GIN CLI configuration

The GIN client allows for certain aspects of its operation to be configured. This is accomplished by specifying key-value pairs, in YAML format, in a file called config.yml. The location of this file differs per platform (see below).

In addition to this global configuration, the git-annex filtering criteria can be configured for individual repositories, by placing a file called config.yml at the root of the repository.


The following shows the default values for every configurable option

  git: git
  gitannex: git-annex
  ssh: ssh

      protocol: https
      port: 443

      port: 22
      user: git
      hostkey: ", ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE5IBgKP3nUryEFaACwY4N3jlqDx8Qw1xAxU2Xpt5V0p9RNefNnedVmnIBV6lA3n+9kT1OSbyqA/+SgsQ57nHo0="

    minsize: 10M
    exclude: []

Configuring through gin commands

Server configurations can (and should) be added through the gin add-server command. This command will take care of retrieving the host key from the configured git server.

Description of the configuration values

  • bin: The bin section is used to specify the names and locations of external programs used by the GIN client. Generally, these are simply specified by the name of the executable, since it is assumed their locations can be found in the user's PATH. If this is not the case, the locations can be specified for each individual program.
    • git: The path to the git executable.
    • gitannex: The path to the git-annex executable.
    • ssh: The path to the ssh executable.
  • servers: The servers section is used to define GIN servers that the client can interact with. By default, there is only one server configured called 'gin'.
    • gin: The default GIN server. By default it points to the official G-Node GIN server. This can be changed to work with locally deployed servers. Additional servers can be added with different names (called aliases).
      • protocol: The protocol (scheme) used by the server, typically http or https.
      • host: The web address of the server.
      • port: The port used by the server, typically 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS.
    • git: The git section is used to specify the git address, port, username, and host key that the GIN web server is configured to use.
      • address: The git/ssh server address. This is often the same as the web (gin) address, but may be different, or have a different subdomain.
      • port: The ssh server port (typically 22).
      • user: For most git servers this is simply the user git. This is the name of the server-side user that handles all remote git operations.
      • hostkey: The SSH key of the git server. The GIN client uses strict host key checking, so if this is not specified, or is specified incorrectly, git operations will not work. This key is different for each server installation.
  • annex: The annex section is used to specify the git-annex filtering criteria. This is the only configuration section that is read for local (per repository) configurations.
    • minsize: The minimum size of a file that should be added to the annex. All files smaller than this size are added to git instead.
    • exclude: Patterns or filenames that should be excluded from the annex. For example, the pattern *.py will exclude all Python source code files from the annex, adding them to git instead. Files which match a pattern are always excluded from the annex, even if they are above the minsize. Patterns should be specified as a list of strings, e.g., ["*.py", "*.md", "*.m"].

Filtering files to git or git-annex

During gin commit and gin upload operations, the GIN CLI decides which files should be added to the annex based on certain criteria that can be configured by the user. The purpose of these filters is to separate things which git is well suited to handle (code and other small text files) from things which git-annex is better suited for (large binary files).

By default, the only criterion used is the file size: files below 10 MB are added to git, while files greater or equal to 10 MB are added to the annex. Users can override this threshold in either a global or a local configuration file. In addition to a file size threshold, users can also specify file patterns to be excluded from the annex, which implies that they will be added directly to git. These patterns are often used to specify file extensions, such as source code or text file extensions (e.g., *.c, *.py, *.m, *.txt, *.md) but any pattern can be used (e.g., analysis*.py, *data*.zip). The client also never allows adding a file called config.yml to the annex. This can not be changed.

Config file location

The location of the user global configuration file differs per platform:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\g-node\gin\config.yml
  • macOS: ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/g-node/gin/config.yml
  • Linux: ${HOME}/.config/g-node/gin/config.yml
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