tract_naming_help.txt 4.8 KB

  1. Corticospinal tract (CST):
  2. Starts in the primary motor cortex (MOp) and traverses through internal capsule and pyramid, before continuing into the spinal cord
  3. CST_MOp-int-py_contralesional_CCasROA.nii (right)
  4. CST_MOp-int-py_ipsilesional_CCasROA.nii (left)
  5. -> Dilated primary motor cortex (MOp) as Seed Region (without dilation no tracking results, see thesis for details), internal capsule (int) pyramid (py) both as ROI
  6. Atlas region of the corpus callous (CC) added as ROA.
  7. CST_MOp-int-py_contralesional_CCcut.nii
  8. CST_MOp-int-py_ipsilesional_CCcut.nii
  9. -> Dilated MOp as Seed Region and int and py as ROI, generated fibers were diverted by the pathway of the CC (regions of crossing fibers), CC fibers were all cut right behind the MOps.
  10. CST_MOp-int-py_contralesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut.nii CST_MOp-int-py_ipsilesional_selfdrawnROA+CCcut.nii
  11. -> Dilated MOp as Seed Region and int and py as ROI. Added self-drawn ball as ROA at the point where fibers exited the Mop and continued into the CC. Remaining CC fibers were cut.
  12. Corpus callosum (CC):
  13. Interhemispheric connections between several cortex regions
  14. CC_MOp-MOp.nii
  15. -> left and right primary motor cortex (MOp) as ROI
  16. CC_MOp-MOp_cut.nii
  17. -> same, but fibers cut right before leaving
  18. CC_MOp-MOp_dilated.nii
  19. -> MOps were dilated several times, in order to generate a bigger CC pathway, left and right dilated MOp as ROI
  20. CC_MOp-MOp_dilated_cut.nii
  21. -> same, but fibers cut right before leaving dilated MOps
  22. CC_MOs-MOs.nii
  23. -> left and right secondary motor cortex (MOs) as ROI CC_MOs-MOs_cut.nii
  24. -> same, but fibers cut right before leaving both MOs
  25. CC_SSp_ll-SSp_ll.nii
  26. -> left and right primary somatosensory cortex for lower limb (SSp-ll) as ROI
  27. CC_SSp_ll-SSp_ll_cut.nii
  28. ->same, but fibers cut right before leaving both SSp-ll
  29. CC_SSp_ul-SSp_ul.nii
  30. -> left and right primary somatosensory cortex for upper limb (SSp-ul) as ROI CC_SSp_ul-SSp_ul_cut.nii
  31. ->same, but fibers cut right before leaving both SSp-ul
  32. Corticoreticular tract (CReT):
  33. Tracking of the reticulospinal tract was not possible, that's why the CReT was tracked instead.
  34. CReT starts in the MOp and ends in the reticular formation, the tegmental reticular nucleus (TRN) is a key nucleus in the reticular formation
  35. CReT_MOp-TRN_contralesional_CCcut.nii (right) CReT_MOp-TRN_ipsilesional_CCcut.nii (left)
  36. -> Dilated MOp as Seed region (tracking with non-dilated MOp did non yield any results). Adding TRN as end region : all fibers were again diverted by CC fibers -- CC fibers were all cut before leaving the MOp
  37. Corticorubral tract (CRuT):
  38. Tracking of the rubrospinal tract was not possible, that's why the CRuT was tracked instead.
  39. CRuT starts in the MOp and ends in the red nucleus (RN)
  40. CRuT_MOp-RN_contralesional_mirrored_CCcut.nii (right) CRuT_MOp-RN_ipsilesional_CCcut.nii (left)
  41. -> Dilated MOp as Seed region (tracking with non-dilated MOp did non yield any results). Adding RN as ROI and as end region : no accurate tracking results -- Adapting tracking parameters: Increased step size from 0.01mm to 0.2mm and angular threshold from 50 to 70 degrees. Tracking results were okay, but all fibers were again diverted by CC fibers -- CC fibers were all cut before leaving the MOp
  42. Could only be generated on the ipsilesional side, mirrored along the x-axis and saved as contralesional tract.
  43. Optic tract (OT):
  44. Starts in the optic chiasm (och) and traverses through the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of the thalamus. The tract ends in the primary visual cortex (V1).
  45. OT_och-lgn_lgncut.nii
  46. -> och as Seed region and left and right lgn as ROI, fibers were all cut behind the lgn
  47. Due to partial crossing of fibers at the optic chiasm to the other hemsiphere, one optic tract mask was created for both sides together.
  48. Thalamocortical tract (TC) :
  49. We wanted to track the tract seeding in the dorsal sensory-motor cortex related thalamus (DORsm) and ending in the primary somatosensory cortex for upper and lower limb (SSp-ul/ll)
  50. TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_contralesional_END+higherstepsize.nii (right)
  51. TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_ipsilesional_END+higherstepsize.nii.nii (left)
  52. -> DORsm regions (VPL, VPM, VAL) were merged and set as Seed region, SSp-ll and SSp-ul were merged and set as end region: No tracking results! Increased step size on 0.2mm : Fiebers were generated.
  53. TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_contralesional_ROI+CCcut.nii TC_DORsm-SSp_ll+SSp_ul_ipsilesional_ROI+CCcut.nii
  54. -> DORsm regions (VPL, VPM, VAL) were merged and set as Seed region, SSp-ll and SSp-ul were merged and set as ROI, CC fibers were cut
  55. TC_DORsm-SSp+SSs_contralesional_END+CCcut.nii TC_DORsm-SSp+SSs_ipsilesional_END+CCcut.nii
  56. -> -> DORsm regions (VPL, VPM, VAL) were merged and set as Seed region, and the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex (SSp and SSs) were merged and set as end region. All CC fibers were cut
  57. For more details see bachelor thesis