123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280 |
- function varargout = ampAtStim_funtest(file, varargin)
- %% Function to visually validate the results of ampAtStim
- % This function is identical to 'ampAtStim' in most respects, but it
- % additionally creates a plot for every trial showing the data that is used
- % for the calculations. These plots can facilitate the verification of the
- % results. The code sections that differ from the main function are marked
- % as such. Only one file at a time is analysed with ffor all stimuli, but
- % the trials can be specified.
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Input [additional arguments are positional,
- % ----- optional arguments are name-value pairs]
- %
- % files: ID-number(s) of the '.mat' data-file(s),
- % Type: integer or vector
- % trials: number(s) of the trials to be analysed, type: integer or
- % (additional) vector, default: 'all'
- % Filter: select between three filter options:
- % (optional) 'hn' applys a hum-noise-remove filter
- % 'hnhfn' additonally applys a low pass filter to
- % remove high frequency noise
- % If not set, it will be set to "no" (default).
- % StimCell: set whether to plot the data for a stimulated T-cell ('T')
- % (optional) or a stimulated interneuron ('INT'). Default: 'T'
- % ErrorBars: set whether error bars (standard deviation) should be
- % (optional) plotted (1 or 0). Default: 1 (yes)
- % ------
- % Output
- % ------
- % visually output of the plots if no output variable is set, new figure
- % windows are created
- %
- % varargout{1}: structure, containing the calculated values, amplitudes
- % for the stimuli are sorted from the smallest to the
- % biggest stimulus
- % - MeanAmplitudeT/MeanAmplitudeINT: averaged amplitudes
- % for the trials where the 'stimCell' was stimulated
- % - AmplitudeT/AmplitudeINT: amplitudes for the cells
- % for all trials (not averaged)
- % - sdT/sdINT: standard deviation for all amplitudes
- % over all trials for each stimulus
- % - stimulatedT: trials with a stimulated T cell
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Program by: Bjarne Schultze [last modified 07.03.2022]
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Preperations
- % parse the user input
- [file_num, trials, filter_choice, tol, ~, stimCell, error_bars, ~,~] = ...
- parse_input_peakfun(file, varargin{:});
- % Access the data using the function 'extract_data'
- dataIn = extract_data(file_num, filter_choice);
- recData = dataIn{1,1};
- timeVector = recData.timeVector;
- %% Find and sort the stimulus peaks
- % finds the points, where stimulus is positive
- [stim_peaks, stim_locs] = findpeaks(recData.stimulus, 10000);
- % find the points, where stimulus is negativ (therefor inverting the
- % stimulus data)
- [min_stim_peaks, min_stim_locs] = ...
- findpeaks(-recData.stimulus, 10000, 'MinPeakHeight', 0);
- % invert the peak values back
- min_stim_peaks = -min_stim_peaks;
- % concatenating positive and nagative stimlus peak data
- all_stim_locs = [min_stim_locs; stim_locs];
- all_stim_peaks = [min_stim_peaks; stim_peaks];
- % sort the values for the current in ascending order
- [all_stim_peaks_sort, sort_order] = sort(all_stim_peaks);
- all_stim_locs_sort = all_stim_locs(sort_order);
- %% Calculation of the amplitude and its standard deviation
- % length of stimulus (here it's the same for all stimuli)
- stim_len = 0.5;
- stim_num = length(all_stim_locs_sort); % number of stimuli
- % get the number of trials
- if isequal(trials,'all')
- trials = 1:size(recData.recordingT,2);
- end
- trial_num = length(trials);
- % pre-define vectors for the results of the calculations
- ampT = zeros(stim_num,trial_num);
- ampINT = ampT;
- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if isequal(stimCell, "INT")
- stimulated = setdiff(trials, recData.stimulatedT(:), 'stable');
- else
- stimulated = recData.stimulatedT(:);
- if ~isequal(trials,'all')
- stimulated = intersect(stimulated,trials);
- end
- end
- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for exp = trials
- % ----------------------------------------------------
- % TEST-PART: Plot the recording data of the current trial
- if any(ismember(stimulated,exp))
- figure();
- tiledlayout(2,1);
- plt1 = nexttile;
- plot(plt1,recData.timeVector, recData.recordingT(:,exp));
- xlabel("time [s]"); ylabel("membrane potential [mV]");
- plt2 = nexttile;
- plot(plt2, recData.timeVector, recData.recordingINT(:,exp));
- xlabel("time [s]"); ylabel("membrane potential [mV]");
- end
- % ----------------------------------------------------
- % iterate through the stimuli calculating amplitude and sd for both cells
- for stim = 1:length(all_stim_locs_sort)
- % select the time frame in which one cell was stimulated
- search_index_amp = timeVector >= all_stim_locs_sort(stim) + tol ...
- & timeVector <= all_stim_locs_sort(stim) + stim_len;
- % select a time frame before the stimulus with the same length as
- % the stimulus as a reference
- search_index_preamp = timeVector <= all_stim_locs_sort(stim) ...
- & timeVector >= all_stim_locs_sort(stim) - stim_len + tol;
- % ----------------------------------------------------
- % TEST-PART: Color the sections used for calculations and add the
- % corresponding means
- if any(ismember(stimulated,exp))
- % select the stimulus time frame and in the reference time frame
- timeVector_amp = recData.timeVector(search_index_amp);
- timeVector_preamp = recData.timeVector(search_index_preamp);
- % calculate the mean of the recording data for the stimulus time
- % frame and the reference time frame for both cells
- mean_ampT = mean(recData.recordingT(search_index_amp,exp));
- mean_preampT = mean(recData.recordingT(search_index_preamp,exp));
- mean_ampINT = mean(recData.recordingINT(search_index_amp,exp));
- mean_preampINT = mean(recData.recordingINT(search_index_preamp,exp));
- % Color the sections respectively and add the means
- hold(plt1, 'on');
- plot(plt1, timeVector_amp, ...
- recData.recordingT(search_index_amp, exp),'-',...
- 'Color', [1,0.38,0.11]);
- plot(plt1, timeVector_preamp,...
- recData.recordingT(search_index_preamp,exp),'-',...
- 'Color', [0.2,0.76,0.1]);
- plot(plt1, timeVector_amp([1,end]),[mean_ampT, mean_ampT],'-',...
- 'Color',[0.6,0.1,0.1]);
- plot(plt1, timeVector_preamp([1,end]),...
- [mean_preampT, mean_preampT],'-', 'Color', [0.1,0.6,0.1])
- legend(plt1,'recording', 'on stimulus', 'reference',...
- 'Location', 'best', 'AutoUpdate', 'off');
- hold(plt1, 'off');
- hold(plt2, 'on');
- plot(plt2, timeVector_amp, ...
- recData.recordingINT(search_index_amp, exp),'-',...
- 'Color', [1,0.38,0.11]);
- plot(plt2, timeVector_preamp,...
- recData.recordingINT(search_index_preamp,exp),'-',...
- 'Color', [0.2,0.76,0.1]);
- plot(plt2, timeVector_amp([1,end]),[mean_ampINT, mean_ampINT],'-',...
- 'Color',[0.6,0.1,0.1]);
- plot(plt2, timeVector_preamp([1,end]), ...
- [mean_preampINT, mean_preampINT],'-', 'Color', [0.1,0.6,0.1])
- legend(plt2,'recording', 'on stimulus', 'reference',...
- 'Location', 'best', 'AutoUpdate', 'off');
- hold(plt2, 'off');
- end
- % ----------------------------------------------------
- % calculate the amplitude of the membrane potential in the T
- % cell in relation to the amplitude in the reference time frame
- ampT(stim,exp) = ...
- mean(recData.recordingT(search_index_amp,exp)) ...
- - mean(recData.recordingT(search_index_preamp,exp));
- % if the amplitude is smaller than 3 sd in the reference time
- % frame it is considered as zero
- if abs(ampT(stim,exp)) < ...
- 3 * std(recData.recordingT...
- (search_index_preamp,exp))
- ampT(stim,exp) = 0;
- end
- % same calculations for the interneuron
- ampINT(stim,exp) = ...
- mean(recData.recordingINT(search_index_amp,exp)) ...
- - mean(recData.recordingINT(search_index_preamp,exp));
- if abs(ampINT(stim,exp)) < ...
- 3 * std(recData.recordingINT...
- (search_index_preamp,exp))
- ampINT(stim,exp) = 0;
- end
- % ---------------------------------------------------
- % TEST PART: Add little scales for each amplitude
- if any(ismember(stimulated, exp))
- hold(plt1, 'on');
- plot(plt1, timeVector_preamp([end-50,end-50]),...
- [mean_preampT,mean_preampT + ampT(stim,exp)], '-_k');
- text(plt1, timeVector_preamp(end-100),...
- ((2 * mean_preampT + ampT(stim,exp))/2), ...
- num2str(round(ampT(stim,exp),1)), 'Color', 'black', ...
- 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right','FontSize',8);
- hold(plt1, 'off');
- hold(plt2, 'on');
- plot(plt2, timeVector_preamp([end-50,end-50]),...
- [mean_preampINT,mean_preampINT + ampINT(stim,exp)], '-_k');
- text(plt2, timeVector_preamp(end-100),...
- ((2 * mean_preampINT + ampINT(stim,exp))/2), ...
- num2str(round(ampINT(stim,exp),1)), 'Color', 'black', ...
- 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'FontSize', 8);
- hold(plt2, 'off');
- end
- % ---------------------------------------------------
- end
- end
- %% Averaging of the amplitudes
- % pre-define vectors for the mean and standard deviation of the spiking
- % frequency over all trials
- m_ampT = zeros(stim_num,1); m_ampINT = zeros(stim_num,1);
- sd_ampT = zeros(stim_num,1); sd_ampINT = zeros(stim_num,1);
- if isequal(stimCell, "INT")
- stimulated = setdiff(trials, recData.stimulatedT(:), 'stable');
- plot_title = sprintf("File: %02.f - Interneuron stimulated", file_num);
- else
- stimulated = recData.stimulatedT(:);
- plot_title = sprintf("File: %02.f - T-cell stimulated", file_num);
- if ~isequal(trials,'all')
- stimulated = intersect(stimulated,trials);
- end
- end
- % find the average and standard deviation of the spiking frequency for each
- % stimulus
- for stim = 1:stim_num
- % mean and sd of trials where the T-cell was stimulated
- m_ampT(stim) = mean(ampT(stim,stimulated));
- sd_ampT(stim) = std(ampT(stim,stimulated));
- % mean and sd for the interneurons
- m_ampINT(stim) = mean(ampINT(stim,stimulated));
- sd_ampINT(stim) = std(ampINT(stim,stimulated));
- end
- %% Return and plot results
- % if an output is required, the calculated values are returned (structure)
- if isequal(nargout, 1)
- varargout{1} = struct('MeanAmplitudeT',m_ampT, ...
- 'MeanAmplitudeINT', m_ampINT, ...
- 'AmplitudeT', ampT, ...
- 'AmplitudeINT', ampINT, ...
- 'sdT', sd_ampT, 'sdINT', sd_ampINT, ...
- 'stimulatedT', recData.stimulatedT);
- else
- % plot the results either with or without error bars
- figure();
- if isequal(error_bars, 1)
- errorbar(all_stim_peaks_sort, m_ampT, sd_ampT);
- axis padded
- hold on;
- errorbar(all_stim_peaks_sort, m_ampINT, sd_ampINT);
- hold off;
- yline(0, 'Color', [0.6,0.6,0.6]);
- title(plot_title);
- xlabel("current [nA]"); ylabel("amplitude [mV]");
- legend("T-cell", "Interneuron", 'Location', 'best');
- subtitle("- error bars representing standard deviation between trials -");
- else
- plot(all_stim_peaks_sort, m_ampT, 'o-',...
- all_stim_peaks_sort, m_ampINT, 'o-', 'MarkerSize', 4);
- axis padded
- title(plot_title);
- xlabel("stimulation current [nA]"); ylabel("amplitude [mV]");
- legend("T-cell", "Interneuron", 'Location', 'best');
- yline(0, 'Color', [0.6,0.6,0.6]);
- end
- end
- % end of function definition
- end