12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- clear all
- close all
- clc
- kk=[16 64 256 1024 2048];
- rat=[1 2 5 10 20 50 100];
- mm=[8 16];
- %kk=2048;
- %mm=[8 16];
- nRecall=100;
- %%
- for ii=1:length(mm)
- for jj=1:length(kk)
- [Performances(jj,ii,:) normCCostADC(jj,ii), ~, ~] = PQNNSwithADC( kk(jj), mm(ii), nRecall, [0 0 0 0 1])
- end
- end
- %%
- for jj=1:length(mm)
- figure
- for ii=1:length(kk)
- for
- plot(normCCostADC(ii,jj),Performances(ii,jj,:),'-x'), hold on
- end
- for ii=1:length(kk)
- text(normCCostADC(ii,:)+2e-5,Performances(ii,:,jj),sprintf('k=%d',kk(ii)),'interpreter','latex');
- end
- h=legend('R@1','R@2','R@5','R@10','R@20','R@50','R@100');
- set(h,'Interpreter','latex');
- grid on; grid minor;
- title('ANNS with ADC - $m=8$','interpreter','latex');
- xlabel('Complexity (scaled to Exhaustive NNS)','interpreter','latex');
- ylabel('Performances','interpreter','latex');
- end
- %%
- figure
- plot(Performances(1,1,:))