1. Each folder contains a linked dataset (subdataset) with the raw data specified by the corresponding authors. These datasets correspond to those listed in
  2. listed in Table II in the following publication: tbd
  3. Some additional remarks:
  4. Some datasets are from the same contact person, there are 19 datasets here, but in some there are several sub-datasets linked
  5. e.g.: dataset_1 "Aswendt" has 2 sub-datasets and dataset_18 "Wenk" has 3 sub-datasets, "Selim" has 2 sub-datasets --> In total 23 as listed in Table II.
  6. Each subdataset can be accessed separately as an individual dataset from its corresponding GIN URL either as its purely raw dataset, or again as subdataset with the corresponding AIDAqc outputs.
  7. !!Note that you have to clone the online repository in order to access these datasets.