Behavioral and EEG data in a time oddball task
[citation link will be added later]

The repository includes raw, preprocessed, and other generated data that are used by the code

Christina Yi Jin 2661d5fb22 Upload files to 'preprocessing' hai 1 mes
data_fooof 78ff6646bc Upload files to 'data_fooof' hai 1 mes
data_psd b4f248b906 Upload files to 'data_psd/20Hz' hai 1 mes
preprocessing 2661d5fb22 Upload files to 'preprocessing' hai 1 mes
raw 83769d6262 Upload files to 'raw/eeg' hai 1 mes
results_svm 2012f12a41 Upload files to 'results_svm' hai 1 mes
LICENSE f263e085d1 Initial commit hai 1 mes ca75f75f93 Update '' hai 1 mes


Behavioral and EEG data in a time oddball task [citation link will be added later]

The repository includes raw, preprocessed, and other generated data that are used by the code