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This repository is about the analysis of behavioral and neural data about perceived wealth and difficulty in decision-making.

The task adopted consisted in a token-based, two-alternatives risky gambiling task.

This kind of task allows to instruct subjects about wealth status, as instructed by visually displayed tokens accumulated at each trial, and difficulty levels, cued by sensory features like stimuli height and colors.

The neural data consist of neural activity in dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex (dACC).

Initial aims of the project:

  • Analyze accuracy and reaction times for different levels of perceived wealth and difficulty
  • Study the neural encoding of alternative offer values in dACC at different levels of perceived wealth and difficulty

Figure: Sketch of the task and recorded brain areas. A. Alternative reward offers are presented at the opposite sides of the screen. Height of the bar segments cues at the respective reward achievement probabilities. Colors/textures cue at the respective magnitude in number of tokens of reward offers. B. Recorded brain areas consist in Broadmann Area 24, covering dACC.

sketched task