123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462 |
- '''
- Generate datasets for testing
- '''
- from datetime import datetime
- import numpy as np
- from numpy.random import rand
- import quantities as pq
- from neo.core import (AnalogSignal, Block, Epoch, Event, IrregularlySampledSignal, ChannelIndex,
- Segment, SpikeTrain, Unit, ImageSequence, CircularRegionOfInterest,
- RectangularRegionOfInterest, PolygonRegionOfInterest, class_by_name)
- from neo.core.baseneo import _container_name
- from neo.core.dataobject import DataObject
- TEST_ANNOTATIONS = [1, 0, 1.5, "this is a test", datetime.fromtimestamp(424242424), None]
- def generate_one_simple_block(block_name='block_0', nb_segment=3, supported_objects=[], **kws):
- if supported_objects and Block not in supported_objects:
- raise ValueError('Block must be in supported_objects')
- bl = Block() # name = block_name)
- objects = supported_objects
- if Segment in objects:
- for s in range(nb_segment):
- seg = generate_one_simple_segment(seg_name="seg" + str(s), supported_objects=objects,
- **kws)
- bl.segments.append(seg)
- # if RecordingChannel in objects:
- # populate_RecordingChannel(bl)
- bl.create_many_to_one_relationship()
- return bl
- def generate_one_simple_segment(seg_name='segment 0', supported_objects=[], nb_analogsignal=4,
- t_start=0. * pq.s, sampling_rate=10 * pq.kHz, duration=6. * pq.s,
- nb_spiketrain=6, spikerate_range=[.5 * pq.Hz, 12 * pq.Hz],
- event_types={'stim': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
- 'enter_zone': ['one', 'two'],
- 'color': ['black', 'yellow', 'green'], },
- event_size_range=[5, 20],
- epoch_types={'animal state': ['Sleep', 'Freeze', 'Escape'],
- 'light': ['dark', 'lighted']},
- epoch_duration_range=[.5, 3.],
- # this should be multiplied by pq.s, no?
- array_annotations={'valid': np.array([True, False]),
- 'number': np.array(range(5))}
- ):
- if supported_objects and Segment not in supported_objects:
- raise ValueError('Segment must be in supported_objects')
- seg = Segment(name=seg_name)
- if AnalogSignal in supported_objects:
- for a in range(nb_analogsignal):
- anasig = AnalogSignal(rand(int((sampling_rate * duration).simplified)),
- sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
- t_start=t_start, units=pq.mV, channel_index=a,
- name='sig %d for segment %s' % (a, seg.name))
- seg.analogsignals.append(anasig)
- if SpikeTrain in supported_objects:
- for s in range(nb_spiketrain):
- spikerate = rand() * np.diff(spikerate_range)
- spikerate += spikerate_range[0].magnitude
- # spikedata = rand(int((spikerate*duration).simplified))*duration
- # sptr = SpikeTrain(spikedata,
- # t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_start+duration)
- # #, name = 'spiketrain %d'%s)
- spikes = rand(int((spikerate * duration).simplified))
- spikes.sort() # spikes are supposed to be an ascending sequence
- sptr = SpikeTrain(spikes * duration, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_start + duration)
- sptr.annotations['channel_index'] = s
- # Randomly generate array_annotations from given options
- arr_ann = {key: value[(rand(len(spikes)) * len(value)).astype('i')] for (key, value) in
- array_annotations.items()}
- sptr.array_annotate(**arr_ann)
- seg.spiketrains.append(sptr)
- if Event in supported_objects:
- for name, labels in event_types.items():
- evt_size = rand() * np.diff(event_size_range)
- evt_size += event_size_range[0]
- evt_size = int(evt_size)
- labels = np.array(labels, dtype='U')
- labels = labels[(rand(evt_size) * len(labels)).astype('i')]
- evt = Event(times=rand(evt_size) * duration, labels=labels)
- # Randomly generate array_annotations from given options
- arr_ann = {key: value[(rand(evt_size) * len(value)).astype('i')] for (key, value) in
- array_annotations.items()}
- evt.array_annotate(**arr_ann)
- seg.events.append(evt)
- if Epoch in supported_objects:
- for name, labels in epoch_types.items():
- t = 0
- times = []
- durations = []
- while t < duration:
- times.append(t)
- dur = rand() * (epoch_duration_range[1] - epoch_duration_range[0])
- dur += epoch_duration_range[0]
- durations.append(dur)
- t = t + dur
- labels = np.array(labels, dtype='U')
- labels = labels[(rand(len(times)) * len(labels)).astype('i')]
- assert len(times) == len(durations)
- assert len(times) == len(labels)
- epc = Epoch(times=pq.Quantity(times, units=pq.s),
- durations=pq.Quantity(durations, units=pq.s),
- labels=labels,)
- assert epc.times.dtype == 'float'
- # Randomly generate array_annotations from given options
- arr_ann = {key: value[(rand(len(times)) * len(value)).astype('i')] for (key, value) in
- array_annotations.items()}
- epc.array_annotate(**arr_ann)
- seg.epochs.append(epc)
- # TODO : Spike, Event
- seg.create_many_to_one_relationship()
- return seg
- def generate_from_supported_objects(supported_objects):
- # ~ create_many_to_one_relationship
- if not supported_objects:
- raise ValueError('No objects specified')
- objects = supported_objects
- if Block in supported_objects:
- higher = generate_one_simple_block(supported_objects=objects)
- # Chris we do not create RC and RCG if it is not in objects # there is a test in
- # generate_one_simple_block so I removed # finalize_block(higher)
- elif Segment in objects:
- higher = generate_one_simple_segment(supported_objects=objects)
- else:
- # TODO
- return None
- higher.create_many_to_one_relationship()
- return higher
- def get_fake_value(name, datatype, dim=0, dtype='float', seed=None, units=None, obj=None, n=None,
- shape=None):
- """
- Returns default value for a given attribute based on neo.core
- If seed is not None, use the seed to set the random number generator.
- """
- if not obj:
- obj = 'TestObject'
- elif not hasattr(obj, 'lower'):
- obj = obj.__name__
- if (name in ['name', 'file_origin', 'description'] and (datatype != str or dim)):
- raise ValueError('{} must be str, not a {}D {}'.format(name, dim, datatype))
- if name == 'file_origin':
- return 'test_file.txt'
- if name == 'name':
- return '{}{}'.format(obj, get_fake_value('', datatype, seed=seed))
- if name == 'description':
- return 'test {} {}'.format(obj, get_fake_value('', datatype, seed=seed))
- if seed is not None:
- np.random.seed(seed)
- if datatype == str:
- return str(np.random.randint(100000))
- if datatype == int:
- return np.random.randint(100)
- if datatype == float:
- return 1000. * np.random.random()
- if datatype == datetime:
- return datetime.fromtimestamp(1000000000 * np.random.random())
- if (name in ['t_start', 't_stop', 'sampling_rate'] and (datatype != pq.Quantity or dim)):
- raise ValueError('{} must be a 0D Quantity, not a {}D {}'.format(name, dim, datatype))
- # only put array types below here
- if units is not None:
- pass
- elif name in ['t_start', 't_stop', 'time', 'times', 'duration', 'durations']:
- units = pq.millisecond
- elif name == 'sampling_rate':
- units = pq.Hz
- elif datatype == pq.Quantity:
- units = np.random.choice(['nA', 'mA', 'A', 'mV', 'V'])
- units = getattr(pq, units)
- if name == 'sampling_rate':
- data = np.array(10000.0)
- elif name == 't_start':
- data = np.array(0.0)
- elif name == 't_stop':
- data = np.array(1.0)
- elif n and name in ['channel_indexes', 'channel_ids']:
- data = np.arange(n)
- elif n and name == 'coordinates':
- data = np.arange(0, 2*n).reshape((n, 2))
- elif n and name == 'channel_names':
- data = np.array(["ch%d" % i for i in range(n)])
- elif n and name == 'index': # ChannelIndex.index
- data = np.random.randint(0, n, n)
- elif n and obj == 'AnalogSignal':
- if name == 'signal':
- size = []
- for _ in range(int(dim)):
- size.append(np.random.randint(5) + 1)
- size[1] = n
- data = np.random.random(size) * 1000.
- else:
- size = []
- for _ in range(int(dim)):
- if shape is None:
- # To ensure consistency, times, labels and durations need to have the same size
- if name in ["times", "labels", "durations"]:
- size.append(5)
- else:
- size.append(np.random.randint(5) + 1)
- else:
- size.append(shape)
- data = np.random.random(size)
- if name not in ['time', 'times']:
- data *= 1000.
- if np.dtype(dtype) != np.float64:
- data = data.astype(dtype)
- if datatype == np.ndarray:
- return data
- if datatype == list:
- return data.tolist()
- if datatype == pq.Quantity:
- return data * units # set the units
- # Array annotations need to be a dict containing arrays
- if name == 'array_annotations' and datatype == dict:
- # Make sure that array annotations have the correct length
- if obj in ['AnalogSignal', 'IrregularlySampledSignal']:
- length = n if n is not None else 1
- elif obj in ['IrregularlySampledSignal', 'SpikeTrain', 'Epoch', 'Event']:
- length = n
- else:
- raise ValueError("This object cannot have array annotations")
- # Generate array annotations
- valid = np.array([True, False])
- number = np.arange(5)
- arr_ann = {'valid': valid[(rand(length) * len(valid)).astype('i')],
- 'number': number[(rand(length) * len(number)).astype('i')]}
- return arr_ann
- # we have gone through everything we know, so it must be something invalid
- raise ValueError('Unknown name/datatype combination {} {}'.format(name, datatype))
- def get_fake_values(cls, annotate=True, seed=None, n=None):
- """
- Returns a dict containing the default values for all attribute for
- a class from neo.core.
- If seed is not None, use the seed to set the random number generator.
- The seed is incremented by 1 for each successive object.
- If annotate is True (default), also add annotations to the values.
- """
- if hasattr(cls, 'lower'): # is this a test that cls is a string? better to use isinstance(cls,
- # basestring), no?
- cls = class_by_name[cls]
- # iseed is needed below for generation of array annotations
- iseed = None
- kwargs = {} # assign attributes
- for i, attr in enumerate(cls._necessary_attrs + cls._recommended_attrs):
- if seed is not None:
- iseed = seed + i
- kwargs[attr[0]] = get_fake_value(*attr, seed=iseed, obj=cls, n=n)
- if 'waveforms' in kwargs: # everything here is to force the kwargs to have len(time) ==
- # kwargs["waveforms"].shape[0]
- if len(kwargs["times"]) != kwargs["waveforms"].shape[0]:
- if len(kwargs["times"]) < kwargs["waveforms"].shape[0]:
- dif = kwargs["waveforms"].shape[0] - len(kwargs["times"])
- new_times = []
- for i in kwargs["times"].magnitude:
- new_times.append(i)
- np.random.seed(0)
- new_times = np.concatenate([new_times, np.random.random(dif)])
- kwargs["times"] = pq.Quantity(new_times, units=pq.ms)
- else:
- kwargs['times'] = kwargs['times'][:kwargs["waveforms"].shape[0]]
- # IrregularlySampledSignal
- if 'times' in kwargs and 'signal' in kwargs:
- kwargs['times'] = kwargs['times'][:len(kwargs['signal'])]
- kwargs['signal'] = kwargs['signal'][:len(kwargs['times'])]
- if annotate:
- kwargs.update(get_annotations())
- # Make sure that array annotations have the right length
- if cls in [IrregularlySampledSignal, AnalogSignal]:
- try:
- n = len(kwargs['signal'][0])
- # If only 1 signal, len(int) is called, this raises a TypeError
- except TypeError:
- n = 1
- elif cls in [SpikeTrain, Event, Epoch]:
- n = len(kwargs['times'])
- # Array annotate any DataObject except ImageSequence
- if issubclass(cls, DataObject) and cls is not ImageSequence:
- new_seed = iseed + 1 if iseed is not None else iseed
- kwargs['array_annotations'] = get_fake_value('array_annotations', dict, seed=new_seed,
- obj=cls, n=n)
- kwargs['seed'] = seed
- return kwargs
- def get_annotations():
- '''
- Returns a dict containing the default values for annotations for
- a class from neo.core.
- '''
- return {str(i): ann for i, ann in enumerate(TEST_ANNOTATIONS)}
- def fake_epoch(seed=None, n=1):
- """
- Create a fake Epoch.
- We use this separate function because the attributes of
- Epoch are not independent (must all have the same size)
- """
- kwargs = get_annotations()
- if seed is not None:
- np.random.seed(seed)
- size = np.random.randint(5, 15)
- for i, attr in enumerate(Epoch._necessary_attrs + Epoch._recommended_attrs):
- if seed is not None:
- iseed = seed + i
- else:
- iseed = None
- if attr[0] in ('times', 'durations', 'labels'):
- kwargs[attr[0]] = get_fake_value(*attr, seed=iseed, obj=Epoch, shape=size)
- else:
- kwargs[attr[0]] = get_fake_value(*attr, seed=iseed, obj=Epoch, n=n)
- kwargs['seed'] = seed
- obj = Epoch(**kwargs)
- return obj
- def fake_neo(obj_type="Block", cascade=True, seed=None, n=1):
- '''
- Create a fake NEO object of a given type. Follows one-to-many
- and many-to-many relationships if cascade.
- n (default=1) is the number of child objects of each type will be created.
- In cases like segment.spiketrains, there will be more than this number
- because there will be n for each unit, of which there will be n for
- each channelindex, of which there will be n.
- '''
- if hasattr(obj_type, 'lower'):
- cls = class_by_name[obj_type]
- else:
- cls = obj_type
- obj_type = obj_type.__name__
- if cls is Epoch:
- obj = fake_epoch(seed=seed, n=n)
- else:
- kwargs = get_fake_values(obj_type, annotate=True, seed=seed, n=n)
- obj = cls(**kwargs)
- # if not cascading, we don't need to do any of the stuff after this
- if not cascade:
- return obj
- # this is used to signal other containers that they shouldn't duplicate
- # data
- if obj_type == 'Block':
- cascade = 'block'
- for i, childname in enumerate(getattr(obj, '_child_objects', [])):
- # we create a few of each class
- if childname == 'Group':
- continue # avoid infinite recursion, since Groups can contain Groups
- for j in range(n):
- if seed is not None:
- iseed = 10 * seed + 100 * i + 1000 * j
- else:
- iseed = None
- child = fake_neo(obj_type=childname, cascade=cascade, seed=iseed, n=n)
- child.annotate(i=i, j=j)
- # if we are creating a block and this is the object's primary
- # parent, don't create the object, we will import it from secondary
- # containers later
- if (cascade == 'block' and len(child._parent_objects) > 0
- and obj_type != child._parent_objects[-1]):
- continue
- getattr(obj, _container_name(childname)).append(child)
- # need to manually create 'implicit' connections
- if obj_type == 'Block':
- # connect data objects to segment
- for i, chx in enumerate(obj.channel_indexes):
- for k, sigarr in enumerate(chx.analogsignals):
- obj.segments[k].analogsignals.append(sigarr)
- for k, sigarr in enumerate(chx.irregularlysampledsignals):
- obj.segments[k].irregularlysampledsignals.append(sigarr)
- for j, unit in enumerate(chx.units):
- for k, train in enumerate(unit.spiketrains):
- obj.segments[k].spiketrains.append(train)
- # elif obj_type == 'ChannelIndex':
- # inds = []
- # names = []
- # chinds = np.array([unit.channel_indexes[0] for unit in obj.units])
- # obj.indexes = np.array(inds, dtype='i')
- # obj.channel_names = np.array(names).astype('S')
- if hasattr(obj, 'create_many_to_one_relationship'):
- obj.create_many_to_one_relationship()
- return obj
- def clone_object(obj, n=None):
- '''
- Generate a new object and new objects with the same rules as the original.
- '''
- if hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not hasattr(obj, 'ndim'):
- return [clone_object(iobj, n=n) for iobj in obj]
- cascade = hasattr(obj, 'children') and len(obj.children)
- if n is not None:
- pass
- elif cascade:
- n = min(len(getattr(obj, cont)) for cont in obj._child_containers)
- else:
- n = 0
- seed = obj.annotations.get('seed', None)
- newobj = fake_neo(obj.__class__, cascade=cascade, seed=seed, n=n)
- if 'i' in obj.annotations:
- newobj.annotate(i=obj.annotations['i'], j=obj.annotations['j'])
- return newobj