Demetrio Ferro 199d60d778 Update 'code/' 3 ay önce
support_functions 3045262b6a Update 'code/support_functions/plot_comparisons_choice_prob_cellwise.m' 5 ay önce
behavioralAnalyses.m 679de9125e Update 'code/behavioralAnalyses.m' 1 yıl önce
neuralAnalyses.m 4be0f64e6c Upload files to 'code' 1 yıl önce
neuralAnalysesChoice.m 58b52a77dd Update 'code/neuralAnalysesChoice.m' 10 ay önce
neuralAnalysesChoiceResiduals.m 055e6e6e00 Update 'code/neuralAnalysesChoiceResiduals.m' 5 ay önce
neuralAnalysesDelayShiftAligned.m 38eab32315 Update 'code/neuralAnalysesDelayShiftAligned.m' 4 ay önce
neuralAnalysesOfferShiftAligned.m a8893d60f9 Update 'code/neuralAnalysesOfferShiftAligned.m' 4 ay önce 199d60d778 Update 'code/' 3 ay önce

Code organization

  1. Load Subject Data from stored files (in data folder, make sure to clone the repository folders as they are)

  2. Access behavioral and experimental variables

  3. Access eye data between time epochs for given session


    e.g. Subject1, Session 1, 'offer1' to 'delay1'

  4. Access neural data between time epochs for given session e.g. Subject1, session1,

  5. Access behavioral data pooled in both subjects, all sessions

  6. Access eye data pooled in both subjects (sessions x task epochs)

  7. Access neural data pooled in both subjects (sessions x task epochs)

  8. Access eye and neural data pooled in both subjects, sessions (x task epochs)

  9. Run analyses in Fig.1-2 through behavioralAnalysis.m

  10. Run analyses in Fig.3 through neuralAnalysis.m,

  11. Run analyses in Fig.4 through neuralAnalysisDelayShiftAligned.m

    (related, optional: run analyses in Fig. S15 through neuralAnalysisOfferShiftAligned.m)

  12. Run analyses in Fig.5A-D through neuralAnalysisChoice.m,

  13. Run analyses in in Fig.5E-F through neuralAnalysisChoiceResiduals.m.

  14. All supplementary tables are obtained by storing results in 9-13.

  15. All supplementary figures can be obtained by minor edits to computational parameter values in 9-13.

In case of further interest, please contact corresponding author

Demetrio Ferro

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 - May 2024

Title Gaze-centered gating and reactivation of value encoding in orbitofrontal cortex
Authors Ferro,Demetrio;Center for Brain and Cognition, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 08003;;ORCID:0000-0003-4969-1415
Hayden,Benjamin;Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (USA), 77030;ORCID:0000-0002-7678-4281
Moreno Bote,Rubén;Center for Brain and Cognition, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 08003;;ORCID:0000-0003-0398-014X
Description The resource contains simultaneous eye tracks and neural orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) for behavioral tasks performed by two adult macaque (Macaca Mulatta) subjects. The analyses allowed to access the structure of a decision-making task where OFC neural activity is modulated by gaze direction.
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike-4.0 International (
References Ferro, D., Cash-Padgett, T., Zhe-Wang, M., Hayden, B.Y. and Moreno-Bote, R., 2023. Gaze-centered gating and reactivation of value encoding in orbitofrontal cortex. bioRxiv. [doi:10.1101/2023.04.20.537677] (IsSupplementTo)
Ferro, Anna Rifé Mata, A., Cash-Padgett, T., Zhe-Wang, M., Hayden, B.Y. and Moreno-Bote, R., 2023. The role of gaze for value encoding and recollection in orbitofrontal cortex. CCN 2023. [url:] (IsSupplementTo)
Ferro, D., Hayden, B.Y., and Moreno-Bote, R., 2023. Model of gaze centred activation and reactivation of value encoding in orbitofrontal cortex. Ebrains Knowledgegraph. [url:] (IsSupplementTo)
Strait, C.E., Blanchard, T.C. and Hayden, B.Y., 2014. Reward value comparison via mutual inhibition in ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Neuron, 82(6), pp.1357-1366. [doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2014.04.032] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding HHMI; 55008742
Fundação Bial; 106/2022
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España; PID2020-114196GB-I00/AEI
ICREA Academia; 2022
Keywords Neuroscience
Decision making
Orbitofrontal cortex
Resource Type Dataset