# Stimulus annotations for the movie Forrest Gump This repository collects stimulus annotations for the research cut of the "Forrest Gump" movie used in the [studyforrest.org project](http://studyforrest.org). Annotations are collected from various contributors and publications. Annotations are typically provided as plain text tables, using a tab-separated-value markup with a header row. Table usually contain a *onset* and a *duration* column to indicate the timing of an event. All other columns contain variables that describe properties of an event. ## Repository content - `code/` All code necessary to import and convert annotations from the formats they were originally provided in. - `researchcut/` Annotation plain text tables with timing matching the entire "research cut" as one continuous piece. - `segments/` Annotation plain text tables with timing matching individual movie segments used in the studyforrest.org project. - `src/` Datalad subdatasets referencing repositories with available annotations. - `old/` (deprecated) Previously provided, less uniformly structured, annotation. All of these will eventually be replaced by the format described above. This directory will be removed in the future ## General information This is a DataLad dataset (id: 45b9ab26-07fc-11e8-8c71-f0d5bf7b5561). For more information on DataLad and on how to work with its datasets, see the DataLad documentation at: http://docs.datalad.org