from neo import Group, Unit, ChannelView, SpikeTrain from neo.core.basesignal import BaseSignal def _convert_unit(unit): group_unit = Group(unit.spiketrains,, file_origin=unit.file_origin, description=unit.description, allowed_types=[SpikeTrain], **unit.annotations) # clean up references for st in unit.spiketrains: delattr(st, 'unit') return group_unit def _convert_channel_index(channel_index): # convert child objects new_child_objects = [] for child_obj in channel_index.children: if isinstance(child_obj, Unit): new_unit = _convert_unit(child_obj) new_child_objects.append(new_unit) elif isinstance(child_obj, BaseSignal): # always generate view, as this might provide specific info regarding the object new_view = ChannelView(child_obj, channel_index.index,, description=channel_index.description, file_origin=channel_index.file_origin, **channel_index.annotations) new_view.array_annotate(channel_ids=channel_index.channel_ids, channel_names=channel_index.channel_names) # separate dimenions of coordinates into different 1D array_annotations if channel_index.coordinates.shape: if len(channel_index.coordinates.shape) == 1: new_view.array_annotate(coordinates=channel_index.coordinates) elif len(channel_index.coordinates.shape) == 2: for dim in range(channel_index.coordinates.shape[1]): new_view.array_annotate( **{f'coordinates_dim{dim}': channel_index.coordinates[:, dim]}) else: raise ValueError(f'Incompatible channel index coordinates with wrong ' f'dimensions: Provided coordinates have shape ' f'{channel_index.coordinates.shape}.') # clean up references delattr(child_obj, 'channel_index') new_child_objects.append(new_view) new_channel_group = Group(new_child_objects,, file_origin=channel_index.file_origin, description=channel_index.description, **channel_index.annotations) return new_channel_group def convert_channelindex_to_view_group(block): """ Convert deprecated ChannelIndex and Unit objects to ChannelView and Group objects This conversion is preserving all information stored as attributes and (array) annotations. The conversion is done in-place. Each ChannelIndex is represented as a Group. Linked Unit objects are represented as child Group (subgroup) objects. Linked data objects (neo.AnalogSignal, neo.IrregularlySampledSignal) are represented by a View object linking to the original data object. Attributes are as far as possible conserved by the conversion of objects. `channel_ids`, `channel_names` and `coordinates` are converted to array_annotations. :param block: neo.Block structure to be converted :return: block: updated neo.Block structure """ for channel_index in block.channel_indexes: new_channel_group = _convert_channel_index(channel_index) block.groups.append(new_channel_group) # clean up references delattr(block, 'channel_indexes') # this is a hack to clean up ImageSequence objects that are not properly linked to # ChannelIndex objects, see also Issue #878 for seg in block.segments: for imgseq in seg.imagesequences: delattr(imgseq, 'channel_index') return block