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Frederik Filip Stæger vor 4 Jahren
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-# DAPI template pipeline
-The original pipeline for pre-processing, reconstructing, and template
-creation of the DAPI template.
-## Description
-The reconstruction and template creation was run twice.
-First with the allen reference atlas as reference without non-linear
-registration steps resulting in an initial DAPI template. The initial DAPI
-template was used as reference (instead of the Allen reference atlas)
-in the second run of reconstruction and template creation, resulting in the
-final DAPI template. The two runs of the pipeline were manually modified.
-This pipeline is based on the original data structure of the slice images
-with a few sanity checks to make sure that all images are present. To run this
-pipeline with the data structure from the GIN-repository you need to remove
-these sanity checks, get the mouse ids from a different directory (like tif/),
-and get all the image paths in each individual tif folder.
-## Overview
-The main script calls the pre_processing, co_registration, and
-template_creation with appropriate parameters and paths. In pre_processing
-the original tif image is down-sampled to 8.6x8.6 um and masked according to
-the biggest (except background) connected component after smoothing and
-threshold to remove artefact outside of the brain slice.
-After pre-processing the slices for each brain is reconstructed
-into 3-dimensional brain volumes. This reconstruction is carried out by 
-iterative registrations (both between volumes and between slice-pairs) to
-a reference (Allen or DAPI from first iteration). Finally, each reconstructed
-brain volume is used in the creation of a population-based average in 
-## Packages
-This pipeline uses the following non-standard packages (package name: version):
-nibabel: 2.1.0
-nipype: 0.13.1
-numpy: 1.15.1
-PIL: 5.1.0
-scipy: 1.1.0
-skimage: 0.14.0
-sklearn: 0.19.2
-## Registration software
-A precompiled binary of Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) V.2.1.0 for 
-linux/mac was used.