verbose = verbose
  344. # Remove known extensions from input filename
  345. for ext in self.extensions:
  346. filename = re.sub(os.path.extsep + ext + '$', '', filename)
  347. if nev_override:
  348. # check if sorting postfix is appended to nev_override name
  349. if nev_override[-3] == '-':
  350. sorting_postfix = nev_override[-2:]
  351. else:
  352. sorting_postfix = None
  353. sorting_version = nev_override
  354. else:
  355. # find most recent spike sorting version
  356. nev_versions = [re.sub(
  357. os.path.extsep + 'nev$', '', p) for p in glob.glob(filename + '*.nev')]
  358. nev_versions = [p.replace(filename, '') for p in nev_versions]
  359. if len(nev_versions):
  360. sorting_postfix = sorted(nev_versions)[-1]
  361. else:
  362. sorting_postfix = ''
  363. sorting_version = filename + sorting_postfix
  364. # Initialize file
  365. BlackrockIO.__init__(
  366. self, filename, nsx_to_load=nsx_to_load, nsx_override=nsx_override,
  367. nev_override=sorting_version, verbose=verbose)
  368. # if no odML directory is specified, use same directory as main files
  369. if not odml_directory:
  370. odml_directory = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
  371. # remove potential trailing separators
  372. if odml_directory[-1] == os.path.sep:
  373. odml_directory = odml_directory[:-1]
  374. # remove extensions from odml override
  375. filen = os.path.split(self.filename)[-1]
  376. if odml_filename:
  377. # strip potential extension
  378. odmlname = os.path.splitext(odml_filename)[0]
  379. self._filenames['odml'] = ''.join([odml_directory, os.path.sep, odmlname])
  380. else:
  381. self._filenames['odml'] = ''.join([odml_directory, os.path.sep, filen])
  382. file2check = ''.join([self._filenames['odml'], os.path.extsep, 'odml'])
  383. if os.path.exists(file2check):
  384. self._avail_files['odml'] = True
  385. self.odmldoc = odml.load(file2check)
  386. else:
  387. self._avail_files['odml'] = False
  388. self.odmldoc = None
  389. # If we did not specify an explicit sorting version, and there is an
  390. # odML, then make sure the detected sorting version matches the odML
  391. if self.odmldoc:
  392. if sorting_postfix not in self.odmldoc.sections['PreProcessing'].sections[
  393. 'OfflineSpikeSorting'].properties['Sortings'].values:
  394. warnings.warn(
  395. "Attempting to utilize the most recent "
  396. "sorting version in file %s, but the sorting version "
  397. "specified in odML is %s" % (
  398. sorting_version,
  399. self.odmldoc.sections['PreProcessing'].sections[
  400. 'OfflineSpikeSorting'].properties['Sortings'].values))
  401. self._load_spikesorting_info = False
  402. else:
  403. self._load_spikesorting_info = True
  404. else:
  405. self._load_spikesorting_info = False
  406. # extract available neuronal ids
  407. self.avail_electrode_ids = None
  408. self.connector_aligned_map = {}
  409. if self.odmldoc:
  410. self.avail_electrode_ids = []
  411. secs = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Array'].sections
  412. for sec in secs:
  413. if not'Electrode_'):
  414. continue
  415. id =['ID'].values[0]
  416. ca_id =['ConnectorAlignedID'].values[0]
  417. self.avail_electrode_ids.append(id)
  418. self.connector_aligned_map[id] = ca_id
  419. def __is_set(self, flag, pos):
  420. """
  421. Checks if bit is set at the given position for flag. If flag is an
  422. array, an array will be returned.
  423. """
  424. return flag & (1 << pos) > 0
  425. def __set_bit(self, flag, pos):
  426. """
  427. Returns the given flag with an additional bit set at the given
  428. position. for flag. If flag is an array, an array will be returned.
  429. """
  430. return flag | (1 << pos)
  431. def __add_rejection_to_event(self, event):
  432. """
  433. Given an event with annotation trial_id, adds information on whether to
  434. reject the trial or not.
  435. """
  436. if self.odmldoc:
  437. # Get rejection bands
  438. sec = self.odmldoc['PreProcessing']
  439. bands =['LFPBands'].values
  440. for band in bands:
  441. sec = self.odmldoc['PreProcessing'][band]
  442. if type(['RejTrials'].values) != []:
  443. rej_trials = [int(_) for _ in['RejTrials'].values]
  444. rej_index = np.in1d(event.array_annotations['trial_id'], rej_trials)
  445. elif['RejTrials'].values == []:
  446. rej_index = np.zeros((len(event.array_annotations['trial_id'])), dtype=bool)
  447. else:
  448. raise ValueError(
  449. "Invalid entry %s in odML for rejected trials in LFP band %s." %
  450. (['RejTrials'].values, band))
  451. event.array_annotate(**{str('trial_reject_' + band): list(rej_index)})
  452. def __extract_task_condition(self, trialtypes):
  453. """
  454. Extracts task condition from trialtypes.
  455. """
  456. occurring_trtys = np.unique(trialtypes).tolist()
  457. # reduce occurring_trtys to actual trialtypes
  458. # (remove all not identifiable trialtypes (incomplete/error trial))
  459. if 'NONE' in occurring_trtys:
  460. occurring_trtys.remove('NONE')
  461. # (remove all trialtypes where only the CUE was detected (error trial))
  462. if 'SG' in occurring_trtys:
  463. occurring_trtys.remove('SG')
  464. if 'PG' in occurring_trtys:
  465. occurring_trtys.remove('PG')
  466. if 'LF' in occurring_trtys:
  467. occurring_trtys.remove('LF')
  468. if 'HF' in occurring_trtys:
  469. occurring_trtys.remove('HF')
  470. # first set to unidentified task condition
  471. task_condition = 0
  472. if len(occurring_trtys) > 0:
  473. for cnd, trtys in self.condition_str.items():
  474. if set(trtys) == set(occurring_trtys):
  475. # replace with detected task condition
  476. task_condition = cnd
  477. return task_condition
  478. def __extract_analog_events_from_odml(self, t_start, t_stop):
  479. event_name = []
  480. event_time = []
  481. trial_id = []
  482. trial_timestamp_id = []
  483. performance_code = []
  484. trial_type = []
  485. # Look for all Trial Sections
  486. sec = self.odmldoc['Recording']['TaskSettings']
  487. ff = lambda x:'Trial_')
  488. tr_secs = sec.itersections(filter_func=ff)
  489. for trial_sec in tr_secs:
  490. for signalname in ['GripForceSignals', 'DisplacementSignal']:
  491. for analog_events in trial_sec['AnalogEvents'][signalname].properties:
  492. # skip invalid values
  493. if analog_events.values == []: # this was used as default time
  494. continue
  495. time = analog_events.values * pq.CompoundUnit(analog_events.unit)
  496. time = time.rescale('ms')
  497. if time >= t_start and time < t_stop:
  498. event_name.append(
  499. event_time.append(time)
  500. trial_id.extend(['TrialID'].values)
  501. trial_timestamp_id.extend(['TrialTimestampID'].values)
  502. performance_code.extend(['PerformanceCode'].values)
  503. trial_type.extend(['TrialType'].values)
  504. # Create event object with analog events
  505. analog_events = neo.Event(
  506. times=pq.Quantity(event_time, 'ms').flatten(),
  507. labels=np.array(event_name),
  508. name='AnalogTrialEvents',
  509. description='Events extracted from analog signals')
  510. performance_str = []
  511. for pit in performance_code:
  512. if pit in self.performance_codes:
  513. performance_str.append(self.performance_codes[pit])
  514. else:
  515. performance_str.append('unknown')
  516. analog_events.array_annotate(
  517. trial_id=trial_id,
  518. trial_timestamp_id=trial_timestamp_id,
  519. performance_in_trial=performance_code,
  520. performance_in_trial_str=performance_str,
  521. belongs_to_trialtype=trial_type,
  522. trial_event_labels=event_name)
  523. return analog_events
  524. def __annotate_dig_trial_events(self, events):
  525. """
  526. Modifies events of digital input port to trial events of the
  527. reach-to-grasp project.
  528. """
  529. # Modifiy name and description
  530. = "DigitalTrialEvents"
  531. events.description = "Trial " + events.description.lower()
  532. events_rescaled = events.rescale(pq.CompoundUnit('1/30000*s'))
  533. # Extract beginning of first complete trial
  534. tson_label = self.event_labels_codes['TS-ON'][0]
  535. if tson_label in events_rescaled.labels:
  536. first_TSon_idx = list(events_rescaled.labels).index(tson_label)
  537. else:
  538. first_TSon_idx = len(events_rescaled.labels)
  539. # Extract end of last complete trial
  540. stop_label = self.event_labels_codes['STOP'][0]
  541. if stop_label in events_rescaled.labels:
  542. last_WSoff_idx = len(events_rescaled.labels) - list(events_rescaled.labels[::-1]).index(stop_label) - 1
  543. else:
  544. last_WSoff_idx = -1
  545. # Annotate events with modified labels, trial ids, and trial types
  546. trial_event_labels = []
  547. trial_ID = []
  548. trial_timestamp_ID = []
  549. trialtypes = {-1: 'NONE'}
  550. trialsequence = {-1: 0}
  551. for i, l in enumerate(events_rescaled.labels):
  552. if i < first_TSon_idx or i > last_WSoff_idx:
  553. trial_event_labels.append('NONE')
  554. trial_ID.append(-1)
  555. trial_timestamp_ID.append(-1)
  556. else:
  557. # interpretation of TS-ON
  558. if self.event_labels_str[l] == 'TS-ON':
  559. if i > 0:
  560. prev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]
  561. if self.event_labels_str[prev_ev] in ['STOP', 'TS-OFF/STOP']:
  562. timestamp_id = int(round(events_rescaled.times[i].item()))
  563. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  564. trial_event_labels.append('TS-ON')
  565. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  566. 0, self.trial_const_sequence_codes['TS-ON'])
  567. else:
  568. timestamp_id = trial_timestamp_ID[-1]
  569. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  570. trial_event_labels.append('TS-ON-ERROR')
  571. else:
  572. timestamp_id = int(events_rescaled.times[i].item())
  573. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  574. trial_event_labels.append('TS-ON')
  575. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  576. 0, self.trial_const_sequence_codes['TS-ON'])
  577. # Identify trial ID if odML exists
  578. ID = -1
  579. if self.odmldoc:
  580. sec = self.odmldoc['Recording']['TaskSettings']
  581. ff = lambda x:'Trial_')
  582. tr_secs = sec.itersections(filter_func=ff)
  583. for trial_sec in tr_secs:
  584. if['TrialTimestampID'].values[0] == timestamp_id:
  585. ID =['TrialID'].values[0]
  586. trial_ID.append(ID)
  587. # interpretation of GO/RW-OFF
  588. elif self.event_labels_str[l] == 'GO/RW-OFF':
  589. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  590. trial_ID.append(ID)
  591. trial_event_labels.append('GO/RW-OFF')
  592. # interpretation of ERROR-FLASH-ON
  593. elif l in self.event_labels_codes['ERROR-FLASH-ON']:
  594. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  595. trial_ID.append(ID)
  596. trial_event_labels.append('ERROR-FLASH-ON')
  597. # Error-Flash hides too early activation of SR
  598. # SR is set to 1 here to match perf codes between monkeys
  599. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  600. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  601. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['SR'])
  602. # TS-OFF/STOP
  603. elif self.event_labels_str[l] == 'TS-OFF/STOP':
  604. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  605. trial_ID.append(ID)
  606. prev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]
  607. if self.event_labels_str[prev_ev] == 'TS-ON':
  608. trial_event_labels.append('TS-OFF')
  609. elif prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['ERROR-FLASH-ON']:
  610. trial_event_labels.append('STOP')
  611. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  612. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  613. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['STOP'])
  614. else:
  615. trial_event_labels.append('STOP')
  616. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  617. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  618. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['STOP'])
  619. # interpretation of WS-ON/CUE-OFF
  620. elif self.event_labels_str[l] == 'WS-ON/CUE-OFF':
  621. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  622. trial_ID.append(ID)
  623. prev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]
  624. if self.event_labels_str[prev_ev] in ['TS-ON', 'TS-OFF/STOP']:
  625. trial_event_labels.append('WS-ON')
  626. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  627. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  628. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['WS-ON'])
  629. elif (prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['CUE/GO'] or
  630. prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['GO/RW-OFF']):
  631. trial_event_labels.append('CUE-OFF')
  632. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  633. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  634. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['CUE-OFF'])
  635. else:
  636. raise ValueError("Unknown trial event sequence.")
  637. # interpretation of CUE and GO events and trialtype detection
  638. elif l in self.event_labels_codes['CUE/GO']:
  639. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  640. trial_ID.append(ID)
  641. prprev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 2]
  642. if self.event_labels_str[prprev_ev] in ['TS-ON', 'TS-OFF/STOP']:
  643. trial_event_labels.append('CUE-ON')
  644. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  645. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  646. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['CUE-ON'])
  647. trialtypes[timestamp_id] = self.event_labels_str[l][:2]
  648. elif prprev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['CUE/GO']:
  649. trial_event_labels.append('GO-ON')
  650. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  651. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  652. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['GO-ON'])
  653. trialtypes[timestamp_id] += self.event_labels_str[l][:2]
  654. else:
  655. raise ValueError("Unknown trial event sequence.")
  656. # interpretation of WS-OFF
  657. elif self.event_labels_str[l] == 'STOP':
  658. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  659. trial_ID.append(ID)
  660. prev_ev = self.event_labels_str[events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]]
  661. if prev_ev == 'ERROR-FLASH-ON':
  662. trial_event_labels.append('ERROR-FLASH-OFF')
  663. else:
  664. trial_event_labels.append('STOP')
  665. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  666. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  667. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['STOP'])
  668. # interpretation of SR events
  669. elif l in self.event_labels_codes['SR']:
  670. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  671. trial_ID.append(ID)
  672. prev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]
  673. if prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['SR']:
  674. trial_event_labels.append('SR-REP')
  675. elif prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['RW-ON']:
  676. trial_event_labels.append('RW-OFF')
  677. else:
  678. trial_event_labels.append('SR')
  679. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  680. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  681. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['SR'])
  682. # interpretation of RW events_rescaled
  683. elif l in self.event_labels_codes['RW-ON']:
  684. trial_timestamp_ID.append(timestamp_id)
  685. trial_ID.append(ID)
  686. prev_ev = events_rescaled.labels[i - 1]
  687. if prev_ev in self.event_labels_codes['RW-ON']:
  688. trial_event_labels.append('RW-ON-REP')
  689. else:
  690. trial_event_labels.append('RW-ON')
  691. trialsequence[timestamp_id] = self.__set_bit(
  692. trialsequence[timestamp_id],
  693. self.trial_const_sequence_codes['RW-ON'])
  694. else:
  695. raise ValueError("Unknown event label.")
  696. # add modified trial_event_labels to annotations
  697. events.array_annotate(trial_event_labels=trial_event_labels)
  698. # add trial timestamp IDs
  699. events.array_annotate(trial_timestamp_id=trial_timestamp_ID)
  700. # add trial IDs
  701. events.array_annotate(trial_id=trial_ID)
  702. # add modified belongs_to_trialtype to annotations
  703. for tid in trial_timestamp_ID:
  704. if tid not in list(trialtypes):
  705. trialtypes[tid] = 'NONE'
  706. belongs_to_trialtype = [trialtypes[tid] for tid in trial_timestamp_ID]
  707. events.array_annotate(belongs_to_trialtype=belongs_to_trialtype)
  708. # add modified trial_performance_codes to annotations
  709. performance_in_trial = [trialsequence[tid] for tid in trial_timestamp_ID]
  710. performance_in_trial_str = []
  711. for pit in performance_in_trial:
  712. if pit in self.performance_str:
  713. performance_in_trial_str.append(self.performance_str[pit])
  714. else:
  715. performance_in_trial_str.append('unknown')
  716. events.array_annotate(performance_in_trial=performance_in_trial)
  717. events.array_annotate(performance_in_trial_str=performance_in_trial_str)
  718. def __create_unit_groups(self, block, view_dict=None):
  719. unit_dict = {}
  720. for seg in block.segments:
  721. for st in seg.spiketrains:
  722. chid = st.annotations['channel_id']
  723. unit_id = st.annotations['unit_id']
  724. if chid not in unit_dict:
  725. unit_dict[chid] = {}
  726. if unit_id not in unit_dict[chid]:
  727. group = neo.Group(name='Unit {} on channel {}'.format(unit_id, chid),
  728. description='Group for neuronal data related to unit {} on '
  729. 'channel {}'.format(unit_id, chid),
  730. group_type='unit',
  731. allowed_types=[neo.SpikeTrain, SpikeTrainProxy,
  732. neo.AnalogSignal, AnalogSignalProxy,
  733. neo.ChannelView],
  734. channel_id=chid,
  735. unit_id=unit_id)
  736. block.groups.append(group)
  737. unit_dict[chid][unit_id] = group
  738. unit_dict[chid][unit_id].add(st)
  739. # if views are already created, link them to unit groups
  740. if view_dict:
  741. for chid, channel_dict in unit_dict.items():
  742. if chid in view_dict:
  743. for unit_id, group in channel_dict.items():
  744. group.add(view_dict[chid])
  745. def __create_channel_views(self, block):
  746. view_dict = {}
  747. for seg in block.segments:
  748. for anasig in seg.analogsignals:
  749. for chidx, chid in enumerate(anasig.array_annotations['channel_ids']):
  750. if chid not in view_dict:
  751. view = neo.ChannelView(anasig, [chidx],
  752. name='Channel {} of {}'.format(chid,,
  753. channel_id=chid)
  754. view_dict[chid] = view
  755. return view_dict
  756. def __annotate_units_with_odml(self, groups):
  757. """
  758. Annotates units with metadata from odml file.
  759. """
  760. units = [g for g in groups if
  761. 'group_type' in g.annotations and g.annotations['group_type'] == 'unit']
  762. if not self._load_spikesorting_info:
  763. return
  764. for un in units:
  765. an_dict = dict(
  766. sua=False,
  767. mua=False,
  768. noise=False)
  769. try:
  770. sec = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Array'][
  771. 'Electrode_%03d' % un.annotations['channel_id']][
  772. 'OfflineSpikeSorting']
  773. except KeyError:
  774. return
  775. suaids =['SUAIDs'].values
  776. if['MUAID'].values:
  777. muaid =['MUAID'].values[0]
  778. else:
  779. muaid = None
  780. noiseids =['NoiseIDs'].values
  781. if un.annotations['unit_id'] in suaids:
  782. an_dict['sua'] = True
  783. elif un.annotations['unit_id'] in noiseids:
  784. an_dict['noise'] = True
  785. elif un.annotations['unit_id'] == muaid:
  786. an_dict['mua'] = True
  787. else:
  788. raise ValueError(
  789. "Unit %i is not registered for channel %i in odML file."
  790. % (un.annotations['unit_id'],
  791. un.annotations['channel_id']))
  792. if ('Unit_%02i' % un.annotations['unit_id']) in sec.sections:
  793. unit_sec = sec['Unit_%02i' % un.annotations['unit_id']]
  794. if an_dict['sua']:
  795. an_dict['SNR'] =['SNR'].values[0]
  796. # TODO: Add units here
  797. an_dict['spike_duration'] =['SpikeDuration'].values[0]
  798. an_dict['spike_amplitude'] =['SpikeAmplitude'].values[0]
  799. an_dict['spike_count'] =['SpikeCount'].values[0]
  800. # Annotate Unit and all children for convenience
  801. un.annotate(**an_dict)
  802. for st in un.spiketrains:
  803. st.annotate(**an_dict)
  804. def __annotate_analogsignals_with_odml(self, asig):
  805. """
  806. Annotates analogsignals with metadata from odml file.
  807. """
  808. if self.odmldoc:
  809. chids = asig.array_annotations['channel_ids']
  810. neural_chids = [chid in self.avail_electrode_ids for chid in chids]
  811. if not any(neural_chids):
  812. asig.annotate(neural_signal=False)
  813. elif all(neural_chids):
  814. asig.annotate(neural_signal=True)
  815. # Annotate filter settings from odML
  816. nchan = asig.shape[-1]
  817. filter = 'Filter_ns%i' % asig.array_annotations['nsx'][0]
  818. sec = self.odmldoc['Cerebus']['NeuralSignalProcessor']['NeuralSignals'][filter]
  819. props =
  820. hi_pass_freq = np.full((nchan), pq.Quantity(props['HighPassFreq'].values[0],
  821. props['HighPassFreq'].unit))
  822. lo_pass_freq = np.full((nchan), pq.Quantity(props['LowPassFreq'].values[0],
  823. props['LowPassFreq'].unit))
  824. hi_pass_order = np.zeros_like(hi_pass_freq)
  825. lo_pass_order = np.zeros_like(lo_pass_freq)
  826. filter_type = np.empty((nchan), np.str)
  827. for chidx in range(nchan):
  828. filter = 'Filter_ns%i' % asig.array_annotations['nsx'][chidx]
  829. sec = self.odmldoc['Cerebus']['NeuralSignalProcessor']['NeuralSignals'][filter]
  830. hi_pass_freq[chidx] = pq.Quantity(
  833. lo_pass_freq[chidx] = pq.Quantity(
  836. hi_pass_order[chidx] =['HighPassOrder'].values[0]
  837. lo_pass_order[chidx] =['LowPassOrder'].values[0]
  838. filter_type[chidx] =['Type'].values[0]
  839. asig.array_annotations.update(dict(
  840. hi_pass_freq=hi_pass_freq,
  841. lo_pass_freq=lo_pass_freq,
  842. hi_pass_order=hi_pass_order,
  843. lo_pass_order=lo_pass_order,
  844. filter_type=filter_type
  845. ))
  846. self.__annotate_electrode_rejections(asig)
  847. def __annotate_electrode_rejections(self, obj):
  848. # Get rejection bands
  849. sec = self.odmldoc['PreProcessing']
  850. bands =['LFPBands'].values
  851. if hasattr(bands, '__iter__'):
  852. for band in bands:
  853. sec = self.odmldoc['PreProcessing'][band]
  854. rej_els = np.asarray(['RejElectrodes'].values, dtype=int)
  855. if 'channel_id' in obj.annotations:
  856. rejection_value = bool(obj.annotations['channel_id'] in rej_els)
  857. obj.annotations['electrode_reject_' + band] = rejection_value
  858. elif hasattr(obj, 'array_annotations') and 'channel_ids' in obj.array_annotations:
  859. rej = np.isin(obj.array_annotations['channel_ids'], rej_els)
  860. obj.array_annotations.update({str('electrode_reject_' + band): rej})
  861. else:
  862. warnings.warn(
  863. 'Could not annotate {} with electrode rejection information.'.format(obj))
  864. def __convert_chids_and_coordinates(self, channel_ids):
  865. nchan = len(channel_ids)
  866. ca_ids = np.full(nchan, fill_value=None)
  867. # use negative infinity for invalid coordinates as None is incompatible with
  868. coordinates_x = np.full(nchan, fill_value=-np.inf) *
  869. coordinates_y = np.full(nchan, fill_value=-np.inf) *
  870. for i, channel_id in enumerate(channel_ids):
  871. if channel_id not in self.connector_aligned_map:
  872. continue
  873. ca_ids[i] = self.connector_aligned_map[channel_id]
  874. coordinates_x[i] = np.mod(ca_ids[i] - 1, 10) * 0.4 *
  875. coordinates_y[i] = int((ca_ids[i] - 1) / 10) * 0.4 *
  876. return ca_ids, coordinates_x, coordinates_y
  877. def __annotate_channel_infos(self, block):
  878. if self.odmldoc:
  879. # updating array annotations of neuronal analogsignals
  880. for seg in block.segments:
  881. for obj in seg.analogsignals:
  882. if 'neural_signal' in obj.annotations and obj.annotations[
  883. 'neural_signal'] and 'channel_ids' in obj.array_annotations:
  884. chids = obj.array_annotations['channel_ids']
  885. ca_ids, *coordinates = self.__convert_chids_and_coordinates(chids)
  886. obj.array_annotations.update(dict(connector_aligned_ids=ca_ids,
  887. coordinates_x=coordinates[0],
  888. coordinates_y=coordinates[1]))
  889. # updating annotations of groups and spiketrains
  890. sts = []
  891. for seg in block.segments:
  892. sts.extend(seg.spiketrains)
  893. for obj in sts + block.groups:
  894. if 'channel_id' in obj.annotations:
  895. chid = obj.annotations['channel_id']
  896. ca_id, *coordinates = self.__convert_chids_and_coordinates([chid])
  897. obj.annotate(connector_aligned_id=ca_id[0],
  898. coordinate_x=coordinates[0][0],
  899. coordinate_y=coordinates[1][0])
  900. def __annotate_block_with_odml(self, bl):
  901. """
  902. Annotates block with metadata from odml file.
  903. """
  904. sec = self.odmldoc['Project']
  905. bl.annotate(
  909. sec = self.odmldoc['Project']['TaskDesigns']
  910. bl.annotate(taskdesigns=[v for v in['UsedDesign'].values])
  911. sec = self.odmldoc['Subject']
  912. bl.annotate(
  916. subject_birthday=str(
  917.['Birthday'].values)) # datetime is not a valid annotation dtype
  918. sec = self.odmldoc['Setup']
  919. bl.annotate(['Location'].values)
  920. sec = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']
  921. bl.annotate(['SerialNo'].values)
  922. sec = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Connector']
  923. bl.annotate(['Style'].values)
  924. sec = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Array']
  925. bl.annotate(['GridCount'].values)
  926. sec = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Array']['Grid_01']
  927. bl.annotate(
  929. electrodes_pitch=pq.Quantity(
  934. secs = self.odmldoc['UtahArray']['Array'].sections
  935. bl.annotate(avail_electrode_ids=self.avail_electrode_ids)
  936. # TODO: add list of behavioral channels
  937. # bl.annotate(avail_behavsig_indexes=[])
  938. def __correct_filter_shifts(self, asig):
  939. if self.odmldoc and asig.annotations['neural_signal']:
  940. # assert all signals are originating from same nsx file
  941. if len(np.unique(asig.array_annotations['nsx'])) > 1:
  942. raise ValueError('Multiple nsx file origins (%s) in single AnalogSignal'
  943. ''.format(asig.array_annotations['nsx']))
  944. # Get and correct for shifts
  945. filter_name = 'Filter_ns%i' % asig.array_annotations['nsx'][0] # use nsx of 1st signal
  946. sec = self.odmldoc['Cerebus']['NeuralSignalProcessor']['NeuralSignals'][filter_name]
  947. shift = pq.Quantity(
  950. asig.t_start = asig.t_start - shift
  951. # Annotate shift
  952. asig.annotate(filter_shift_correction=shift)
  953. def __merge_digital_analog_events(self, events):
  954. """
  955. Merge the two event arrays AnalogTrialEvents and DigitalTrialEvents
  956. into one common event array TrialEvents.
  957. """
  958. event_name = []
  959. event_time = None
  960. trial_id = []
  961. trial_timestamp_id = []
  962. performance_code = []
  963. performance_str = []
  964. trial_type = []
  965. for event in events:
  966. if in ['AnalogTrialEvents', 'DigitalTrialEvents']:
  967. # Extract event times
  968. if event_time is None:
  969. event_time = event.times.magnitude.flatten()
  970. event_units = event.times.units
  971. else:
  972. event_time = np.concatenate((
  973. event_time,
  974. event.times.rescale(event_units).magnitude.flatten()))
  975. # Transfer annotations
  976. trial_id.extend(
  977. event.array_annotations['trial_id'])
  978. trial_timestamp_id.extend(
  979. event.array_annotations['trial_timestamp_id'])
  980. performance_code.extend(
  981. event.array_annotations['performance_in_trial'])
  982. performance_str.extend(
  983. event.array_annotations['performance_in_trial_str'])
  984. trial_type.extend(
  985. event.array_annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'])
  986. event_name.extend(
  987. event.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'])
  988. # Sort time stamps and save sort order
  989. sort_idx = np.argsort(event_time)
  990. event_time = event_time[sort_idx]
  991. # Create event object with analog events
  992. merged_event = neo.Event(
  993. times=pq.Quantity(event_time, units=event_units),
  994. labels=np.array([event_name[_] for _ in sort_idx]),
  995. name='TrialEvents',
  996. description='All trial events (digital and analog)')
  997. merged_event.array_annotate(
  998. trial_id=[trial_id[_] for _ in sort_idx],
  999. trial_timestamp_id=[trial_timestamp_id[_] for _ in sort_idx],
  1000. performance_in_trial=[performance_code[_] for _ in sort_idx],
  1001. performance_in_trial_str=[performance_str[_] for _ in sort_idx],
  1002. belongs_to_trialtype=[trial_type[_] for _ in sort_idx],
  1003. trial_event_labels=[event_name[_] for _ in sort_idx])
  1004. return merged_event
  1005. def read_block(
  1006. self, index=None, block_index=0, name=None, description=None, nsx_to_load='none',
  1007. n_starts=None, n_stops=None, channels=range(1, 97), units='none',
  1008. load_waveforms=False, load_events=False, scaling='raw',
  1009. correct_filter_shifts=True, lazy=False, cascade=True, **kwargs):
  1010. """
  1011. Reads file contents as a Neo Block.
  1012. The Block contains one Segment for each entry in zip(n_starts,
  1013. n_stops). If these parameters are not specified, the default is
  1014. to store all data in one Segment.
  1015. The Block contains one ChannelIndex per channel.
  1016. Args:
  1017. index (None, int): DEPRECATED
  1018. If not None, index of block is set to user input.
  1019. block_index (int):
  1020. Index of block to load.
  1021. name (None, str):
  1022. If None, name is set to default, otherwise it is set to user
  1023. input.
  1024. description (None, str):
  1025. If None, description is set to default, otherwise it is set to
  1026. user input.
  1027. nsx_to_load (int, list, str): DEPRECATED
  1028. ID(s) of nsx file(s) from which to load data, e.g., if set to
  1029. 5 only data from the ns5 file are loaded. If 'none' or empty
  1030. list, no nsx files and therefore no analog signals are loaded.
  1031. If 'all', data from all available nsx are loaded.
  1032. n_starts (None, Quantity, list): DEPRECATED
  1033. Start times for data in each segment. Number of entries must be
  1034. equal to length of n_stops. If None, intrinsic recording start
  1035. times of files set are used.
  1036. n_stops (None, Quantity, list): DEPRECATED
  1037. Stop times for data in each segment. Number of entries must be
  1038. equal to length of n_starts. If None, intrinsic recording stop
  1039. times of files set are used.
  1040. channels (int, list, str): DEPRECATED
  1041. Channel id(s) from which to load data. If 'none' or empty list,
  1042. no channels and therefore no analog signal or spiketrains are
  1043. loaded. If 'all', all available channels are loaded. By
  1044. default, all neural channels (1-96) are loaded.
  1045. units (int, list, str, dict): DEPRECATED
  1046. ID(s) of unit(s) to load. If 'none' or empty list, no units and
  1047. therefore no spiketrains are loaded. If 'all', all available
  1048. units are loaded. If dict, the above can be specified
  1049. individually for each channel (keys), e.g. {1: 5, 2: 'all'}
  1050. loads unit 5 from channel 1 and all units from channel 2.
  1051. load_waveforms (boolean):
  1052. Control SpikeTrains.waveforms is None or not.
  1053. Default: False
  1054. load_events (boolean): DEPRECATED
  1055. If True, all recorded events are loaded.
  1056. scaling (str): DEPRECATED
  1057. Determines whether time series of individual
  1058. electrodes/channels are returned as AnalogSignals containing
  1059. raw integer samples ('raw'), or scaled to arrays of floats
  1060. representing voltage ('voltage'). Note that for file
  1061. specification 2.1 and lower, the option 'voltage' requires a
  1062. nev file to be present.
  1063. correct_filter_shifts (bool):
  1064. If True, shifts of the online-filtered neural signals (e.g.,
  1065. ns2, channels 1-128) are corrected by time-shifting the signal
  1066. by a heuristically determined estimate stored in the metadata,
  1067. in the property EstimatedShift, under the path
  1068. /Cerebus/NeuralSignalProcessor/NeuralSignals/Filter_nsX/
  1069. lazy (bool):
  1070. If True, only the shape of the data is loaded.
  1071. cascade (bool or "lazy"): DEPRECATED
  1072. If True, only the block without children is returned.
  1073. kwargs:
  1074. Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the BlackrockIO.
  1075. Returns:
  1076. Block (neo.segment.Block):
  1077. Block linking to all loaded Neo objects.
  1078. Block annotations:
  1079. avail_file_set (list of str):
  1080. List of file extensions of the files found to be
  1081. associated to the project, and which are used in
  1082. loading the data, e.g., ccf, odml, nev, ns2,...
  1083. avail_nsx (list of int):
  1084. List of integers specifying the .nsX files available,
  1085. e.g., [2, 5] indicates that an ns2 and and ns5 file are
  1086. available.
  1087. avail_nev (bool):
  1088. True if a .nev file is available.
  1089. avail_ccf (bool):
  1090. True if a .ccf file is available.
  1091. avail_sif (bool):
  1092. True if a .sif file is available.
  1093. nb_segments (int):
  1094. Number of segments created after merging recording
  1095. times specified by user with the intrinsic ones of the
  1096. file set.
  1097. project_name (str):
  1098. Identifier for the project/experiment.
  1099. project_type (str):
  1100. Identifier for the type of project/experiment.
  1101. project_subtype (str):
  1102. Identifier of the subtype of the project/experiment.
  1103. taskdesigns (list of str):
  1104. List of strings identifying the task designed presented
  1105. during the recording. The standard task reach-to-grasp
  1106. is denoted by the string "TwoCues".
  1107. conditions (list of int):
  1108. List of condition codes (each code describing the set
  1109. of trial types presented to the subject during a
  1110. segment of the recording) present during the recording.
  1111. For a mapping of condition codes to trial types, see
  1112. the condition_str attribute of the ReachGraspIO class.
  1113. subject_name (str):
  1114. Name of the recorded subject.
  1115. subject_gender (bool):
  1116. 'male' or 'female'.
  1117. subject_birthday (datetime):
  1118. Birthday of the recorded subject.
  1119. subject_activehand (str):
  1120. Handedness of the subject.
  1121. setup_location (str):
  1122. Physical location of the recording setup.
  1123. avail_electrode_ids (list of int):
  1124. List of length 100 of electrode channel IDs (Blackrock
  1125. IDs) ordered corresponding to the connector-aligned
  1126. linear electrode IDs. The connector-aligned IDs start
  1127. at 1 in the bottom left corner, and increase from left
  1128. to right, and from bottom to top assuming the array is
  1129. placed in front of the observer pins facing down,
  1130. connector extruding to the right:
  1131. 91 92 ... 99 100 \
  1132. 81 82 ... 89 90 \
  1133. ... ... --- Connector Wires
  1134. 11 12 ... 19 20 /
  1135. 1 2 ... 9 10 /
  1136. Thus,
  1137. avail_electrode_ids[k-1]
  1138. is the Blackrock channel ID corresponding to connector-
  1139. aligned ID k. Unconnected/unavailable channels are
  1140. marked by -1.
  1141. arraygrids_tot_num (int):
  1142. Number of Utah arrays (not necessarily all connected).
  1143. electrodes_tot_num (int):
  1144. Number of electrodes of the Utah array (not necessarily
  1145. all connected).
  1146. electrodes_pitch (float):
  1147. Distance in micrometers between neighboring electrodes
  1148. in one row/column.
  1149. array_serial_num (str):
  1150. Serial number of the recording array.
  1151. array_grid_col_num, array_grid_row_num (int):
  1152. Number of columns / rows of the array.
  1153. connector_type (str):
  1154. Type of connector used for recording.
  1155. rec_pauses (bool):
  1156. True if the session contains a recording pause (i.e.,
  1157. multiple segments).
  1158. Segment annotations:
  1159. condition (int):
  1160. Condition code (describing the set of trial types
  1161. presented to the subject) of this segment. For a
  1162. mapping of condition codes to trial types, see the
  1163. condition_str attribute of the ReachGraspIO class.
  1164. ChannelIndex annotations:
  1165. connector_aligned_id (int):
  1166. Connector-aligned channel ID from which the spikes were
  1167. loaded. This is a channel ID between 1 and 100 that is
  1168. related to the location of an electrode on the Utah
  1169. array and thus common across different arrays
  1170. (independent of the Blackrock channel ID). The ID
  1171. considers a top-view of the array with the connector
  1172. wires extruding to the right. Electrodes are then
  1173. numbered from bottom left to top right:
  1174. 91 92 ... 99 100 \
  1175. 81 82 ... 89 90 \
  1176. ... ... --- Connector Wires
  1177. 11 12 ... 19 20 /
  1178. 1 2 ... 9 10 /
  1179. Note: The Blackrock IDs are given in the 'channel_ids'
  1180. property of the ChannelIndex object.
  1181. waveform_size (Quantitiy):
  1182. Length of time used to save spike waveforms (in units
  1183. of 1/30000 s).
  1184. nev_hi_freq_corner (Quantitiy),
  1185. nev_lo_freq_corner (Quantitiy),
  1186. nev_hi_freq_order (int), nev_lo_freq_order (int),
  1187. nev_hi_freq_type (str), nev_lo_freq_type (str),
  1188. nev_hi_threshold, nev_lo_threshold,
  1189. nev_energy_threshold (Quantity):
  1190. Indicates parameters of spike detection.
  1191. nev_dig_factor (int):
  1192. Digitization factor in microvolts of the nev file, used
  1193. to convert raw samples to volt.
  1194. connector_ID, connector_pinID (int):
  1195. ID of connector and pin on the connector where the
  1196. channel was recorded from.
  1197. nb_sorted_units (int):
  1198. Number of sorted units on this channel (noise, mua and
  1199. sua).
  1200. electrode_reject_XXX (bool):
  1201. For different filter ranges XXX (as defined in the odML
  1202. file), if this variable is True it indicates whether
  1203. the spikes were recorded on an electrode that should be
  1204. rejected based on preprocessing analysis for removing
  1205. electrodes due to noise/artefacts in the respective
  1206. frequency range.
  1207. Unit annotations:
  1208. coordinates (Quantity):
  1209. Contains the x and y coordinate of the electrode in mm
  1210. (spacing: 0.4mm). The coordinates use the same
  1211. representation as the connector_aligned_id with the
  1212. origin located at the bottom left electrode. Thus,
  1213. e.g., connector aligned ID 14 is at coordinates:
  1214. (1.2 mm, 0.4 mm)
  1215. unit_id (int):
  1216. ID of the unit.
  1217. channel_id (int):
  1218. Channel ID (Blackrock ID) from which the unit was
  1219. loaded (equiv. to the single list entry in the
  1220. attribute channel_ids of ChannelIndex parent).
  1221. connector_aligned_id (int):
  1222. Connector-aligned channel ID from which the unit was
  1223. loaded. This is a channel ID between 1 and 100 that is
  1224. related to the location of an electrode on the Utah
  1225. array and thus common across different arrays
  1226. (independent of the Blackrock channel ID). The ID
  1227. considers a top-view of the array with the connector
  1228. wires extruding to the right. Electrodes are then
  1229. numbered from bottom left to top right:
  1230. 91 92 ... 99 100 \
  1231. 81 82 ... 89 90 \
  1232. ... ... --- Connector Wires
  1233. 11 12 ... 19 20 /
  1234. 1 2 ... 9 10 /
  1235. electrode_reject_XXX (bool):
  1236. For different filter ranges XXX (as defined in the odML
  1237. file), if this variable is True it indicates whether
  1238. the spikes were recorded on an electrode that should be
  1239. rejected based on preprocessing analysis for removing
  1240. electrodes due to noise/artefacts in the respective
  1241. frequency range.
  1242. noise, mua, sua (bool):
  1243. True, if the unit is classified as a noise unit, i.e.,
  1244. not considered neural activity (noise), a multi-unit
  1245. (mua), or a single unit (sua).
  1246. SNR (float):
  1247. Signal to noise ratio of SUA/MUA waveforms. A higher
  1248. value indicates that the unit could be better
  1249. distinguished in the spike detection and spike sorting
  1250. procedure.
  1251. spike_duration (float):
  1252. Approximate duration of the spikes of SUAs/MUAs in
  1253. microseconds.
  1254. spike_amplitude (float):
  1255. Maximum amplitude of the spike waveform.
  1256. spike_count (int):
  1257. Number of spikes sorted into this unit.
  1258. AnalogSignal annotations:
  1259. nsx (int):
  1260. nsX file the signal was loaded from, e.g., 5 indicates
  1261. the .ns5 file.
  1262. channel_id (int):
  1263. Channel ID (Blackrock ID) from which the signal was
  1264. loaded.
  1265. connector_aligned_id (int):
  1266. Connector-aligned channel ID from which the signal was
  1267. loaded. This is a channel ID between 1 and 100 that is
  1268. related to the location of an electrode on the Utah
  1269. array and thus common across different arrays
  1270. (independent of the Blackrock channel ID). The ID
  1271. considers a top-view of the array with the connector
  1272. wires extruding to the right. Electrodes are then
  1273. numbered from bottom left to top right:
  1274. 91 92 ... 99 100 \
  1275. 81 82 ... 89 90 \
  1276. ... ... --- Connector Wires
  1277. 11 12 ... 19 20 /
  1278. 1 2 ... 9 10 /
  1279. electrode_reject_XXX (bool):
  1280. For different filter ranges XXX (as defined in the odML
  1281. file), if this variable is True it indicates whether
  1282. the spikes were recorded on an electrode that should be
  1283. rejected based on preprocessing analysis for removing
  1284. electrodes due to noise/artefacts in the respective
  1285. frequency range.
  1286. filter_shift_correction (Quantity):
  1287. If the parameter correct_filter_shift is True, and a
  1288. shift estimate was found in the odML, this annotation
  1289. indicates the amount of time by which the signal was
  1290. shifted. I.e., adding this number to t_start will
  1291. result in the uncorrected, originally recorded time
  1292. axis.
  1293. Spiketrain annotations:
  1294. unit_id (int):
  1295. ID of the unit from which the spikes were recorded.
  1296. channel_id (int):
  1297. Channel ID (Blackrock ID) from which the spikes were
  1298. loaded.
  1299. connector_aligned_id (int):
  1300. Connector-aligned channel ID from which the spikes were
  1301. loaded. This is a channel ID between 1 and 100 that is
  1302. related to the location of an electrode on the Utah
  1303. array and thus common across different arrays
  1304. (independent of the Blackrock channel ID). The ID
  1305. considers a top-view of the array with the connector
  1306. wires extruding to the right. Electrodes are then
  1307. numbered from bottom left to top right:
  1308. 91 92 ... 99 100 \
  1309. 81 82 ... 89 90 \
  1310. ... ... --- Connector Wires
  1311. 11 12 ... 19 20 /
  1312. 1 2 ... 9 10 /
  1313. electrode_reject_XXX (bool):
  1314. For different filter ranges XXX (as defined in the odML
  1315. file), if this variable is True it indicates whether
  1316. the spikes were recorded on an electrode that should be
  1317. rejected based on preprocessing analysis for removing
  1318. electrodes due to noise/artefacts in the respective
  1319. frequency range.
  1320. noise, mua, sua (bool):
  1321. True, if the unit is classified as a noise unit, i.e.,
  1322. not considered neural activity (noise), a multi-unit
  1323. (mua), or a single unit (sua).
  1324. SNR (float):
  1325. Signal to noise ratio of SUA/MUA waveforms. A higher
  1326. value indicates that the unit could be better
  1327. distinguished in the spike detection and spike sorting
  1328. procedure.
  1329. spike_duration (float):
  1330. Approximate duration of the spikes of SUAs/MUAs in
  1331. microseconds.
  1332. spike_amplitude (float):
  1333. Maximum amplitude of the spike waveform.
  1334. spike_count (int):
  1335. Number of spikes sorted into this unit.
  1336. Event annotations:
  1337. The resulting Block contains three Event objects with the
  1338. following names:
  1339. 'DigitalTrialEvents' contains all digitally recorded events
  1340. returned by BlackrockIO, annotated with semantic labels
  1341. in accordance with the reach-to-grasp experiment (e.g.,
  1342. 'TS-ON').
  1343. 'AnalogTrialEvents' contains events extracted from the
  1344. analog behavioral signals during preprocessing and
  1345. stored in the odML (e.g., 'OT').
  1346. 'TrialEvents' contains all events of DigitalTrialEvents and
  1347. AnalogTrialEvents merged into a single Neo object.
  1348. Each annotation is a list containing one entry per time
  1349. point stored in the event.
  1350. trial_event_labels (list of str):
  1351. Name identifying the name of the event, e.g., 'TS-ON'.
  1352. trial_id (list of int):
  1353. Trial ID the event belongs to.
  1354. trial_timestamp_id (list of int):
  1355. Timestamp-based trial ID (equivalent to the time of TS-
  1356. ON of a trial) the event belongs to.
  1357. belongs_to_trialtype (str):
  1358. String identifying the trial type (e.g., SGHF) the
  1359. trial belongs to.
  1360. performance_in_trial (list of int):
  1361. Performance code of the trial that the event belongs
  1362. to. Compare to the performance_codes and
  1363. performance_str attributes of ReachGraspIO class.
  1364. trial_reject_XXX:
  1365. For different filter ranges XXX (defined in the odML
  1366. file), if True this variable indicates whether the
  1367. trial was rejected based on preprocessing analysis.
  1368. """
  1369. if not name:
  1370. name = 'Reachgrasp Recording Data Block'
  1371. if not description:
  1372. description = "Block of reach-to-grasp project data from Blackrock file set."
  1373. if index is not None:
  1374. warnings.warn('`index` is deprecated and will be replaced by `block_index`.')
  1375. if nsx_to_load != 'none':
  1376. warnings.warn('`nsx_to_load` is deprecated for `read_block`. '
  1377. 'Specify `nsx_to_load when initializing the IO or use lazy loading.')
  1378. if n_starts is not None:
  1379. warnings.warn('`n_starts` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1380. if n_stops is not None:
  1381. warnings.warn('`n_stops` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1382. if channels != range(1, 97):
  1383. warnings.warn('`channels` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1384. if units != 'none':
  1385. warnings.warn('`units` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1386. if load_events is not False:
  1387. warnings.warn('`load_events` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1388. if scaling != 'raw':
  1389. warnings.warn('`scaling` is deprecated.')
  1390. if cascade is not True:
  1391. warnings.warn('`cascade` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1392. # Load neo block
  1393. bl = BlackrockIO.read_block(
  1394. self, block_index=block_index, load_waveforms=load_waveforms, lazy=lazy, **kwargs)
  1395. if name is not None:
  1396. = name
  1397. if description is not None:
  1398. bl.description = description
  1399. bl.annotate(conditions=[])
  1400. for seg in bl.segments:
  1401. if 'condition' in list(seg.annotations):
  1402. bl.annotations['conditions'].append(seg.annotations['condition'])
  1403. ch_dict = self.__create_channel_views(bl)
  1404. self.__create_unit_groups(bl, ch_dict)
  1405. if self.odmldoc:
  1406. self.__annotate_block_with_odml(bl)
  1407. self.__annotate_channel_infos(bl)
  1408. self.__annotate_units_with_odml(bl.groups)
  1409. return bl
  1410. def read_segment(
  1411. self, block_index=0, seg_index=0, name=None, description=None, index=None,
  1412. nsx_to_load='none', channels=range(1, 97), units='none',
  1413. load_waveforms=False, load_events=False, scaling='raw',
  1414. correct_filter_shifts=True, lazy=False, cascade=True, **kwargs):
  1415. """
  1416. Reads file contents as a Neo Block.
  1417. The Block contains one Segment for each entry in zip(n_starts,
  1418. n_stops). If these parameters are not specified, the default is
  1419. to store all data in one Segment.
  1420. The Block contains one ChannelIndex per channel.
  1421. Args:
  1422. n_start (Quantity): DEPRECATED
  1423. Start time of maximum time range of signals contained in this
  1424. segment. Deprecated, use lazy loading instead.
  1425. n_stop (Quantity): DEPRECATED
  1426. Stop time of maximum time range of signals contained in this
  1427. segment. Deprecated, use lazy loading instead.
  1428. name (None, string):
  1429. If None, name is set to default, otherwise it is set to user
  1430. input.
  1431. description (None, string):
  1432. If None, description is set to default, otherwise it is set to
  1433. user input.
  1434. index (None, int): DEPRECATED
  1435. If not None, index of segment is set to user index.
  1436. Deprecated, use `seg_index` instead.
  1437. nsx_to_load (int, list, str):
  1438. ID(s) of nsx file(s) from which to load data, e.g., if set to
  1439. 5 only data from the ns5 file are loaded. If 'none' or empty
  1440. list, no nsx files and therefore no analog signals are loaded.
  1441. If 'all', data from all available nsx are loaded.
  1442. channels (int, list, str): DEPRECATED
  1443. Channel id(s) from which to load data. If 'none' or empty list,
  1444. no channels and therefore no analog signal or spiketrains are
  1445. loaded. If 'all', all available channels are loaded. By
  1446. default, all neural channels (1-96) are loaded.
  1447. units (int, list, str, dict): DEPRECATED
  1448. ID(s) of unit(s) to load. If 'none' or empty list, no units and
  1449. therefore no spiketrains are loaded. If 'all', all available
  1450. units are loaded. If dict, the above can be specified
  1451. individually for each channel (keys), e.g. {1: 5, 2: 'all'}
  1452. loads unit 5 from channel 1 and all units from channel 2.
  1453. load_waveforms (boolean):
  1454. If True, waveforms are attached to all loaded spiketrains.
  1455. load_events (boolean): DEPRECATED
  1456. If True, all recorded events are loaded.
  1457. scaling (str): DEPRECATED
  1458. Determines whether time series of individual
  1459. electrodes/channels are returned as AnalogSignals containing
  1460. raw integer samples ('raw'), or scaled to arrays of floats
  1461. representing voltage ('voltage'). Note that for file
  1462. specification 2.1 and lower, the option 'voltage' requires a
  1463. nev file to be present.
  1464. correct_filter_shifts (bool):
  1465. If True, shifts of the online-filtered neural signals (e.g.,
  1466. ns2, channels 1-128) are corrected by time-shifting the signal
  1467. by a heuristically determined estimate stored in the metadata,
  1468. in the property EstimatedShift, under the path
  1469. /Cerebus/NeuralSignalProcessor/NeuralSignals/Filter_nsX/
  1470. lazy (boolean):
  1471. If True, only the shape of the data is loaded.
  1472. cascade (boolean): DEPRECATED
  1473. If True, only the segment without children is returned.
  1474. kwargs:
  1475. Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the BlackrockIO.
  1476. Returns:
  1477. Segment (neo.segment.Segment):
  1478. Segment linking to all loaded Neo objects. See documentation of
  1479. read_block() for a full list of annotations per Neo object.
  1480. """
  1481. if index is not None:
  1482. warnings.warn('`index` is deprecated and will be replaced by `segment_index`.')
  1483. if nsx_to_load != 'none':
  1484. warnings.warn('`nsx_to_load` is deprecated for `read_block`. '
  1485. 'Specify `nsx_to_load when initializing the IO or use lazy loading.')
  1486. if channels != range(1, 97):
  1487. warnings.warn('`channels` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1488. if units != 'none':
  1489. warnings.warn('`units` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1490. if load_events is not False:
  1491. warnings.warn('`load_events` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1492. if scaling != 'raw':
  1493. warnings.warn('`scaling` is deprecated.')
  1494. if cascade is not True:
  1495. warnings.warn('`cascade` is deprecated. Use lazy loading instead.')
  1496. # Load neo block
  1497. seg = BlackrockIO.read_segment(
  1498. self, block_index=block_index, seg_index=seg_index, load_waveforms=load_waveforms,
  1499. lazy=lazy, **kwargs)
  1500. if name is not None:
  1501. = name
  1502. if description is not None:
  1503. seg.description = description
  1504. # load data of all events and epochs
  1505. for ev_idx, event in enumerate(
  1506. if hasattr(event, 'load'):
  1507.[ev_idx] = event.load()
  1508.[ev_idx].segment = seg
  1509. for ep_idx, epoch in enumerate(seg.epochs):
  1510. if hasattr(epoch, 'load'):
  1511. seg.epochs[ep_idx] = epoch.load()
  1512. seg.epochs[ep_idx].segment = seg
  1513. for asig in seg.analogsignals:
  1514. self.__annotate_analogsignals_with_odml(asig)
  1515. if correct_filter_shifts:
  1516. self.__correct_filter_shifts(asig)
  1517. for st in seg.spiketrains:
  1518. self.__annotate_electrode_rejections(st)
  1519. for ev in
  1520. # Modify digital trial events to include semantic event information
  1521. if == 'digital_input_port':
  1522. self.__annotate_dig_trial_events(ev)
  1523. self.__add_rejection_to_event(ev)
  1524. cnd = self.__extract_task_condition(ev.array_annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'])
  1525. seg.annotate(condition=cnd)
  1526. # If digital trial events exist, extract analog events from odML
  1527. # and create one common event array
  1528. if len( > 0 and self.odmldoc:
  1529. analog_event = self.__extract_analog_events_from_odml(seg.t_start, seg.t_stop)
  1530. self.__add_rejection_to_event(analog_event)
  1532. merged_event = self.__merge_digital_analog_events(
  1533. self.__add_rejection_to_event(merged_event)
  1535. return seg
  1536. if __name__ == '__main__':
  1537. pass