{ "Authors": [ "Fan L" ], "Curators": [ "Aleman-Gomez Y", "Esteban O" ], "Identifier": "brainnetome", "License": "The atlas' data and metadata are the property of the Brainnetome Center. The Brainnetome makes this information available to researchers, scientists and others at colleges, universities, not-for-profit foundations and other similar institutions free of charge, subject to proper attribution and an agreement to share alike, for use for non-commercial purposes. Brainetome Center will consider granting a license to individuals and entities that wish to use the information, images and data for commercial purposes. Such requests should be made to Dr. Lingzhong Fan by e-mail:brainnetome.atlas@nlpr.ia.ac.cn", "Name": "Brainnetome cortical parcellation", "ReferencesAndLinks": [ "https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhw157" ] }