# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Tools for use with neo tests. ''' import hashlib import os import numpy as np import quantities as pq import neo from neo.core import objectlist from neo.core.baseneo import _reference_name, _container_name def assert_arrays_equal(a, b, dtype=False): ''' Check if two arrays have the same shape and contents. If dtype is True (default=False), then also theck that they have the same dtype. ''' assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray), "a is a %s" % type(a) assert isinstance(b, np.ndarray), "b is a %s" % type(b) assert a.shape == b.shape, "%s != %s" % (a, b) # assert a.dtype == b.dtype, "%s and %s not same dtype %s %s" % (a, b, # a.dtype, # b.dtype) try: assert (a.flatten() == b.flatten()).all(), "%s != %s" % (a, b) except (AttributeError, ValueError): try: ar = np.array(a) br = np.array(b) assert (ar.flatten() == br.flatten()).all(), "%s != %s" % (ar, br) except (AttributeError, ValueError): assert np.all(a.flatten() == b.flatten()), "%s != %s" % (a, b) if dtype: assert a.dtype == b.dtype, "%s and %s not same dtype %s and %s" % (a, b, a.dtype, b.dtype) def assert_arrays_almost_equal(a, b, threshold, dtype=False): ''' Check if two arrays have the same shape and contents that differ by abs(a - b) <= threshold for all elements. If threshold is None, do an absolute comparison rather than a relative comparison. ''' if threshold is None: return assert_arrays_equal(a, b, dtype=dtype) assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray), "a is a %s" % type(a) assert isinstance(b, np.ndarray), "b is a %s" % type(b) assert a.shape == b.shape, "%s != %s" % (a, b) # assert a.dtype == b.dtype, "%s and %b not same dtype %s %s" % (a, b, # a.dtype, # b.dtype) if a.dtype.kind in ['f', 'c', 'i']: assert (abs( a - b) < threshold).all(), "abs(%s - %s) max(|a - b|) = %s threshold:%s" \ "" % (a, b, (abs(a - b)).max(), threshold) if dtype: assert a.dtype == b.dtype, "%s and %s not same dtype %s and %s" % (a, b, a.dtype, b.dtype) def file_digest(filename): ''' Get the sha1 hash of the file with the given filename. ''' with open(filename, 'rb') as fobj: return hashlib.sha1(fobj.read()).hexdigest() def assert_file_contents_equal(a, b): ''' Assert that two files have the same size and hash. ''' def generate_error_message(a, b): ''' This creates the error message for the assertion error ''' size_a = os.stat(a).st_size size_b = os.stat(b).st_size if size_a == size_b: return "Files have the same size but different contents" else: return "Files have different sizes: a:%d b: %d" % (size_a, size_b) assert file_digest(a) == file_digest(b), generate_error_message(a, b) def assert_neo_object_is_compliant(ob): ''' Test neo compliance of one object and sub objects (one_to_many_relation only): * check types and/or presence of necessary and recommended attribute. * If attribute is Quantities or numpy.ndarray it also check ndim. * If attribute is numpy.ndarray also check dtype.kind. ''' assert type(ob) in objectlist, '%s is not a neo object' % (type(ob)) classname = ob.__class__.__name__ # test presence of necessary attributes for ioattr in ob._necessary_attrs: attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1] # ~ if attrname != '': if not hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr'): assert hasattr(ob, attrname), '%s neo obect does not have %s' % (classname, attrname) # test attributes types for ioattr in ob._all_attrs: attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1] if (hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr') and ob._quantity_attr == attrname and ( attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray)): # object inherits from Quantity (AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, ...) ndim = ioattr[2] assert ob.ndim == ndim, '%s dimension is %d should be %d' % (classname, ob.ndim, ndim) if attrtype == np.ndarray: dtp = ioattr[3] assert ob.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, '%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' \ '' % (classname, ob.dtype.kind, dtp.kind) elif hasattr(ob, attrname): if getattr(ob, attrname) is not None: obattr = getattr(ob, attrname) assert issubclass(type(obattr), attrtype), '%s in %s is %s should be %s' \ '' % (attrname, classname, type(obattr), attrtype) if attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray: ndim = ioattr[2] assert obattr.ndim == ndim, '%s.%s dimension is %d should be %d' \ '' % (classname, attrname, obattr.ndim, ndim) if attrtype == np.ndarray: dtp = ioattr[3] assert obattr.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, '%s.%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' \ '' % (classname, attrname, obattr.dtype.kind, dtp.kind) # test bijectivity : parents and children for container in getattr(ob, '_single_child_containers', []): for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, container, [])): assert hasattr(child, _reference_name( classname)), '%s should have %s attribute (2 way relationship)' \ '' % (container, _reference_name(classname)) if hasattr(child, _reference_name(classname)): parent = getattr(child, _reference_name(classname)) assert parent == ob, '%s.%s %s is not symetric with %s.%s' \ '' % (container, _reference_name(classname), i, classname, container) # recursive on one to many rel for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, 'children', [])): try: assert_neo_object_is_compliant(child) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s %s of %s' % (child.__class__.__name__, i, classname),) raise def assert_same_sub_schema(ob1, ob2, equal_almost=True, threshold=1e-10, exclude=None): ''' Test if ob1 and ob2 has the same sub schema. Explore all parent/child relationships. Many_to_many_relationship is not tested because of infinite recursive loops. Arguments: equal_almost: if False do a strict arrays_equal if True do arrays_almost_equal exclude: a list of attributes and annotations to ignore in the comparison ''' assert type(ob1) == type(ob2), 'type(%s) != type(%s)' % (type(ob1), type(ob2)) classname = ob1.__class__.__name__ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if isinstance(ob1, list): assert len(ob1) == len(ob2), 'lens %s and %s not equal for %s and %s' \ '' % (len(ob1), len(ob2), ob1, ob2) for i, (sub1, sub2) in enumerate(zip(ob1, ob2)): try: assert_same_sub_schema(sub1, sub2, equal_almost=equal_almost, threshold=threshold, exclude=exclude) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('%s[%s]' % (classname, i),) raise return # test parent/child relationship for container in getattr(ob1, '_single_child_containers', []): if container in exclude: continue if not hasattr(ob1, container): assert not hasattr(ob2, container), '%s 2 does have %s but not %s 1' \ '' % (classname, container, classname) continue else: assert hasattr(ob2, container), '%s 1 has %s but not %s 2' % (classname, container, classname) sub1 = getattr(ob1, container) sub2 = getattr(ob2, container) assert len(sub1) == len( sub2), 'theses two %s do not have the same %s number: %s and %s' \ '' % (classname, container, len(sub1), len(sub2)) for i in range(len(getattr(ob1, container))): # previously lacking parameter try: assert_same_sub_schema(sub1[i], sub2[i], equal_almost=equal_almost, threshold=threshold, exclude=exclude) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s[%s] of %s' % (container, i, classname),) raise assert_same_attributes(ob1, ob2, equal_almost=equal_almost, threshold=threshold, exclude=exclude) def assert_same_attributes(ob1, ob2, equal_almost=True, threshold=1e-10, exclude=None): ''' Test if ob1 and ob2 has the same attributes. Arguments: equal_almost: if False do a strict arrays_equal if True do arrays_almost_equal exclude: a list of attributes and annotations to ignore in the comparison ''' classname = ob1.__class__.__name__ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if not equal_almost: threshold = None dtype = True else: dtype = False for ioattr in ob1._all_attrs: if ioattr[0] in exclude: continue attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1] # ~ if attrname =='': if hasattr(ob1, '_quantity_attr') and ob1._quantity_attr == attrname: # object is hinerited from Quantity (AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, ...) try: assert_arrays_almost_equal(ob1.magnitude, ob2.magnitude, threshold=threshold, dtype=dtype) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s %s' % (classname, attrname),) raise assert ob1.dimensionality.string == ob2.dimensionality.string,\ 'Units of %s %s are not the same: %s and %s' \ '' % (classname, attrname, ob1.dimensionality.string, ob2.dimensionality.string) continue if not hasattr(ob1, attrname): assert not hasattr(ob2, attrname), '%s 2 does have %s but not %s 1' \ '' % (classname, attrname, classname) continue else: assert hasattr(ob2, attrname), '%s 1 has %s but not %s 2' \ '' % (classname, attrname, classname) if getattr(ob1, attrname) is None: assert getattr(ob2, attrname) is None, 'In %s.%s %s and %s differed' \ '' % (classname, attrname, getattr(ob1, attrname), getattr(ob2, attrname)) continue if getattr(ob2, attrname) is None: assert getattr(ob1, attrname) is None, 'In %s.%s %s and %s differed' \ '' % (classname, attrname, getattr(ob1, attrname), getattr(ob2, attrname)) continue if attrtype == pq.Quantity: # Compare magnitudes mag1 = getattr(ob1, attrname).magnitude mag2 = getattr(ob2, attrname).magnitude # print "2. ob1(%s) %s:%s\n ob2(%s) %s:%s" % \ # (ob1,attrname,mag1,ob2,attrname,mag2) try: assert_arrays_almost_equal(mag1, mag2, threshold=threshold, dtype=dtype) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s of %s' % (attrname, classname),) raise # Compare dimensionalities dim1 = getattr(ob1, attrname).dimensionality.simplified dim2 = getattr(ob2, attrname).dimensionality.simplified dimstr1 = getattr(ob1, attrname).dimensionality.string dimstr2 = getattr(ob2, attrname).dimensionality.string assert dim1 == dim2, 'Attribute %s of %s are not the same: %s != %s' \ '' % (attrname, classname, dimstr1, dimstr2) elif attrtype == np.ndarray: try: assert_arrays_almost_equal(getattr(ob1, attrname), getattr(ob2, attrname), threshold=threshold, dtype=dtype) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s of %s' % (attrname, classname),) raise else: # ~ print 'yep', getattr(ob1, attrname), getattr(ob2, attrname) assert getattr(ob1, attrname) == getattr(ob2, attrname),\ 'Attribute %s.%s are not the same %s %s %s %s' \ '' % (classname, attrname, type(getattr(ob1, attrname)), getattr(ob1, attrname), type(getattr(ob2, attrname)), getattr(ob2, attrname)) def assert_same_annotations(ob1, ob2, equal_almost=True, threshold=1e-10, exclude=None): ''' Test if ob1 and ob2 has the same annotations. Arguments: equal_almost: if False do a strict arrays_equal if True do arrays_almost_equal exclude: a list of attributes and annotations to ignore in the comparison ''' if exclude is None: exclude = [] if not equal_almost: threshold = None dtype = False else: dtype = True for key in ob2.annotations: if key in exclude: continue assert key in ob1.annotations for key, value in ob1.annotations.items(): if key in exclude: continue assert key in ob2.annotations try: assert value == ob2.annotations[key] except ValueError: assert_arrays_almost_equal(ob1, ob2, threshold=threshold, dtype=False) def assert_same_array_annotations(ob1, ob2, equal_almost=True, threshold=1e-10, exclude=None): ''' Test if ob1 and ob2 has the same annotations. Arguments: equal_almost: if False do a strict arrays_equal if True do arrays_almost_equal exclude: a list of attributes and annotations to ignore in the comparison ''' if exclude is None: exclude = [] if not equal_almost: threshold = None dtype = False else: dtype = True for key in ob2.array_annotations: if key in exclude: continue assert key in ob1.array_annotations for key, value in ob1.array_annotations.items(): if key in exclude: continue assert key in ob2.array_annotations try: assert_arrays_equal(value, ob2.array_annotations[key]) except ValueError: assert_arrays_almost_equal(ob1, ob2, threshold=threshold, dtype=False) def assert_sub_schema_is_lazy_loaded(ob): ''' This is util for testing lazy load. All object must load with ndarray.size or Quantity.size ==0 ''' classname = ob.__class__.__name__ for container in getattr(ob, '_single_child_containers', []): if not hasattr(ob, container): continue sub = getattr(ob, container) for i, child in enumerate(sub): try: assert_sub_schema_is_lazy_loaded(child) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from %s %s of %s' % (container, i, classname),) raise for ioattr in ob._all_attrs: attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1] # ~ print 'xdsd', classname, attrname # ~ if attrname == '': if hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr') and ob._quantity_attr == attrname: assert ob.size == 0, 'Lazy loaded error %s.size = %s' % (classname, ob.size) assert hasattr(ob, 'lazy_shape'),\ 'Lazy loaded error, %s should have lazy_shape attribute' % classname continue if not hasattr(ob, attrname) or getattr(ob, attrname) is None: continue # ~ print 'hjkjh' if (attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray): # FIXME: it is a workaround for recordingChannelGroup.channel_names # which is nupy.array but allowed to be loaded when lazy == True if ob.__class__ == neo.ChannelIndex: continue ndim = ioattr[2] # ~ print 'ndim', ndim # ~ print getattr(ob, attrname).size if ndim >= 1: assert getattr(ob, attrname).size == 0,\ 'Lazy loaded error %s.%s.size = %s' % (classname, attrname, getattr(ob, attrname).size) assert hasattr(ob, 'lazy_shape'),\ 'Lazy loaded error %s should have lazy_shape attribute ' % classname + \ 'because of %s attribute' % attrname lazy_shape_arrays = {'SpikeTrain': 'times', 'AnalogSignal': 'signal', 'Event': 'times', 'Epoch': 'times'} def assert_lazy_sub_schema_can_be_loaded(ob, io): ''' This is util for testing lazy load. All object must load with ndarray.size or Quantity.size ==0 ''' classname = ob.__class__.__name__ if classname in lazy_shape_arrays: new_load = io.load_lazy_object(ob) assert hasattr(ob, 'lazy_shape'), 'Object %s was not lazy loaded' % classname assert not hasattr(new_load, 'lazy_shape'),\ 'Newly loaded object from %s was also lazy loaded' % classname if hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr'): assert ob.lazy_shape == new_load.shape,\ 'Shape of loaded object %sis not equal to lazy shape' % classname else: assert ob.lazy_shape == getattr(new_load, lazy_shape_arrays[ classname]).shape, 'Shape of loaded object %s not equal to lazy shape' % classname return for container in getattr(ob, '_single_child_containers', []): if not hasattr(ob, container): continue sub = getattr(ob, container) for i, child in enumerate(sub): try: assert_lazy_sub_schema_can_be_loaded(child, io) # intercept exceptions and add more information except BaseException as exc: exc.args += ('from of %s %s of %s' % (container, i, classname),) raise def assert_objects_equivalent(obj1, obj2): ''' Compares two NEO objects by looping over the attributes and annotations and asserting their hashes. No relationships involved. ''' def assert_attr(obj1, obj2, attr_name): ''' Assert a single attribute and annotation are the same ''' assert hasattr(obj1, attr_name) attr1 = hashlib.md5(getattr(obj1, attr_name)).hexdigest() assert hasattr(obj2, attr_name) attr2 = hashlib.md5(getattr(obj2, attr_name)).hexdigest() assert attr1 == attr2, "Attribute %s for class %s is not equal." \ "" % (attr_name, obj1.__class__.__name__) obj_type = obj1.__class__.__name__ assert obj_type == obj2.__class__.__name__ for ioattr in obj1._necessary_attrs: assert_attr(obj1, obj2, ioattr[0]) for ioattr in obj1._recommended_attrs: if hasattr(obj1, ioattr[0]) or hasattr(obj2, ioattr[0]): assert_attr(obj1, obj2, ioattr[0]) if hasattr(obj1, "annotations"): assert hasattr(obj2, "annotations") for key, value in obj1.annotations: assert hasattr(obj2.annotations, key) assert obj2.annotations[key] == value def assert_children_empty(obj, parent): ''' Check that the children of a neo object are empty. Used to check the cascade is implemented properly ''' classname = obj.__class__.__name__ errmsg = '''%s reader with cascade=False should return empty children''' % parent.__name__ if hasattr(obj, 'children'): assert not obj.children, errmsg