READ_ME_stimuli_presentation_functions_description.rtf 3.5 KB

  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2636
  2. \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
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  6. \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0
  7. \f0\fs24 \cf0 Psychtoolbox (Matlab) scripts for stimuli presentation\
  8. \
  9. # SBJ stands for PTP (participant), CF (confederate)\
  10. \
  11. \
  12. # Main script for participant logging and selection of the order of the block conditions\
  13. JA_main_DEF.m\
  14. \
  15. \
  16. # It runs of the Warming-up condition\
  17. \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0
  18. \cf0 JA_Warming_up_Stage2.m\
  19. \
  20. # It runs the Training condition\
  21. JA_Training_Stage2.m\
  22. \
  23. \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0
  24. \cf0 # It runs one of the main_Experiment conditions (plus the Motor Imagery) \
  25. \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0
  26. \cf0 JA_Main_Experiment_Stage2.m\
  27. \
  28. \
  29. \
  30. \
  31. ## Functions needed for Warming-up and Training\
  32. \
  33. # it sends Arduino the \'91go\'92 for check pressure on sensors\
  34. scrittura.m\
  35. \
  36. # sets saving settings \
  37. JA_saving_settings.m\
  38. \
  39. # sets screen settings to be used throughout the block\
  40. JA_Screen_Settings.m\
  41. \
  42. # function to facilitate the presentation timings on the screen\
  43. JA_frames_function.m\
  44. \
  45. # even though Warming up is bimanual, these functions have been exploited to make scripts for different conditions comparable in structure\
  46. JA_CFs_quickness_games_distribution.m\
  47. \
  48. JA_CFs_trial_type_within_games_alt.m\
  49. \
  50. JA_CF_response_delays_and_timings.m\
  51. \
  52. JA_trigger_values_setting.m\
  53. \
  54. \
  55. \
  56. # delay between the moment in which the ball falls and that in which it changes color\
  57. JA_ball_colors_delays.m\
  58. \
  59. \
  60. # It sets the initial objects set up on the screen\
  61. JA_Initialise_Shapes.m\
  62. \
  63. # it checks that there is enough pressure not the three pressure sensors \
  64. # if not enough pressure is exerted, it stops the trials flow\
  65. JA_check_hands_Warming_Up.m\
  66. \
  67. # it \cf2 loads the objects on the \'91backscreen' before flipping it on the front\cf0 \
  68. JA_Load_Obj_On_Screen.m\
  69. \
  70. # it brings the ball from place A to place B\
  71. JA_Object_Movement.m\
  72. \
  73. # it changes the ball color\
  74. JA_Ball_color_change.m\
  75. \
  76. # checks performance of the left hand\
  77. JA_SBJ_performance.m\
  78. \
  79. # it shows catch trials feedback \
  80. JA_interim_feedback_warming_up.m\
  81. \
  82. # it shows the game outcome\
  83. JA_outcome_feedback_warming_up.m\
  84. \
  85. # it outputs the left hand performance in the warming-up and Training blocks\
  86. JA_exclusion_criteria_CF.m\
  87. \
  88. # it outputs the right hand performance in the warming-up and Training blocks\
  89. JA_exclusion_criteria_SBJ.m\
  90. \
  91. \
  92. \
  93. \
  94. \
  95. \
  96. # functions needed for the Main Experiment blocks (Joint, Competitive, Parallel and Motor Imagery)\
  97. \
  98. # set the features of the CF part of the trials\
  99. JA_CFs_trial_type_within_games_Stage2\
  100. \
  101. # it balances press and lift trials\
  102. JA_Add_balanced_OUT_trials_CFs_within_games_Stage2.m\
  103. \
  104. # it sets TMS delays\
  105. JA_TMS_random_delays.m\
  106. \
  107. # it keeps track of the median PTP performance \
  108. JA_Average_previous_trials.m\
  109. \
  110. # it checks that there is enough pressure on the sensors\
  111. JA_check_hands_Main_Experiment.m\
  112. \
  113. # it sets CF\'92s performance and displayed it on the screen \
  114. JA_CF_performance.m\
  115. \
  116. \
  117. # interim feedback for motor imagery\
  118. JA_interim_feedback_IMAGERY_Stage_2\
  119. \
  120. # interim feedback for the main experiment conditions\
  121. JA_interim_feedback.m\
  122. \
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  140. }