1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738 |
- function plot_matrix(X,t,f,plt,Xerr)
- % Function to plot a time-frequency matrix X. Time and frequency axes are in t and f.
- % If error bars are specified in Xerr,
- % it also plots them. Xerr contains upper and lower confidence intervals
- % on X.
- % Usage: plot_matrix(X,t,f,plt,Xerr)
- % Inputs:
- % X: input vector as a function of time and frequency (t x f)
- % t: t axis grid for plot. Default [1:size(X,1)]
- % f: f axis grid for plot. Default. [1:size(X,2)]
- % plt: 'l' for log, 'n' for no log.
- % Xerr: lower and upper confidence intervals for X1: lower/upper x t x f.
- if nargin < 1; error('Need data'); end;
- [NT,NF]=size(X);
- if nargin < 2;
- t=1:NT;
- end;
- if nargin < 3;
- f=1:NF;
- end;
- if length(f)~=NF || length(t)~=NT; error('axes grid and data have incompatible lengths'); end;
- if nargin < 4 || isempty(plt);
- plt='l';
- end;
- if strcmp(plt,'l');
- X=10*log10(X);
- if nargin ==5; Xerr=10*log10(Xerr); end;
- end;
- if nargin < 5;
- imagesc(t,f,X');axis xy; colorbar; title('Spectrogram');
- else
- subplot(311); imagesc(t,f,squeeze(Xerr(1,:,:))'); axis xy; colorbar; title('Lower confidence');
- subplot(312); imagesc(t,f,X'); title('X');axis xy; colorbar;
- subplot(313); imagesc(t,f,squeeze(Xerr(2,:,:))'); axis xy; colorbar; title('Upper confidence');
- end;
- xlabel('t');ylabel('f');