classify_spectra_help.html 13 KB

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  9. <h1>classify_spectra help</h1>
  10. <p>
  11. <ul>
  12. <li><a href="#overview">Overview of classify_spectra</a></li>
  13. <li><a href="#load">Loading segments from a directory</a></li>
  14. <ul>
  15. <li>Prerequisite: wave_browser generated "*.seg.txt" file</li>
  16. <li>Selecting a directory</li>
  17. <li>Loading a directory</li>
  18. </ul>
  19. <li><a href="#navigate">Navigating the segments</a></li>
  20. <ul>
  21. <li>Previous and Next buttons</li>
  22. <li>Browsing all segments</li>
  23. <li>Selecting a class member</li>
  24. </ul>
  25. <li><a href="#classify">Classifying a segment</a></li>
  26. <ul>
  27. <li> Defining a new class</li>
  28. <li> Selecting a defined class</li>
  29. <li> Declassifying a segment</li>
  30. <li> Quick mode</li>
  31. <li> Auto-classifying</li>
  32. </ul>
  33. <li><a href="#classview">Class view</a></li>
  34. <ul>
  35. <li> Viewing members of a class</li>
  36. <li> Removing a class</li>
  37. </ul>
  38. <li><a href="#compare">Comparison mode</a></li>
  39. <ul>
  40. <li>Entering comparison mode</li>
  41. <li>Exiting comparison mode</li>
  42. <li>Zooming spectra</li>
  43. </ul>
  44. <li><a href="#classmembers">Class members view</a></li>
  45. <ul>
  46. <li>Typifying a class</li>
  47. <li>Renaming a class</li>
  48. <li>Merging two classes</li>
  49. <li>Navigating to next class</li>
  50. </ul>
  51. <li><a href="#configure">Configuring classify_spectra</a></li>
  52. <ul>
  53. <li>View parameters</li>
  54. <li>Parameters for computing spectra</li>
  55. </ul>
  56. </ul>
  57. <hr>
  58. <h2><a name="overview"/>Overview of classify_spectra</h2>
  59. <h2><a name="load"/>Loading segments from a directory</a></h2>
  60. <p>The first task in classifying segments is to load predefined
  61. segments in a directory using the <b>Load</b> button. Segments are
  62. predefined by the wave_browser software which generates "*.seg.txt"
  63. files. If you have just "*.wav" files in a directory and no
  64. "*.seg.txt" files then no segments will be loaded. A directory to load
  65. can be selected using the "<b>...</b>" button. Classify_spectra will
  66. load all defined segments from a directory. Each directory should be
  67. considered as a separate database.</p>
  68. <p>If you are successful loading a directory a progress bar will
  69. appear. Depending on the number of segments and the speed of the
  70. processor computing all the spectragrams for the segments can take a
  71. considerable amount of time. When one is finished precomputing the
  72. segments click the <b>Save</b> button. This will make it unnecessary to
  73. recompute the spectra the next time the directory is loaded.</p>
  74. <h2><a name="navigate"/>Navigating the segments</h2>
  75. <p>There are several methods to navigate the segments in a
  76. directory. The current selected segment is shown on the left. To
  77. change the current segment use can use the <b>Next</b> and
  78. <b>Previous</b> buttons. Segments are ordered time sequentially and
  79. are grouped by the wave file they originated from. Above the larger
  80. view of the segment is information about the current segment. The
  81. information gives the current segment number, the wav file the segment
  82. comes from, and the segment length.</p>
  83. <p>For directories with a large number of segments navigating with the
  84. <b>Next</b> and <b>Previous</b> buttons can be slow. By selecting
  85. <b>all</b> from the <b>View</b> drop-down menu all segments in the
  86. directory are shown on the right axes. Clicking on the icon of the
  87. spectragram will make the selected segment the current segment. If
  88. there are large number of segments in a directory all the defined
  89. segments will not be shown. One can navigate the segments in a
  90. directory by clicking the <b>Next row</b> and <b>Previous row</b>
  91. buttons.
  92. </p>
  93. <p>A third method exists for navigating segments is in the <b>class
  94. members</b> view in the <b>View</b> drop-down menu. For a defined
  95. class you can click on a class member on the right axes. </p>
  96. <img width="768" height="570" src="opening_view-scaled.png"/>
  97. <h2><a name="classify"/>Classifying a segment</h2>
  98. <p>There are several methods for classifying a segments. The most
  99. direct way of classifying the current segment on the left is to use
  100. the <b>Classify</b> button. A <b>New Class</b> button appears
  101. adjacent to the disabled <b>Classify</b> button. If no classes have
  102. been defined, the axes on the right are blank, clicking <b>New
  103. Class</b>. By generating a new class will bring you into the <b>class
  104. view</b>. Notice that the classify button has been changed to a
  105. Declassify button. If you choose not to define a class clicking
  106. anywhere on the blank axes will reenable the <b>Classify</b> button and
  107. hide the <b>New Class</b> button.</p>
  108. <p>If you already have classes defined click on the class on right
  109. will classify the segment. By default the classes on the right are
  110. organized in descending segment length. If there are more classes than
  111. fit on the current axes the closest matching size segment
  112. automatically will be placed in the middle of the axes. Using the
  113. <b>Sort</b> drop-down menu you can also sort the classes <b>by
  114. popularity</b> or by the <b>original</b> order of the defined classes.
  115. Popularity is defined by the number of members which belong to that
  116. class.</p>
  117. By clicking on the <b>Declassify</b> button will remove the
  118. classification for the current segment. The current segment can now be
  119. reclassified or skipped. While navigating through the segments you can
  120. see whether a segment is classified by the label
  121. <b>Declassify</b>. Unclassified segments will have the label
  122. <b>Classify</b>. To view all unclassified segments select from the
  123. <b>View</b> drop-down menu <b>unclassified</b>.</p>
  124. <p>By clicking the <b>Save</b> button along the way your
  125. classification will be saved. </P>
  126. <p>An alternative and faster method for classifying exists. By
  127. clicking on the <b>Quick mode</b> toggle button the quick mode for
  128. classification is entered. Quick mode will automatically forward to
  129. the next unclassified segment. Three buttons will appear on the top
  130. right to facilitate faster classification. The <b>New</b> button
  131. generates a new class, the <b>Skip</b> button advances to the the next
  132. unclassified segment, and <b>Review last</b> takes you out of quick
  133. mode and back to the last classified segment. To classify in quick
  134. mode just click a class on the right. After each classification the
  135. next unclassified segment will appear. At any time quick mode can be
  136. exited by clicking the <b>Quick mode</b> toggle button. If all
  137. segments are classified quick mode will be automatically exited. </p>
  138. <p>An additional method for classification exists when in comparison
  139. mode. By clicking on the enabled <b>Classify</b> button the user will
  140. classify the current segment as the class that is being compared
  141. to. This will skip the normal classify view.</p>
  142. <p>The final method for classifying is to click the <b>Auto Classify</b>
  143. Button which will allow the classification to be made automatically.</p>
  144. <img width="217" height="449" src="auto_classify-scaled.png"/>
  145. <h2><a name="classview"/>Class view</h2>
  146. <p>Class view allows you to view all defined classes on the right
  147. axes. Class view is entered by selecting <b>class view</b> from the
  148. <b>View</b> drop-down menu. By clicking on a class you can view all
  149. members of the class. This view is known as class members mode. In
  150. class view mode one can also remove a defined class and declassify all
  151. class members. By clicking the <b>Remove Class</b> button and
  152. selecting a class on the right a prompt will appear about whether you
  153. want to remove the class and and all its members. By selecting
  154. <b>Yes</b> the class will be removed.</p>
  155. <img width="768" height="570" src="class_view-scaled.png"/>
  156. <h2><a name="compare">Comparison mode</h2>
  157. <p>To compare a segment against a class click on the <b>Compare</b>
  158. toggle button. The user will be presented with a class view. By
  159. clicking on a class on the right axes the current segment will be
  160. compared to the selected class. The current segment will be the first
  161. segment and the class being compared to will be the second class. If
  162. the current segment is unclassified you can classify it by clicking
  163. the <b>Classify</b> button on the lower left.</p>
  164. <p>When comparing the current segment clicking the <b>Compare</b>
  165. toggle button will not take you entirely out of the comparison
  166. mode. Rather you will be brought back to the class view where you can
  167. select another class to compare the current segment against. If the
  168. user wants to exit the comparison mode click the <b>Compare</b> toggle
  169. button a second time.</p>
  170. <p>In order to make a comparison more carefully it is useful to zoom
  171. in on a specific frequency range of the spectragram. The <b>Zoom
  172. in</b> button will zoom into the specified frequency. The first time
  173. the the <b>Zoom in</b> button is hit the precomputed spectragram are
  174. resampled. The frequency range for the zoom can be set in the
  175. Configuration window.</p>
  176. <img width="768" height="570" src="comparison_mode-scaled.png"/>
  177. <h2><a name="classmembers"/>Class members view</h2>
  178. <p>There are two ways to view all members of a specific class. The
  179. first is by selecting the class in the class view. The second is to
  180. select <b>class members</b> from the <b>View</b> drop-down menu. When
  181. this is done all members belonging to the the same class as the
  182. currently selected segment are shown on the right. </p>
  183. <p>When a new class is defined the spectra of the first member of the
  184. class is used to represent or typify the class. The spectra of the
  185. typified segment is used in the class view and when making a
  186. comparison. The segment which typifies the class can be changed in
  187. the class members view. By clicking the <b>Typify</b> button and
  188. selecting a class member on the right. When a member is successfully
  189. selected to typify a class the <b>Typify</b> button is reenabled. By
  190. clicking in the area between the class members the typifying class is
  191. not changed and the <b>Typify</b> button is reenabled. </p>
  192. <p>Each class is automatically assigned a name when a new class is
  193. created. The class name can be changed by clicking <b>Rename
  194. Class</b>. A dialog box will appear titled Edit class name where the
  195. name can be changed. By clicking <b>Ok</b> the name change will be
  196. accepted. If the name is already assigned a second dialog box will appear
  197. asking if you want to merge the two classes with the same name. By
  198. clicking <b>Yes</b> the classes will be merged.</p>
  199. <p>The next class button allows you to forward to the next class
  200. without leaving the class members view.</p>
  201. <img width="768" height="576" src="class_members-scaled.png"/>
  202. <h2><a name="configure"/>Configuring classify_spectra</h2>
  203. <p>Classify_spectra can be configured by the user. The first set of
  204. configuration is for how the software view manipulates spectra.</p>
  205. <ul>
  206. <li><b>Zoom lower frequency</b> and <b>Zoom upper frequency</b> sets
  207. the frequency range used to resample the spectra when <b>Zoom in</b>
  208. is clicked. The values should be contained within the <b>Minimum
  209. Frequency</b> and <b>Maximum Frequency</b> that is used to compute the
  210. spectragram.</li>
  211. <li><b>Classified Axes Width</b> and <b>Classified Axes Height</b>
  212. are resolution used for plotting the spectragrams of the segments on
  213. the right axes. Each spectragram is a fixed height of 100 pixels while
  214. the width will vary with time. The higher the numbers the more spectra
  215. that can appear on the axes. </li>
  216. <li><b>Fixed Scaling:</b> Normally when you resize a window the size
  217. of the spectragram stays constant. By enlarging the window you can
  218. view more spectragrams. When fixed scaling is enabled rather than keep
  219. the size constant when you enlarge the spectragram also increases in size.</li>
  220. </ul>
  221. <p>A spectragram is a visual representation of how the intensity of
  222. sound frequencies change over time. Classify_spectra uses a multitaper
  223. approach to compute the spectragram. The log transformed intensities
  224. are plotted. Parameters used to compute the spectragram can be
  225. modified by the user. If these parameters are changed the spectragrams
  226. for all the segments will need to be recomputed.</p>
  227. <ul>
  228. <li><b>Sampling Frequency:</b> is the frequency that sound is
  229. sampled at in Hertz. Audio on a digital compact disc is sampled 44100
  230. time per second. It is assumed that all wav files in a directory are
  231. sampled at the same frequency.</li>
  232. <li><b>Moving window (ms)</b> is the window size in milliseconds for
  233. which the intensity of the frequencies is computed by the multitaper
  234. based Fourier transform.</li>
  235. <li><b>Step size (ms)</b> is the step size for the moving window. The
  236. smaller the step size the greater the resolution of the spectragram.</li>
  237. <li><b>Smooth Parameter TW</b> is used to smooth the
  238. spectragram. The parameter is an integer above 1.</li>
  239. <li><b>Minimum Frequency</b> and <b>Maximum Frequency</b> is the
  240. frequency in Hertz range for which the intensity of the audio is
  241. computed. Generally this value is set between 0 and half the sampling
  242. frequency.
  243. </li>
  244. </ul>
  245. <img width="460" height="382" src="configure_classify-scaled.png"/>
  246. <br>
  247. <!-- Created: Mon May 15 15:30:19 EDT 2006 -->
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  249. Last modified: Tue May 23 10:52:39 EDT 2006
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