odmlTerminologiesIndex.xsl 5.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
  3. xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/02/xpath-functions"
  4. xmlns:odml="http://www.g-node.org/odml">
  5. <!-- ************************************************ -->
  6. <!-- root template -->
  7. <xsl:template match="odML">
  8. <html>
  9. <head>
  10. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  11. <title>odML | Open metadata markup language - Templates and Terminologies -</title>
  12. <meta name="description"
  13. content="Templates and Terminologies for the storage of scientific metadata" />
  14. <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://terminologies.g-node.org/_resources/odml_style.css" />
  15. <link rel="icon" href="https://terminologies.g-node.org/images/odMLIcon.png" />
  16. </head>
  17. <body>
  18. <header>
  19. <h1>odML Terminologies</h1>
  20. <p>Data model for storing arbitrary metadata</p>
  21. </header>
  22. <div class="wrapper">
  23. <sec>
  24. <p><a href="https://terminologies.g-node.org/index.html">
  25. <img src="https://terminologies.g-node.org/images/odMLTitle.png"
  26. title="Terminologies home" />
  27. </a></p>
  28. <h1>odML - Terminologies</h1>
  29. <p>This repository contains Terminologies; odML facilitates and encourages
  30. standardization of scientific metadata by providing such terminologies.
  31. An odML-file can be based on such a terminology.
  32. In that case one does not need to provide definitions since they are part of
  33. the linked terminology. This page hosts all currently available odML
  34. Terminology files.</p>
  35. <p>
  36. A general introduction to odML and its usage can be found at the
  37. <a href="http://www.g-node.org/odml" rel="nofollow">main odML page</a>.
  38. A brief introduction can be found at the bottom of the page.</p>
  39. <p>If you would like to contribute and provide additions to the terminology
  40. collection to be shared with and used by the community, please open an
  41. issue or even create a Pull Request with your terminology on the
  42. corresponding <a href="https://github.com/G-Node/odml-terminologies" rel="nofollow">
  43. github repository</a>.</p>
  44. <h1>Terminology collection</h1>
  45. <ol>
  46. <xsl:if test="section">
  47. <xsl:for-each select="section">
  48. <xsl:call-template name="sectionTerminology"/>
  49. </xsl:for-each>
  50. </xsl:if>
  51. </ol>
  52. <h2>A brief introduction to odML and metadata</h2>
  53. <p>odML (open metadata Markup Language) is a framework, proposed by
  54. <a href="http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fninf.2011.00016/full"
  55. rel="nofollow">Grewe et al. (2011)</a>,
  56. to organize and store experimental metadata in a human- and machine-readable,
  57. XML based format (odml). In this tutorial we will illustrate the conceptual
  58. design of the odML framework and show hands-on how you can generate your own
  59. odML metadata file collection. A well organized metadata management of your
  60. experiment is a key component to guarantee the reproducibility of your research
  61. and facilitate the provenance tracking of your analysis projects.</p>
  62. <h3>What are metadata and why are they needed?</h3>
  63. <p>Metadata are data about data. They describe the conditions under which the
  64. actual raw-data of an experimental study were acquired. The organization of
  65. such metadata and their accessibility may sound like a trivial task, and
  66. most laboratories developed their home-made solutions to keep track of
  67. their metadata. Most of these solutions, however, break down if data and
  68. metadata need to be shared within a collaboration, because implicit
  69. knowledge of what is important and how it is organized is often
  70. underestimated.</p>
  71. <p>While maintaining the relation to the actual raw-data, odML can help to
  72. collect all metadata which are usually distributed over several files and
  73. formats, and to store them unitedly which facilitates sharing data and
  74. metadata.</p>
  75. <h3>Key features of odML</h3>
  76. <ul>
  77. <li>open, XML based language, to collect, store and share metadata</li>
  78. <li>Machine- and human-readable</li>
  79. <li>Python-odML library</li>
  80. <li>Interactive odML-Editor</li>
  81. </ul>
  82. </sec>
  83. </div>
  84. </body>
  85. </html>
  86. </xsl:template>
  87. <!-- ************************************************ -->
  88. <!-- section terminology. -->
  89. <xsl:template name="sectionTerminology" match="section">
  90. <!--create the list item -->
  91. <xsl:variable name="linkurl" select="include"/>
  92. <li>
  93. <a href="{$linkurl}"><xsl:value-of select="concat(type,' - type, name: ',name)"/></a>
  94. </li>
  95. </xsl:template>
  96. </xsl:stylesheet>