setup.m 766 B

  1. % This script downloads the example dataset (if it has not already
  2. % been downloaded) and adds analyzePRF to the MATLAB path.
  3. % Download the dataset if it has not already been downloaded.
  4. % (If you like, you may manually download the dataset from:
  5. %
  6. files = {'exampledataset.mat'};
  7. for p=1:length(files)
  8. if ~exist(files{p},'file')
  9. fprintf('Downloading %s (please be patient).\n',files{p});
  10. urlwrite(sprintf('',files{p}),files{p});
  11. fprintf('Downloading is done!\n');
  12. end
  13. end
  14. clear p files;
  15. % Add analyzePRF to the MATLAB path (in case the user has not already done so).
  16. path0 = strrep(which('setup.m'),'/setup.m','');
  17. addpath(genpath(path0));
  18. clear path0;