sub-88141_ses-01_task-resting.hist 700 B

  1. ************************************************************
  2. DATE:
  3. 29-Mar-2023 12:56
  5. meg
  6. APP:
  7. Acq 6.1.14-beta-el6_8.x86_64-20180116-3847
  8. Dataset name 314-88141_314WAND_20230329_Rest
  9. Operator: EM
  10. Title: Rest
  11. Procedure step description: 10 Minute Rest
  12. Keywords:
  13. Sample rate: 1200
  14. Trial duration: 600
  15. Pre-trigger interval: 0
  16. Collection stopped: 29-Mar-2023 12:58
  17. Collection stopped: 29-Mar-2023 12:58
  18. Collection started: 29-Mar-2023 12:58
  19. Collection stopped: 29-Mar-2023 13:08
  21. Maximum head motion recorded is 7.13708(mm).
  22. Head motion has exceeded motion tolerance of 5(mm).
  23. Maximum head motion recorded is 7.13708(mm).
  24. Head motion has exceeded motion tolerance of 5(mm).