wave_browser_help.html 7.0 KB

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  4. <title>wave_browser help</title>
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  9. <h1>wave_browser help</h1>
  10. <p>
  11. <ul>
  12. <li><a href="#overview">Overview of wave_browser</a></li>
  13. <li><a href="#load">Loading wav files</a></li>
  14. <li><a href="#navigate">Navigating a wav file</a></li>
  15. <li><a href="#segment">Segmenting a wav file</a></li>
  16. <ul>
  17. <li>Defining a segment manually</li>
  18. <li>Automatically segmenting</li>
  19. <li>Saving segments to a file </li>
  20. <li>Loading segments from a file</li>
  21. </ul>
  22. <li><a href="#configure">Configuring spectral parameters</a></li>
  23. </ul>
  24. <hr>
  25. <h2><a name="overview"/>Overview of wave_browser</h2>
  26. <p>Wave_browser is software for reading in a wav file and segmenting
  27. the wav file into segments. Segments can be manually defined or can be
  28. computed automatically. The software generates a seg.txt which defines
  29. the beginning and the end of each segment in the wav file.</p>
  30. <p>To assist the user in defining segments the wave_browser plots the
  31. wave form, the summed intensity or power, and the spectragram of the
  32. audio. The spectragram is computed using a multitaper approach. </p>
  33. <h2><a name="load"/>Loading wav files</a></h2>
  34. <p>In order to segment a wave file the file must be first
  35. loaded. Clicking the <b>Load</b> button will open the file dialog
  36. window. By default the file dialog will show only files having a
  37. ".wav" extension. Wav files without the extension can also be loaded
  38. from this file dialog. A requirement is that the wav file be a single
  39. audio track (mono) and not include two tracks (stereo) or more. The
  40. sampling rate of the wav file can be variable. The higher the sampling
  41. rate the better the quality of the audio. As a standard CD quality
  42. audio is sampled at 44100 Hz. The software will automatically detect
  43. the sampling frequency. If the file is loaded successfully it will
  44. show three visual representations of the audio in the file.</p>
  45. <p>To load the next unsegmented wave file click the <b>Load Next</b>
  46. button. This feature increases the work-flow speed when a directory of
  47. files are being manually segmented by a user, and prevents the user
  48. from segmenting a wav file that already been segmented.</p>
  49. <h2><a name="view"/>Viewing the wav file</h2>
  50. <p>There are three distinct views of the wave file. Starting from the
  51. bottom, the bottom plot is the wave form over the time range. The
  52. middle plot is the spectragram which shows how intensity of different
  53. frequencies of sound change over time. The top view is the intensity
  54. of the spectragram summed at each moment in time or power. The red
  55. lines in the plot shows where the autosegmenter would segment the
  56. file. A segment is defined as where the red line is at the maximum
  57. intensity. The beginning and end of the segment are demarcated by red
  58. vertical lines. The height of the horizontal line between segments is
  59. determined by the <b>Amplitude Threshold</b> entry box. </p>
  60. <p>There are three types of spectragrams that can be plotted. By
  61. default the <b>Spectrum Type</b> is <b>Original</b>. Often it is
  62. useful to compute a derivative of the original spectragram. The
  63. derivative can be computed in different directions, but is usually
  64. computed in just two directions The first direction is in terms of the
  65. frequency. This shows how the intensity of the original spectragram
  66. changes in the direction of the frequency (up and down). The second
  67. direction is in terms of time (left to right). The <b>Time
  68. Derivative</b> and <b>Frequency</b> derivative spectragrams are
  69. selected from the drop-down menu. In order to compute the selected
  70. spectragram click the <b>Plot</b> button. The derivatives of the
  71. spectragram are plotted in gray-scale. </p>
  72. <p>The <b>Display Window</b> entry-box controls how much of the wav file
  73. is plotted. This parameter is user settable in seconds. The <b>Plot
  74. All</b> button sets the display window to the entire duration of the
  75. wav file and updates the plots of the wav file. This functionality is
  76. useful for autosegmenting an entire wave file.</p>
  77. <img width="719" height="396" src="wave_browser-main-scaled.png">
  78. <h2><a name="navigate"/>Navigating a wav file</h2>
  79. <p>If the <b>Display Window</b> is set to less than the duration of
  80. the wave file to view the entire wave requires the ability to navigate
  81. around the wav file. The <b>Jump</b> button moves the current display
  82. window forward in time. While the <b>Jump Back</b> moves the display
  83. window backward in time. Each button also recomputes the spectragram.
  84. For forward and backward jumps the display window is not allowed to
  85. exceed the duration of the wave file. In the forward case the end of
  86. the display window is set to the end of the file, and in the back case
  87. the beginning of the window is set to the beginning of the wave
  88. file.</p>
  89. <p>Depending on the speed of the processor and the size of the display
  90. window navigating a wave file can be time consuming. At each jump the
  91. spectragram is recomputed. If the user is not going to change the
  92. parameters during navigation the <b>Precompute</b> toggle button can
  93. speed up the process of navigation. The <b>Precompute</b> button
  94. computes the spectragram for the entire duration of the file and
  95. caches the results in memory. Rather than recomputing the spectragram
  96. for each jump the stored copy is accessed. A precomputed spectragram can use a
  97. large amount of memory. How large a wav file can be computed is
  98. determined by the step size of the spectragram and the amount of physical
  99. memory available. In precompute mode changing the spectral parameters
  100. are not allowed. Precompute mode can be exited by clicking the toggle
  101. button for a second time. Exiting precompute mode will release the
  102. memory held to store the entire spectragram.</p>
  103. <h2><a name="segment"/>Segmenting a wav file</h2>
  104. <p>Wave files can be segmented manually and automatically, or using a
  105. combination of
  106. both methods. To begin segmenting click the <b>Segment on</b> toggle button.
  107. The user is now in segment mode. To define where a segment starts click on the middle plot where the segment begins. This will place a vertical time marker on the spectragram. At this point the location of the time maker can be adjusted by clicking another location. Once the time marker is placed correct click the <b>Start</p>. The time marker will change to a start time marker which is thicker in width. Now the user can set a second time marker to demarkate where the segment stops. The <b>Stop</b> button will change the time marker to a stop marker. An X is drawn to show that the segment is now defined. The user can now define additional segments.
  108. Segments can be saved by using the <b>Save</b> button. This will generate a *.seg.txt file. Clicking the <b>Cancel</b> button will now allow you to exit segment mode. Segments defined previously can be loaded by clicking the <b>Load</b> button.
  109. <h2><a name="configure"/>Configuring spectral parameters</a></h2>
  110. <br>
  111. <!-- Created: Mon May 15 15:30:19 EDT 2006 -->
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  113. Last modified: Wed May 24 16:02:41 EDT 2006
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