#!/bin/bash # Author: Michael Hanke # License: MIT set -e set -u if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then cat << EOT This script implements MCFLIRT-based motion correction using an dedicated target image. The difference to using MCFLIRT's --reffile option is that an initial alignment to the target image can be performed with more flexibility. The actual motion correction is performed using the mean volume as a reference and a constant subsequent transformation to the final target is applied in addition. Each volume is transformed separately with a single interpolation/reslicing step that applies the combined transformations. Call this script with at least three arguments 1. Input bold time series image 2. Skull-stripped reference image 3. Output filename for the motion-corrected time series image. (4) Options to FLIRT for the alignment to the target image. Default: "-dof 6" Examples: $0 bold.nii.gz subjtmpl.nii.gz bold_mc.nii.gz "-dof 6 -cost normcorr" $0 bold.nii.gz subjtmpl.nii.gz bold_mc.nii.gz "-dof 6 -cost normcorr" EOT exit 1 fi # fake test for FSL ignore=$FSLDIR inbold=$(readlink -f $1) || true ref=$(readlink -f $2) || true outbold=$(readlink -f $3) initflirtopts=${4:--dof 6} if [ -z "$inbold" ]; then echo "File not found '$1'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ref" ]; then echo "File not found '$2'" exit 1 fi outbolddir=$(dirname "${outbold}") mkdir -p "$outbolddir" wdir=$(mktemp -d --suffix=2stagemc) trap "rm -rf $wdir" SIGINT SIGTERM cd "$wdir" $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths "$inbold" -Tmean meanbold -odt input $FSLDIR/bin/bet meanbold.nii.gz meanbold_brain -F $FSLDIR/bin/flirt ${initflirtopts} -in meanbold_brain -ref "$ref" -omat meanbold2brain.mat $FSLDIR/bin/mcflirt -in "$inbold" -reffile meanbold_brain -mats -plots -out mc cp mc.par "$($FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext "$outbold")_mcparams.txt" for i in mc.mat/MAT*; do convert_xfm -omat mc.mat/tmpl_$(basename $i) -concat meanbold2brain.mat $i; done mkdir bold $FSLDIR/bin/fslsplit "$inbold" bold/ mkdir mc for i in bold/*.nii*; do bname=$(basename $i) idx=${bname%.nii*} $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in "$i" -ref "$ref" -applyxfm -init mc.mat/tmpl_MAT_${idx} -out mc/${idx} -interp sinc; done $FSLDIR/bin/fslmerge -tr "$outbold" mc/* $(fslval "$inbold" pixdim4) cd - rm -rf "$wdir"