square_wave.xml 4.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="odmlTerms.xsl" xmlns:odml="http://www.g-node.org/odml"?>
  3. <!-- ********************************************************* -->
  4. <!-- square wave stimulus -->
  5. <!-- ********************************************************* -->
  6. <odML version="1">
  7. <repository>http://portal.g-node.org/odml/terminologies/v1.0/terminologies.xml</repository>
  8. <version>1.0</version>
  9. <date>2011-01-21</date>
  10. <section>
  11. <type>stimulus/square_wave</type>
  12. <name>Squarewave</name>
  13. <definition>A squarewave stimulus was presented. Squarewaves modulate with a certain frequency about the intensity
  14. offset.
  15. </definition>
  16. <property>
  17. <name>Modality</name>
  18. <value>
  19. <type>string</type>
  20. </value>
  21. <definition>The stimulus modality like acoustic, haptic, visual etc.</definition>
  22. </property>
  23. <property>
  24. <name>Duration</name>
  25. <value>
  26. <type>float</type>
  27. <unit>s</unit>
  28. </value>
  29. <definition>The duration of the stimulus in seconds.</definition>
  30. </property>
  31. <property>
  32. <name>TemporalOffset</name>
  33. <value>
  34. <type>float</type>
  35. <unit>s</unit>
  36. </value>
  37. <definition>The temporal offset (with respect to the begin of the recorded trial) with which this stimulus was
  38. presented.
  39. </definition>
  40. </property>
  41. <property>
  42. <name>Function</name>
  43. <value>
  44. <type>string</type>
  45. </value>
  46. <definition>The function of the described stimulus. E.g. if the white noise constituted the carrier.</definition>
  47. </property>
  48. <property>
  49. <name>OutputChannel</name>
  50. <value>
  51. <type>string</type>
  52. </value>
  53. <definition>The physical output device (e.g. an analog output channel, a monitor screen, the same loudspeaker,
  54. etc.). This information can be used to explicitly express that several stimuli (that share the same
  55. OutputChannel) are jointly presented.
  56. </definition>
  57. </property>
  58. <property>
  59. <name>Frequency</name>
  60. <value>
  61. <type>float</type>
  62. <unit>Hz</unit>
  63. </value>
  64. <definition>The frequency of the square wave modulation.</definition>
  65. </property>
  66. <property>
  67. <name>DutyCycle</name>
  68. <value>
  69. <type>float</type>
  70. </value>
  71. <definition>The part of the cycle spend in the up state. E.g. 0.5 if up and down state each take half of the
  72. time.
  73. </definition>
  74. </property>
  75. <property>
  76. <name>Amplitude</name>
  77. <value>
  78. <type>float</type>
  79. </value>
  80. <definition>The modulation amplitude (i.e. the difference between up and downstate.)</definition>
  81. </property>
  82. <property>
  83. <name>IntensityOffset</name>
  84. <value>
  85. <type>float</type>
  86. </value>
  87. <definition>The mean intensity of the stimulus.</definition>
  88. </property>
  89. <property>
  90. <name>StartAmplitude</name>
  91. <value>
  92. <type>float</type>
  93. </value>
  94. <definition>The amplitude with which the squarewave stimulus started. This may assume either intensity offset - or
  95. + amplitude/2.
  96. </definition>
  97. </property>
  98. <property>
  99. <name>Position</name>
  100. <value>
  101. <type>2-tuple</type>
  102. </value>
  103. <definition>The position of the stimulus on e.g the screen. Specified as a 2-tuple (x;y). By default this position
  104. refers to the top-left corner of the object or its bounding box.
  105. </definition>
  106. </property>
  107. <property>
  108. <name>PositionReference</name>
  109. <value>top-left
  110. <type>string</type>
  111. </value>
  112. <value>center
  113. <type>string</type>
  114. </value>
  115. <value>bottom-right
  116. <type>string</type>
  117. </value>
  118. <definition>By default stimulus positions are specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (or of the
  119. bounding box). Use this property for other definitions.
  120. </definition>
  121. </property>
  122. <property>
  123. <name>SpatialExtent</name>
  124. <value>
  125. <type>2-tuple</type>
  126. </value>
  127. <definition>The spatial extend of the presented stimulus (width;height) e.g. (1024;768).</definition>
  128. </property>
  129. </section>
  130. </odML>