{ "TaskName": "auditory digit span", "InstitutionName": "Ural Federal University", "InstitutionAdress": "Yekaterinburg; Russia", "Manufacturer": "Pupil Labs", "ManufacturersModelName": "Pupil Core", "SoftwareVersion": "n/a", "TaskDescription": "digit span task", "Instructions": "memory condition: memorize sequence of digits presented by recorded voice and reproduce them verbally when a sign of the microphone appears on the screen; control condition: just linsten to the digits. fixate the cross in the middle of the screen when it appears (which is all time during presentation and retention of the digits)", "SamplingFrequency": 120, "SampleCoordinateUnit": "pixel", "SampleCoordinateSystem": "gaze-in-world", "EnvironmentCoordinates": "n/a", "EventIdentifier": "see _events.json", "RawSamples": 1, "IncludedEyeMovementEvents": "None", "DetectionAlgorithm": "None", "RecordedEye": "BOTH", "ScreenSize": "n/a", "ScreenResolution": "1920 x 1080 px", "AOIDefinition": "n/a", "CalibrationType": "one point on the screen", "PupilPositionType": "pupil-in-head", "data_part": { "Description": "pupil or gaze data" }, "blink": { "Description": "blinks detected by pupil labs software (1 - blink, 0 - no blink detected)" }, "label": { "Description": "event codes (described in _events.json)" }, "timestamp": { "Description": "timestamp of the source image frame" }, "index": { "Description": "associated_frame: closest world video frame" }, "id": { "Description": "0 or 1 for right and left eye (from the wearer's point of view)" }, "confidence": { "Description": "is an assessment by the pupil detector on how sure we can be on this measurement. A value of `0` indicates no confidence. `1` indicates perfect confidence. In our experience usefull data carries a confidence value greater than ~0.6. A `confidence` of exactly `0` means that we don't know anything. So you should ignore the position data." }, "norm_pos_x": { "Description": "x position in the eye image frame in normalized coordinates" }, "norm_pos_y": { "Description": "y position in the eye image frame in normalized coordinates" }, "diameter": { "Description": "diameter of the pupil in image pixels as observed in the eye image frame (is not corrected for perspective)" }, "method": { "Description": "string that indicates what detector was used to detect the pupil" }, "ellipse_center_x": { "Description": "x center of the pupil in image pixels" }, "ellipse_center_y": { "Description": "y center of the pupil in image pixels" }, "ellipse_axis_a": { "Description": "first axis of the pupil ellipse in pixels" }, "ellipse_axis_b": { "Description": "second axis of the pupil ellipse in pixels" }, "ellipse_angle": { "Description": "angle of the ellipse in degrees" }, "diameter_3d": { "Description": "diameter of the pupil scaled to mm based on anthropomorphic avg eye ball diameter and corrected for perspective." }, "model_confidence": { "Description": "confidence of the current eye model (0-1)" }, "model_id": { "Description": "id of the current eye model. When a slippage is detected the model is replaced and the id changes." }, "sphere_center_x": { "Description": "x pos of the eyeball sphere is eye pinhole camera 3d space units are scaled to mm." }, "sphere_center_y": { "Description": "y pos of the eye ball sphere" }, "sphere_center_z": { "Description": "z pos of the eye ball sphere" }, "sphere_radius": { "Description": "radius of the eyeball. This is always 12mm (the anthropomorphic avg.) We need to make this assumption because of the `single camera scale ambiguity`." }, "circle_3d_center_x": { "Description": "x center of the pupil as 3d circle in eye pinhole camera 3d space units are mm." }, "circle_3d_center_y": { "Description": "y center of the pupil as 3d circle" }, "circle_3d_center_z": { "Description": "z center of the pupil as 3d circle" }, "circle_3d_normal_x": { "Description": "x normal of the pupil as 3d circle. Indicates the direction that the pupil points at in 3d space." }, "circle_3d_normal_y": { "Description": "y normal of the pupil as 3d circle" }, "circle_3d_normal_z": { "Description": "z normal of the pupil as 3d circle" }, "circle_3d_radius": { "Description": "radius of the pupil as 3d circle. Same as `diameter_3d`" }, "theta": { "Description": "circle_3d_normal described in spherical coordinates" }, "phi": { "Description": "circle_3d_normal described in spherical coordinates" }, "projected_sphere_center_x": { "Description": "x center of the 3d sphere projected back onto the eye image frame. Units are in image pixels." }, "projected_sphere_center_y": { "Description": "y center of the 3d sphere projected back onto the eye image frame" }, "projected_sphere_axis_a": { "Description": "first axis of the 3d sphere projection." }, "projected_sphere_axis_b": { "Description": "second axis of the 3d sphere projection." }, "projected_sphere_angle": { "Description": "angle of the 3d sphere projection. Units are degrees." }, "gaze_timestamp": { "Description": "timestamp of the source image frame" }, "gaze_index": { "Description": "associated_frame: closest world video frame" }, "gaze_norm_pos_x": { "Description": "x position in the world image frame in normalized coordinates" }, "gaze_norm_pos_y": { "Description": "y position in the world image frame in normalized coordinates" }, "gaze_base_data": { "Description": "timestamp-id timestamp-id ... of pupil data that this gaze position is computed from" }, "gaze_point_3d_x": { "Description": "x position of the 3d gaze point (the point the sublejct lookes at) in the world camera coordinate system" }, "gaze_point_3d_y": { "Description": "y position of the 3d gaze point" }, "gaze_point_3d_z": { "Description": "z position of the 3d gaze point" }, "gaze_eye_center0_3d_x": { "Description": "x center of eye-ball 0 in the world camera coordinate system (of camera 0 for binocular systems or any eye camera for monocular system)" }, "gaze_eye_center0_3d_y": { "Description": "y center of eye-ball 0" }, "gaze_eye_center0_3d_z": { "Description": "z center of eye-ball 0" }, "gaze_normal0_x": { "Description": "x normal of the visual axis for eye 0 in the world camera coordinate system (of eye 0 for binocular systems or any eye for monocular system). The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object thats looked at." }, "gaze_normal0_y": { "Description": "y normal of the visual axis for eye 0" }, "gaze_normal0_z": { "Description": "z normal of the visual axis for eye 0" }, "gaze_eye_center1_3d_x": { "Description": "x center of eye-ball 1 in the world camera coordinate system (not avaible for monocular setups.)" }, "gaze_eye_center1_3d_y": { "Description": "y center of eye-ball 1" }, "gaze_eye_center1_3d_z": { "Description": "z center of eye-ball 1" }, "gaze_normal1_x": { "Description": "x normal of the visual axis for eye 1 in the world camera coordinate system (not avaible for monocular setups.). The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object thats looked at." }, "gaze_normal1_y": { "Description": "y normal of the visual axis for eye 1" }, "gaze_normal1_z": { "Description": "z normal of the visual axis for eye 1" } }