#18 issue utilities

5 سال پیش باز شده توسط sprenger · 5 دیدگاه

I noticed two things which are not working as expected when creating issues / PRs.

  • Checkboxes can not be ticked directly, but need to be change in the source
  • people can not be mentioned via '@person', or at least there is no mechanism for listing suggested people to mention
I noticed two things which are not working as expected when creating issues / PRs. - [ ] Checkboxes can not be ticked directly, but need to be change in the source - people can not be mentioned via '@person', or at least there is no mechanism for listing suggested people to mention

The mention feature was added upstream and should be available by now.

The mention feature was added upstream and should be available by now.
sprenger نظر 3 سال پیش

Thanks! I tested the mentions feature and a correct link is inserted when stating @author. However there is no list of suggestions popping up when starting to write @a. So I guess users might frequently not notice the feature as they don't receive immediate feedback when typing. Is this a matter of configuration of the webinterface or is this extended functionality also not present upstream?

Thanks! I tested the mentions feature and a correct link is inserted when stating `@author`. However there is no list of suggestions popping up when starting to write `@a`. So I guess users might frequently not notice the feature as they don't receive immediate feedback when typing. Is this a matter of configuration of the webinterface or is this extended functionality also not present upstream?

Not a feature upstream and my javascript isn't strong enough to tackle that tbh. Should we keep the issue open for that or close it and open another one?

Not a feature upstream and my javascript isn't strong enough to tackle that tbh. Should we keep the issue open for that or close it and open another one?
sprenger نظر 3 سال پیش

As you want. Maybe forwarding this to an upstream issue would be the best option here.

As you want. Maybe forwarding this to an upstream issue would be the best option here.
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