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NameValueUnitTypeUncertaintyDefinitionDependencyDependency Value

ae8e4187-6808-4724-bd96-46ec2d22f43a setup Setup Information on the experimental setup
64eb79ee-b9ce-483e-874a-61fec679510e setup Apparatus Information on the experimental apparatus
c0684acd-6576-4c17-8ddf-b05a91e35fd3 setup NIConnectorBlock Information on the input/output connector block 03e279ca-a0fb-423a-846a-875bec133c54 Type input/output connector block Type of apparatus string c7f08dca-fbd8-4df3-952e-fa4b0759197d Manufacturer NI, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA Name of manufacturer used to build the experimental apparatus string e5b65f74-e4ec-45a1-88d2-b4af1f8a8363 Function used to connect devices of the apparatus with the LabVIEW computer and the Neural Signal Processor Function of apparatus string
b44fb618-9c26-48c2-a9c5-eb69e59e1144 setup ADConverterCard Information on the analog/digital converter card c7afde64-0548-4eb5-ad1a-2027d0dc4409 Type NI 6023E Type of apparatus string 43090f5f-768b-4776-ba58-40a272b7e78e Manufacturer NI, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA Name of manufacturer used to build the experimental apparatus string 48661c37-a466-49e5-8f2d-da8b5aa0abb9 Function used as analog/digital converter for the LabVIEW computer, converts analog signal received from the table switch and send to control the reward pump to digital events Function of apparatus string
8d1a1f79-455b-4d7d-bbb1-8502f21217ca setup StartSwitch Information on the start switch d806dbfb-2d4c-41f5-9d0d-17195174754b Function activates the internal initiation of the start trial event, its deactivation marks the onset of the reach-to-grasp movement Function of apparatus string f0f837ea-cd37-4e02-99d1-61eda8290cb2 Type table switch Type of apparatus string 45bec9f4-adc0-48fa-b403-6c1510c12bc0 SignalType analog Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string 0c1a1f74-3a50-4e41-aa28-8a393e5d5ba6 TrialEvents SR Names of events extracted from this signal string 3abbc49b-ca11-4351-950c-b3a8e443f946 SamplingRate 30000 Hz Sampling rate of data int 7937bf7e-a14d-403a-ada2-b356c59fcdda ConnectedTo NI connector block Target device of apparatus string e986c8c5-8b3b-4450-ae23-22c92ccebb73 MonitoredBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string ad4fa389-e893-4bb3-be10-4eceee0b0717 SavedIn nev File in which apparatus signals are saved string 97d0872f-d2d1-4db4-92a6-99ed71b3b50f PosX 5.0 cm X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 433644ea-24db-42fd-81bb-f20b8d5f5813 PosY 0.0 cm Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 1b04a494-4c76-4195-af82-bcbbfc9f4c10 PosZ 0.0 cm Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float aff3fe63-803e-4bec-bad5-a90b6a84db44 PosOrigin midline, waist-level Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus string
e0aff9c7-4ca4-4a00-8a24-437093d26a4b setup TargetObject Information on the target object
141c2f3c-979b-4d88-b24c-9d3d26237eb5 setup/daq FSRSensor Information on the FSR sensors 5190d161-561a-491a-8be2-4116d0169ffc Function Measures grip and pulling load forces by means of force sensitive resistances (FSR) Function of apparatus string c1377d0b-2a9b-4ed1-b348-b6fdf172275a SGChannelIDs [138,140] Channel IDs of FSR sensors to measure load forces of side grip int 2d3353b1-2671-4e71-9ec7-5346b4b47c1c PGChannelIDs [137,139] Channel IDs of FSR sensors to measure load forces of precision grip int b2ca5a6e-fd80-4e69-81f5-0445da858737 SignalType analog Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string e446242e-157f-4ac9-a14e-dd5f4c7c325f TrialEvents [OT,OR] Names of events extracted from this signal string 60ad74ca-d977-491b-8f0d-f8c9c1d670b9 SamplingRate 1000 Hz Sampling rate of data int 822b18da-43dd-4017-9a54-54b6603561bd ConnectedTo NeuralSignalProcessor Target device of apparatus string 1be7ce4a-9d4c-4fc4-9780-da02eb26c7d4 MonitoredBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string 6ae94d5a-7116-4d06-8b72-2613e72c7f43 PreProcessedBy MATLAB Preprocessing software used on signals of apparatus string f745ac7c-15f3-4c83-b475-c5247c4ff735 ControlledBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string 4ee1c69e-da9c-4a40-be00-5f17fed71b3c SavedIn ns2 File in which apparatus signals are saved string
7dc5af97-65ec-46e0-a47a-249e76eb94e6 setup/daq HESensor Information on the hall-effect sensor 9b8842ce-2f1c-49ff-9d83-45089c55e952 Function Hall effect (HE) sensor measures horizontal displacement Function of apparatus string 6ee657a8-6eac-4cc7-a247-66d29943273e Count 1 Number of hall-effect sensors int ff7eda24-4099-4710-93a9-812ee3efeee2 ChannelID 143 Channel ID of HESensor to measure horizontal object displacement int b31bee94-970a-4a3a-93e2-23142849e4ed TrialEvents [DO,OBB] Names of events extracted from this signal string ed14a014-e9aa-441a-ac7c-b4f4062b189c SignalType analog Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string 2d03c28c-1936-424e-8578-72e0ddf63b8c SavedIn ns2 File in which apparatus signals are saved string
4ccb4fcd-dd04-4808-a4c2-31ae70988db4 setup/daq LoadForce Information on the load force signal 1afa0104-9210-4234-9bf2-25f2c9855d91 Function used to detect load force of the target object Function of apparatus string 4873d5d0-0a5b-40ac-aec7-cf3ff6cb2b46 Count 1 Number of load force signals int 87bda208-a494-43ae-ac7c-5422a01f406d ChannelID 141 Channel ID of load force signal int 70024fac-5519-471f-a6c3-5dde76cd8ad1 SignalType analog Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string 4407c7a3-cf5e-4b90-90aa-83cca75b3ec5 SavedIn ns2 File in which apparatus signals are saved string
d0c80763-75fa-4b93-bde4-c9fb0aa598ca Function object to grasp, pull and hold Function of apparatus string 436a0bb2-52a7-4e3a-ba16-240552f317d4 Type stainless steel parallelpiped Type of apparatus string 4fc910a9-f106-4b41-b8a6-ea2dd3f43506 Length 40.0 mm Length of apparatus float da5fd8b7-ee53-41a3-97e8-c4588384d861 Width 16.0 mm Width of apparatus float df27d804-3625-4b22-84aa-de1e7c66cd10 Height 10.0 mm Height of apparatus float bdd64f93-4b87-4d6a-b878-58821856d486 AttachedTo anterior end of a low- friction horizontal shuttle Device apparatus is attached to string a03821d3-4bf5-4422-83ef-35810713a9e6 Rotation 45.0 deg Rotation of apparatus from vertical axis float 6eb5579b-bbfa-4591-b3a8-18def156842c PosX 5.0 cm X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float b5b5b13e-737a-416d-828d-70b93ce3c594 PosY 13.0 cm Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 4635d17b-1ead-4a72-a043-e48d0a8a6c67 PosZ 14.0 cm Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 62df901f-8fef-4695-8ebe-79c9fa181e6f PosOrigin midline, waist-level Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus string 4c1e73ec-3568-4f05-83fc-adb4dcbe1189 PullRange [0.0,15.0] mm Minimum and maximum pull range of target object float 1c5b333d-b97d-4504-b432-662b2510637c WeightRange [0.0,800.0] g Minimum and maximum weight range of target object float da04b71c-7af2-4dd1-8ec1-5591f890a1cb WeightSwitch activation of magnet Mechanism to switch weight configuration string 6b3c06c9-782f-4276-a381-87a103f89117 Sensors [FSRSensor,HESensor,LoadForce] Sensors providing additional analogue signals to monitor task and behavior string
a51ba541-f9ca-42e0-bf44-c28f37705f38 setup CueSystem Information on the cue system
3fa0e4e4-38cd-4eb8-97f0-6eedfe2f4f80 setup/daq CueCodes Information on cue codes fab44a9f-30a1-4a1e-9294-582bcd97483c LeftLEDs side grip LEDs coding this trial instruction string 38589fe1-8376-4f64-832f-da0bf3f4d92b RightLEDs precision grip LEDs coding this trial instruction string 6b8e8b25-d57b-4271-ac68-115b187f1f5a BottomLEDs low force LEDs coding this trial instruction string 2a2b3d88-2f7d-4941-8578-8476bd23a0a2 TopLEDs high force LEDs coding this trial instruction string 75761434-29a7-425e-a5d3-0a877037ea2c CenterLED fixation point LEDs coding this trial instruction string 6dc85a17-fea6-4c2d-896f-df16ab2607b9 FourCornerLEDs ERROR-FLASH-ON LEDs coding this trial instruction string b4a9321f-af83-4fea-a389-149bb863e935 ThreeCornerLEDs ERROR-FLASH-ON LEDs coding this trial instruction string
395b8499-7c95-4b7f-a564-29ca1f162ca0 Function instructing movement configurations of each trial Function of apparatus string f59fe79f-1f22-49f7-a866-bc1df69b0bed Type visual, LED cube Type of apparatus string ab433cab-0c7f-4876-9a77-92e559cb3928 SignalType digital Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string 4ab40171-3580-40de-8d0b-c86de8b9bd85 EventNames [WS-ON,CUE-ON,CUE-OFF,GO-ON,GO-OFF,ERROR-FLASH-ON] Names of events extracted from this signal string 18218452-d7c7-473b-b749-464483975ce1 Width 10.0 mm Width of apparatus float 0793f4a1-a65d-49b7-a95c-92a44a7f6fcd Height 10.0 mm Height of apparatus float d1716709-8255-48b5-a31c-519b6b6fe9b8 PosX 5.0 cm X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 0f6fbdbb-30f7-47c5-8178-f25f7dbb6df6 PosY 13.0 cm Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 59943e3c-71a6-4e24-8093-8767abdd6dff PosZ -1.0 cm Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin float 3b5e98ae-0310-4599-b264-661bfc9f286b PosOrigin midline, waist-level Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus string ca01d297-eba2-4950-9837-48231d632fc5 LEDCount 5 Number of LEDs int 0553572e-0dde-4cc6-844a-ae589ffdaa47 LEDConfiguration 2-1-2 Arrangement of LEDs string 7d010fd5-9c39-47c7-bbf9-3b7212cd334b CornerLEDColor red Color of the corner LEDs string 49a0b68c-1f7c-49d0-a7c1-98e627fc9e6a CenterLEDColor yellow Color of the center LEDs string dd77bc1e-4634-44a1-b2c1-7e0c7d487144 SamplingRate 30000 Hz Sampling rate of data int c8e2ee65-f4e6-4c86-b2a3-e7f1ca3f3268 ConnectedTo NI connector block Target device of apparatus string 13dee6d9-6f95-4743-b33e-997daa56316e MonitoredBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string 736fc911-0daf-4fd5-804a-babf7ae1f3dc ControlledBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string 345d1346-629c-425a-89f3-8104079179f8 SavedIn nev File in which apparatus signals are saved string
e224904e-4932-4d14-964d-e7855c9e1828 setup RewardSystem Information on the reward system 19d8a65c-1809-45a1-9b02-3b638e3a9798 Function rewards subject if trial was performed correctly Function of apparatus string c98f7c74-af70-43dd-b9a7-9d94bb481f9b Type reward pipe Type of apparatus string 0e3b7a55-e2e2-4243-b63e-405a562310a2 SignalType digital Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) string 90ebf149-3787-495a-bf9a-8c7a55d2f905 EventNames RW-ON Names of events extracted from this signal string 6f36b214-7a9a-45e2-9304-cde82263b18d RewardFood apple sauce Food used for reward string 52caa5e8-6ab1-424c-be74-95f42c15c7d0 RewardAmount 0.5 ml/200ms Food amount used for reward per trial float 34eb75a2-cd76-4bf1-8c10-74ef8a7fb8ee SamplingRate 30000 Hz Sampling rate of data int 4f327aa0-e5ba-4631-8047-c5c384b8aee5 ConnectedTo NeuralSignalProcessor Target device of apparatus string 487c9cb4-442d-4bd3-b821-661adc2cd15a MonitoredBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string ee0f4971-dba3-4397-864f-fb96f5bacd15 ControlledBy LabVIEW Control software of apparatus string 2e56b3d6-8b05-4083-a3ee-a116cf2759d1 SavedIn nev File in which apparatus signals are saved string
04331b97-3f0f-41ab-9415-1d9585b4caa9 Creator Thomas Brochier Full name of person who created the setup string ae9c0559-8fd2-49c6-a671-1d62df3c144f Maintainer Thomas Brochier Full name of person who maintains the setup string
1a99c17a-ebd7-48cc-8787-baeee4d947e0 Location Inst. de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS - Aix Marseille Univ., Marseille, France Location of the setup string 03043620-b92a-42f6-8575-0088be15d45a DAQSystem Cerebus Used data acquisition (DAQ) system string