Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

salinas97network.tex 5.5 KB

  1. %\documentclass[english,onecolumn,final]{svjour2}
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  20. \begin{document}
  21. \newcommand{\nneurons}{4} % +1
  22. \newcommand{\mmn}[1]{
  23. \path #1 coordinate (xy);
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  25. \draw (xy) +(-0.4,-0.2) -- +(-0.4,-0.5);
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  30. }
  31. \newcommand{\texpic}{
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  35. \path (-0.25,0.25) coordinate (shift2out);
  36. \path (0,1.5) coordinate (coor);
  37. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  38. \mmn{(coor)}
  39. \path (coor) ++(shift) coordinate (coor);
  40. }
  41. \draw (1.7,0.5) node {retinal position};
  42. \path (0,1.5) coordinate (coor);
  43. \path (2.2,4.38) coordinate (target);
  44. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  45. \draw [draw=black] (coor) ++(shift2out) -- (target);
  46. \path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  47. \path (target) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (target);
  48. }
  49. \path (7,1.5) coordinate (coor);
  50. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  51. \mmn{(coor)}
  52. \path (coor) ++(shift) coordinate (coor);
  53. }
  54. \draw (8.8,0.5) node {gaze position};
  55. \path (-0.25,0.25) coordinate (shift2out);
  56. \path (6.83,1.44) coordinate (coor);
  57. \path (2.4,4.65) coordinate (target);
  58. \path (2.8,4.65) coordinate (controlit);
  59. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  60. \draw [draw=white,double=blue, very thick] (coor) ++(shift2out) .. controls (controlit) .. (target);
  61. \path (target) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (target);
  62. \path (controlit) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (controlit);
  63. \path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  64. }
  65. \path (-0.25,0.25) coordinate (shift2out);
  66. \path (6.83,1.44) coordinate (coor);
  67. \path (2.4,4.65) coordinate (target);
  68. \path (2.8,4.65) coordinate (controlit);
  69. \foreach \y in {0,...,3} {
  70. \path (target) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (target);
  71. \path (controlit) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (controlit);
  72. \draw [draw=white,double=blue] (coor) ++(shift2out) .. controls (controlit) ..(target);
  73. \path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  74. }
  75. \path (-0.25,0.25) coordinate (shift2out);
  76. \path (7.83,1.44) coordinate (coor);
  77. \path (0.9,4.65) coordinate (target);
  78. \path (1.8,4.65) coordinate (controlit);
  79. \foreach \y in {1,...,4} {
  80. \path (target) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (target);
  81. \path (controlit) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (controlit);
  82. \draw [draw=white,double=blue] (coor) ++(shift2out) .. controls (controlit) ..(target);
  83. \path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  84. }
  85. %\draw (11.5,3.5) node {gaussian feedforward-};
  86. %\draw (11.5,3) node {connections (+shift)};
  87. \path (2.5,5) coordinate (coor);
  88. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  89. \mmn{(coor)}
  90. \path (coor) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  91. }
  92. \path (3.2,5.5) coordinate (coor);
  93. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  94. \mmn{(coor)}
  95. \path (coor) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  96. }
  97. \path (3.9,6) coordinate (coor);
  98. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  99. \mmn{(coor)}
  100. \path (coor) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  101. }
  102. \path (4.6,6.5) coordinate (coor);
  103. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  104. \mmn{(coor)}
  105. \path (coor) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  106. }
  107. \path (5.3,7) coordinate (coor);
  108. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  109. \mmn{(coor)}
  110. \path (coor) ++(shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  111. }
  112. %\draw (9.5,4.7) node {V4};
  113. %\mmn{(4.5,8.5)}
  114. \mmn{(5.5,8.5)}
  115. \mmn{(6.2,9)}
  116. \mmn{(6.9,9.5)}
  117. \mmn{(7.6,10)}
  118. \mmn{(8.3,10.5)}
  119. %\mmn{(6.5,8.5)}
  120. %\draw (6.5,8.2) node {IT};
  121. \path (2.25,5.25) coordinate (coor);
  122. \path (5.25,7.85) coordinate (target);
  123. \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  124. \draw [draw=black] (coor) -- (target);
  125. %\path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  126. \path (coor) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  127. }
  128. % \path (2.25,5.25) coordinate (coor);
  129. % \path (4.25,7.85) coordinate (target);
  130. % \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  131. % \draw (coor) -- (target);
  132. %\path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  133. % \path (coor) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  134. % }
  135. % \path (2.25,5.25) coordinate (coor);
  136. % \path (6.25,7.85) coordinate (target);
  137. % \foreach \y in {0,...,\nneurons} {
  138. % \draw (coor) -- (target);
  139. %\path (shift2out) ++(shift) coordinate (shift2out);
  140. % \path (coor) ++ (shiftagain) coordinate (coor);
  141. % }
  142. \draw [-latex,very thick](-1,1) --(-1,8);
  143. \draw (9.5,9) node {head-centered representation};
  144. %\foreach \x in {\startmodneurons,...,\stopmodneurons} {
  145. % \draw [black] (\x,1) circle(4pt);
  146. % }
  147. % \draw (10.5,0.5) node {MODULATORY INPUT};
  148. %
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  150. % \draw [black] (\z,4) circle(4pt);
  151. % \draw (\z,4.15) -> (6.5,6.9);
  152. %
  153. % }
  154. % \draw (6.5,4.5) node {V4};
  155. %
  156. % \draw [black] (6.5,7) circle(4pt);
  157. % \draw (6.5,7.5) node {IT};
  158. %
  159. %% \draw (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
  160. % \draw (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
  161. \end{tikzpicture}
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  163. \color{invisible}
  164. .\\
  165. .
  166. \color{black}
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  168. \color{invisible}
  169. .
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