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Update 'README.md'

Demetrio Ferro hace 3 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 5 adiciones y 3 borrados
  1. 5 3

+ 5 - 3

@@ -140,8 +140,10 @@ sData=getSubjectData(sName,sVisualArea,sPenNumber,sDataType,sSelectedTimeWins)
-3. The script 'process_Spectral_Power()' performs spectral power analysis and reports results (depends on: support_tools, support_routines included in the folder, please unzip before running this script);
+3. The script 'process_Spectral_Power_V1V4_AllTimeWins()' performs spectral power analysis for each subject in V1 or in V4 and reports results organised session-by-session in the data structure 'PmtStruct' for all task-related time windows (depends on: 'support_tools.zip', 'support_routines.zip' included in the folder, please unzip in the local folder before running this script);
-4. The script 'process_cGC_within_V1V4_MultiMethods_PreFirstDim()' performs cGC analysis and plot results at the local level of columns V1 and V4 separately (depends on: support_tools, support_routines included in the folder, please unzip before running this script);
+4. The script 'process_Spectral_Coherence_V1V4_PreFirstDim()' performs spectral coherence analysis for each subject within V1, within V4, between V1-V4 depths, in the task time window before first stimulus dimming (though varying time window is very handy) and reports results organised session-by-session in the data structures: 'sCohV1Struct', 'sCohV4Struct' and 'SCohV1V4Struct' (depends on: 'support_tools.zip', 'support_routines.zip' included in the folder, please unzip in the local folder before running this script);
-5. The script 'process_cGC_between_V1V4_MultiMethods_PreFirstDim()' performs cGC analysis and ploots results at the inter-areal level between V1 and V4 (depends on: support_tools, support_routines included in the folder, please unzip before running this script);
+5. The script 'process_cGC_within_V1V4_MultiMethods_PreFirstDim()' performs cGC analysis and plots results at the local level of columns V1 and V4 respectively, in the task time window before first stimulus dimming (though varying time window is very handy). Results are organised session-by-session in the data structure 'sGCsStruct' (depends on: 'support_tools.zip', 'support_routines.zip' included in the folder, please unzip in the local folder before running this script);
+6. The script 'process_cGC_between_V1V4_MultiMethods_PreFirstDim()' performs cGC analysis and plots results at the inter-areal level between V1 and V4, in the task time window before first stimulus dimming (though varying time window is very handy). Results are organised session-by-session in the data structure 'sGCsStructV1V4' (depends on: 'support_tools.zip', 'support_routines.zip' included in the folder, please unzip in the local folder before running this script);