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  1. # Metadata for DOI registration according to DataCite Metadata Schema 4.1.
  2. # For detailed schema description see
  3. ## Required fields
  4. # The main researchers involved. Include digital identifier (e.g., ORCID)
  5. # if possible, including the prefix to indicate its type.
  6. authors:
  7. -
  8. firstname: "Demetrio"
  9. lastname: "Ferro"
  10. affiliation: "Center for Brain and Cognition, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 08003;"
  11. id: "ORCID:0000-0003-4969-1415"
  12. -
  13. firstname: "Pau"
  14. lastname: "Boncompte Carré"
  15. affiliation: "Center for Brain and Cognition, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 08003;"
  16. -
  17. firstname: "Rubén"
  18. lastname: "Moreno Bote"
  19. affiliation: "Center for Brain and Cognition, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 08003;"
  20. id: "ORCID:0000-0003-0398-014X"
  21. # A title to describe the published resource.
  22. title: "Layer and frequency-specific task engagement in primary visual cortex"
  23. # Additional information about the resource, e.g., a brief abstract.
  24. description: |
  25. This resource contains software for the analysis of local field potential signals recorded in primary visual cortex and
  26. publicly availabe by Allen Brain Insitute (Visual Behavior Neuropixels).
  27. The data are recorded by using multi-contact laminar probes, hence span through cortical depths, during image change detection task.
  28. # Lit of keywords the resource should be associated with.
  29. # Give as many keywords as possible, to make the resource findable.
  30. keywords:
  31. - Visual Neuroscience
  32. - Task Engagement
  33. - Laminar Layers
  34. # License information for this resource. Please provide the license name and/or a link to the license.
  35. # Please add also a corresponding LICENSE file to the repository.
  36. license:
  37. name: "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike-4.0 International"
  38. url: ""
  39. ## Optional Fields
  40. # Funding information for this resource.
  41. # Separate funder name and grant number by comma.
  42. # Related publications. reftype might be: IsSupplementTo, IsDescribedBy, IsReferencedBy.
  43. # Please provide digital identifier (e.g., DOI) if possible.
  44. # Add a prefix to the ID, separated by a colon, to indicate the source.
  45. # Supported sources are: DOI, arXiv, PMID
  46. # In the citation field, please provide the full reference, including title, authors, journal etc.
  47. references:
  48. -
  49. id: "doi:10.48324/DANDI.000713/0.240702.1725"
  50. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  51. citation: "Morrison, Christopher. Allen Institute - Visual Behavior - Neuropixels. DANDI Archive."
  52. -
  53. id: "doi:10.1162/neco_a_00236"
  54. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  55. citation: "Potworowski, J., Jakuczun, W., Łęski, S. & Wójcik, D. (2012) Kernel current source density method. Neural Comput 24(2), 541-575."
  56. -
  57. id: "doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2005.12.005"
  58. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  59. citation: "Pettersen, K. H., Devor, A., Ulbert, I., Dale, A. M. & Einevoll, G. T. (2006) Current-source density estimation based on inversion of electrostatic forward solution: effects of finite extent of neuronal activity and conductivity discontinuities. J Neurosci Methods 154(1-2), 116-133."
  60. # Resource type. Default is Dataset, other possible values are Software, DataPaper, Image, Text.
  61. resourcetype: Software
  62. # Do not edit or remove the following line
  63. templateversion: 1.2