#18 3D ScanImage Data

cbaker9 CatalystNeuro/3DScanImage_clean 에서 CatalystNeuro/main 로 3 commits 를 머지했습니다 1 년 전
Paul Adkisson 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

This new data has

  • 2 optical channels
  • 2 depth planes
  • 2 frames per slice (depth plane)
  • 3 full cycles of acquisition (useful for testing get_frames)

One file has ROI groups in the metadata and the other does not. These features are not used by ScanImage's ImagingExtractor currently, but might be in the future.

This new data has - 2 optical channels - 2 depth planes - 2 frames per slice (depth plane) - 3 full cycles of acquisition (useful for testing `get_frames`) One file has ROI groups in the metadata and the other does not. These features are not used by ScanImage's ImagingExtractor currently, but might be in the future.
Cody Baker 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

Very nice, thanks

Very nice, thanks
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