#15 Add dual color Bruker test data

cbaker9 1 commit egyesítve innen: CatalystNeuro/add_dual_color_bruker ide: CatalystNeuro/main ekkor: 11 hónapja

Contains an XML file and 2 .ome.tif files, 10-10 frames in each file for the two optical channels that was used.

Contains an XML file and 2 `.ome.tif` files, 10-10 frames in each file for the two optical channels that was used.
cbaker9 lezárta ekkor: 11 hónapja
Cody Baker hozzászólt 11 hónapja

Very nice!

Very nice!
Ez a beolvasztási kérés sikeresen egyesítve lett!
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2 Résztvevő
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