# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Code for generating the first data figure in the manuscript. Authors: Julia Sprenger, Lyuba Zehl, Michael Denker Copyright (c) 2017, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6), Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of the contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ # This loads the Neo and odML libraries shipped with this code. For production # use, please use the newest releases of odML and Neo. import load_local_neo_odml_elephant import os import numpy as np from scipy import stats import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec, ticker from reachgraspio import reachgraspio import odml.tools from neo import utils as neo_utils import odml_utils # ============================================================================= # Define data and metadata directories # ============================================================================= def get_monkey_datafile(monkey): if monkey == "Lilou": return "l101210-001" # ns2 (behavior) and ns5 present elif monkey == "Nikos2": return "i140703-001" # ns2 and ns6 present else: return "" # Enter your dataset directory here datasetdir = "../datasets/" trialtype_colors = { 'SGHF': 'MediumBlue', 'SGLF': 'Turquoise', 'PGHF': 'DarkGreen', 'PGLF': 'YellowGreen', 'LFSG': 'Orange', 'LFPG': 'Yellow', 'HFSG': 'DarkRed', 'HFPG': 'OrangeRed', 'SGSG': 'SteelBlue', 'PGPG': 'LimeGreen', 'NONE': 'k', 'PG': 'k', 'SG': 'k', 'LF': 'k', 'HF': 'k'} event_colors = { 'TS-ON': 'Gray', # 'TS-OFF': 'Gray', 'WS-ON': 'Gray', # 'WS-OFF': 'Gray', 'CUE-ON': 'Gray', 'CUE-OFF': 'Gray', 'GO-ON': 'Gray', # 'GO-OFF': 'Gray', # 'GO/RW-OFF': 'Gray', 'SR': 'Gray', # 'SR-REP': 'Gray', 'RW-ON': 'Gray', # 'RW-OFF': 'Gray', 'STOP': 'Gray'} # ============================================================================= # Plot helper functions # ============================================================================= def force_aspect(ax, aspect=1): ax.set_aspect(abs( (ax.get_xlim()[1] - ax.get_xlim()[0]) / (ax.get_ylim()[1] - ax.get_ylim()[0])) / aspect) def get_arraygrid(blackrock_elid_list, chosen_el, rej_el=None): if rej_el is None: rej_el = [] array_grid = np.zeros((10, 10)) for m in range(10): for n in range(10): idx = (9 - m) * 10 + n bl_id = blackrock_elid_list[idx] if bl_id == -1: array_grid[m, n] = 0.7 elif bl_id == chosen_el: array_grid[m, n] = -0.7 elif bl_id in rej_el: array_grid[m, n] = -0.35 else: array_grid[m, n] = 0 return np.ma.array(array_grid, mask=np.isnan(array_grid)) # ============================================================================= # Load data and metadata for a monkey # ============================================================================= # CHANGE this parameter to load data of the different monkeys # monkey = 'Nikos2' monkey = 'Lilou' nsx_none = {'Lilou': None, 'Nikos2': None} nsx_lfp = {'Lilou': 2, 'Nikos2': 2} nsx_raw = {'Lilou': 5, 'Nikos2': 6} chosen_el = {'Lilou': 71, 'Nikos2': 63} chosen_units = {'Lilou': range(1, 5), 'Nikos2': range(1, 5)} datafile = get_monkey_datafile(monkey) session = reachgraspio.ReachGraspIO( filename=os.path.join(datasetdir, datafile), odml_directory=datasetdir) bl = session.read_block(lazy=True, load_waveforms=False) seg = bl.segments[0] # Displaying loaded data structure as string output print("\nBlock") print('Attributes ', bl.__dict__.keys()) print('Annotations', bl.annotations) print("\nSegment") print('Attributes ', seg.__dict__.keys()) print('Annotations', seg.annotations) print("\nEvents") for x in seg.events: print('\tEvent with name', x.name) print('\t\tAttributes ', x.__dict__.keys()) print('\t\tAnnotation keys', x.annotations.keys()) print('\t\tArray annotation keys', x.array_annotations.keys()) print('\t\ttimes', x.times[:20]) for anno_key in ['trial_id', 'trial_timestamp_id', 'trial_event_labels', 'trial_reject_IFC']: if anno_key in x.array_annotations: print('\t\t'+anno_key, x.array_annotations[anno_key][:20]) print("\nGroup") for x in bl.groups: print('\tGroup with name', x.name) print('\t\tAttributes ', x.__dict__.keys()) print('\t\tAnnotations', x.annotations) print("\nSpikeTrains") for x in seg.spiketrains: print('\tSpiketrain with name', x.name) print('\t\tAttributes ', x.__dict__.keys()) print('\t\tAnnotations', x.annotations) print('\t\tArray annotations', x.array_annotations) print('\t\tchannel_id', x.annotations['channel_id']) print('\t\tunit_id', x.annotations['unit_id']) print("\nAnalogSignals") for x in seg.analogsignals: print('\tAnalogSignal with name', x.name) print('\t\tAttributes ', x.__dict__.keys()) print('\t\tAnnotations', x.annotations) print('\t\tArray annotations', x.array_annotations) print('\t\tchannel_id', x.array_annotations['channel_ids']) # get start and stop events of trials start_events = neo_utils.get_events(seg, properties={'name': 'TrialEvents'})[0] start_event_mask = np.logical_and(start_events.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'] == 'TS-ON', start_events.array_annotations['performance_in_trial'] == 255) start_events = start_events[start_event_mask] stop_events = neo_utils.get_events( seg, properties={'name': 'TrialEvents'})[0] stop_event_mask = np.logical_and(stop_events.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'] == 'STOP', stop_events.array_annotations['performance_in_trial' == 255]) stop_events = stop_events[stop_event_mask] # insert epochs between 10ms before TS to 50ms after RW corresponding to trails neo_utils.add_epoch( seg, start_events[0], stop_events[0], pre=-250 * pq.ms, post=500 * pq.ms, trial_status='complete_trials', trial_type=start_events[0].annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'], trial_performance=start_events[0].annotations['performance_in_trial']) # access single epoch of this data_segment epochs = neo_utils.get_epochs(seg, properties={'trial_status': 'complete_trials'}) assert len(epochs) == 1 # cut segments according to inserted 'complete_trials' epochs and reset trial # times cut_segments = neo_utils.cut_segment_by_epoch( seg, epochs[0], reset_time=True) # ============================================================================= # Define data for overview plots # ============================================================================= trial_index = {'Lilou': 0, 'Nikos2': 6} trial_seg = cut_segments[trial_index[monkey]] blackrock_elid_list = bl.annotations['avail_electrode_ids'] # get 'TrialEvents' event = trial_seg.events[2] start = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('TS-ON') trialx_trty = event.annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'][start] trialx_trtimeid = event.annotations['trial_timestamp_id'][start] trialx_color = trialtype_colors[trialx_trty] # find trial index for next trial with opposite force type (for ax5b plot) if 'LF' in trialx_trty: trialz_trty = trialx_trty.replace('LF', 'HF') else: trialz_trty = trialx_trty.replace('HF', 'LF') for i, tr in enumerate(cut_segments): eventz = tr.events[2] nextft = eventz.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('TS-ON') if eventz.annotations['belongs_to_trialtype'][nextft] == trialz_trty: trialz_trtimeid = eventz.annotations['trial_timestamp_id'][nextft] trialz_color = trialtype_colors[trialz_trty] trialz_seg = tr break # ============================================================================= # Define figure and subplot axis for first data overview # ============================================================================= fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(6.5, 10.) # (w, h) in inches gs = gridspec.GridSpec( nrows=5, ncols=4, left=0.05, bottom=0.07, right=0.9, top=0.975, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5, width_ratios=None, height_ratios=[1, 3, 3, 6, 3]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) # top row / odml data # second row ax2a = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) # electrode overview plot ax2b = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) # waveforms unit 1 ax2c = plt.subplot(gs[1, 2]) # waveforms unit 2 ax2d = plt.subplot(gs[1, 3]) # waveforms unit 3 ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2, :]) # third row / spiketrains ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[3, :], sharex=ax3) # fourth row / raw signal ax5a = plt.subplot(gs[4, 0:3]) # fifth row / behavioral signals ax5b = plt.subplot(gs[4, 3]) fontdict_titles = {'fontsize': 'small', 'fontweight': 'bold'} fontdict_axis = {'fontsize': 'x-small'} wf_time_unit = pq.ms wf_signal_unit = pq.microvolt plotting_time_unit = pq.s raw_signal_unit = wf_signal_unit behav_signal_unit = pq.V # ============================================================================= # PLOT TRIAL SEQUENCE OF SUBSESSION # ============================================================================= # load complete metadata collection odmldoc = odml.tools.xmlparser.load(datasetdir + datafile + '.odml') # get total trial number trno_tot = odml_utils.get_TrialCount(odmldoc) trno_ctr = odml_utils.get_TrialCount(odmldoc, performance_code=255) trno_ertr = trno_tot - trno_ctr # get trial id of chosen trial (and next trial with opposite force) trtimeids = odml_utils.get_TrialIDs(odmldoc, idtype='TrialTimestampID') trids = odml_utils.get_TrialIDs(odmldoc) trialx_trid = trids[trtimeids.index(trialx_trtimeid)] trialz_trid = trids[trtimeids.index(trialz_trtimeid)] # get all trial ids for grip error trials trids_pc191 = odml_utils.get_trialids_pc(odmldoc, 191) # get all trial ids for correct trials trids_pc255 = odml_utils.get_trialids_pc(odmldoc, 255) # get occurring trial types octrty = odml_utils.get_OccurringTrialTypes(odmldoc, code=False) # Subplot 1: Trial sequence boxes, labels = [], [] for tt in octrty: # Plot trial ids of current trial type into trial sequence bar plot left = odml_utils.get_trialids_trty(odmldoc, tt) height = np.ones_like(left) width = 1. if tt in ['NONE', 'PG', 'SG', 'LF', 'HF']: color = 'w' else: color = trialtype_colors[tt] B = ax1.bar( x=left, height=height, width=width, color=color, linewidth=0.001, align='edge') # Mark trials of current trial type (left) if a grip error occurred x = [i for i in list(set(left) & set(trids_pc191))] y = np.ones_like(x) * 2.0 ax1.scatter(x, y, s=5, color='k', marker='*') # Mark trials of current trial type (left) if any other error occurred x = [i for i in list( set(left) - set(trids_pc255) - set(trids_pc191))] y = np.ones_like(x) * 2.0 ax1.scatter(x, y, s=5, color='gray', marker='*') # Collect information for trial type legend if tt not in ['PG', 'SG', 'LF', 'HF']: boxes.append(B[0]) if tt == 'NONE': # use errors for providing total trial number labels.append('total: # %i' % trno_tot) # add another box and label for error numbers boxes.append(B[0]) labels.append('* errors: # %i' % trno_ertr) else: # trial type trial numbers labels.append(tt + ': # %i' % len(left)) # mark chosen trial x = [trialx_trid] y = np.ones_like(x) * 2.0 ax1.scatter(x, y, s=5, marker='D', color='Red', edgecolors='Red') # mark next trial with opposite force x = [trialz_trid] y = np.ones_like(x) * 2.0 ax1.scatter(x, y, s=5, marker='D', color='orange', edgecolors='orange') # Generate trial type legend; bbox: (left, bottom, width, height) leg = ax1.legend( boxes, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1., 0.5, 0.1), loc=3, handlelength=1.1, ncol=len(labels), borderaxespad=0., handletextpad=0.4, prop={'size': 'xx-small'}) leg.draw_frame(False) # adjust x and y axis xticks = [i for i in range(1, 101, 10)] + [100] ax1.set_xticks(xticks) ax1.set_xticklabels([str(int(t)) for t in xticks], size='xx-small') ax1.set_xlabel('trial ID', size='x-small') ax1.set_xlim(1.-width/2., 100.+width/2.) ax1.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax1.set_ylim(0, 3) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params(direction='out', top='off') ax1.set_title('sequence of the first 100 trials', fontdict_titles, y=2) ax1.set_aspect('equal') # ============================================================================= # PLOT ELECTRODE POSITION of chosen electrode # ============================================================================= arraygrid = get_arraygrid(blackrock_elid_list, chosen_el[monkey]) cmap = plt.cm.RdGy ax2a.pcolormesh( np.flipud(arraygrid), vmin=-1, vmax=1, lw=1, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='k', shading='faceted') force_aspect(ax2a, aspect=1) ax2a.tick_params( bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labeltop='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off') ax2a.set_title('electrode pos.', fontdict_titles) # ============================================================================= # PLOT WAVEFORMS of units of the chosen electrode # ============================================================================= unit_ax_translator = {1: ax2b, 2: ax2c, 3: ax2d} unit_type = {1: '', 2: '', 3: ''} wf_lim = [] # plotting waveform for all spiketrains available for spiketrain in trial_seg.spiketrains: unit_id = spiketrain.annotations['unit_id'] # get unit type if spiketrain.annotations['sua']: unit_type[unit_id] = 'SUA' elif spiketrain.annotations['mua']: unit_type[unit_id] = 'MUA' else: pass # get correct ax ax = unit_ax_translator[unit_id] # get wf sampling time before threshold crossing left_sweep = spiketrain.left_sweep # plot waveforms in subplots according to unit id for st_id, st in enumerate(spiketrain): wf = spiketrain.waveforms[st_id] wf_lim.append((np.min(wf), np.max(wf))) wf_color = str( (st / spiketrain.t_stop).rescale('dimensionless').magnitude) times = range(len(wf[0])) * spiketrain.units - left_sweep ax.plot( times.rescale(wf_time_unit), wf[0].rescale(wf_signal_unit), color=wf_color) ax.set_xlim( times.rescale(wf_time_unit)[0], times.rescale(wf_time_unit)[-1]) # adding xlabels and titles for unit_id, ax in unit_ax_translator.items(): ax.set_title('unit %i (%s)' % (unit_id, unit_type[unit_id]), fontdict_titles) ax.tick_params(direction='in', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='off') ax.set_xlabel(wf_time_unit.dimensionality.latex, fontdict_axis) xticklocator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xticklocator) ax.set_ylim(np.min(wf_lim), np.max(wf_lim)) force_aspect(ax, aspect=1) # adding ylabel ax2d.tick_params(labelsize='xx-small', labelright='on') ax2d.set_ylabel(wf_signal_unit.dimensionality.latex, fontdict_axis) ax2d.yaxis.set_label_position("right") # ============================================================================= # PLOT SPIKETRAINS of units of chosen electrode # ============================================================================= plotted_unit_ids = [] # plotting all available spiketrains for st in trial_seg.spiketrains: unit_id = st.annotations['unit_id'] plotted_unit_ids.append(unit_id) ax3.plot(st.times.rescale(plotting_time_unit), np.zeros(len(st.times)) + unit_id, 'k|') # setting layout of spiktrain plot ax3.set_ylim(min(plotted_unit_ids) - 0.5, max(plotted_unit_ids) + 0.5) ax3.set_ylabel(r'unit ID', fontdict_axis) ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(base=1)) ax3.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax3.tick_params(axis='y', direction='in', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='on') ax3.invert_yaxis() ax3.set_title('spiketrains', fontdict_titles) # ============================================================================= # PLOT "raw" SIGNAL of chosen trial of chosen electrode # ============================================================================= # get "raw" data from chosen electrode assert len(trial_seg.analogsignals) == 1 el_sig = trial_seg.analogsignals[0] # plotting raw signal trace ax4.plot(el_sig.times.rescale(plotting_time_unit), el_sig.squeeze().rescale(raw_signal_unit), color='k') # setting layout of raw signal plot ax4.set_ylabel(raw_signal_unit.units.dimensionality.latex, fontdict_axis) ax4.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax4.tick_params(axis='y', direction='in', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='on') ax4.set_title('"raw" signal', fontdict_titles) ax4.set_xlim(trial_seg.t_start.rescale(plotting_time_unit), trial_seg.t_stop.rescale(plotting_time_unit)) ax4.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(base=1)) # ============================================================================= # PLOT EVENTS across ax3 and ax4 and add time bar # ============================================================================= # find trial relevant events startidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('TS-ON') stopidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'][startidx:].index('STOP') + \ startidx + 1 for ax in [ax3, ax4]: xticks = [] xticklabels = [] for ev_id, ev in enumerate(event[startidx:stopidx]): ev_labels = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'][startidx:stopidx] if ev_labels[ev_id] in event_colors.keys(): ev_color = event_colors[ev_labels[ev_id]] ax.axvline( ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit), color=ev_color, zorder=0.5) xticks.append(ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit)) if ev_labels[ev_id] == 'CUE-OFF': xticklabels.append('-OFF') elif ev_labels[ev_id] == 'GO-ON': xticklabels.append('GO') else: xticklabels.append(ev_labels[ev_id]) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labeltop='off', top='off') timebar_ypos = ax4.get_ylim()[0] + np.diff(ax4.get_ylim())[0] / 10 timebar_labeloffset = np.diff(ax4.get_ylim())[0] * 0.01 timebar_xmin = xticks[-2] + ((xticks[-1] - xticks[-2]) / 2 - 0.25 * pq.s) timebar_xmax = timebar_xmin + 0.5 * pq.s ax4.plot([timebar_xmin, timebar_xmax], [timebar_ypos, timebar_ypos], '-', linewidth=3, color='k') ax4.text(timebar_xmin + 0.25 * pq.s, timebar_ypos + timebar_labeloffset, '500 ms', ha='center', va='bottom', size='xx-small', color='k') # ============================================================================= # PLOT BEHAVIORAL SIGNALS of chosen trial # ============================================================================= # get behavioral signals ainp_signals = [nsig for nsig in trial_seg.analogsignals if nsig.annotations['channel_id'] > 96] ainp_trialz = [nsig for nsig in trialz_seg.analogsignals if nsig.annotations['channel_id'] == 141][0] # find out what signal to use trialx_sec = odmldoc['Recording']['TaskSettings']['Trial_%03i' % trialx_trid] # get correct channel id trialx_chids = [143] FSRi = trialx_sec['AnalogEvents'].properties['UsedForceSensor'].values[0] FSRinfosec = odmldoc['Setup']['Apparatus']['TargetObject']['FSRSensor'] if 'SG' in trialx_trty: sgchids = FSRinfosec.properties['SGChannelIDs'].values trialx_chids.append(min(sgchids) if FSRi == 1 else max(sgchids)) else: pgchids = FSRinfosec.properties['PGChannelIDs'].values trialx_chids.append(min(pgchids) if FSRi == 1 else max(pgchids)) # define time epoch startidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('SR') stopidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('OBB') sr = event[startidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) stop = event[stopidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) + 0.050 * pq.s startidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('FSRplat-ON') stopidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('FSRplat-OFF') fplon = event[startidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) fploff = event[stopidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) # define time epoch trialz startidx = eventz.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('FSRplat-ON') stopidx = eventz.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('FSRplat-OFF') fplon_trz = eventz[startidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) fploff_trz = eventz[stopidx].rescale(plotting_time_unit) # plotting grip force and object displacement ai_legend = [] ai_legend_txt = [] for ainp in ainp_signals: if ainp.annotations['channel_id'] in trialx_chids: ainp_times = ainp.times.rescale(plotting_time_unit) mask = (ainp_times > sr) & (ainp_times < stop) ainp_ampli = stats.zscore(ainp.magnitude[mask]) if ainp.annotations['channel_id'] != 143: color = 'gray' ai_legend_txt.append('grip force') else: color = 'k' ai_legend_txt.append('object disp.') ai_legend.append( ax5a.plot(ainp_times[mask], ainp_ampli, color=color)[0]) # get force load of this trial for next plot elif ainp.annotations['channel_id'] == 141: ainp_times = ainp.times.rescale(plotting_time_unit) mask = (ainp_times > fplon) & (ainp_times < fploff) force_av_01 = np.mean(ainp.rescale(behav_signal_unit).magnitude[mask]) # setting layout of grip force and object displacement plot ax5a.set_title('grip force and object displacement', fontdict_titles) ax5a.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax5a.tick_params(direction='in', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='on') ax5a.set_ylabel('zscore', fontdict_axis) ax5a.legend( ai_legend, ai_legend_txt, bbox_to_anchor=(0.65, .85, 0.25, 0.1), loc=2, handlelength=1.1, ncol=len(labels), borderaxespad=0., handletextpad=0.4, prop={'size': 'xx-small'}) # plotting load/pull force of LF and HF trial force_times = ainp_trialz.times.rescale(plotting_time_unit) mask = (force_times > fplon_trz) & (force_times < fploff_trz) force_av_02 = np.mean(ainp_trialz.rescale(behav_signal_unit).magnitude[mask]) bar_width = [0.4, 0.4] color = [trialx_color, trialz_color] ax5b.bar([0, 0.6], [force_av_01, force_av_02], bar_width, color=color) ax5b.set_title('load/pull force', fontdict_titles) ax5b.set_ylabel(behav_signal_unit.units.dimensionality.latex, fontdict_axis) ax5b.set_xticks([0, 0.6]) ax5b.set_xticklabels([trialx_trty, trialz_trty], fontdict_axis) ax5b.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax5b.tick_params(direction='in', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labelleft='off', labelright='on') # ============================================================================= # PLOT EVENTS across ax5a and add time bar # ============================================================================= # find trial relevant events startidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('SR') stopidx = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'].index('OBB') xticks = [] xticklabels = [] for ev_id, ev in enumerate(event[startidx:stopidx]): ev_labels = event.annotations['trial_event_labels'][startidx:stopidx + 1] if ev_labels[ev_id] in ['RW-ON']: ax5a.axvline(ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit), color='k', zorder=0.5) xticks.append(ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit)) xticklabels.append(ev_labels[ev_id]) elif ev_labels[ev_id] in ['OT', 'OR', 'DO', 'OBB', 'FSRplat-ON', 'FSRplat-OFF', 'HEplat-ON']: ev_color = 'k' xticks.append(ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit)) xticklabels.append(ev_labels[ev_id]) ax5a.axvline( ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit), color='k', ls='-.', zorder=0.5) elif ev_labels[ev_id] == 'HEplat-OFF': ev_color = 'k' ax5a.axvline( ev.rescale(plotting_time_unit), color='k', ls='-.', zorder=0.5) ax5a.set_xticks(xticks) ax5a.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, fontdict_axis, rotation=90) ax5a.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', length=3, labelsize='xx-small', labeltop='off', top='off') ax5a.set_ylim([-2.0, 2.0]) timebar_ypos = ax5a.get_ylim()[0] + np.diff(ax5a.get_ylim())[0] / 10 timebar_labeloffset = np.diff(ax5a.get_ylim())[0] * 0.02 timebar_xmax = xticks[xticklabels.index('RW-ON')] - 0.1 * pq.s timebar_xmin = timebar_xmax - 0.25 * pq.s ax5a.plot([timebar_xmin, timebar_xmax], [timebar_ypos, timebar_ypos], '-', linewidth=3, color='k') ax5a.text(timebar_xmin + 0.125 * pq.s, timebar_ypos + timebar_labeloffset, '250 ms', ha='center', va='bottom', size='xx-small', color='k') # add time window of ax5a to ax4 ax4.axvspan(ax5a.get_xlim()[0], ax5a.get_xlim()[1], facecolor=[0.9, 0.9, 0.9], zorder=-0.1, ec=None) # ============================================================================= # SAVE FIGURE # ============================================================================= fname = 'data_overview_1_%s' % monkey for file_format in ['eps', 'png', 'pdf']: fig.savefig(fname + '.%s' % file_format, dpi=400, format=file_format)