--- title: "Working with model objects" output: github_document --- ## Install - Download and install R [https://www.r-project.org](https://www.r-project.org) (and RStudio [https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/](https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/)). - Go to R console or open scripts/README.Rmd in RStudio. - Install these packages (this needs to be done once). ```{r} if(!require(brms)){ install.packages(c("brms", "here")) library(brms) library(here) } ``` ## Run In R console OR in .Rmd file: - Load packages to R environment. ```{r, message=FALSE} library(brms) library(here) ``` - Load the model object and print model summary. ```{r} m <- readRDS(here("models/anticons_detool.rds")) print(m) ``` - Get fitted coefficients with 95% credible intervals. ```{r} posterior_summary(m) ``` - Get the full posterior. ```{r} post <- posterior_samples(m) head(post) ``` - What is the estimated difference in the proportion of anti-conservative p value histograms between DESeq2 and EdgeR? ```{r, eval=FALSE} posterior_deseq_edger <- inv_logit_scaled(post$b_de_tooldeseq - post$b_de_tooledger) hist(posterior_deseq_edger, breaks = 40) ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} posterior_deseq_edger <- inv_logit_scaled(post$b_de_tooldeseq - post$b_de_tooledger) png(here("plots/posterior.png")) hist(posterior_deseq_edger, breaks = 40) invisible(dev.off()) ``` ![](plots/posterior.png) - The posterior summary for the effect size. ```{r} posterior_summary(posterior_deseq_edger) ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE} ps <- posterior_summary(posterior_deseq_edger) ``` The estimated effect size is somewhere between `r paste(scales::percent(ps[1,3:4]), collapse = " and ")`. - Get data from model object. ```{r} data <- m$data head(data) ``` - Extract stan code from model object. This is the fullest model description. ```{r} stancode(m) ``` ## This document This README.md was generated by running: ```{r, eval=FALSE} rmarkdown::render("scripts/README.Rmd", output_file = here::here("README.md")) ```