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- function frame = getframe(vr)
- % Returns the current frame that has been read in from video VR. Calling
- % GETFRAME does not automatically advance the current frame so the user
- % must first call NEXT, STEP, or SEEK before calling GETFRAME the
- % first time. This makes it easy to write loops such as:
- % vr = videoReader(...);
- % while (next(vr))
- % img = getframe(vr);
- % ...do something...
- % end
- % vr = close(vr);
- %
- % videoReader
- %
- %Copyright (c) 2006 Gerald Dalley
- %See "MIT.txt" in the installation directory for licensing details (especially
- %when using this library on GNU/Linux).
- frame = feval(vr.plugin, 'getframe', vr.handle);