123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136 |
- function vr = videoReader(url, varargin)
- % videoReader class constructor
- % Creates a object that reads video streams. We use a plugin
- % architecture in the backend to do the actual reading. For example,
- % on Windows, DirectShow will typically be used and on Linux, the
- % ffmpeg library is often used.
- %
- % vr = videoReader(url)
- % Opens the given video file for reading using the default plugin.
- % On Windows, 'DirectShow' is used by default and on Linux,
- % 'ffmpegPopen2' is used by default. For most plugins, the url will
- % really be a filename.
- %
- % vr = videoReader(url, ..., 'plugin',pluginName, ...)
- % vr = videoReader(url,pluginName, ...)
- % Opens the file using the manually specified plugin implementation.
- % Available plugins include:
- %
- % 'DirectShow': preferred method on Windows
- % - Only available on Windows
- % - See INSTALL.dshow.txt for installation instructions
- % - Can load virtually any video file that can be played in
- % Microsoft's Windows Media Player. Note that the correct codec
- % must be installed to read a file. For example, to read
- % tests/numbers.3ivx.avi, the user must have installed an MPEG4
- % codec such as 3ivx (www.3ivx.com), DivX (www.divx.com), or XviD
- % (www.xvid.org).
- % - The URL parameter should be a filename.
- % - As a convenience, all forward slashes ('/') are automatically
- % converted to backslashes ('\')
- %
- % 'ffmpegPopen2': safe method on Linux
- % - Only supported on GNU/Linux (might work on BSD systems too like Mac
- % OS X, but this is untested)
- % - See INSTALL.ffmpeg.txt for installation instructions
- % - Creates a separate server process to communicate with the
- % ffmpeg libraries.
- % - Works when the system's version of GCC is very different from
- % the one that MathWorks used to compile Matlab.
- % - Isolates ffmpeg errors so they typically cannot crash
- % Matlab.
- % - May allow for more flexible distribution terms for your code
- % when it uses videoIO (ffmpeg may be compiled with either
- % the LGPL or GPL license).
- %
- % 'ffmpegDirect': low-overhead method on Linux
- % - same as ffmpegPopen2, but the ffmpeg libraries are loaded
- % directly by the MEX file.
- % - May not work if MathWorks' and your version of GCC are
- % incompatible.
- % - Slightly faster than ffmpegPopen2 since there is no
- % interprocess communication overhead.
- %
- % vr = videoReader(url, ..., param,arg,...)
- % Allows the user to pass extra configuration arguments to plugin.
- % Currently no plugin arguments are supported right now. In the
- % future, we may allow the user to do things like have DirectShow
- % automatically convert to grayscale, or give options to trade off
- % speed with seeking precision.
- %
- % Once you have created a videoReader object, you must next call NEXT,
- % SEEK, or STEP at least once so that it will read some frame from disk.
- % *After* calling one of these methods, you may call GETFRAME as many
- % times as you would like and it will decode and return the current frame
- % (without advancing to a different frame). GETINFO may be called at any
- % time (even before NEXT, SEEK, or STEP). It returns basic information
- % about the video stream. Once you are done using the videoReader, make
- % sure you call CLOSE so that any system resources allocated by the plugin
- % may be released. Here's a simple example of how you might use
- % videoReader:
- %
- % % take us to the videoReader directory since we know there's a video
- % % file there.
- % chdir(fileparts(which('videoReaderWrapper.cpp')));
- %
- % % Construct a videoReader object
- % vr = videoReader('tests/numbers.uncompressed.avi');
- %
- % % Do some processing on the video and display the results
- % avgIntensity = [];
- % i = 1;
- % figure;
- % while (next(vr))
- % img = getframe(vr);
- % avgIntensity(i) = mean(img(:));
- % subplot(121); imshow(img); title('current frame');
- % subplot(122); plot(avgIntensity); title('avg. intensity vs. frame');
- % drawnow; pause(0.1); i = i+1;
- % end
- % vr = close(vr);
- %
- % buildVideoMex
- % videoReader/close
- % videoReader/getframe
- % videoReader/getinfo
- % videoReader/getnext
- % videoReader/next
- % videoReader/seek
- % videoReader/step
- % videoWriter
- %
- %Copyright (c) 2006 Gerald Dalley
- %See "MIT.txt" in the installation directory for licensing details (especially
- %when using this library on GNU/Linux).
- if (mod(length(varargin),2) == 0)
- plugin = defaultVideoIOPlugin;
- pluginArgs = varargin;
- else
- plugin = varargin{1};
- pluginArgs = {varargin{2:end}};
- end
- [plugin,pluginArgs] = parsePlugin(plugin, pluginArgs);
- vr = struct('plugin',mexName(plugin), 'handle',int32(-1));
- vr = class(vr, 'videoReader');
- [pathstr, name, ext, versn] = fileparts(url);
- strArgs = cell(size(pluginArgs));
- for i=1:numel(pluginArgs), strArgs{i} = num2str(pluginArgs{i}); end
- vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open', vr.handle, ...
- fullfile(pathstr,[name ext versn]), strArgs{:});
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- function n = mexName(plugin)
- n = ['videoReader_' plugin];
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- function [plugin,pluginArgs] = parsePlugin(plugin, pluginArgs)
- if (length(pluginArgs) > 0)
- [pluginSpecified,idx] = ismember('plugin', {pluginArgs{1:2:end}});
- if pluginSpecified
- plugin = pluginArgs{idx*2};
- pluginArgs = { pluginArgs{1:idx*2-2}, pluginArgs{idx*2+1:end} };
- end
- end