Dataset ************************ |license| |access| Pre-align MRI data =============================================== This repository contains data derived from the raw data releases of the ** project. In particular these are: * BOLD fMRI timeseries aligned to subject-specific template images and using transformations available from For more information about the project visit: File name conventions --------------------- Each directory in the subject directories corresponds to one template image space. Data in ``sub*`` directories are participant-specific (not aligned across participants). However, templates with the same name have corresponding input data. Each directory contains one or more image files with more-or-less self-explanatory names, identifying the corresponding participant and scan. Lastly, the ``code/`` directory contains the source code for computing all files contained, as well as a number of validation analyses. How to obtain the dataset ------------------------- This repository contains metadata and information on the identity of all included files. However, the actual content of the (sometime large) data files is stored elsewhere. To obtain any dataset component, git-annex_ is required in addition to Git_. 1. Clone this repository to the desired location. 2. Enter the directory with the local clone and run:: git annex init Older versions of git-annex may require you to run the following command immediately afterwards:: git annex enableremote mddatasrc Now any desired dataset component can be obtained by using the ``git annex get`` command. To obtain the entire dataset content run:: git annex get . Keep data up-to-date -------------------- If updates to this dataset are made in the future, update any local clone by running:: git pull followed by:: git annex get . to fetch all new files. .. _Git: .. _git-annex: .. |license| image:: :target: :alt: PDDL-licensed .. |access| image:: :alt: No registration or authentication required