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Description of DAPI template

This repository contains a three-dimensional population-based average atlas, the DAPI template, of the C57BL/6 mouse brain stained with the commonly employed fluorescence nuclear stain DAPI. The DAPI template, accompanying segmentation, and a simplified segmentation can be found as nifti files in data/. Moreover, the repository contains all the raw data (data/mice/) and the full code base (template_creation_pipieline/) which was used in the construction of the teamplate.

The DAPI template, is constructued from consecutive coronal brain slices of 12 male mice aged between 10-11 weeks. Each mouse brain is first reconstructed into a three-dimensional volume and then an iterative averaging process of these reconstructed brain volumes was employed to yield the final population-based average.

The repository also includes an automatic segmentation/spatial normalization pipeline (automatic_segmentation_program/) for novel coronal slices described below.

Automatic slice segmentation

Program for automatic segmentation to a DAPI-stained coronal mouse brain slices.

Getting started

  • Setup your environment with the correct python version, python packages, and Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs).
  • Download the and unzip the example folder.
  • In a terminal window, navigate into the unzipped example folder.
  • Run the with the command bash
  • The automatically created segmentation can be found in Brain_example/Segmentation.nii

For detailed parameter and output description go to the automatic segmentation program.

How to setup the environment

Below is a quick guide to setup the enviroment on a UNIX (Mac and Linux) system

  • The program requires Python 3.7+. You can get the newest version of python by installing Anaconda ( To check your version of python, type

    python --version
    • Install or update all packages listed in requirements.txt. All packages can be installed/updated using pip. To install a package, e.g. nibabel:
    pip install nibabel

To check the version of a package

  pip freeze | grep nibabel
  • Install ANTs, preferably using precompiled binaries, available (for Mac/Linux) at

  • Create ANTSPATH and add it to your path. This is done by editing the config file for the terminal shell. The config-file is often named




In the config-file add the following lines

  export ANTSPATH=usr/local/bin/ANTs

Here, ANTs was installed in /usr/local/bin/ANTs

After adding this to the config-file, restart the terminal and test if the path was added correctly by typing

  which antsRegistration

The correct path should then be printed.

  • if permission is denied, the file needs to be made executable - this is done using the command sh chmod +x <...>/antsRegistration
    ## Prerequisites
    * A high-resolution, DAPI modality TIFF image of a coronal mouse brain slice. Can have multiple channels.
    * The DAPI template file (.nii or .nii.gz)
    * A segmentation of the DAPI template (.nii or .nii.gz)

    ## Usage
    Use to preprocess and output a segmentation registred to the slice. For detailed parameter and output description go to the automatic segmentation program.