Datasets and codes of "Reference induces biases in late visual processing"

Yannan Su 1eafcc3a40 Update 'datacite.yml' 1 år sedan
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This repository contains the code and data for the manuscript "Reference induces biases in late visual processing".


The programming requires Psychopy (ideally v2020.1 or newer versions) and Python 3.7.

File structure

|   |   monitor_settings_VPixx.yaml     monitor settings of VPixx
|   |   config.yaml                     experiment configuration
|   |   params_noise_mix.yaml           experiment stimulus parameter 
│   └───
|   |   dat.csv                         all data for the main experiment 
|   |   dat_E_rep.csv                   supplementary data (dual-task condition, reference was presented throughout the whole trial)
|   |   dat_I_rep.csv                   supplementary data (singal-task condition)
│   └───s00                             directory for data of subject s00
|       |  s00.yaml                     subject activity log YAML file, as a record of all blocks
│       └───raw_data
|           └───s00_20200000T0000.yaml  single block raw data YAML
└───exp                                 directory for scripts for experiments
|   |                          experiment script  
|   |                   write data to YAML files
|   └── 
└───data analysis                       directory for data analysis scripts and results
|   |                    read and load data from YAML files
|   |   curvefit_mixgamma               directory for distribution fitting results
|   |   modeling script
|   |   recover_model_v4                directory for modeling results
|   └───
└───manuscript                          directory for manuscript
|   |   figures                         directory for manuscript raw figures
|   |   MFigures                        directory for manuscript final figures
|   └── 
└───plot_manuscript_figures.ipynb       Jupyter notebook for plotting manuscript figures

Title Reference induces biases in late visual processing
Authors Su,Yannan;Faculty of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany;ORCID:0009-0007-7764-7039
Wachtler,Thomas;Faculty of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany;ORCID:0000-0003-2015-6590
Shi,Zhuanghua;Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany;ORCID:0000-0003-2388-6695
Description The dataset and codes for the manuscript Reference induces biases in late visual processing.
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (
References Su Y, Wachtler T, Shi Z: Reference induces biases in late visual processing. Submitted. [doi:tba] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding DFG; RTG2175
Keywords reference repulsion
contextual bias
visual processing
sensory coding
Resource Type Dataset