123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Based on mc-afni-v4.2.2.sh.
- import subprocess as sp
- import argparse
- import os
- import pdb
- from collections import deque
- from nipype.interfaces.base import (
- TraitedSpec,
- CommandLineInputSpec,
- CommandLine,
- Directory,
- File,
- isdefined,
- )
- import traits.api as traits
- def defined_in(key, d):
- return key in d.keys() and d[key] is not None
- def print_run(cmd, args=None):
- print('cmd=' + cmd)
- if args is not None:
- print('args=' + str(args))
- cmd = cmd % args
- sp.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
- def nii_val(nii_file, var):
- val = sp.check_output(
- ['fslval', nii_file, var]).decode('UTF-8').strip()
- return val
- def register(**kwargs):
- if not defined_in('tmpdir', kwargs):
- # defined for NiPype
- kwargs['tmpdir'] = os.getcwd()
- print(kwargs['tmpdir'])
- if not defined_in('out_init_mc', kwargs):
- kwargs['out_init_mc'] = os.path.join(
- "%(tmpdir)s" % kwargs,
- 'func_3dAllineate.nii.gz')
- if not defined_in('TR', kwargs):
- kwargs['TR'] = nii_val(kwargs['func'], 'pixdim4')
- print('TR = %(TR)s' % kwargs)
- if not defined_in('1Dparam_save', kwargs):
- kwargs['1Dparam_save'] = 'reg'
- if not defined_in('1Dmatrix_save', kwargs):
- kwargs['1Dmatrix_save'] = 'reg'
- if not defined_in('ref', kwargs):
- kwargs['ref'] = '%(tmpdir)s/func_median.nii.gz' % kwargs
- if not os.path.isfile(kwargs['ref']):
- print_run('fslmaths %(func)s -Tmedian %(ref)s' % kwargs)
- if not os.path.isfile(kwargs['out_init_mc']):
- print("\nIn: %s" % os.getcwd())
- print("Did not find %(out_init_mc)s." % kwargs)
- print_run(
- '3dAllineate -weight "%(weights)s" '
- '-base %(ref)s '
- '-source "%(func)s" '
- '-prefix "%(out_init_mc)s" '
- '-1Dparam_save %(1Dparam_save)s '
- '-1Dmatrix_save %(1Dmatrix_save)s ',
- kwargs)
- sp.check_call('fslslice "%(ref)s" "%(tmpdir)s/ref"' % kwargs, shell=True)
- sp.check_call(
- 'fslslice "%(weights)s" "%(tmpdir)s/weights"' %
- kwargs, shell=True)
- sp.check_call(
- 'fslsplit "%(out_init_mc)s" "%(tmpdir)s/func_time_"' % kwargs,
- shell=True)
- processes = deque()
- for t in range(1000):
- print('vol=%d' % t)
- t_args = kwargs.copy()
- t_args['t'] = t
- t_args['func_time'] = "%(tmpdir)s/func_time_%(t)04d" % (t_args)
- t_args['dest_prefix'] = "%(tmpdir)s/reg_time_%(t)04d" % t_args
- if os.path.isfile('%(dest_prefix)s+orig.BRIK' % t_args):
- continue
- if not os.path.isfile('%(func_time)s.nii.gz' % t_args):
- print('image %(func_time)s.nii.gz does not exist!' % t_args)
- break
- sp.check_call(
- 'fslslice "%(func_time)s" "%(func_time)s"' %
- t_args, shell=True)
- for i in range(1000):
- i_args = t_args.copy()
- i_args['i'] = i
- # input files
- i_args['func'] = "%(func_time)s_slice_%(i)04d.nii.gz" % i_args
- i_args['w'] = "%(tmpdir)s/weights_slice_%(i)04d.nii.gz" % i_args
- i_args['ref'] = "%(tmpdir)s/ref_slice_%(i)04d.nii.gz" % i_args
- # output files
- i_args['destti'] = (
- "%(tmpdir)s/reg_time_%(t)04d_slice_%(i)04d.nii.gz" % i_args)
- if not os.path.isfile(i_args['func']):
- print('func %(func)s does not exist' % i_args)
- break
- if not os.path.isfile(i_args['w']):
- print('w %(w)s does not exist' % i_args)
- break
- if not os.path.isfile(i_args['ref']):
- print('ref %(ref)s does not exist' % i_args)
- break
- # print('Running 3dAllineate for slice %(i)d ' % i_args)
- if not os.path.isfile(i_args['destti']):
- cmd = [
- '3dAllineate',
- '-onepass',
- '-nwarp', i_args['nwarp'],
- '-fineblur', '%0.2f' % i_args['fineblur'],
- '-weight', i_args['w'],
- '-base', i_args['ref'],
- '-source', i_args['func'],
- '-prefix', i_args['destti']]
- print(' '.join(cmd))
- processes.append(
- sp.Popen(cmd))
- if len(processes) > 10: # limit parallelism
- processes.popleft().wait()
- while len(processes) > 0:
- processes.popleft().wait()
- # Delete temporary files
- # rm ${func_time}_slice_????.nii.gz
- #if not os.path.isfile('%(dest_prefix)s+orig.BRIK' % t_args):
- print_run(
- "3dZcat -prefix %(dest_prefix)s "
- "%(dest_prefix)s_slice_????.nii.gz",
- t_args)
- # rm ${dest_prefix}_slice_????.nii.gz
- print_run("rm %(dest_prefix)s_slice_????.nii.gz" % t_args)
- print_run("rm %(tmpdir)s/ref_slice_????.nii.gz", kwargs)
- print_run("rm %(tmpdir)s/func_time_????.nii.gz", kwargs)
- print_run("rm %(tmpdir)s/weights_slice_????.nii.gz", kwargs)
- kwargs['dest_prefix'] = "%(tmpdir)s/reg" % kwargs
- if not os.path.isfile("%(dest_prefix)s.nii" % kwargs):
- # print_run("3dZcat -prefix %(dest_prefix)s %(dest_prefix)s_"
- # "slice_????.nii.gz", kwargs)
- print_run("3dTcat -tr %(TR)s -prefix %(dest_prefix)s "
- "%(dest_prefix)s_time_????+orig.BRIK", kwargs)
- print_run("3dAFNItoNIFTI -prefix %(dest_prefix)s %(dest_prefix)s+orig",
- kwargs)
- if not os.path.isfile("%(out)s"):
- print_run("fslmaths %(dest_prefix)s.nii %(out)s", kwargs)
- # slices can be missing. always resample to ref grid.
- print_run("3dresample -input %(out)s -prefix %(out)s "
- "-master %(ref)s -overwrite", kwargs)
- print_run("3dresample -input %(dest_prefix)s.nii -prefix %(dest_prefix)s.nii "
- "-master %(ref)s -overwrite", kwargs)
- # rm $DEST/*.BRIK
- # rm $DEST/*.HEAD
- #
- print_run("fslmaths %(dest_prefix)s.nii -sub %(ref)s -abs "
- "-mas %(weights)s %(tmpdir)s/absdiff.nii.gz", kwargs)
- print_run("fslmaths %(tmpdir)s/absdiff.nii.gz -Tmean "
- "%(tmpdir)s/absdiff_mean.nii.gz", kwargs)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Performs non-linear slice-by-slice registration '
- '(based on mc-afni-v4.2.2.sh).')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--func', '-i', required=True, type=str,
- help='Functional image with motion and field distortions.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-o', '--out', required=True, type=str,
- help='Motion registered image.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-r', '--ref', required=True, type=str,
- help='The reference / base functional to register to.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--weights', required=True, type=str,
- help='The weights or mask used for registering.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--tmpdir', type=str, help='Temporary directory.')
- parser.add_argument('--1Dparam_save', type=str)
- parser.add_argument('--1Dmatrix_save', type=str)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--out_init_mc', type=str,
- help='Initial motion registration (linear, not slice-by-slice).')
- parser.add_argument('--fineblur', type=float, default=0.5)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--nwarp', type=str, help='Motion registered image.',
- default='heptic',
- choices=['cubic', 'quintic', 'heptic', 'nonic'])
- args = parser.parse_args()
- register(**vars(args))
- class AFNIAllinSlicesInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
- """ The inputspec specifies all the parameters of the command.
- """
- in_file = File(desc="Functional without motion correction",
- exists=True, mandatory=True,
- argstr="--func %s")
- # ref_file is generated as the median of the functional
- ref_file = File(
- desc="Reference / base image to register to",
- name_source=['in_file'],
- name_template="%s_Tmedian",
- keep_extension=True,
- argstr="--ref %s")
- in_weight_file = File(
- argstr='--weights %s',
- exists=True, mandatory=True,
- )
- working_dir = Directory(argstr='--tmpdir %s')
- fineblur = traits.Float(argstr='--fineblur %f')
- # --------------------------------------- Output / generated files --------
- out_file = File(
- argstr='--out %s',
- hash_files=False,
- name_source=['in_file'],
- name_template="%s_mc",
- keep_extension=True,
- )
- out_init_mc = File(
- argstr='--out_init_mc %s',
- hash_files=False,
- name_source=['in_file'],
- name_template="%s_prelim-mc",
- keep_extension=True,
- )
- oned_file = File(
- argstr='--1Dparam_save %s',
- hash_files=False,
- name_source=['in_file'],
- name_template="%s.param.1D",
- )
- oned_matrix_save = File(
- argstr='--1Dmatrix_save %s',
- hash_files=False,
- name_source=['in_file'],
- name_template="%s.aff12.1D",
- )
- class AFNIAllinSlicesOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
- out_file = File(desc="Motion corrected / registered image", exists=True)
- out_init_mc = File(
- desc="Preliminary whole-brain motion correction",
- exists=True)
- oned_file = File(exists=True)
- oned_matrix_save = File(exists=True)
- ref_file = File(exists=True)
- class AFNIAllinSlices(CommandLine):
- """ NiPype wrapper """
- input_spec = AFNIAllinSlicesInputSpec
- output_spec = AFNIAllinSlicesOutputSpec
- _cmd = 'afni_allin_slices.py'
- # def run(self, updatehash=False):
- # import pdb
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # super(self, AFNIAllinSlices).run(updatehash=updatehash)