Robin před 2 roky
100 změnil soubory, kde provedl 18627 přidání a 21 odebrání
  1. 0 1
  2. 29 0
  3. 10 2
  4. 452 0
  5. 80 0
  6. binární
  7. binární
  8. binární
  9. binární
  10. binární
  11. binární
  12. 3620 0
  13. 53 0
  14. 128 0
  15. 45 0
  16. 64 0
  17. 43 0
  18. 159 0
  19. 103 0
  20. 82 0
  21. 793 0
  22. 79 0
  23. 48 0
  24. 137 0
  25. binární
  26. binární
  27. binární
  28. binární
  29. binární
  30. binární
  31. binární
  32. binární
  33. binární
  34. binární
  35. binární
  36. binární
  37. 5056 0
  38. binární
  39. binární
  40. binární
  41. binární
  42. binární
  43. binární
  44. binární
  45. binární
  46. binární
  47. 538 0
  48. 540 0
  49. 540 0
  50. 540 0
  51. 540 0
  52. 540 0
  53. 540 0
  54. 540 0
  55. 657 0
  56. 0 18
  57. 20 0
  58. binární
  59. binární
  60. binární
  61. binární
  62. 254 0
  63. 428 0
  64. binární
  65. binární
  66. binární
  67. binární
  68. binární
  69. 87 0
  70. 7 0
  71. 2 0
  72. 2 0
  73. 2 0
  74. 2 0
  75. 2 0
  76. 2 0
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  78. 2 0
  79. 2 0
  80. 2 0
  81. 11 0
  82. 74 0
  83. 381 0
  84. 0 0
  85. 271 0
  86. 61 0
  87. 24 0
  88. 35 0
  89. 31 0
  90. 40 0
  91. 684 0
  92. 33 0
  93. 76 0
  94. 109 0
  95. 17 0
  96. 2 0
  97. 2 0
  98. 2 0
  99. 2 0
  100. 0 0

+ 0 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ set_*

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+BSD 3-Clause License
+Copyright (c) 2022, Robin Gutzen
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+   this software without specific prior written permission.

+ 10 - 2

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
-# eigenangles
-Interactive repository accompanying the manuscript "Eigenangles: evaluating the statistical similarity of neural network simulations via eigenvector angles" by Gutzen et al.
+# Eigenangles: evaluating the statistical similarity of neural network simulations via eigenvector angles
+Code and data repository accompanying the publication by Gutzen et al. (2022)
+<RRID> <zenodo doi> <mybinder link>
+## Abstract
+## Folder Structure
+## Cite

+ 452 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+import config
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path
+    source_pop = 'E|I',
+    target_pop = 'E|I',
+    fraction = '[\d\.]+',
+    f = '[\d\.]+',
+    N = '\d+',
+    epsilon = '[\d\.]+',
+    eta = '[\d\.]+',
+    mu = '[\d\.]+',
+    seed = '\d+',
+    seed_a = '\d+',
+    seed_b = '\d+',
+    sigma_ex = '[\d\.]+',
+    sigma_in = '[\d\.]+',
+    plot = '[\w\d\-]+',
+    matrix = 'weights|correlations',
+    measures = 'weights|correlations|ratecorr',
+    protocol = '[\w\d\-\.]+',
+    syndist = '[a-z\-]+',
+    network_specs = '[\w\d\.]+',
+rule rewire_and_redraw:
+    input:
+        expand('simulation_output/'\
+             + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+             + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/{protocol}/{outfile}', #'{plot}.png',
+            N = config.N,
+            f = config.f,
+            mu =,
+            epsilon = config.epsilon,
+            eta = config.eta,
+            sigma_ex = config.sigma_ex,
+            sigma_in = config.sigma_in,
+            syndist = config.syndist,
+            seed = config.seed,
+            outfile = 'correlations.npy',
+            # plot = ['correlations', 'weights',
+            #         'spikes_50000-60000ms', 'spikes_59000-60000ms'],
+            protocol = ['original']
+                      + expand('shuffle_{frac}_{source}-{target}',
+                               frac=config.shuffle_frac,
+                               source=config.shuffle_source,
+                               target=config.shuffle_target)
+                      + expand('add_{source_frac}{source}-{target_frac}{target}',
+                               source_frac=config.add_source_frac,
+                               target_frac=config.add_target_frac,
+                               source=config.add_source,
+                               target=config.add_target)
+            )
+rule redraw_comparisons:
+    input:
+        expand('results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+             + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/redraw_{protocol}/{measure}_{seed_pair}.csv',
+            N = config.N,
+            f = config.f,
+            mu =,
+            epsilon = config.epsilon,
+            eta = config.eta,
+            sigma_ex = config.sigma_ex,
+            sigma_in = config.sigma_in,
+            syndist = config.syndist,
+            seed_pair = config.seed_pairs[::int(len(config.seed)/2)],
+            measure = ['correlations', 'weights', 'ratecorr'],
+            protocol = 'original'
+            )
+rule rewire_comparisons:
+    input:
+        expand('results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+             + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/{protocol}/{measure}_{seed}.csv',
+            N = config.N,
+            f = config.f,
+            mu =,
+            epsilon = config.epsilon,
+            eta = config.eta,
+            sigma_ex = config.sigma_ex,
+            sigma_in = config.sigma_in,
+            syndist = config.syndist,
+            seed = config.seed,
+            measure = ['correlations', 'weights', 'ratecorr'],
+            protocol = expand('shuffle_{frac}_{source}-{target}',
+                               frac=config.shuffle_frac,
+                               source=config.shuffle_source,
+                               target=config.shuffle_target)
+                     + expand('add_{source_frac}{source}-{target_frac}{target}',
+                               source_frac=config.add_source_frac,
+                               target_frac=config.add_target_frac,
+                               source=config.add_source,
+                               target=config.add_target)
+            )
+def id_span(N, f, pop):
+    N, f = int(N), float(f)
+    N_exc = int(N*f)
+    if pop == 'E':
+        return (0, N_exc)
+    elif pop =='I':
+        return (N_exc, N)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError
+rule shuffle_weights:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        weights = '{root}/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/original/weights.npy'
+    output:
+        weights = '{root}/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/'\
+                + 'shuffle_{fraction}_{source_pop}-{target_pop}/weights.npy'
+    params:
+        source_span = lambda w: id_span(w.N, w.f, w.source_pop),
+        target_span = lambda w: id_span(w.N, w.f, w.target_pop),
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.weights}" \
+                              --output "{output.weights}" \
+                              --source_span {params.source_span} \
+                              --target_span {params.target_span} \
+                              --fraction {wildcards.fraction}
+        """
+rule add_weights:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        weights = '{root}/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/original/weights.npy'
+    output:
+        weights = '{root}/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/'\
+                + 'add_{source_frac}{source_pop}-{target_frac}{target_pop}'\
+                + '/weights.npy'
+    params:
+        source_span = lambda w: id_span(w.N, w.f, w.source_pop),
+        target_span = lambda w: id_span(w.N, w.f, w.target_pop),
+        weight_mean = lambda w: config.J_ex if w.source_pop == 'E' else config.J_in,
+        weight_std =  lambda w: config.sigma_ex if w.source_pop == 'E' else config.sigma_in,
+        syndist = config.syndist
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.weights}" \
+                              --output "{output}" \
+                              --source_span {params.source_span} \
+                              --target_span {params.target_span} \
+                              --source_fraction {wildcards.source_frac} \
+                              --target_fraction {wildcards.target_frac} \
+                              --weight_mean {params.weight_mean} \
+                              --weight_std {params.weight_std} \
+                              --syndist {params.syndist}
+        """
+rule compare_redrawn_networks:
+    input:
+        script = "../scripts/",
+        matrix_a = 'simulation_output/'\
+                 + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+                 + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed_a}/{protocol}/{matrix}.npy',
+        matrix_b = 'simulation_output/'\
+                 + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+                 + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed_b}/{protocol}/{matrix}.npy'
+    output:
+        temp('results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+           + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/redraw_{protocol}/'\
+           + '{matrix}_{seed_a}-{seed_b}.json')
+    params:
+        bin_num = config.bin_num,
+        is_connectivity = lambda w: True if ('weights' in w.matrix) else False,
+        shuffle_neuron_ids = lambda w, output: 'redraw' in str(output)
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --matrix_a {input.matrix_a} \
+                              --matrix_b {input.matrix_b} \
+                              --output {output} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --bin_num {params.bin_num} \
+                              --mu {} \
+                              --f {wildcards.f} \
+                              --epsilon {wildcards.epsilon} \
+                              --sigma_ex {wildcards.sigma_ex} \
+                              --sigma_in {wildcards.sigma_in} \
+                              --is_connectivity {params.is_connectivity} \
+                              --shuffle_neuron_ids {params.shuffle_neuron_ids}
+        """
+use rule compare_redrawn_networks as compare_rewired_network with:
+    input:
+        script = "../scripts/",
+        matrix_a = 'simulation_output/'\
+                 + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+                 + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/original/{matrix}.npy',
+        matrix_b = 'simulation_output/'\
+                 + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+                 + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/{protocol}/{matrix}.npy',
+    output:
+        temp('results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}'\
+           + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/{protocol}/{matrix}_{seed}.json')
+def get_spikes(wildcards):
+    network_specs = wildcards.network_specs
+    protocol = wildcards.protocol
+    seeds = wildcards.seeds
+    path = lambda prcl, s: f'simulation_output/{network_specs}/' \
+                         + f'seed_{s}/{prcl}/spikes.pkl'
+    if 'redraw' in protocol:
+        protocol = protocol.strip('redraw_')
+        return [path(protocol, seed) for seed in seeds.split('-')]
+    else:
+        return [path(p, seeds) for p in ['original', protocol]]
+rule calc_firing_rate_correlation:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        spikes = get_spikes
+    params:
+        sim_folder = 'simulation_output'
+    output:
+        'results/{network_specs}/{protocol}/ratecorr_{seeds}.csv'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --output "{output}" \
+                              --input "{input.spikes}" \
+                              --protocol {wildcards.protocol} \
+                              --seeds {wildcards.seeds}
+        """
+rule build_network:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        config = ''
+    params:
+        out_config = lambda w, output: Path(output.weights).parents[1] / 'config.yml'
+    output:
+        weights = 'simulation_output/'\
+                + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+                + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/original/weights.npy'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --weights_path {output.weights} \
+                              --out_config {params.out_config} \
+                              --network_config {input.config} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --f {wildcards.f} \
+                              --mu {} \
+                              --sigma_ex {wildcards.sigma_ex} \
+                              --sigma_in {wildcards.sigma_in} \
+                              --epsilon {wildcards.epsilon} \
+                              --seed {wildcards.seed} \
+                              --syndist {wildcards.syndist}
+        """
+rule simulate_network:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        weights = 'simulation_output/'\
+                + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+                + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/{protocol}/weights.npy',
+    output:
+        spikes_ex = temp('simulation_output/'\
+                  + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+                  + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/{protocol}/spikes_ex.gdf'),
+        spikes_in = temp('simulation_output/'\
+                  + 'N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}_'\
+                  + 'sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/seed_{seed}/{protocol}/spikes_in.gdf'),
+    params:
+        simtime = config.simtime,
+        config_path = ''
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --spikes_ex_path {output.spikes_ex} \
+                              --spikes_in_path {output.spikes_in} \
+                              --weights_path {input.weights} \
+                              --network_config {params.config_path} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --f {wildcards.f} \
+                              --mu {} \
+                              --sigma_ex {wildcards.sigma_ex} \
+                              --sigma_in {wildcards.sigma_in} \
+                              --epsilon {wildcards.epsilon} \
+                              --simtime {params.simtime} \
+                              --seed {wildcards.seed} \
+                              --eta {wildcards.eta}
+        """
+rule nest_to_neo:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        spikes_ex = 'simulation_output/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/spikes_ex.gdf',
+        spikes_in = 'simulation_output/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/spikes_in.gdf',
+    output:
+        'simulation_output/N{N}_f{f}_{specs}/spikes.pkl'
+    params:
+        t_start = 0,
+        t_stop = config.simtime
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --spikes_ex "{input.spikes_ex}" \
+                              --spikes_in "{input.spikes_in}" \
+                              --output {output} \
+                              --t_stop {params.t_stop} \
+                              --t_start {params.t_start} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --f {wildcards.f}
+        """
+rule create_correlation_matrix_from_spikes:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        spikes = '{spikes_dir}/spikes.pkl',
+    output:
+        correlation = '{spikes_dir}/correlations.npy'
+    params:
+        t_start = config.cut_inital_time,
+        t_stop = config.simtime,
+        bin_size = config.bin_size
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --spikes "{input.spikes}" \
+                              --output {output} \
+                              --t_stop {params.t_stop} \
+                              --t_start {params.t_start} \
+                              --bin_size {params.bin_size}
+        """
+rule score_to_dataframe:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        data = 'results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}' \
+             + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/{protocol}/{matrix}_{seeds}.json'
+    output:
+        'results/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}_sex{sigma_ex}' \
+        + '_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}/{protocol}/{matrix}_{seeds}.csv'
+    params:
+        bin_num = config.bin_num,
+        simtime = config.simtime
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --output "{output}" \
+                              --input "{}" \
+                              --params {wildcards} \
+                              --bin_num {params.bin_num} \
+                              --simtime {params.simtime}
+        """
+rule merge_comparison_results:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+    params:
+        exclude = ['merged_ratecorr_results', 'merged_comparison_results',
+                   'rewiring_results', 'ratecorr']
+    output:
+        temp('{dir}/merged_comparison_results.csv')
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --output "{output}" \
+                              --exclude "{params.exclude}"
+        """
+use rule merge_comparison_results as merge_ratecorr_results with:
+    params:
+        exclude = ['merged_ratecorr_results', 'merged_comparison_results',
+                   'rewiring_results', 'weights', 'correlations']
+    output:
+        temp('{dir}/merged_ratecorr_results.csv')
+rule process_result_dataframe:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        comparison_df = '{dir}/merged_comparison_results.csv',
+        ratecorr_df = '{dir}/merged_ratecorr_results.csv'
+    output:
+        '{dir}/rewiring_results.csv'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script}  --output "{output}" \
+                               --comparison_df "{input.comparison_df}" \
+                               --ratecorr_df "{input.ratecorr_df}"
+        """
+rule plot_spiketrains:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        spikes = '{spikes_dir}/spikes.pkl'
+    output:
+        '{spikes_dir}/spikes_{t_start}-{t_stop}ms.png'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --spikes "{input.spikes}" \
+                              --output "{output}" \
+                              --t_start {wildcards.t_start} \
+                              --t_stop {wildcards.t_stop}
+        """
+rule plot_matrix:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        matrix = '{dir}/{matrix}.npy'
+    output:
+        '{dir}/{matrix}.png'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.matrix}" \
+                              --output "{output}"
+        """
+rule plot_eigenspectrum:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        files = expand('simulation_output/N{{N}}_f{{f}}_mu{{mu}}_p{{epsilon}}' \
+                     + '_eta{{eta}}_sex{{sigma_ex}}_sin{{sigma_in}}_{{syndist}}' \
+                     + '/seed_{seed}/{{protocol}}/weights.npy',
+                       seed = range(1,9))
+    output:
+        'images/eigenspectrum/N{N}_f{f}_mu{mu}_p{epsilon}_eta{eta}' \
+      + '_sex{sigma_ex}_sin{sigma_in}_{syndist}_{protocol}.png'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.files}" \
+                              --output "{output}" \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --f {wildcards.f} \
+                              --mu {} \
+                              --sigma_ex {wildcards.sigma_ex} \
+                              --sigma_in {wildcards.sigma_in} \
+                              --epsilon {wildcards.epsilon} \
+        """
+rule plot_pvalues:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/plot_pvalue_{plot_name}.py',
+        dataframe = 'results/{network_specs}/rewiring_results.csv'
+    output:
+        'images/pvalue_{plot_name}/{network_specs}-{protocol}.png'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.dataframe}" \
+                              --output "{output}" \
+                              --protocol {wildcards.protocol}
+        """

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import itertools
+# number of neurons
+N = 1000
+# fraction of excitatory cells
+f = 0.8
+# exc. strength (postsynaptic amplitude in mV)
+mu = 0.1
+# connection probability
+epsilon = 0.1
+# external rate relative to threshold rate
+eta = 0.9
+# variance of weight sample distributions
+syndist = 'lognormal' # 'truncated-normal' 'lognormal' 'normal'
+sigma_ex = 0.12
+sigma_in = 0.1
+# simulation time
+simtime = 61000 #ms
+###### rewiring parameters ######
+shuffle_source = ['E', 'I']
+shuffle_target = ['E', 'I']
+shuffle_frac = [1.0, 3500]
+add_source = 'E'
+add_target = 'E'
+add_source_frac = [0.2, 12800]
+add_target_frac = [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
+###### derived & fixed network parameters ######
+J_ex = mu
+# enforce global balance state
+J_in = -f * J_ex / (1-f)
+dt = 0.1  # the resolution in ms
+delay = [.5, 3]  #1.5 # min/max synaptic delays in ms (uniform)
+NE = int(f * N)  # number of excitatory neurons
+NI = N - NE # number of inhibitory neurons
+in_connection_rule = 'pairwise_bernoulli'
+ex_connection_rule = 'pairwise_bernoulli'
+synapse_model = 'static_synapse'
+neuron_model = 'iaf_psc_delta'
+tauMem = 20.0  # time constant of membrane potential in ms
+theta = 20.0  # membrane threshold potential in mV
+neuron_params = {"C_m": 1.0,
+                 "tau_m": tauMem,
+                 "t_ref": 2.0,
+                 "E_L": 0.0,
+                 "V_reset": 0.0,
+                 "V_m": 0.0,
+                 "V_th": theta}
+# Driving stiumulus parameters
+stimulus = "poisson_generator"
+parrot_input = False
+CE = epsilon * NE  # estimated number of excitatory synapses per neuron
+CI = epsilon * NI  # estimated number of inhibitory synapses per neuron
+if J_ex:
+    nu_th = theta / (J_ex * CE * tauMem)
+    nu_th = theta / (CE * tauMem)
+nu_ex = eta * nu_th
+p_rate = 1000.0 * nu_ex * CE
+p_rate_func = lambda eta: 1000 * eta*nu_th * CE
+###### non-network parameters ######
+# cut swinging-in time
+cut_inital_time = 1000 #ms
+# bin size for correlation calculation
+bin_size = 2 #ms
+# derived number of bins
+bin_num = int((simtime - cut_inital_time) / bin_size)
+# seeds for multiple runs with same specification
+seed = list(range(1,101))
+seed_pairs = [f'{i[0]}-{i[1]}' for i in itertools.combinations(seed,2)]







Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 3620 - 0

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import numpy as np
+from itertools import product
+import argparse
+from copy import copy
+from build_network import get_weight_dist_func
+from pathlib import Path
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--source_span", nargs=2, type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--target_span", nargs=2, type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--source_fraction", nargs='?', type=float, default=0.2)
+    CLI.add_argument("--target_fraction", nargs='?', type=float, default=1)
+    CLI.add_argument("--weight_mean", nargs='?', type=float, default=1)
+    CLI.add_argument("--weight_std", nargs='?', type=float, default=1)
+    CLI.add_argument("--syndist", nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    weights = np.load(args.input)
+    source_ids = np.arange(args.source_span[0], args.source_span[1])
+    target_ids = np.arange(args.target_span[0], args.target_span[1])
+    neuron_tuples = np.array(list(product(source_ids, target_ids)))
+    # select target group
+    N_targets = int(args.target_fraction * len(target_ids))
+    target_tuples = np.array(list(product(source_ids, target_ids[:N_targets])))
+    synapse_values = weights[target_tuples[:,0], target_tuples[:,1]]
+    nonzero_synapse_idx = np.nonzero(synapse_values)[0]
+    zero_synapse_idx = np.where(synapse_values == 0)[0]
+    N_synapses = len(nonzero_synapse_idx)
+    # select empty synapse locations to add
+    if args.source_fraction <= 1:
+        N_new_synapses = int(N_synapses * args.source_fraction)
+    else:
+        N_new_synapses = int(args.source_fraction)
+    new_synapse_idx = np.random.choice(zero_synapse_idx, size=N_new_synapses, replace=False)
+    # find N_new_synapses tuples with 0-weight for selected targets
+    new_synapses = target_tuples[new_synapse_idx]
+    # draw new weight values and add the connections
+    weight_func = get_weight_dist_func(args.syndist)
+    new_weights = [weight_func(args.weight_mean, args.weight_std).GetValue()
+                   for _ in range(N_new_synapses)]
+    weights[new_synapses[:,0], new_synapses[:,1]] = new_weights
+, weights)

+ 128 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import nest
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sc
+import yaml
+import itertools
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os
+def truncated_normal(m, s):
+    alpha = - m/s
+    phi = 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * np.exp(-alpha**2/2)
+    Z = 1 - .5*(1+sc.special.erf(alpha/np.sqrt(2)))
+    sig = s / np.sqrt(1 + alpha*phi/Z - (phi/Z)**2)
+    mu = m - sig*phi/Z
+    return nest.math.redraw(nest.random.normal(mean=mu, std=sig), min=0, max=100)
+def lognormal(m, s):
+    mu = np.log(m/np.sqrt(1 + s**2/m**2))
+    sig = np.sqrt(np.log(1+s**2/m**2))
+    return nest.math.redraw(nest.random.lognormal(mean=mu, std=sig), min=0, max=100)
+def normal(m, s):
+    return nest.random.normal(mean=m, std=s)
+def get_weight_dist_func(dist_name):
+    if dist_name == 'truncated-normal':
+        return truncated_normal
+    elif dist_name == 'lognormal':
+        return lognormal
+    elif dist_name == 'normal':
+        return normal
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f'{dist_name} not found!')
+def build_network(config):
+    # Initalizing Network
+    nest.ResetKernel()
+    np.random.seed(config['seed'])
+    nest.rng_seed = config['seed']
+    nest.SetDefaults(config['neuron_model'], config['neuron_params'])
+    nodes_ex = nest.Create(config['neuron_model'], config['NE'])
+    nodes_in = nest.Create(config['neuron_model'], config['NI'])
+    # Connecting Network
+    weight_dist = get_weight_dist_func(config['syndist'])
+    ## Excitatory Connections
+    conn_params_ex = {'rule' : config['ex_connection_rule'],
+                      'p'    : config['epsilon']}
+    syn_dict_ex = {'weight': weight_dist(m=config['J_ex'],
+                                         s=config['sigma_ex'])}
+    nest.Connect(pre=nodes_ex,
+                 post=nodes_ex + nodes_in,
+                 conn_spec=conn_params_ex,
+                 syn_spec=syn_dict_ex)
+    ## Inhibitory Connections
+    conn_params_in = {'rule' : config['in_connection_rule'],
+                      'p'    : config['epsilon']}
+    # drawing positive weights
+    syn_dict_in = {'weight': weight_dist(m=np.abs(config['J_in']),
+                                         s=config['sigma_in'])}
+    nest.Connect(nodes_in, nodes_ex + nodes_in,
+                 conn_params_in, syn_dict_in)
+    conn = nest.GetConnections(source = nodes_ex + nodes_in,
+                               target = nodes_ex + nodes_in)
+    weight_matrix = np.zeros((config['N'], config['N']))
+    for s, t, w in nest.GetStatus(conn, ['source', 'target', 'weight']):
+        weight_matrix[s-1][t-1] = w
+    # setting inhibitory weights to negative values
+    weight_matrix[-config['NI']:, :] *= -1
+    return weight_matrix
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--N",                 nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--f",                 nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--mu",                nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--epsilon",           nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--syndist",           nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_ex",          nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_in",          nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--seed",              nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--weights_path",      nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--network_config",    nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--out_config",        nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(args.weights_path)
+    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+        os.makedirs(dirname)
+    # Loading default configs from config file
+    sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(args.network_config))
+    import config as network_config
+    locals_dict = locals()
+    config = dict([(k,v) for k,v in vars(network_config).items()
+                   if k not in locals_dict])
+    # Updating config with comandline arguments
+    # (These are only the parameters which are eventually expanded)
+    update_params = ['N', 'f', 'mu', 'syndist', 'epsilon',
+                     'sigma_ex', 'sigma_in', 'seed']
+    config.update(dict([(k,v) for k,v in vars(args).items()
+                        if k in update_params]))
+    config['NE'] = int(args.f * args.N)
+    config['NI'] = args.N - config['NE']
+    yaml.dump(config, open(args.out_config, 'w'))
+    # Building network
+    weight_matrix = build_network(config)
+, weight_matrix)

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from networkunit import models, tests, scores
+import neo
+import quantities as pq
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import argparse
+from scipy.linalg import eigh
+class brunel_spikes(models.loaded_spiketrains):
+    default_params = {**models.loaded_spiketrains.default_params}
+    def load(self):
+        io =['file_path'])
+        block = io.read_block()
+        spiketrains = block.segments[0].spiketrains
+        spiketrains = [st.time_slice(t_start=self.params['t_start'],
+                                     t_stop=self.params['t_stop'])
+                       for st in spiketrains]
+        return spiketrains
+class correlation_matrix_test(tests.correlation_matrix_test):
+    score_type = scores.effect_size
+    params = {'cluster_matrix':False,
+              'remove_autocorr':False,
+              'nan_to_num':True}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_start", nargs='?', type=float, default=0)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_stop", "--T", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--bin_size", nargs='?', type=float)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    spikes_model = brunel_spikes(file_path=args.spikes,
+                                 t_start=args.t_start*,
+                                 t_stop=args.t_stop*,
+                                 align_to_0=True)
+    corr_test = correlation_matrix_test(bin_size=args.bin_size*
+    cc_matrix = corr_test.generate_prediction(spikes_model)
+, cc_matrix)

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from elephant.statistics import mean_firing_rate
+import neo
+from pathlib import Path
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / 'scripts'))
+from utils import load_df, compact_column
+def load_rate_vectors(path):
+    try:
+        spiketrains = load_spiketrains(path)
+        spiketrains_exc = filter_spiketrains(spiketrains, neuron_type='excitatory')
+        spiketrains_inh = filter_spiketrains(spiketrains, neuron_type='inhibitory')
+        return [calc_rate_vector(st) for st in [spiketrains,
+                                                spiketrains_exc, spiketrains_inh]]
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        return [np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])]
+def filter_spiketrains(spiketrains, **kwargs):
+    for key, value in kwargs.items():
+        spiketrains = [st for st in spiketrains if st.annotations[key] == value]
+    return spiketrains
+def load_spiketrains(path):
+    io =
+    return io.read_block().segments[0].spiketrains
+def calc_rate_vector(spiketrains):
+    return np.array([mean_firing_rate(st) for st in spiketrains])
+def calc_vector_correlation(vector_a, vector_b):
+    if len(vector_a) and len(vector_b):
+        return np.corrcoef(vector_a, vector_b)[0,1]
+    else:
+        return np.nan
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=lambda s: s.split(' '))
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    if len(args.input) != 2:
+        raise ValueError(f'Expected two input files, got {len(args.input)}!')
+    rates_a, rates_exc_a, rates_inh_a = load_rate_vectors(args.input[0])
+    rates_b, rates_exc_b, rates_inh_b = load_rate_vectors(args.input[1])
+    ratecorr = calc_vector_correlation(rates_a, rates_b)
+    ratecorr_exc = calc_vector_correlation(rates_exc_a, rates_exc_b)
+    ratecorr_inh = calc_vector_correlation(rates_inh_a, rates_inh_b)
+    params = dict([(k.strip('-'),v) for k,v in zip(unknown[:-1:2],unknown[1::2])])
+    params.update(rate_correlation=ratecorr,
+                  rate_correlation_exc=ratecorr_exc,
+                  rate_correlation_inh=ratecorr_inh)
+    df = pd.Series(params).to_frame().T
+    df.to_csv(args.output)

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import neo
+import quantities as pq
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import argparse
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes_ex", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes_in", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_stop", "--T", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_start", nargs='?', type=float, default=0)
+    CLI.add_argument("--N", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--f", nargs='?', type=float)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    N_ex = int(round(args.f*args.N))
+    N_in = int(round((1-args.f)*args.N))
+    gid_ex = [i+1 for i in range(N_ex)]
+    gid_in = [i+1+N_ex for i in range(N_in)]
+    spiketrains = []
+    for spikes_path, gid, ntype in zip([args.spikes_ex, args.spikes_in],
+                                        [gid_ex,         gid_in],
+                                        ['excitatory',   'inhibitory']):
+        io = neo.NestIO(spikes_path)
+        block = io.read_block(gid_list=gid,
+                              t_start=args.t_start*,
+                              t_stop=args.t_stop*
+        for st in block.segments[0].spiketrains:
+            st.annotate(neuron_type=ntype)
+        spiketrains.extend(block.segments[0].spiketrains)
+        del block
+    block = neo.Block()
+    segment = neo.Segment()
+    block.segments.append(segment)
+    block.segments[0].spiketrains = spiketrains
+    io =
+    io.write(block)

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sc
+import argparse
+from scipy.integrate import quad
+import math
+from types import SimpleNamespace
+import itertools
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import seaborn as sns
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / 'scripts'))
+from eigenangle_test import EigenangleTest
+def process_eigenvectors(vecs, lengths):
+    sort_idx = np.argsort(lengths)
+    vecs = vecs.T[sort_idx]
+    for i, eva in enumerate(vecs):
+        vecs[i] = eva * np.sign(eva[np.argmax(np.absolute(eva))])
+        vecs[i] /= np.linalg.norm(eva)
+    return vecs
+def load_eigenspectrum(path_list, N):
+    matrix_num = len(path_list)
+    all_eigenvalues = np.empty(N*matrix_num, dtype=complex)
+    all_eigenangles = np.array([], dtype=float)
+    for i, path_a in enumerate(path_list):
+        matrix = np.load(path_a)
+        eigenvalues, vectors_a = sc.linalg.eig(matrix)
+        all_eigenvalues[N*i:N*(i+1)] = eigenvalues
+        vectors_a = process_eigenvectors(vectors_a, np.real(eigenvalues))
+        for j, path_b in enumerate(path_list[i+1:]):
+            matrix = np.load(path_b)
+            eigenvalues , vectors_b = sc.linalg.eig(matrix)
+            vectors_b = process_eigenvectors(vectors_b, np.real(eigenvalues))
+            M = np.real(, np.conjugate(vectors_b).T))
+            M = np.real(M)
+            M[np.argwhere(M > 1)] = 1.
+            all_eigenangles = np.append(all_eigenangles, np.arccos(np.diag(M)))
+    return all_eigenvalues, all_eigenangles
+def plot_eigenvalue_dist(test, eigenvalues, ax=None, color=None, width=.9,
+                         bins=20, scale=1):
+    hist, edges = np.histogram(np.real(eigenvalues), bins=bins, density=True)
+    dx = np.diff(edges)[0]
+    xvalues = np.linspace(-test.critical_radius, test.critical_radius, 200)
+    norm = quad(test.eigenvalue_real_dist,
+                -test.critical_radius, test.critical_radius)[0]
+    yvalues = [np.nan_to_num(test.eigenvalue_real_dist(x))*scale/norm
+              for x in xvalues]
+    if ax is None:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+[:-1]+dx/2, hist*scale, color=color, width=width*dx)
+    ax.plot(xvalues, yvalues, 'k--')
+    curve_area = np.nansum(yvalues)*np.diff(xvalues)[0]
+    return ax
+def plot_eigenangle_dist(test, eigenangles, ax=None, color=None,
+                         width=.9, bins=20):
+    edges = np.linspace(0, np.pi, bins)
+    hist, edges = np.histogram(eigenangles, bins=edges, density=True)
+    dx = np.diff(edges)[0]
+    xvalues = edges[:-1] + dx/2
+    if ax is None:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+, hist, color=color, width=width*dx)
+    edges = np.linspace(0, np.pi, bins*10)
+    yvalues = [test.angle_dist(x) for x in edges]
+    ax.plot(edges, yvalues, 'k--')
+    return ax
+def plot_eigenspectrum(test, eigenvalues, eigenangles, original=False):
+    sns.set(style='ticks', context='talk')
+    sns.set_color_codes('colorblind')
+    mosaic = """
+             AB
+             """
+    figsize = (15,7)
+    fig, ax = plt.subplot_mosaic(mosaic, figsize=figsize,
+                                 gridspec_kw=dict(hspace=.2, width_ratios=[1,1]))
+    ax = SimpleNamespace(**ax)
+    plot_eigenvalue_dist(eigenangle_test, np.real(eigenvalues), ax.A, scale=1,
+                         color=sns.color_palette('deep')[0], width=.9, bins=40)
+    ax.A.set_yticks([])
+    ax.A.set_xlabel(r'real eigenvalue $\lambda_{\mathbb{R}}$')
+    sns.despine(ax=ax.A, left=True, right=True, top=True)
+    inset_size = .35
+    iax = fig.add_axes((.38,.55,inset_size*figsize[1]/figsize[0],inset_size))
+    iax.plot(np.real(eigenvalues), np.imag(eigenvalues), linestyle='None',
+             color=sns.color_palette('deep')[0], marker='.', markersize=1)
+    vmax = max([np.abs(np.real(eigenvalues)).max(),
+                np.abs(np.imag(eigenvalues)).max()])
+    iax.set_xlim((-vmax, vmax))
+    iax.set_ylim((-vmax, vmax))
+    iax.set_axis_off()
+    bins = 300
+    binwidth = np.pi/bins
+    plot_eigenangle_dist(eigenangle_test, eigenangles, ax.B,
+                         sns.color_palette('rocket')[2], width=.9, bins=bins,)
+    ax.B.set_xlim((min(eigenangles)-binwidth, max(eigenangles)+binwidth))
+    if original:
+        ax.B.set_xlim((np.pi*11/24, np.pi*13/24))
+        ax.B.set_xticks([np.pi*15/32, np.pi/2, np.pi*17/32])
+        ax.B.set_xticklabels([r'$\frac{15}{32}\pi$', r'$\frac{1}{2}\pi$',
+                              r'$\frac{17}{32}\pi$'])
+    else:
+        ax.B.set_yscale('log')
+        ax.B.set_ylim((0.001,30))
+    ax.B.set_yticks([])
+    ax.B.set_xlabel(f'eigenangle $\phi$')
+    sns.despine(ax=ax.B, left=True, right=True, top=True)
+    return fig
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input",     nargs='?', type=lambda s: s.split(' '))
+    CLI.add_argument("--output",    nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--N",         nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--f",         nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--mu",        nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--epsilon",   nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_ex",  nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_in",  nargs='?', type=float)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    eigenangle_test = EigenangleTest(N=args.N,
+                                     f=args.f,
+                           ,
+                                     epsilon=args.epsilon,
+                                     sigma_ex=args.sigma_ex,
+                                     sigma_in=args.sigma_in,
+                                     is_connectivity=True)
+    eigenvalues, eigenangles = load_eigenspectrum(args.input, N=args.N)
+    fig = plot_eigenspectrum(eigenangle_test, eigenvalues, eigenangles,
+                             original=('original' in args.input[0]))
+    fig.suptitle(f'{Path(args.output).name.strip(".png")}')
+    fig.align_labels()
+    plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches='tight')

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / 'scripts'))
+from utils import load_df, colormap, stack_columns
+def plot_pvalues(data, ax=None, x='matrix', order=['weights', 'correlations'],
+                 border=0.1, alpha=0.5, lineplot=False):
+    if ax is None:
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+    data = stack_columns(data, new_column='matrix',
+                         prefixes=['pvalue'],
+                         suffixes=['weights', 'correlations'])
+    sns.stripplot(x=x, y="pvalue", hue="matrix", data=data,
+                  ax=ax, palette=colormap, order=order, alpha=alpha)
+    if lineplot:
+        sns.lineplot(data=data, x=x, y='pvalue', hue='matrix',
+                     ax=ax, palette=colormap, alpha=0)
+    ax.set_xlabel('')
+    ax.set_yscale('linear')
+    ax.set_ylim((border, 1.05))
+    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    ax.get_legend().remove()
+    ax.axhline(0.1, color='0.8', linestyle=':', linewidth=4)
+    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
+    axlog = divider.append_axes("bottom", size=3.5, pad=0, sharex=ax)
+    axlog.set_yscale('log')
+    minp = data[data.pvalue > 0].pvalue.min()
+    axlog.set_ylim((minp/10, border))
+    sns.stripplot(x=x, y="pvalue", hue="matrix",
+                  data=data, ax=axlog, palette=colormap,
+                  order=order, alpha=alpha)
+    if lineplot:
+        sns.lineplot(data=data, x=x, y='pvalue', hue='matrix',
+                     ax=axlog, palette=colormap, alpha=0)
+    axlog.set_ylabel('')
+    sns.despine(ax=axlog, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    axlog.set_xlabel('')
+    axlog.get_legend().remove()
+    return axlog
+def plot_pvalue_overview(data):
+    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(12,7),
+                             gridspec_kw=dict(wspace=.5, width_ratios=[1,.2,.2]))
+    alpha = 0.3
+    # weights and correlation
+    plot_pvalues(data, axes[0], alpha=alpha)
+    # ratio
+    ax = axes[1]
+    sns.stripplot(y="pvalue_ratio", data=data, ax=ax,
+                  color=colormap['ratio'], alpha=alpha)
+    ax.axhline(1, color='0.3', linestyle=':')
+    ax.set_yscale('log')
+    ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right')
+    ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right')
+    ax.set_ylabel(r'$p_c / p_w$')
+    ax.set_xlabel('')
+    ax.set_xticklabels(['ratio'])
+    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    # rate correlation
+    ax = axes[2]
+    sns.stripplot(y="rate_correlation", data=data, ax=ax,
+                  color=colormap['rate_correlation'], alpha=alpha)
+    ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right')
+    ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right')
+    ax.set_ylabel('rate vector correlation')
+    ax.set_xlabel('')
+    ax.set_xticklabels(['rates'])
+    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    return fig
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--protocol", nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    df = load_df(args.input)
+    data = df[df.protocol.str.contains(args.protocol)]
+    if 'redraw' not in args.protocol:
+        data = data[~data.protocol.str.contains('redraw')]
+    sns.set(style='ticks', palette='deep', context='talk')
+    fig = plot_pvalue_overview(data)
+    fig.suptitle(f'{Path(args.output).name.strip(".png")}', fontsize=17)
+    plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches=None)

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import itertools
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / 'scripts'))
+from utils import load_df, colormap, stack_columns, multicolor_ylabel
+from process_result_dataframe import order_df
+def plot_pvalue_trend(data):
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,7))
+    y = 'log_pvalue'
+    alpha = 0.5
+    # weight & correlations
+    plot_data = stack_columns(data, new_column='matrix',
+                              prefixes=['score', 'pvalue', 'log_pvalue'],
+                              suffixes=['weights', 'correlations'])
+    sns.stripplot(x='protocol', y=y, hue="matrix", data=plot_data,
+                  ax=ax, palette=colormap, alpha=alpha)
+    sns.lineplot(data=plot_data, x='protocol', y=y, hue='matrix',
+                 ax=ax, palette=colormap, alpha=.5)
+    multicolor_ylabel(ax,
+                      ('log p (', 'weights', ', ', 'correlations', ')'),
+                      ('k', colormap["weights"], 'k', colormap["correlations"], 'k'),
+                      bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 0.5))
+    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation = 45)
+    ax.set_xlabel('')
+    ax.set_xlim((0, 5))
+    ax.set_ylim((np.nanmin(plot_data[y])-1, np.nanmax(plot_data[y])+1))
+    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    ax.get_legend().remove()
+    # p ratio
+    ax1 = ax.twinx()
+    y = f'{y}_ratio'
+    sns.stripplot(x="protocol", y=y, data=data, alpha=alpha,
+                  ax=ax1, color=colormap['ratio'])
+    sns.lineplot(data=data, x='protocol', y=y,
+                 ax=ax1, color=colormap['ratio'], alpha=.5)
+    ax1.axhline(0, color=colormap['ratio'], alpha=0.8, linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
+    multicolor_ylabel(ax1, [r'$\log \ p_c / p_w$'], [colormap['ratio']],
+                      bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 0.5))
+    ax1.set_ylim((np.nanmin(data[y])-1, np.nanmax(data[y])+1))
+    sns.despine(ax=ax1, left=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    # rate correlation
+    ax2 = ax.twinx()
+    y = 'rate_correlation'
+    sns.stripplot(x="protocol", y=y, data=data, alpha=alpha,
+                  ax=ax2, color=colormap[y])
+    sns.lineplot(data=data, x='protocol', y=y,
+                 ax=ax2, color=colormap[y], alpha=.5)
+    multicolor_ylabel(ax2, ['rate correlation'], [colormap[y]],
+                      bbox_to_anchor=(1.22, 0.5))
+    ax2.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 110))
+    sns.despine(ax=ax2, left=True, top=True, bottom=True)
+    return fig
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--protocol", nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    df = load_df(args.input)
+    df = order_df(df)
+    data = df[df.protocol.str.contains(args.protocol)]
+    sns.set(style='ticks', palette='deep', context='talk')
+    fig = plot_pvalue_trend(data)
+    fig.suptitle(f'{Path(args.output).name.strip(".png")}', fontsize=17)
+    plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches='tight')

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 793 - 0

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from elephant.statistics import mean_firing_rate
+import neo
+from pathlib import Path
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / 'scripts'))
+from utils import load_df, compact_column
+def add_logp_column(df, col_name_str='pvalue', log_prefix='log_'):
+    col_names = [col for col in df.columns if col_name_str in col]
+    for col_name in col_names:
+        pvalue = df[col_name].to_numpy().astype(float)
+        pvalue[~np.isfinite(pvalue)] = np.nan
+        df[col_name] = pvalue
+        log_pvalue = np.array([np.log10(p) if p else np.nan for p in pvalue])
+        log_pvalue[~np.isfinite(log_pvalue)] = np.nan
+        df[f'{log_prefix}{col_name}'] = log_pvalue
+    return df
+def calc_ratio(row, numerator, denominator, inf_value=np.nan):
+    if row[denominator] == 0:
+        return inf_value
+    else:
+        return row[numerator] / row[denominator]
+def add_pvalue_ratio(df, ratio_keys=['correlations', 'weights'],
+                         ratio_columns=['pvalue', 'score']):
+    for col in ratio_columns:
+        df[f'{col}_ratio'] = df.apply(
+                lambda row: calc_ratio(row,
+                                       f'{col}_{ratio_keys[0]}',
+                                       f'{col}_{ratio_keys[1]}'), axis=1)
+    return df
+def add_rate_correlation_column(df, ratecorr_df, on=['protocol', 'seeds']):
+    return df.merge(ratecorr_df, how='outer', on=None)
+def sort_protocol_values(protocol):
+    if 'ffle' in protocol:
+        _ , fraction, populations = protocol.split('_')
+        pop_order = np.array(['E-E', 'E-I', 'I-E', 'I-I'])
+        value = np.where(populations == pop_order)[0][0]
+        return float(fraction) + value/100
+    elif 'add' in protocol:
+        source, target = protocol.split('_')[-1].split('-')
+        source, target = source.strip('E'), target.strip('E')
+        return float(source)*100 + float(target)
+    else:
+        return 0
+def order_df(df):
+    key_function = lambda protocols: [sort_protocol_values(p) for p in protocols]
+    df = df.sort_values('protocol', key=key_function)
+    return df
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--comparison_df", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--ratecorr_df", nargs='?', type=Path, default=None)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    df = load_df(args.comparison_df)
+    df = compact_column(df)
+    df = add_pvalue_ratio(df)
+    df = add_logp_column(df)
+    if args.ratecorr_df is not None:
+        df = add_rate_correlation_column(df, load_df(args.ratecorr_df))
+    df = order_df(df)
+    df.to_csv(args.output)

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import numpy as np
+from itertools import product
+import argparse
+from copy import copy
+from pathlib import Path
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--source_span", nargs=2, type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--target_span", nargs=2, type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--fraction", nargs='?', type=float, default=1)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    weights = np.load(args.input)
+    source_ids = np.arange(args.source_span[0], args.source_span[1])
+    target_ids = np.arange(args.target_span[0], args.target_span[1])
+    neuron_tuples = np.array(list(product(source_ids, target_ids)))
+    N_tuple = neuron_tuples.shape[0]
+    # select N_rewire_synapses non-0 synapses -> a
+    synapse_values = weights[neuron_tuples[:,0], neuron_tuples[:,1]]
+    nonzero_synapse_idx = np.nonzero(synapse_values)[0]
+    if args.fraction <= 1:
+        N_rewire_synapses = int(args.fraction*len(nonzero_synapse_idx))
+    else:
+        N_rewire_synapses = int(args.fraction)
+    rewire_idx_a = np.random.choice(nonzero_synapse_idx, size=N_rewire_synapses,
+                                    replace=False)
+    # select N_rewire_synapses from all remaining synapses -> b
+    remaining_idx = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(N_tuple), rewire_idx_a)
+    rewire_idx_b = np.random.choice(remaining_idx, size=N_rewire_synapses,
+                                    replace=False)
+    # swap weights of group a with group b
+    weight_idx_a = neuron_tuples[rewire_idx_a]
+    weight_idx_b = neuron_tuples[rewire_idx_b]
+    weights_a = copy(weights[weight_idx_a[:,0], weight_idx_a[:,1]])
+    weights_b = copy(weights[weight_idx_b[:,0], weight_idx_b[:,1]])
+    weights[weight_idx_a[:,0], weight_idx_a[:,1]] = weights_b
+    weights[weight_idx_b[:,0], weight_idx_b[:,1]] = weights_a
+, weights)

+ 137 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import nest
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import json
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+def build_network(config, weights, spikes_ex_output, spikes_in_output):
+    # Initalizing Network
+    nest.ResetKernel()
+    data_path = Path(spikes_ex_output).parents[0]
+    data_prefix = Path(spikes_ex_output).parts[-1].split('_')[0] + '_'
+    file_extension = Path(spikes_ex_output).suffix.strip('.')
+    np.random.seed(config['seed'])
+    nest.rng_seed = config['seed']
+    nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution"     : config['dt'],
+                          "print_time"     : True,
+                          "overwrite_files": True,
+                          "rng_seed"       : config['seed'],
+                          "data_path"      : str(data_path),
+                          "data_prefix"    : data_prefix})
+    nest.SetDefaults(config['neuron_model'], config['neuron_params'])
+    delay_dist = nest.random.uniform(min=config['delay'][0],
+                                     max=config['delay'][1])
+    avg_delay = np.mean(config['delay'])
+    nest.CopyModel(config['synapse_model'], "excitatory",
+                   {"weight": config['J_ex'], "delay": avg_delay})
+    nodes_ex = nest.Create(config['neuron_model'], config['NE'])
+    nodes_in = nest.Create(config['neuron_model'], config['NI'])
+    espikes = nest.Create("spike_recorder")
+    ispikes = nest.Create("spike_recorder")
+    espikes.set(record_to='ascii', label='ex', file_extension=file_extension,
+                precision=2)
+    ispikes.set(record_to='ascii', label='in', file_extension=file_extension,
+                precision=2)
+    noise = nest.Create(config['stimulus'], params={"rate": config['p_rate']})
+    if config['parrot_input']:
+        stimulus_input = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', 1)
+        nest.Connect(noise, stimulus_input, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    else:
+        stimulus_input = noise
+    # Connecting Devices
+    # nest.Connect(noise, nodes_ex, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    # nest.Connect(noise, nodes_in, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    nest.Connect(stimulus_input, nodes_ex+nodes_in, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    nest.Connect(nodes_ex, espikes, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    nest.Connect(nodes_in, ispikes, syn_spec="excitatory")
+    # Connecting Network
+    for pre, weight in zip(nodes_ex + nodes_in, weights):
+        nonzero_indices = np.where(weight != 0)[0]
+        weight = weight[nonzero_indices]
+        post_array = np.array(nodes_ex + nodes_in)[nonzero_indices]
+        pre_array = np.ones(len(nonzero_indices), dtype=int)*pre.get('global_id')
+        # delay = np.array([config['delay'] for _ in nonzero_indices])
+        delay = np.array([delay_dist.GetValue() for _ in nonzero_indices])
+        nest.Connect(pre_array, post_array, conn_spec='one_to_one',
+                     syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
+    # conn = nest.GetConnections(source = nodes_ex + nodes_in,
+    #                            target = nodes_ex + nodes_in)
+    #
+    # weight_matrix = np.zeros((config['N'],config['N']))
+    # for s, t, w in nest.GetStatus(conn, ['source', 'target', 'weight']):
+    #     weight_matrix[s-1][t-1] = w
+    fname = lambda spikes, id: f'{data_prefix}{id}-{spikes.get("global_id")}' \
+                             + f'-{spikes.get("vp")}.{file_extension}'
+    espikes_path = data_path / fname(espikes, 'ex')
+    ispikes_path = data_path / fname(ispikes, 'in')
+    return espikes_path, ispikes_path
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--N",                 nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--f",                 nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--mu",                nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--epsilon",           nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_ex",          nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_in",          nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--simtime",           nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--eta",               nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--seed",              nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes_ex_path",    nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes_in_path",    nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--weights_path",      nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--network_config",    nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(args.weights_path)
+    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+        os.makedirs(dirname)
+    # Loading default configs from config file
+    sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(args.network_config))
+    import config as network_config
+    locals_dict = locals()
+    config = dict([(k,v) for k,v in vars(network_config).items()
+                   if k not in locals_dict])
+    # Updating config with comandline arguments
+    # (These are only the parameters which are eventually expanded)
+    args.p_rate = network_config.p_rate_func(args.eta)
+    update_params = ['N', 'f', 'mu', 'epsilon', 'signma_ex', 'sigma_in',
+                     'simtime', 'seed', 'eta', 'p_rate']
+    config.update(dict([(k,v) for k,v in vars(args).items()
+                        if k in update_params]))
+    # Building network
+    starttime = time.time()
+    espikes_path, ispikes_path = build_network(config=config,
+                                          weights=np.load(args.weights_path),
+                                          spikes_ex_output= args.spikes_ex_path,
+                                          spikes_in_output= args.spikes_in_path)
+    # Run simulation
+    nest.Simulate(config['simtime'])
+    endtime = time.time()
+    print("Simulation time : {:.2} s".format(endtime-starttime))
+    espikes_path.rename(args.spikes_ex_path)
+    ispikes_path.rename(args.spikes_in_path)













Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 5056 - 0










+ 538 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+add_source_frac: 0.2
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 10
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
+- 3-22
+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
+- 3-26
+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
+- 4-26
+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
+- 5-22
+- 5-23
+- 5-24
+- 5-25
+- 5-26
+- 5-27
+- 5-28
+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
+- 6-22
+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
+- 6-26
+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
+- 7-22
+- 7-23
+- 7-24
+- 7-25
+- 7-26
+- 7-27
+- 7-28
+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
+- 8-11
+- 8-12
+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
+- 8-16
+- 8-17
+- 8-18
+- 8-19
+- 8-20
+- 8-21
+- 8-22
+- 8-23
+- 8-24
+- 8-25
+- 8-26
+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
+- 9-22
+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
+- 10-22
+- 10-23
+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
+- 11-17
+- 11-18
+- 11-19
+- 11-20
+- 11-21
+- 11-22
+- 11-23
+- 11-24
+- 11-25
+- 11-26
+- 11-27
+- 11-28
+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
+- 12-16
+- 12-17
+- 12-18
+- 12-19
+- 12-20
+- 12-21
+- 12-22
+- 12-23
+- 12-24
+- 12-25
+- 12-26
+- 12-27
+- 12-28
+- 12-29
+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
+- 13-16
+- 13-17
+- 13-18
+- 13-19
+- 13-20
+- 13-21
+- 13-22
+- 13-23
+- 13-24
+- 13-25
+- 13-26
+- 13-27
+- 13-28
+- 13-29
+- 13-30
+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
+- 14-18
+- 14-19
+- 14-20
+- 14-21
+- 14-22
+- 14-23
+- 14-24
+- 14-25
+- 14-26
+- 14-27
+- 14-28
+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
+- 15-22
+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
+- 16-26
+- 16-27
+- 16-28
+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
+- 17-22
+- 17-23
+- 17-24
+- 17-25
+- 17-26
+- 17-27
+- 17-28
+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
+- 18-22
+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
+- 19-22
+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 2
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
+- 3-22
+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
+- 3-26
+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
+- 4-26
+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
+- 5-22
+- 5-23
+- 5-24
+- 5-25
+- 5-26
+- 5-27
+- 5-28
+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
+- 6-22
+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
+- 6-26
+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
+- 7-22
+- 7-23
+- 7-24
+- 7-25
+- 7-26
+- 7-27
+- 7-28
+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
+- 8-11
+- 8-12
+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
+- 8-16
+- 8-17
+- 8-18
+- 8-19
+- 8-20
+- 8-21
+- 8-22
+- 8-23
+- 8-24
+- 8-25
+- 8-26
+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
+- 9-22
+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
+- 10-22
+- 10-23
+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
+- 11-17
+- 11-18
+- 11-19
+- 11-20
+- 11-21
+- 11-22
+- 11-23
+- 11-24
+- 11-25
+- 11-26
+- 11-27
+- 11-28
+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
+- 12-16
+- 12-17
+- 12-18
+- 12-19
+- 12-20
+- 12-21
+- 12-22
+- 12-23
+- 12-24
+- 12-25
+- 12-26
+- 12-27
+- 12-28
+- 12-29
+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
+- 13-16
+- 13-17
+- 13-18
+- 13-19
+- 13-20
+- 13-21
+- 13-22
+- 13-23
+- 13-24
+- 13-25
+- 13-26
+- 13-27
+- 13-28
+- 13-29
+- 13-30
+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
+- 14-18
+- 14-19
+- 14-20
+- 14-21
+- 14-22
+- 14-23
+- 14-24
+- 14-25
+- 14-26
+- 14-27
+- 14-28
+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
+- 15-22
+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
+- 16-26
+- 16-27
+- 16-28
+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
+- 17-22
+- 17-23
+- 17-24
+- 17-25
+- 17-26
+- 17-27
+- 17-28
+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
+- 18-22
+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
+- 19-22
+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 3
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
+- 3-22
+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
+- 3-26
+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
+- 4-26
+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
+- 5-22
+- 5-23
+- 5-24
+- 5-25
+- 5-26
+- 5-27
+- 5-28
+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
+- 6-22
+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
+- 6-26
+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
+- 7-22
+- 7-23
+- 7-24
+- 7-25
+- 7-26
+- 7-27
+- 7-28
+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
+- 8-11
+- 8-12
+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
+- 8-16
+- 8-17
+- 8-18
+- 8-19
+- 8-20
+- 8-21
+- 8-22
+- 8-23
+- 8-24
+- 8-25
+- 8-26
+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
+- 9-22
+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
+- 10-22
+- 10-23
+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
+- 11-17
+- 11-18
+- 11-19
+- 11-20
+- 11-21
+- 11-22
+- 11-23
+- 11-24
+- 11-25
+- 11-26
+- 11-27
+- 11-28
+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
+- 12-16
+- 12-17
+- 12-18
+- 12-19
+- 12-20
+- 12-21
+- 12-22
+- 12-23
+- 12-24
+- 12-25
+- 12-26
+- 12-27
+- 12-28
+- 12-29
+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
+- 13-16
+- 13-17
+- 13-18
+- 13-19
+- 13-20
+- 13-21
+- 13-22
+- 13-23
+- 13-24
+- 13-25
+- 13-26
+- 13-27
+- 13-28
+- 13-29
+- 13-30
+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
+- 14-18
+- 14-19
+- 14-20
+- 14-21
+- 14-22
+- 14-23
+- 14-24
+- 14-25
+- 14-26
+- 14-27
+- 14-28
+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
+- 15-22
+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
+- 16-26
+- 16-27
+- 16-28
+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
+- 17-22
+- 17-23
+- 17-24
+- 17-25
+- 17-26
+- 17-27
+- 17-28
+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
+- 18-22
+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
+- 19-22
+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 4
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
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+- 2-3
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+- 2-25
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+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
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+- 4-5
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+- 5-6
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+- 5-11
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+- 5-13
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+- 5-19
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+- 5-30
+- 6-7
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+- 6-30
+- 7-8
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+- 8-9
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+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
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+- 10-11
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+- 10-30
+- 11-12
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+- 12-13
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+- 13-14
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+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
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+- 14-19
+- 14-20
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+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
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+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
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+- 16-23
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+- 16-25
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+- 16-27
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+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
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+- 17-25
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+- 17-27
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+- 17-29
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+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
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+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
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+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
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+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 5
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
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+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
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+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
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+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
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+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
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+- 5-25
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+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
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+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
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+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
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+- 7-25
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+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
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+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
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+- 8-18
+- 8-19
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+- 8-21
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+- 8-24
+- 8-25
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+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
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+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
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+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
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+- 11-18
+- 11-19
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+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
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+- 12-18
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+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
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+- 14-15
+- 14-16
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+- 14-19
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+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
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+- 15-24
+- 15-25
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+- 15-27
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+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
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+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
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+- 16-27
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+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
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+- 17-24
+- 17-25
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+- 17-27
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+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
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+- 18-25
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+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
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+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
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+- 19-27
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+- 19-30
+- 20-21
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+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
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+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
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+- 21-25
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+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 6
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
+- 3-22
+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
+- 3-26
+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
+- 4-26
+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
+- 5-22
+- 5-23
+- 5-24
+- 5-25
+- 5-26
+- 5-27
+- 5-28
+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
+- 6-22
+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
+- 6-26
+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
+- 7-22
+- 7-23
+- 7-24
+- 7-25
+- 7-26
+- 7-27
+- 7-28
+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
+- 8-11
+- 8-12
+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
+- 8-16
+- 8-17
+- 8-18
+- 8-19
+- 8-20
+- 8-21
+- 8-22
+- 8-23
+- 8-24
+- 8-25
+- 8-26
+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
+- 9-22
+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
+- 10-22
+- 10-23
+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
+- 11-17
+- 11-18
+- 11-19
+- 11-20
+- 11-21
+- 11-22
+- 11-23
+- 11-24
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+- 11-26
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+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
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+- 12-29
+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
+- 13-16
+- 13-17
+- 13-18
+- 13-19
+- 13-20
+- 13-21
+- 13-22
+- 13-23
+- 13-24
+- 13-25
+- 13-26
+- 13-27
+- 13-28
+- 13-29
+- 13-30
+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
+- 14-18
+- 14-19
+- 14-20
+- 14-21
+- 14-22
+- 14-23
+- 14-24
+- 14-25
+- 14-26
+- 14-27
+- 14-28
+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
+- 15-22
+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
+- 16-26
+- 16-27
+- 16-28
+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
+- 17-22
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+- 17-24
+- 17-25
+- 17-26
+- 17-27
+- 17-28
+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
+- 18-22
+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
+- 19-22
+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 7
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
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+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
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+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
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+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
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+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
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+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
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+- 5-19
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+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
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+- 6-11
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+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
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+- 6-19
+- 6-20
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+- 6-25
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+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
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+- 7-11
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+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
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+- 7-30
+- 8-9
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+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
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+- 9-24
+- 9-25
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+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
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+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
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+- 11-19
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+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
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+- 12-18
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+- 13-14
+- 13-15
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+- 13-19
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+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
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+- 14-19
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+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
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+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
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+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
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+- 16-27
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+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
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+- 17-23
+- 17-24
+- 17-25
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+- 17-27
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+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
+- 18-21
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+- 18-23
+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
+- 19-21
+- 19-22
+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 540 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+CE: 80.0
+CI: 20.0
+J_ex: 0.1
+J_in: -0.4000000000000002
+N: 1000
+NE: 800
+NI: 200
+add_source: E
+- 0.2
+- 12800
+add_target: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.4
+- 0.6
+- 0.8
+- 1.0
+bin_num: 30000
+bin_size: 2
+chain_epsilon: 0.6
+chain_length: 3
+chain_pop: E
+- 0.05
+- 0.1
+- 0.15
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+- 0.6
+cluster_number: 3
+cluster_pop: E
+- 0.02
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0
+- 30
+cut_inital_time: 1000
+- 0.5
+- 3
+dt: 0.1
+epsilon: 0.1
+eta: 0.9
+ex_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+f: 0.8
+hub_epsilon: 0.5
+hub_pop: E
+- 0.04
+- 0.06
+- 0.08
+- 0.1
+- 0.2
+- 0.3
+- 0.4
+- 0.5
+in_connection_rule: pairwise_bernoulli
+mu: 0.1
+neuron_model: iaf_psc_delta
+  C_m: 1.0
+  E_L: 0.0
+  V_m: 0.0
+  V_reset: 0.0
+  V_th: 20.0
+  t_ref: 2.0
+  tau_m: 20.0
+nu_ex: 0.1125
+nu_th: 0.125
+p_rate: 9000.0
+p_rate_func: !!python/name:config.%3Clambda%3E ''
+parrot_input: false
+seed: 8
+- 1-2
+- 1-3
+- 1-4
+- 1-5
+- 1-6
+- 1-7
+- 1-8
+- 1-9
+- 1-10
+- 1-11
+- 1-12
+- 1-13
+- 1-14
+- 1-15
+- 1-16
+- 1-17
+- 1-18
+- 1-19
+- 1-20
+- 1-21
+- 1-22
+- 1-23
+- 1-24
+- 1-25
+- 1-26
+- 1-27
+- 1-28
+- 1-29
+- 1-30
+- 2-3
+- 2-4
+- 2-5
+- 2-6
+- 2-7
+- 2-8
+- 2-9
+- 2-10
+- 2-11
+- 2-12
+- 2-13
+- 2-14
+- 2-15
+- 2-16
+- 2-17
+- 2-18
+- 2-19
+- 2-20
+- 2-21
+- 2-22
+- 2-23
+- 2-24
+- 2-25
+- 2-26
+- 2-27
+- 2-28
+- 2-29
+- 2-30
+- 3-4
+- 3-5
+- 3-6
+- 3-7
+- 3-8
+- 3-9
+- 3-10
+- 3-11
+- 3-12
+- 3-13
+- 3-14
+- 3-15
+- 3-16
+- 3-17
+- 3-18
+- 3-19
+- 3-20
+- 3-21
+- 3-22
+- 3-23
+- 3-24
+- 3-25
+- 3-26
+- 3-27
+- 3-28
+- 3-29
+- 3-30
+- 4-5
+- 4-6
+- 4-7
+- 4-8
+- 4-9
+- 4-10
+- 4-11
+- 4-12
+- 4-13
+- 4-14
+- 4-15
+- 4-16
+- 4-17
+- 4-18
+- 4-19
+- 4-20
+- 4-21
+- 4-22
+- 4-23
+- 4-24
+- 4-25
+- 4-26
+- 4-27
+- 4-28
+- 4-29
+- 4-30
+- 5-6
+- 5-7
+- 5-8
+- 5-9
+- 5-10
+- 5-11
+- 5-12
+- 5-13
+- 5-14
+- 5-15
+- 5-16
+- 5-17
+- 5-18
+- 5-19
+- 5-20
+- 5-21
+- 5-22
+- 5-23
+- 5-24
+- 5-25
+- 5-26
+- 5-27
+- 5-28
+- 5-29
+- 5-30
+- 6-7
+- 6-8
+- 6-9
+- 6-10
+- 6-11
+- 6-12
+- 6-13
+- 6-14
+- 6-15
+- 6-16
+- 6-17
+- 6-18
+- 6-19
+- 6-20
+- 6-21
+- 6-22
+- 6-23
+- 6-24
+- 6-25
+- 6-26
+- 6-27
+- 6-28
+- 6-29
+- 6-30
+- 7-8
+- 7-9
+- 7-10
+- 7-11
+- 7-12
+- 7-13
+- 7-14
+- 7-15
+- 7-16
+- 7-17
+- 7-18
+- 7-19
+- 7-20
+- 7-21
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+- 7-23
+- 7-24
+- 7-25
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+- 7-29
+- 7-30
+- 8-9
+- 8-10
+- 8-11
+- 8-12
+- 8-13
+- 8-14
+- 8-15
+- 8-16
+- 8-17
+- 8-18
+- 8-19
+- 8-20
+- 8-21
+- 8-22
+- 8-23
+- 8-24
+- 8-25
+- 8-26
+- 8-27
+- 8-28
+- 8-29
+- 8-30
+- 9-10
+- 9-11
+- 9-12
+- 9-13
+- 9-14
+- 9-15
+- 9-16
+- 9-17
+- 9-18
+- 9-19
+- 9-20
+- 9-21
+- 9-22
+- 9-23
+- 9-24
+- 9-25
+- 9-26
+- 9-27
+- 9-28
+- 9-29
+- 9-30
+- 10-11
+- 10-12
+- 10-13
+- 10-14
+- 10-15
+- 10-16
+- 10-17
+- 10-18
+- 10-19
+- 10-20
+- 10-21
+- 10-22
+- 10-23
+- 10-24
+- 10-25
+- 10-26
+- 10-27
+- 10-28
+- 10-29
+- 10-30
+- 11-12
+- 11-13
+- 11-14
+- 11-15
+- 11-16
+- 11-17
+- 11-18
+- 11-19
+- 11-20
+- 11-21
+- 11-22
+- 11-23
+- 11-24
+- 11-25
+- 11-26
+- 11-27
+- 11-28
+- 11-29
+- 11-30
+- 12-13
+- 12-14
+- 12-15
+- 12-16
+- 12-17
+- 12-18
+- 12-19
+- 12-20
+- 12-21
+- 12-22
+- 12-23
+- 12-24
+- 12-25
+- 12-26
+- 12-27
+- 12-28
+- 12-29
+- 12-30
+- 13-14
+- 13-15
+- 13-16
+- 13-17
+- 13-18
+- 13-19
+- 13-20
+- 13-21
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+- 13-23
+- 13-24
+- 13-25
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+- 13-27
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+- 13-29
+- 13-30
+- 14-15
+- 14-16
+- 14-17
+- 14-18
+- 14-19
+- 14-20
+- 14-21
+- 14-22
+- 14-23
+- 14-24
+- 14-25
+- 14-26
+- 14-27
+- 14-28
+- 14-29
+- 14-30
+- 15-16
+- 15-17
+- 15-18
+- 15-19
+- 15-20
+- 15-21
+- 15-22
+- 15-23
+- 15-24
+- 15-25
+- 15-26
+- 15-27
+- 15-28
+- 15-29
+- 15-30
+- 16-17
+- 16-18
+- 16-19
+- 16-20
+- 16-21
+- 16-22
+- 16-23
+- 16-24
+- 16-25
+- 16-26
+- 16-27
+- 16-28
+- 16-29
+- 16-30
+- 17-18
+- 17-19
+- 17-20
+- 17-21
+- 17-22
+- 17-23
+- 17-24
+- 17-25
+- 17-26
+- 17-27
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+- 17-29
+- 17-30
+- 18-19
+- 18-20
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+- 18-24
+- 18-25
+- 18-26
+- 18-27
+- 18-28
+- 18-29
+- 18-30
+- 19-20
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+- 19-23
+- 19-24
+- 19-25
+- 19-26
+- 19-27
+- 19-28
+- 19-29
+- 19-30
+- 20-21
+- 20-22
+- 20-23
+- 20-24
+- 20-25
+- 20-26
+- 20-27
+- 20-28
+- 20-29
+- 20-30
+- 21-22
+- 21-23
+- 21-24
+- 21-25
+- 21-26
+- 21-27
+- 21-28
+- 21-29
+- 21-30
+- 22-23
+- 22-24
+- 22-25
+- 22-26
+- 22-27
+- 22-28
+- 22-29
+- 22-30
+- 23-24
+- 23-25
+- 23-26
+- 23-27
+- 23-28
+- 23-29
+- 23-30
+- 24-25
+- 24-26
+- 24-27
+- 24-28
+- 24-29
+- 24-30
+- 25-26
+- 25-27
+- 25-28
+- 25-29
+- 25-30
+- 26-27
+- 26-28
+- 26-29
+- 26-30
+- 27-28
+- 27-29
+- 27-30
+- 28-29
+- 28-30
+- 29-30
+shuffle_frac: 1.0
+- E
+- I
+- E
+- I
+sigma_ex: 0.12
+sigma_in: 0.1
+simtime: 61000
+stimulus: poisson_generator
+synapse_model: static_synapse
+syndist: lognormal
+tauMem: 20.0
+theta: 20.0

+ 657 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+  title = {Properties of Networks with Partially Structured and Partially Random Connectivity},
+  author = {Ahmadian, Yashar and Fumarola, Francesco and Miller, Kenneth D.},
+  year = {2015},
+  month = jan,
+  journal = {Physical Review E},
+  volume = {91},
+  number = {1},
+  pages = {012820},
+  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.91.012820},
+  title = {Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks},
+  author = {Albert, R{\'e}ka Reka R{\'e}ka and Barab{\'a}si, Albert-L{\'a}szl{\'o} and Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo and Barab{\'a}si, Albert-L{\'a}szl{\'o}},
+  year = {2002},
+  month = jan,
+  journal = {Reviews of Modern Physics},
+  volume = {74},
+  number = {1},
+  pages = {47},
+  issn = {0034-6861, 1539-0756},
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+  copyright = {Copyright \textcopyright{} 2019 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.. open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).},
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+  copyright = {\textcopyright{} 2020, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission.},
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+  doi = {10.2307/3318636},
+  abstract = {Let \$H\textbackslash colon L\_\{2\}(S,\textbackslash scr\{I\},P)\textbackslash mapsto L\_\{2\}(S,\textbackslash scr\{I\},P)\$ be a compact integral operator with a symmetric kernel h. Let Xi, i{$\in$} N, be independent S-valued random variables with common probability law P. Consider the n \texttimes{} n matrix {\~H}n with entries n-1h(Xi,Xj), 1 {$\leq$} i, j {$\leq$} n (this is the matrix of an empirical version of the operator H with P replaced by the empirical measure Pn), and let Hn denote the modification of {\~H}n, obtained by deleting its diagonal. It is proved that the l2 distance between the ordered spectrum of Hn and the ordered spectrum of H tends to zero a.s. if and only if H is Hilbert-Schmidt. Rates of convergence and distributional limit theorems for the difference between the ordered spectra of the operators Hn (or {\~H}n) and H are also obtained under somewhat stronger conditions. These results apply in particular to the kernels of certain functions H = {$\varphi$}(L) of partial differential operators L (heat kernels, Green functions).},
+  title = {Between-{{Groups Comparison}} of {{Principal Components}}},
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+  abstract = {A method is given for comparing principal component analyses conducted on the same variables in two different groups of individuals, and an extension to the case of more than two groups is outlined. The technique leads to a latent root and vector problem, which has also arisen in the comparison of factor patterns in separate factor analyses. Emphasis in the present article is on the underlying geometry and interpretation of the results. An illustrative example is provided.},
+  keywords = {Analytical rotation,Congruence coefficient,Latent roots and vectors,Principal component analysis},
+  annotation = {\_eprint:},
+  title = {Between-Group Analysis with Heterogeneous Covariance Matrices: {{The}} Common Principal Component Model},
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+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-name: eigenangle
-    - defaults
-    - conda-forge
-  - python >= 3.10
-  - pip
-  - pip:
-    - snakemake>=6.15.2
-    - numpy>=1.22.2
-    - scipy>=1.8.0
-    - elephant>=0.10.0
-    - neo>=0.10.0 #+nestio fix
-    - git+git://
-    - viziphant>=0.2.0
-    - pandas>=1.4.0
-    - seaborn>=0.11.2
-    - jupyterlab

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: eigenangles
+    - defaults
+    - conda-forge
+  - python~=3.10
+  - pip
+  - pip:
+    - snakemake~=6.15.2
+    - numpy~=1.22.2
+    - scipy~=1.8.0
+    - elephant~=0.10.0
+    - neo~=0.10.0 # +nestio fix (PR #1097)
+    # - git+git://
+    - viziphant~=0.2.0
+    - pandas~=1.4.0
+    - seaborn~=0.11.2
+    - ipympl~=0.8.8
+    - jupyterlab
+    # - nest==3.1.





Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 254 - 0

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 428 - 0






+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import config
+rule create_correlation_matrix_from_spikes:
+    input:
+        script = 'scripts/',
+        spikes = 'simulation_output/{simulator}/out_firings_after{t}h.dat',
+    output:
+        correlation = 'simulation_output/{simulator}/correlations_after{t}h.npy'
+    params:
+        t_start = config.t_start,
+        t_stop = config.t_stop,
+        bin_size = config.bin_size
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --spikes "{input.spikes}" \
+                              --output "{output.correlation}" \
+                              --t_stop {params.t_stop} \
+                              --t_start {params.t_start} \
+                              --bin_size {params.bin_size}
+        """
+rule compare_polychrony_networks:
+    input:
+        script = "../scripts/{test}.py",
+        matrix_a = 'simulation_output/C/correlations_after{t}h.npy',
+        matrix_b = 'simulation_output/SpiNNaker/correlations_after{t}h.npy'
+    output:
+        temp('results/{test}_after{t}h.json')
+    params:
+        N = config.N,
+        bin_num = config.bin_num
+    shell:
+        """
+        echo {params.is_connectivity}
+        python {input.script} --matrix_a {input.matrix_a} \
+                              --matrix_b {input.matrix_b} \
+                              --output {output} \
+                              --bin_num {params.bin_num} \
+                              --N {params.N} \
+        """
+rule score_to_dataframe:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        data = 'results/{test}_after{t}h.json'
+    output:
+        'results/{test}_after{t}h.csv'
+    params:
+        N = config.N,
+        t_start = config.t_start,
+        t_stop = config.t_stop,
+        bin_size = config.bin_size,
+        bin_num = config.bin_num,
+        simulator_a = 'C',
+        simulator_b = 'SpiNNaker'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --output "{output}" \
+                              --input "{}" \
+                              --recording_window {wildcards.t} \
+                              --N {params.N} \
+                              --t_start {params.t_start} \
+                              --t_stop {params.t_stop} \
+                              --bin_size {params.bin_size} \
+                              --bin_num {params.bin_num} \
+                              --simulator_a {params.simulator_a} \
+                              --simulator_b {params.simulator_b} \
+                              --test {wildcards.test}
+        """
+rule merge_comparison_results:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        paths_file = 'results/'
+    output:
+        'results/simulator_comparison.csv'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.paths_file}" \
+                              --output "{output}"
+        """
+rule scan:
+    input:
+        expand('results/{test}_after{t}h.csv',
+                            t=config.recording_window,
+                            test=config.test)

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+N = 1000
+t_start = 0
+t_stop = 60000
+bin_size = 2
+bin_num = int((t_stop - t_start) / bin_size)
+recording_window = [1,2,3,4,5]
+test = ['eigenangle_test', 'ks_test']

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from networkunit import models, tests, scores
+import neo
+import quantities as pq
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import argparse
+from scipy.linalg import eigh
+class polychrony_data(models.loaded_spiketrains):
+    default_params = {'align_to_0': True,
+                      'filter_inh': False,
+                      'N': 1000,
+                      't_start':0*,
+                      't_stop':60000*,
+                      'file_path': ''
+                     }
+    def load(self):
+        f = open(self.params['file_path'], 'r')
+        lines = f.readlines()
+        # Read Spike Times
+        spike_times = [[]] * self.params['N']
+        for line in lines:
+            sec, msec, n = line.split(' ')[:3]
+            t = float(sec)*1000. + float(msec)
+            n = int(n)
+            if t > self.params['t_stop']:
+                break
+            spike_times[n] = spike_times[n] + [t]
+        # Fill Spike Trains
+        nbr_neurons = self.params['N']
+        if self.params['filter_inh']:
+            nbr_neurons = 800
+        spiketrains = [[]] * nbr_neurons
+        for n, st in enumerate(spike_times):
+            if n < 800:
+                n_type = 'exc'
+            else:
+                n_type = 'inh'
+            if not self.params['filter_inh'] or n_type == 'exc':
+                spiketrains[n] = neo.SpikeTrain(np.sort(st), units='ms',
+                                                t_start=self.params['t_start'],
+                                                t_stop=self.params['t_stop'],
+                                                n_type=n_type, unitID=n)
+        return spiketrains
+class correlation_matrix_test(tests.correlation_matrix_test):
+    score_type = scores.effect_size
+    params = {'cluster_matrix':False,
+              'remove_autocorr':False,
+              'nan_to_num':True}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_start", nargs='?', type=float, default=0)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_stop", "--T", nargs='?', type=float, default=60000)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    spikes_model = polychrony_data(file_path=args.spikes,
+                                    t_start=args.t_start*,
+                                    t_stop=args.t_stop*,
+                                    align_to_0=True)
+    corr_test = correlation_matrix_test()
+    cc_matrix = corr_test.generate_prediction(spikes_model)
+, cc_matrix)

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 381 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 271 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sc
+from scipy.stats import norm
+from scipy.linalg import eigh, eig
+from scipy.integrate import quad
+from scipy.special import erf
+import math
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import argparse
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+class EigenangleTest():
+    """
+    Class to create the null hypothesis for the eigenangle test comparison of
+    correlation matrices or connectivity matrices (for networks as described by
+    Rajan and Abbott 2006), and conduct the comparison for two given matrices.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, is_connectivity=False, **params):
+        for key, value in params.items():
+            setattr(self, key, value)
+        if 'N' not in params:
+            raise AttributeError('Number of neurons "N" must be given!')
+        self.is_connectivity = is_connectivity
+        if is_connectivity: # compare connectivity matrices
+            for param in ['f', 'mu', 'epsilon', 'sigma_ex', 'sigma_in']:
+                if not hasattr(self, param) and getattr(self, param) is not None:
+                    raise AttributeError(f'{param} not given!')
+            self.mu_ex =
+            self.mu_in = -self.f * self.mu_ex / (1-self.f)
+            self.var_J_ex = self.var_J(self.mu_ex, self.sigma_ex, self.epsilon)
+            self.var_J_in = self.var_J(self.mu_in, self.sigma_in, self.epsilon)
+            self.beta = self.var_J_in / self.var_J_ex
+            self.chi = self.var_J_in * self.N
+            self.weight_dist = self.rajan_abbott
+            self.critical_radius = np.sqrt(1 - self.f + self.f/self.beta) \
+                                 * np.sqrt(self.chi)
+        else: # compare correlation matrices
+            if not hasattr(self, 'bin_num') and getattr(self, 'bin_num') is not None:
+                raise AttributeError('"bin_num" not given!')
+            self.alpha = self.bin_num / self.N
+            if self.alpha < 1:
+                raise ValueError('There need to be more bins than neurons!')
+            self.weight_dist = self.marchenko_pastur
+    def compare(self, matrix_a, matrix_b):
+        if self.N != len(matrix_a) or self.N != len(matrix_b):
+            raise ValueError(f'Matrices are of wrong size (!={self.N})')
+        if self.is_connectivity:
+            eval_a, evec_a = eig(matrix_a)
+            eval_b, evec_b = eig(matrix_b)
+            eval_a, eval_b = np.real(eval_a), np.real(eval_b)
+            eval_a += self.critical_radius
+            eval_b += self.critical_radius
+            eval_a[eval_a<0], eval_b[eval_b<0] = 0, 0
+        else:
+            eval_a, evec_a = eigh(matrix_a)
+            eval_b, evec_b = eigh(matrix_b)
+        # sort eigenvalues and -vector in ascending order
+        sort_idx_a, sort_idx_b = np.argsort(eval_a), np.argsort(eval_b)
+        sort_idx_a, sort_idx_b = sort_idx_a[::-1], sort_idx_b[::-1]
+        eval_a, eval_b = eval_a[sort_idx_a], eval_b[sort_idx_b]
+        evec_a, evec_b = evec_a.T[sort_idx_a], evec_b.T[sort_idx_b]
+        for i, (eva, evb) in enumerate(zip(evec_a, evec_b)):
+            evec_a[i] = eva * np.sign(eva[np.argmax(np.absolute(eva))])
+            evec_b[i] = evb * np.sign(evb[np.argmax(np.absolute(evb))])
+            evec_a[i] /= np.linalg.norm(eva)
+            evec_b[i] /= np.linalg.norm(evb)
+        M =, np.conjugate(evec_b).T)
+        M = np.real(M)
+        M[np.argwhere(M > 1)] = 1.
+        if len(M) == 1:
+            angles = np.arccos(M[0])
+        else:
+            angles = np.arccos(np.diag(M))
+        weights = np.sqrt((eval_a**2 + eval_b**2) / 2.)
+        smallness = 1 - angles / (np.pi/2.)
+        weighted_smallness = smallness * weights
+        similarity_score = np.mean(weighted_smallness)
+        self.init_null_distribution()
+        pvalue = self.pvalue(similarity_score)
+        return similarity_score, pvalue
+    def init_null_distribution(self):
+        # init min/max eigenvalues
+        if self.is_connectivity:
+            self.eigenvalue_min = 0
+            self.eigenvalue_max = 2*self.critical_radius
+        else:
+            self.eigenvalue_min = (1 - np.sqrt(1. / self.alpha)) ** 2
+            self.eigenvalue_max = (1 + np.sqrt(1. / self.alpha)) ** 2
+        # init angle distribution norm
+        N = 2*self.N if self.is_connectivity else self.N
+        if N <= 170:
+            self.angle_dist_norm = math.gamma(N/2.) / (np.sqrt(np.pi) \
+                                 * math.gamma((N-1)/2))
+        else:
+            angle_dist = lambda x: np.sin(x)**(N-2)
+            self.angle_dist_norm = 1 / quad(angle_dist, 0, np.pi)[0]
+        # calc norm for rajan_abbott eigenvalue dist
+        if self.is_connectivity:
+            self.eigenvalue_dist_norm = quad(self.eigenvalue_real_dist,
+                                             -self.critical_radius,
+                                             self.critical_radius)[0]
+        # init variance of similarity score distribution
+        integrand = lambda x: x**2 * self.weighted_smallness_dist(x)
+        var = quad(integrand, -np.infty, np.infty)[0]
+        self.similarity_score_sigma = np.sqrt(var/self.N)
+        return None
+    def angle_smallness_dist(self, D):
+        if D < -1 or D > 1:
+            return 0
+        N = 2*self.N if self.is_connectivity else self.N
+        return self.angle_dist_norm * np.pi/2 * np.cos(D*np.pi/2)**(N-2)
+    def angle_dist(self, phi):
+        N = 2*self.N if self.is_connectivity else self.N
+        if phi < 0 or phi > np.pi:
+            return 0
+        func = lambda p: np.sin(p)**(N-2)
+        if N < 170:
+            norm = sc.special.gamma(N/2.) / (np.sqrt(np.pi) \
+                 * sc.special.gamma((N-1)/2))
+        else:
+            norm = 1/sc.integrate.quad(func, 0, np.pi)[0]
+        return norm * func(phi)
+    def weighted_smallness_dist(self, D):
+        integrand = lambda x: self.angle_smallness_dist(D/float(x)) \
+                                * self.weight_dist(x) * 1. / np.abs(x)
+        return quad(integrand, self.eigenvalue_min, self.eigenvalue_max)[0]
+    def similarity_score_distribution(self, eta):
+        return sc.stats.norm.pdf(eta, 0, self.similarity_score_sigma)
+    def pvalue(self, eta):
+        sigma = self.similarity_score_sigma
+        # equal to integration of similarity_score_distribution from eta to inf
+        return .5 * (1 + erf(-eta / (sigma * np.sqrt(2))))
+    def marchenko_pastur(self, x):
+        x_min, x_max = self.eigenvalue_min, self.eigenvalue_max
+        y = self.alpha / (2 * np.pi * x) * np.sqrt((x_max - x) * (x - x_min))
+        if np.isnan(y):
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return y
+    def rajan_abbott(self, w):
+        w_shift = w - self.critical_radius
+        return 1/self.eigenvalue_dist_norm * self.eigenvalue_real_dist(w_shift)
+    def eigenvalue_real_dist(self, x):
+        # transform dist for abs(ev) to dist for Re(ev)
+        def transform_func(d):
+            if d**2-x**2 <= 0:
+                return 0
+            return self.eigenvalue_radius_dist(d) * d/np.sqrt(d**2-x**2)
+        return quad(transform_func, np.abs(x), self.critical_radius)[0]
+    def eigenvalue_radius_dist(self, w):
+        w = w / np.sqrt(self.chi)
+        r = w**2
+        critical_value = 1 - self.f + self.f/self.beta
+        if r > critical_value:
+            return 0
+        else:
+            phi_p  = self.phi(r, self.beta, self.f, dev=1)
+            phi_pp = self.phi(r, self.beta, self.f, dev=2)
+            return 1/np.pi * (r*phi_pp + phi_p) / np.sqrt(self.chi)
+    def q_func(self, r, a, f, dev=0):
+        ma = 1-a
+        mf = 2*(1-f)
+        A  = ma*r + 2*f - 1
+        B  = np.sqrt((ma*r - 1)**2 + 4*f*ma*r)
+        if dev == 0:
+            return (A+B)/mf
+        elif dev == 1:
+            return ma/mf * (1 + A/B)
+        elif dev == 2:
+            return ma**2 / (mf*B) * (1 - A**2/B**2)
+        else:
+            return np.nan
+    def phi(self, r, a, f, dev=1):
+        q   = self.q_func(r, a, f, dev=0)
+        qp  = self.q_func(r, a, f, dev=1)
+        qpp = self.q_func(r, a, f, dev=2)
+        mq  = q + 1
+        maq = (a*q + 1) / mq
+        A = 1/mq - f/q + a*r/mq - r*(a*q+1)/mq**2
+        if dev == 1:
+            return qp*A + maq
+        elif dev == 2:
+            return qpp*A \
+                 + 2*qp*(a/mq - maq/mq) \
+                 + qp**2*(-1/mq**2 + f/q**2 - 2*a*r/mq**2 + 2*r*maq/mq**2)
+        else:
+            return np.nan
+    def var_J(self, mu, sigma, epsilon):
+        return epsilon*sigma**2 + epsilon*(1-epsilon)*mu**2
+def none_or_X(value, dtype):
+    if value is None or not bool(value) or value == 'None':
+        return None
+    try:
+        return dtype(value)
+    except ValueError:
+        return None
+none_or_int = lambda v: none_or_X(v, int)
+none_or_float = lambda v: none_or_X(v, float)
+bool_arg = lambda s: False if s == 'False' else True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--matrix_a", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--matrix_b", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--N", nargs='?', type=int, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--bin_num", nargs='?', type=none_or_int, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--f", nargs='?', type=none_or_float, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--mu", "--mu_ex", nargs='?', type=none_or_float, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--epsilon", nargs='?', type=none_or_float, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_ex", nargs='?', type=none_or_float, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--sigma_in", nargs='?', type=none_or_float, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--is_connectivity", nargs='?', type=bool_arg, default=False)
+    CLI.add_argument("--shuffle_neuron_ids", nargs='?', type=bool_arg, default=False)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    params = dict([(k,v) for k,v in vars(args).items()
+                    if k not in ['matrix_a', 'matrix_b', 'output']])
+    matrix_a = np.nan_to_num(np.load(args.matrix_a))
+    matrix_b = np.nan_to_num(np.load(args.matrix_b))
+    if args.shuffle_neuron_ids:
+        neuron_ids = np.arange(args.N)
+        np.random.shuffle(neuron_ids)
+        matrix_b = matrix_b[neuron_ids, :][:, neuron_ids]
+    eigenangle_test = EigenangleTest(**params)
+    score, pvalue =, matrix_b)
+    # print(score, pvalue)
+    result = {'score':score, 'pvalue':pvalue}
+    args.output.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+    json.dump(result, open(args.output, 'w'))

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from networkunit import models, tests, scores
+import numpy as np
+from quantities import ms, Hz
+import argparse
+class activity_model(models.stochastic_activity):
+    params = {**models.stochastic_activity.default_params}
+class corr_test(tests.correlation_matrix_test):
+    score_type = scores.effect_size
+    params = {'cluster_matrix':False,
+              'remove_autocorr':False}
+def generate_matrix(N, t_start, t_stop, binsize, rate, assembly_sizes,
+                    correlations, bkgr_correlation, corr_method):
+    params = {'size': N,
+              't_start': t_start * ms,
+              't_stop': t_stop * ms,
+              'rate': rate * Hz,
+              'statistic': 'poisson',
+              'correlation_method': corr_method,
+              'expected_bin_size': binsize * ms,
+              'correlations': correlations,
+              'assembly_sizes': assembly_sizes,
+              'bkgr_correlation': bkgr_correlation,
+              'max_pattern_length':100 * ms,
+              'shuffle': False,
+              'shuffle_seed': None}
+    activity_model_inst = activity_model(**params)
+    test = corr_test()
+    return test.generate_prediction(activity_model_inst)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--N", nargs='?', type=int)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_start", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_stop", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--binsize", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--rate", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--assembly_sizes", nargs='?', type=lambda s: [int(i) for i in s.split(',')])
+    CLI.add_argument("--correlations", nargs='?', type=lambda s: [float(i) for i in s.split(',')])
+    CLI.add_argument("--bkgr_correlation", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--corr_method", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    M = generate_matrix(N=args.N,
+                        t_start=args.t_start,
+                        t_stop=args.t_stop,
+                        binsize=args.binsize,
+                        rate=args.rate,
+                        assembly_sizes=args.assembly_sizes,
+                        correlations=args.correlations,
+                        bkgr_correlation=args.bkgr_correlation,
+                        corr_method=args.corr_method)
+, M)

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sc
+from networkunit.scores import ks_distance
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import argparse
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--matrix_a", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--matrix_b", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path, required=True)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    matrix_1 = np.nan_to_num(np.load(args.matrix_a))
+    matrix_2 = np.nan_to_num(np.load(args.matrix_b))
+    score = ks_distance.compute(matrix_1.flatten(), matrix_2.flatten())
+    print(score.score, score.pvalue)
+    result = {'score': score.score, 'pvalue': score.pvalue}
+    args.output.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+    json.dump(result, open(args.output, 'w'))

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path
+from utils import load_df
+def use_file(file, include=[], exclude=[]):
+    is_df = Path(file).suffix == '.csv'
+    excluded = np.array([excl in for excl in exclude]).any()
+    included = np.array([incl in for incl in include]).all()
+    return is_df and included and not excluded
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path, default=None)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--exclude", nargs='?', type=lambda s: s.split(' '),
+                     default=['rewiring_results'])
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    dfs = []
+    if args.input is None:
+        args.input = args.output.parent
+    if args.input.is_file():
+        with open(args.input, "r") as file:
+            for path in file.readlines():
+                dfs.append(load_df(path))
+    elif args.input.is_dir():
+        for file in args.input.rglob("*"):
+            if use_file(file, exclude=args.exclude):
+                dfs.append(load_df(file))
+    full_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
+    full_df.to_csv(args.output)

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import neo
+import quantities as pq
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import seaborn as sns
+import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=Path)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    matrix = np.load(args.input)
+    np.fill_diagonal(matrix, np.nan)
+    cmap = sns.color_palette("vlag", as_cmap=True).copy()
+    cmap.set_bad(color='white')
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10,10),
+                           gridspec_kw={'width_ratios':[1,0.02]})
+    sns.heatmap(matrix, cmap=cmap, center=0, square=True, ax=ax[0],
+                cbar=True, cbar_ax=ax[1])
+    ax[0].set_axis_off()
+    measure ='.')[0]
+    ax[1].set_ylabel(measure)
+    plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches='tight')

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import neo
+import quantities as pq
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import seaborn as sns
+from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot_rates
+from utils import colormap
+import argparse
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--spikes", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_stop", "--T", nargs='?', type=float)
+    CLI.add_argument("--t_start", nargs='?', type=float, default=0)
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    io =
+    spiketrains = io.read_block().segments[0].spiketrains
+    spiketrains = [st.time_slice(args.t_start*, args.t_stop*
+                   for st in spiketrains]
+    sns.set(style='ticks', context='poster')
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(25,13))
+    ax, axx, axy = rasterplot_rates(spiketrains,
+                                    ax=ax,
+                                    key_list=['neuron_type'],
+                                    labelkey='neuron_type',
+                                    groupingdepth=1,
+                                    colorkey='neuron_type',
+                                    palette=[colormap['exc'], colormap['inh']],
+                                    markerargs={'markersize':1, 'marker':'.'},
+                                    pophistbins=100)
+    ax.set_yticklabels(['E','I'])
+    ax.set_xlabel('time [ms]')
+    axy.set_xlabel('rate [Hz]')
+    axy.set_xticklabels([float(axy.get_xticklabels()[0].get_text())*1000])
+    plt.savefig(args.output, bbox_inches='tight')

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 684 - 0

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    CLI.add_argument("--output", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--input", nargs='?', type=str)
+    CLI.add_argument("--params", nargs='?', type=str, default='')
+    args, unknown = CLI.parse_known_args()
+    if len(args.params):
+        params = dict([param.split('=') for param in args.params.split(',')])
+    else:
+        params = {}
+    add_params = dict([(k.strip('-'),v) for k,v in zip(unknown[:-1:2],unknown[1::2])])
+    params.update(add_params)
+    ext = Path(args.input).suffix
+    if ext == '.npy':
+        input = np.load(args.input, allow_pickle=True).item()
+    elif ext == '.json':
+        input = json.load(open(args.input))
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Can't handle file type {ext}")
+    params['score'], params['pvalue'] = input['score'], input['pvalue']
+    df = pd.Series(params).to_frame().T
+    df.to_csv(args.output)

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox, TextArea, HPacker, VPacker
+int_types = ['N', 'binsize', 'bin_num', 'seed_a', 'seed_b', 'seed']
+float_types = ['t_start', 't_stop', 'rate', 'bkgr_correlation',
+                'score', 'pvalue', 'epsilon', 'sigma_ex', 'sigma_in', 'simtime',
+                'f', 'mu']
+dtypes = dict.fromkeys(int_types, 'Int64') | dict.fromkeys(float_types, float)
+colormap = {'weights': "#290d67",
+            'correlations': "#146014",
+            # 'ratio': "#c08e00",
+            'ratio': "#1A9791",
+            'rate_correlation': "#c08e00",
+            'rate_correlation_exc': "#5a88dc",
+            'exc': "#5a88dc",
+            'rate_correlation_inh': "#e8685b",
+            'inh': "#e8685b",
+           }
+def load_df(path):
+    df = pd.read_csv(path, dtype=dtypes)
+    df.drop(df.columns[df.columns.str.contains('unnamed', case=False)],
+            axis=1, inplace=True)
+    return df
+def compact_column(df, compact_column='matrix', expand_column=['score', 'pvalue']):
+    compact_values = df[compact_column].unique()
+    if len(compact_values) <= 1:
+        return df
+    elif len(compact_values) > 2:
+        raise ValueError('Can not compact on column with more than 2 values')
+    df_left, df_right = [df[df[compact_column] == compact_value].copy()
+                         for compact_value in compact_values]
+    df_left.drop(compact_column, axis=1, inplace=True)
+    df_right.drop(compact_column, axis=1, inplace=True)
+    out = expand_column if type(expand_column) == list else [expand_column]
+    out += [compact_column]
+    on = [col for col in df_left.columns.to_list() if col not in out]
+    df_compact = df_left.merge(df_right, how='left', on=on,
+                               suffixes=(f'_{compact_values[0]}',
+                                         f'_{compact_values[1]}'))
+    return df_compact
+def stack_columns(df, prefixes=['pvalue'], suffixes=['weights', 'correlations'],
+                  new_column='matrix'):
+    dfs = []
+    for suffix in suffixes:
+        data = df.copy()
+        data[new_column] = suffix
+        for prefix in prefixes:
+            data[prefix] = data[f'{prefix}_{suffix}']
+            for suf in suffixes:
+                data.drop(f'{prefix}_{suf}', axis=1, inplace=True)
+        dfs += [data]
+    return pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
+def multicolor_ylabel(ax, list_of_strings, list_of_colors, anchorpad=0,
+                      bbox_to_anchor=(-0.05, 0.5), **kw):
+    ax.set_ylabel('')
+    textprops=dict(ha='left', va='bottom', rotation=90, **kw)
+    boxes = [TextArea(text, textprops=textprops | dict(color=color))
+             for text, color in zip(list_of_strings[::-1], list_of_colors[::-1])]
+    ybox = VPacker(children=boxes, align="center", pad=0, sep=5)
+    anchored_ybox = AnchoredOffsetbox(loc='center', child=ybox, pad=anchorpad,
+                                      frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor,
+                                      bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0.)
+    ax.add_artist(anchored_ybox)
+    return None

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import config
+    bkgr_correlation = '[\d\.]+',
+    seed = '\d+',
+    seed_a = '\d+',
+    seed_b = '\d+',
+rule generate_poisson_correlation_matrix:
+    input:
+        script = "scripts/"
+    output:
+        "correlation_matrices/N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}_{corr_method}/{seed}.npy"
+    conda:
+        "environment.yaml"
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --t_start {wildcards.t_start} \
+                              --t_stop {wildcards.t_stop} \
+                              --binsize {wildcards.binsize} \
+                              --rate {wildcards.rate} \
+                              --assembly_sizes {wildcards.assembly_sizes} \
+                              --correlations {wildcards.correlations} \
+                              --bkgr_correlation  {wildcards.bkgr_correlation} \
+                              --corr_method {wildcards.corr_method} \
+                              --output {output}
+        """
+rule compare_correlation_matrices:
+    input:
+        script = "../scripts/{test}.py",
+        matrix_a = "correlation_matrices/N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}_{corr_method_a}/{seed_a}.npy",
+        matrix_b = "correlation_matrices/N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}_{corr_method_b}/{seed_b}.npy",
+    params:
+        bin_num = config.bin_num
+    conda:
+        "environment.yaml"
+    output:
+        temp("results/{corr_method_a}-{corr_method_b}_N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}/{test}_{seed_a}-{seed_b}.json")
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --matrix_a {input.matrix_a} \
+                              --matrix_b {input.matrix_b} \
+                              --output {output} \
+                              --bin_num {params.bin_num} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N}
+        """
+rule score_to_dataframe:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        data = 'results/{corr_method_a}-{corr_method_b}_N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}/{test}_{seed_a}-{seed_b}.json'
+    output:
+        'results/{corr_method_a}-{corr_method_b}_N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}/{test}_{seed_a}-{seed_b}.csv'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --output "{output}" \
+                              --input "{}" \
+                              --corr_method_a {wildcards.corr_method_a} \
+                              --corr_method_b {wildcards.corr_method_b} \
+                              --N {wildcards.N} \
+                              --t_start {wildcards.t_start} \
+                              --t_stop {wildcards.t_stop} \
+                              --binsize {wildcards.binsize} \
+                              --rate {wildcards.rate} \
+                              --assembly_sizes {wildcards.assembly_sizes} \
+                              --correlations {wildcards.correlations} \
+                              --bkgr_correlation {wildcards.bkgr_correlation} \
+                              --test {wildcards.test} \
+                              --seed_a {wildcards.seed_a} \
+                              --seed_b {wildcards.seed_b}
+        """
+rule collect_result_paths:
+    input:
+        config = '',
+        data = expand("results/{corr_method_a}-{corr_method_b}_N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}/{test}_{seed_pair}.csv",
+                        corr_method_a=config.corr_method[0],
+                        corr_method_b=config.corr_method[1],
+                        N=config.N,
+                        t_start=config.t_start,
+                        t_stop=config.t_stop,
+                        binsize=config.binsize,
+                        rate=config.rate,
+                        assembly_sizes=config.assembly_sizes,
+                        correlations=config.correlations,
+                        bkgr_correlation=config.bkgr_correlation,
+                        test=config.test,
+                        seed_pair=config.seed_pairs)
+    output:
+        temp('results/result_paths.txt')
+    shell:
+        """
+        printf '%s\n' "{}" | xargs printf '%s\n' > {output}
+        """
+rule merge_comparison_results:
+    input:
+        script = '../scripts/',
+        paths_file = 'results/result_paths.txt'
+    output:
+        'results/stochastic_activity_comparison.csv'
+    shell:
+        """
+        python {input.script} --input "{input.paths_file}" \
+                              --output "{output}"
+        """

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import itertools
+t_start=0 #ms
+t_stop=30000 #ms
+rate=10 #Hz
+binsize=2 #ms
+# assembly_sizes='6,8'
+# correlations='0.3,0.1'
+corr_method=['CPP', 'CPP'] #'pairwise_equivalent']
+seed=[0,1,2,3,4,5] #,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]
+seed_pairs = [f'{i[0]}-{i[1]}' for i in itertools.combinations(seed,2)]
+bin_num = int((t_stop-t_start) / binsize)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 0 - 0

Některé soubory nejsou zobrazeny, neboť je v těchto rozdílových datech změněno mnoho souborů