A database for DTP-Net(DTP-Net: Learning to Reconstruct EEG signals in Time-Frequency Domain by Multi-scale Feature Reuse) experiments.

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A database for DTP-Net (DTP-Net: Learning to Reconstruct EEG signals in Time-Frequency Domain by Multi-scale Feature Reuse) experiments.

Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are easily corrupted by various artifacts, making artifact removal crucial for improving signal quality in scenarios such as disease diagnosis and brain-computer interface (BCI). In this paper, we present a fully convolutional neural architecture, called DTP-Net, which consists of a Densely Connected Temporal Pyramid (DTP) sandwiched between a pair of learnable time-frequency transformations for end-to-end electroencephalogram (EEG) denoising. The proposed method first transforms a single-channel EEG signal of arbitrary length into the time-frequency domain via an Encoder layer. Then, noises, such as ocular and muscle artifacts, are extracted by DTP in a multi-scale fashion and canceled. Finally, a Decoder layer is employed to reconstruct the artifact-free EEG signal. Additionally, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the representation learning behavior of each module in DTP-Net to substantiate its robustness and reliability. Extensive experiments conducted on two public semi-simulated datasets demonstrate the effective artifact removal performance of DTP-Net, which outperforms state-of-art approaches. Moreover, the proposed DTP-Net is applied in a specific BCI downstream task, achieving the classification improvement compared to that of the raw signal, validating its potential applications in the fields of EEG-based neuroscience and neuro-engineering.