BREWERMAP provides all ColorBrewer colorschemes for MATLAB, with simple selection by colormap length and scheme name. Alternatively the scheme name can be preselected, after which only the colormap length is required to define an output colormap.
BREWERMAP is compatible with all MATLAB functions that require a colormap. The function consists of just one M-file that provides all of the ColorBrewer colorschemes (no mat file, no third party files, no file-clutter!). Downsampling or interpolation or repetition of the nodes occurs automatically, if required. Interpolation uses the Lab colorspace.
% Plot a scheme's RGB values:
rgbplot(brewermap(9, 'Blues')) % standard
rgbplot(brewermap(9,'*Blues')) % reversed
% View information about a colorscheme:
[~,num,typ] = brewermap(NaN,'Paired')
num = 12
typ = 'Qualitative'
% Multiline plot using matrices:
N = 6;
X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)n*sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
plot(X,Y, 'linewidth',4)
% Multiline plot in a loop:
N = 6;
X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)n*sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
for n = 1:N
plot(X(:),Y(:,n), 'linewidth',4);
hold all
% New colors for the COLORMAP example:
S = load('spine.mat');
% New colors for the SURF example:
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(30);
% New colors for the CONTOURCMAP example:
brewermap('PuOr'); % preselect the colorscheme.
load topo
load coast
worldmap(topo, topolegend)
contourfm(topo, topolegend);
contourcmap('brewermap', 'Colorbar','on', 'Location','horizontal',...
'TitleString','Contour Intervals in Meters');
plotm(lat, long, 'k')
BREWERMAP_PLOT creates a figure which shows the nodes of all ColorBrewer colorschemes.
BREWERMAP_VIEW creates an interactive figure that allows selection of the colorscheme, and that contains two colorbars showing colors of the colormap and the grayscale equivalent.
R2014b or later: BREWERMAP_VIEW can also update other axes' or figures' colormaps in real time, for example:
S = load('spine');
The function BREWERMAP:
This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer ( See the ColorBrewer website for further information about each colorscheme, colorblind suitability, licensing, and citations.