Demetrio Ferro 3 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 41 додано та 41 видалено
  1. 41 41

+ 41 - 41

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ sInfos=getSubjectInfos(sName)
         ├─── dateTime        % string indicating the date and time of recording;
         ├─── V1Contacts      % structure containing information about V1 recording contacts;
         │       ├─── Depths             % channel depth priorly aligned to earliest CSD sink (see Methods);
-        │       ├─── Channels           % 1:16 or 17:32, ID of the channel used by experimenters;
+        │       ├─── Channels           % 1:16 or 17:32, label of the channel on the recording probe;
         │       ├─── ChRejected         % channels rejected due to avg. signal energy >20 (see Methods);
         │       ├─── ChSNRLowEq3        % channels with MUAe SNR <= 3 (see Methods);
         │       ├─── Quality            % 'OK','BAD', general comment about data quality by visual inspection;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ sInfos=getSubjectInfos(sName)
         ├─── V4Contacts
         │       ├─── Depths             % channel depth priorly aligned to earliest CSD sink (see Methods);
         │       ├─── Channels           % 1:16 or 17:32, ID of the channel used by experimenters; 
-        │       ├─── ChRejected         % channels rejected due to avg. signal energy >20 (see Methods);
+        │       ├─── ChRejected         % (very rare) channels rejected due to experimental failure / cortical drift;
         │       ├─── ChSNRLowEq3        % channels with MUAe SNR <= 3 (see Methods);
         │       ├─── Quality            % 'OK','BAD', general comment about data quality by visual inspection;
         │       ├─── LaminarAlignments  % channel depth priorly aligned to earliest CSD sink binned at 0.15 mm;
@@ -65,65 +65,65 @@ sData=getSubjectData(sName,sVisualArea,sPenNumber,sDataType,sSelectedTimeWins)
 │   % sVisualArea       % {'V1', 'V4'}                               *REQUIRED FIELD
 │   % sPenNumber        % {double, 'GOOD', 'ALL'}  'ALL'  is default
 │   % sDataType         % {'LFPs', 'MUAEs', 'ALL'} 'LFPs' is default ('MUAEs' is deprecated)
-│   % sSelectedTimeWins % {'PreStim','PostStim','Stationary','PostCue','PeFirstDim','PreSecondDim','PreThirdDim','ALL'} MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, ALL is default
+│   % sSelectedTimeWins % {'PreStim','PostStim','Stationary','PostCue','PeFirstDim','PreSecondDim','PreThirdDim','ALL'} MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, 'ALL' is default
 ├─── subjectName % the subject name;
 ├─── penIDs      % the ID of the sessions analysed;
 ├─── penInfos    % a session-by-session data structure with session infos (see getSubjectInfos());
 └─── LfpStruct   % a session-by-session data structure with LFP data;
-          ├─── Sorted    % string indicating the date and time of recording;
-          │       ├─── Labels             % channel depth priorly aligned to earliest CSD sink (see Methods);
-          │       │      ├─── Dimming
-          │       │      ├─── Outcome
-          │       │      ├─── GratCondition
-          │       │      ├─── selectedNlxEvents 
-          │       │      ├─── SupraChsLamAlignsBi
-          │       │      ├─── GranrChsLamAlignsBi
-          │       │      └─── InfraChsLamAlignsBi
+          ├─── Sorted                               % string with date and time of recording;
+          │       ├─── Labels                       % task-related metadata information;
+          │       │       ├─── Dimming              % 1:3 stimulus at first, second or third dimming is attended;
+          │       │       ├─── Outcome              % trial-by-trial behavioral outcome (0=successful/rewarded);
+          │       │       ├─── GratCondition        % 1:36 unique task-related configuration (stimuli color x stimuli order x dimming order)
+          │       │       ├─── selectedNlxEvents    % (deprecated) Neuralynx ID of events selected;
+          │       │       ├─── SupraChsLamAlignsBi  % Channel index of selected Supra laminar alignments 
+          │       │       ├─── GranrChsLamAlignsBi  % Channel index of selected Granr laminar alignments
+          │       │       └─── InfraChsLamAlignsBi  % Channel index of selected Infra laminar alignments
           │       │      
-          │       ├─── Delays             %  
-          │       │      ├─── Stationary  % 
-          │       │      ├─── CueOnset    %
-          │       │      ├─── FirstDim    %
-          │       │      ├─── SecondDim   %
-          │       │      └─── ThirdDim    %
+          │       ├─── Delays                       % trial-by-trial dimming delays;
+          │       │       ├─── Stationary           % stationary time window delay;
+          │       │       ├─── CueOnset             % cue onset pseudo-random delay;
+          │       │       ├─── FirstDim             % first dim pseudo-random delay;
+          │       │       ├─── SecondDim            % second dim pseudo-random delay;
+          │       │       └─── ThirdDim             % third dim pseudo-random delay;
           │       │      
           │       ├─── Full.Supra               
           │       │      ├─── RF             
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreStimDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PostStimDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PostStimDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── StationaryDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── StationaryDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── PostCueDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PostCueDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreFirstDimDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreFirstDimDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreSecondDimDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreSecondDimDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreThirdDimDataBi
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreThirdDimDataBiZSc
-          │       │      │     ├─── gratCondFirstDim
-          │       │      │     ├─── gratCondSecondDim
-          │       │      │     └─── gratCondThirdDim         
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreStimDataBi         % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-stimulus (approx. -1000, 0 ms before stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived
+          │       │      │     ├─── PostStimDataBi        % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Post-stimulus (approx. 0, 1000 ms after stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived
+          │       │      │     ├─── PostStimDataBiZSc     % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Post-stimulus (approx. 0, 1000 ms after stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std)
+          │       │      │     ├─── StationaryDataBi      % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Stationary (approx. 200, 1200 ms after stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived 
+          │       │      │     ├─── StationaryDataBiZSc   % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Post-stimulus (approx. 200, 1200 ms after stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std) 
+          │       │      │     ├─── PostCueDataBi         % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Post-cue (approx. 0, 1000 ms after cue onset) LFP data bipolar derived 
+          │       │      │     ├─── PostCueDataBiZSc      % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Post-cue (approx. 0, 1000 ms after cue onset) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std)
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreFirstDimDataBi     % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-firstdim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived 
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreFirstDimDataBiZSc  % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-firstdim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std)
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreSecondDimDataBi    % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-seconddim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived 
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreSecondDimDataBiZSc % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-seconddim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std)
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreThirdDimDataBi     % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-thirddim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived 
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreThirdDimDataBiZSc  % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-thirddim (approx. -1000, 0 ms) LFP data bipolar derived and Z-scored to Prestim (0 mean, 1 std)
+          │       │      │     ├─── gratCondFirstDim      % trial-by-trial first dimming RF task configuration
+          │       │      │     ├─── gratCondSecondDim     % trial-by-trial second dimming RF task configuration
+          │       │      │     └─── gratCondThirdDim      % trial-by-trial third dimming RF task configuration  
           │       │      │
           │       │      ├─── OUT1          
-          │       │      │     ├─── PreStimDataBi
+          │       │      │     ├─── PreStimDataBi         % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-stimulus (approx. -1000, 0 ms before stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived
           │       │      │     ├─── ...
-          │       │      │     └─── gratCondThirdDim  
+          │       │      │     └─── gratCondThirdDim      % trial-by-trial third dimming OUT1 task configuration
           │       │      │
           │       │      └─── OUT2          
-          │       │            ├─── PreStimDataBi
+          │       │            ├─── PreStimDataBi         % (chs x trials x 1024 timepoints) Pre-stimulus (approx. -1000, 0 ms before stimulus onset) LFP data bipolar derived
           │       │            ├─── ...
-          │       │            └─── gratCondThirdDim        
+          │       │            └─── gratCondThirdDim      % trial-by-trial third dimming OUT2 task configuration
           │       │      
-          │       ├─── Full.Granr      
-          │       │      ├─── RF       
+          │       ├─── Full.Granr   % (see Full.Supra)     
+          │       │      ├─── RF  
           │       │      ├─── ...      
           │       │      └─── OUT2        
           │       │      
-          │       └─── Full.Infra               
+          │       └─── Full.Infra   % (see Full.Supra)  
           │              ├─── RF      
           │              ├─── ...          
           │              └─── OUT2