123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233 |
- function pRF_FitModel_LISA_cv(Monkey,Session,Slices,HRF,numWorkers,modeltype,cv,resfld)
- % This is the script that runs the pRF fit
- % it should be compiled and called from run_CompiledMatlab_LISA.sh
- % This means it cannot use 'addpath', instead toolboxes or required
- % function should be added when it is compiled usin -a /toolbox etc.
- % compile on LISA with:
- % module load matlab
- % echo "mcc -m $HOME/PRF/Code/pRF_FitModel_LISA.m -a $HOME/PRF/Code/HRF -a $HOME/PRF/Code/analyzePRF -a $HOME/PRF/Code/NIfTI" | matlab -nodisplay
- % module unload matlab
- % The uncompiled version of this function should be in
- % $HOME/PRF/Code
- % this compiled function will be running from:
- % Data will be in
- % save results in "$TMPDIR"/PRF/Results/%MONKEY/$SESS/$SLICES
- % fits the prf model to voxels
- % <Monkey> string, no caps
- % <Session> string YYYYMMDD
- % <Slices> range of slices x:xx
- % <HRF> HRF function to use (won't be used if <modeltype> is an ephys variant
- % <numWorkers> can be used to cap the # of parallel processes, leave [] to
- % maximize
- % <modeltype> specifies what kind of model to fit ('css','css_ephys','linear','linear_ephys')
- % <cv> type of crossvalidation (0,1,2)
- DEBUG=false;
- if DEBUG
- Monkey = 'M02'; %#ok<*UNRCH>
- Session = 'AllSessions-avg-cv';
- Slices = 01:5;
- HRF = 'HRF_monkey';
- numWorkers = [];
- modeltype = 'css';
- cv = 0;
- end
- %% These are fixed for this configuration =================================
- TR=2.5;
- if strcmp(Monkey, 'M02') && strcmp(Session,'20160721')
- TR=3;
- end
- doUpsample=true;
- mlroot = pwd; % this is $TMPDIR/PRF when running it on LISA (fast disks)
- %% Prep & Load ============================================================
- % change characters to numbers
- if ischar(Slices); slices = eval(Slices); else slices = Slices; end
- if ischar(numWorkers); numWorkers = eval(numWorkers); end
- if ischar(cv); cv = eval(cv); end
- SliceLabel = [num2str(slices(1),'%02d') '-' num2str(slices(end),'%02d')];
- % Notification of the fact that we're starting
- disp(['Starting script for job ' Monkey ', ' Session ', Slices ' Slices])
- % Link to the brain mask
- if strcmp(Monkey, 'M01')
- BrainMask_file = [mlroot '/T1_to_func_brainmask_zcrop.nii'];
- elseif strcmp(Monkey, 'M02')
- BrainMask_file = [mlroot '/HiRes_to_T1_mean.nii_shadowreg_M02_brainmask.nii'];
- end
- % make outputfolder
- % result_folder = [mlroot '/Results/' Monkey '/' Session '/Slices_' SliceLabel];
- result_folder = [mlroot '/Results/' Monkey '/' resfld '/Slices_' SliceLabel];
- if ~exist(result_folder,'dir')
- mkdir(result_folder);
- end
- fprintf(['Saving results in: ' result_folder]);
- %% MODEL PRFs /SESSION ====================================================
- % Do the pRF model fit on a session/day basis. Concatenate runs.
- % Number of parallel processes might need to be restricted beause of memory
- % limitations. Set numWorkers at the start of this function.
- % Modeling everything together may be overkill (size wise).
- % get the brain mask ----
- fprintf('\nUnpacking BrainMask');
- mask_nii=load_nii(BrainMask_file);%load_nii(uz_nii{1});
- fprintf(' ...done\n');
- fprintf(['=== Fitting pRF model for ses-' Session ' ===\n']);
- fprintf('Loading data...\n');
- load(fullfile(mlroot,Session)); %#ok<*LOAD>
- % The crucial variables in thes files are:
- % stim >> a structure with fields norm and inv
- % norm >> stimulus in normal order. cell array.
- % inv >> stimulus in inverse order. cell array.
- % sess_wmeanBOLD >> weighted average BOLD response
- % >> 4d array of epi-volumes in time (4th dimension)
- % sess_wmeanBOLD >> weighted average BOLD response for inverse stimuli
- % >> 4d array of epi-volumes in time (4th dimension)
- % concatenate -----
- stimulus={};fmri_data={};
- fprintf('Concatenating stimuli and volumes...\n');
- if iscell(sess_wmeanBOLD)
- for RUNNR = 1:length(sess_wmeanBOLD)
- fmri_data{(RUNNR-1)+RUNNR}=sess_wmeanBOLD{RUNNR}(:,:,slices,:); %#ok<*IDISVAR,*NODEF>
- stimulus{(RUNNR-1)+RUNNR}=[];
- for voln = 1:size(stim.norm{RUNNR},2)
- stimulus{(RUNNR-1)+RUNNR} = cat(3, stimulus{(RUNNR-1)+RUNNR}, stim.norm{RUNNR}{voln}); %#ok<*AGROW>
- end
- if exist('sess_wmeanBOLD_inv') && ~isempty(sess_wmeanBOLD_inv{RUNNR}) %#ok<*EXIST>
- fmri_data{RUNNR+RUNNR}=sess_wmeanBOLD_inv{RUNNR}(:,:,slices,:);
- stimulus{RUNNR+RUNNR}=[];
- for voln = 1:size(stim.inv{RUNNR},2)
- stimulus{RUNNR+RUNNR} = cat(3, stimulus{RUNNR+RUNNR}, stim.inv{RUNNR}{voln});
- end
- end
- end
- else % for the xval = 0 data
- fmri_data{1}=sess_wmeanBOLD(:,:,slices,:);
- stimulus{1}=[];
- for voln = 1:size(stim.norm,2)
- stimulus{1} = cat(3, stimulus{1}, stim.norm{voln}); %#ok<*AGROW>
- end
- if exist('sess_wmeanBOLD_inv') && ~isempty(sess_wmeanBOLD_inv) %#ok<*EXIST>
- fmri_data{2}=sess_wmeanBOLD_inv(:,:,slices,:);
- stimulus{2}=[];
- for voln = 1:size(stim.inv,2)
- stimulus{2} = cat(3, stimulus{2}, stim.inv{voln});
- end
- end
- end
- % clear empty cell for non-existing inverse stimuli
- if length(fmri_data)>1 && isempty(fmri_data{2})
- fmri_data(2)=[];
- stimulus(2)=[];
- end
- % fit pRF -----
- % get indices to mask voxels > 0
- options.vxs = find(mask_nii.img(:,:,slices)>0);
- options.display = 'final';
- if strcmp(HRF,'HRF_monkey')
- load(fullfile(mlroot,'HRF',HRF),'customHRF_rs','customHRF_rsus');
- if doUpsample
- options.hrf = customHRF_rsus;
- else
- options.hrf = customHRF_rs;
- end
- end
- % set crossvalidation option
- options.xvalmode = cv; % two-fold cross-validation (first half of runs; second half of runs)
- % no denoising for average BOLD traces
- options.wantglmdenoise = 0;
- % set typicalgain to a lower value because it's %BOLD change now and not raw data
- options.typicalgain = 0.25;
- % allow negative gain factors
- options.allowneggain = true;
- % start a parallel pool of workers
- if ~isempty(numWorkers)
- parpool(numWorkers);
- else
- % if numWorkers = []
- % don't predefine the number of workers
- % let it take the max available when running
- end
- % run analyzePRF tool
- if doUpsample % tr = TR/2
- result = analyzePRF_modeltype(stimulus,fmri_data,TR/2,options,modeltype);
- else
- result = analyzePRF_modeltype(stimulus,fmri_data,TR,options,modeltype);
- end
- load(fullfile(mlroot,[Monkey '_refhdr']));
- result.hdr_ref = ref_hdr;
- % save the result ----
- fprintf('\nSaving the result: ');
- save(fullfile(result_folder,['pRF_Sess-' Session]),...
- 'result','-v7.3');
- % also save as nifti files
- % angle ---
- fprintf('Angles ');
- nii = make_nii(result.ang,[1 1 1],[],32,...
- 'pRF fit: Angles (deg)');
- nii.hdr.hist = result.hdr_ref.hist;
- save_nii(nii, fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ang.nii']));
- gzip(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ang.nii']));
- delete(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ang.nii']));
- % ecc ---
- fprintf('Ecc ');
- nii = make_nii(result.ecc,[1 1 1],[],32,...
- 'pRF fit: Eccentricity (pix)');
- nii.hdr.hist = result.hdr_ref.hist;
- save_nii(nii, fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ecc.nii']));
- gzip(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ecc.nii']));
- delete(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_ecc.nii']));
- % size ---
- fprintf('Size ');
- nii = make_nii(result.rfsize,[1 1 1],[],32,...
- 'pRF fit: RF size (pix)');
- nii.hdr.hist = result.hdr_ref.hist;
- save_nii(nii, fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_rfsize.nii']));
- gzip(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_rfsize.nii']));
- delete(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_rfsize.nii']));
- % R^2 Goodness of fit ---
- fprintf('R2 ');
- nii = make_nii(result.R2,[1 1 1],[],32,...
- 'pRF fit: R2 Goodnes off fit');
- nii.hdr.hist = result.hdr_ref.hist;
- save_nii(nii, fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_R2.nii']));
- gzip(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_R2.nii']));
- delete(fullfile(result_folder, [Session '_R2.nii']));
- cd ..
- fprintf('>> Done!\n');